GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 # 7

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I know him. He has an albi, and several people who can easily corroborate his alibi. Not sure if I'm allowed to say that on here because I can't provide a link as "fact", so Bessie, feel free to delete if need be.

For the first time since this began, I am very disappointed in the local media. They're sensationalizing this by positing his record like it correlates to a dismemberment case.

We're law students- we can be obnoxiously opinionated. When your buddy gets pulled over with you in the car, you'd likely be opinionated too. Doesn't make it right, but it's also pretty understandable, IMO. [And by you, I mean general "you."]

I'm not sure this guy deserves on-forum scrutiny from us at this point, no. But -- not just concerning him, but anybody -- I have wondered: With the time of death being undetermined (as least as far as most of us here know) -- how can anybody "have an alibi"?

edited to add: sorry, Southern Comfort, didn't mean to be an echo --didn't see your post on this
I am curious about the TOS-I know we aren't allowed to sleuth innocent people or target them if they have not been named a POI. Since MM has been cleared by police does that mean we are not allowed to sleuth him? Or, is it different because this case is crazy and he is technically being accused by a lot of people of being the guilty party?
I will follow mod/admin judgment either way :) :)
I am curious about the TOS-I know we aren't allowed to sleuth innocent people or target them if they have not been named a POI. Since MM has been cleared by police does that mean we are not allowed to sleuth him? Or, is it different because this case is crazy and he is technically being accused by a lot of people of being the guilty party?
I will follow mod/admin judgment either way :) :)

I really wish somebody would show me where he has been cleared.
Assuming this is ok to post (I'm not sure either)... An alibi for what time period? Do we know when LG was murdered, or are you saying he is fully accounted for during the entire time period between June 25 and June 30?

I was a law student once upon a time, so I know what it's like. However, I am not prepared to call it "understandable". But that is just MHO.

I don't feel that it would be right to give a detailed account of his actions throughout the entire time period.

Suffice it to say, at the VERY least,MM was documented out at a very public place at the time McD alleged he was outside of LG's door talking about mowing.
To be fair and accurate, SM hasn't admitted to burglary (his attorney has publicly stated on his behalf that he is innocent of burglary) and SM has no record.

True, I guess I meant because he apparently told LE when asked that he had taken the condoms from the apartments of his neighbors. You're right though, he did formally deny the charges. He was arrested for it though, would that not be considered an "arrest record"?
I'm not sure this guy deserves on-forum scrutiny from us at this point, no. But -- not just concerning him, but anybody -- I have wondered: With the time of death being undetermined (as least as far as most of us here know) -- how can anybody "have an alibi"?

edited to add: sorry, Southern Comfort, didn't mean to be an echo --didn't see your post on this

Just my opinion, of course- I think the police know a lot more about time of death (or at least a good ballpark) than they are sharing with the general public.
I read somewhere SM volunteered that info to the police (that he stole the condoms). It was either in the warrant or in a news article.

My understanding is that he volunteered that he had entered apartments and left with a couple of condoms. That, in itself, is not burglary. I think the circumstances he's claiming existed (which may or may not be provable) are quite different from what the police are using as the basis for the burglary charges. In any event, via his attorney, he has claimed innocence. It remains to be seen how it will play out.

Maybe, eventually, he will have a record admit/plead guilty to burglary. That has not happened yet.
Hmmm, it seems like I can just find articles stating he isn't a POI or suspect and not police themselves. So, can we sleuth or target someone if the police haven't said either way out of their own mouths? I know in other posts we (general we) have gotten "in trouble" for targeting people who haven't been specifically named a POI or discussed by LE? But, this is a weird case due to...well, him being accused by the current suspect.
True, I guess I meant because he apparently told LE when asked that he had taken the condoms from the apartments of his neighbors. You're right though, he did formally deny the charges. He was arrested for it though, would that not be considered an "arrest record"?

Sure. I just thought your phrasing made it sound like SM has a criminal record, as though he had admitted guilt or entered a guilty plea with regard to the burglary charges, when neither of those things has occurred.
thank you, thank you... :) so MM has an arrest record, but SMcD does not. as i said, this case gets more interesting all the time. oh, and the MM's name is DD. see if thats all you can find on him....
[emphasis mine]

This is more in reference to Southern Comfort: arrest record ^
They both have arrest records, right?
[emphasis mine]

This is more in reference to Southern Comfort: arrest record ^
They both have arrest records, right?

This ^, I absolutely agree with.

You do have some great insight. I think it was the emotional component back there. It happens, but sometimes you just need to be made aware of it. By 'you,' I mean all of us. :Banane35:
Posted by SuperSleuth in last thread:

"We don't know exactly what kind of student McD was, but I did read that one teacher
stated he'd encourgaed him to do better. He thought McD was smarter and wasn't
performing to his potential. Maybe his heart wasn't in it? Maybe along the way
he'd had second thoughts about his career choice?"

The professor who said that about SMD was one of his UNDERGRADUATE profs in college, not a law school professor. Your idea is still viable, but not on the premiss that he was underperforming.

No doubt the stress of studying for the bar exam and being made acutely aware of how much you did or didn't learn in the last three years and the upcoming bar exam itself played a role in the reserve coping power of every law graduate studying for the bar. Maybe SMD didn't have much of a margin for additional stress?

Everyone is different but studying for the Bar Exam is EXTREMELY stressful, atleast it was for me. My day was so regimented - it was like a mental boot camp or something. All I could do is study with few breaks for exersize and food. I could only be around a few people, who either had taken the bar or where studying to take it, or my father (who put up with my irritability). That being said, I can see the stress of studying for that test being a trigger/breaking point for someone who already has mental health issues.
Just because someone is mentioned in the media (or is related to the victim or family) does not mean they are open to sleuthing.

Also, stop arguing with each other. Attack the POST, NOT the poster.

Victim Friendly
- Rules Etiquette & Information - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Websleuths is a victim friendly forum. Attacking or bashing a victim is not allowed. Discussing victim behavior,good or bad is fine, but do so in a civil and constructive way and ONLY IF IT IS RELEVANT TO THE CASE.

Additionally,sleuthing family members that are not suspected of being involved in the crime or disappearance is not allowed. Don't make random accusations or post personal information (even if it is public) like parking tickets, address, or first and last names of all their relatives and their neighbors. Also, never "bash" or attack them, or accuse them of involvement. However that does not mean that family members cannot come into discussion as the facts and issues of the case are discussed.
I guess that the sticking point is: Is it relevant to the case? Who will decide...?
The Piper Laurie role is the first thing that came to mind when I read the article. Actually, it was the second thing. The first was why in the world are those poor children being publicly exposed. Every effort should be taken to keep them out of the media. I was relieved to see minimal discussion of the children here yesterday.

Lauren's apartment key was discussed in the previous thread. I still find it interesting and curious that he had one in his possession since the master key would've served the purpose. Some think McD planned to plant it on the MM. I think if that were the plan, it would've been done prior to June 30th.

IMHO he had Lauren's key FIRST, maybe for several years, but then needed the master key to go in other apartments.
Lauren's apartment key was discussed in the previous thread. I still find it interesting and curious that he had one in his possession since the master key would've served the purpose. Some think McD planned to plant it on the MM. I think if that were the plan, it would've been done prior to June 30th.

I was one of those who suggested he could have planned to plant the key,
or even plant the master key. This, of course, is assuming this was premeditated.
I'm still not totally on-board with this idea yet.

That said, there is another - and probably more likely - explanation for the 2 keys.
I suspect he made a copy of Lauren's hidden key soon after he learned of it.
At some later point, he was able to make himself a master key.

Just because LE found both keys doesn't mean he was using both.
Lauren's key was probably in a draw somewhere.
ThinMan said:
"No doubt the stress of studying for the bar exam and being made acutely aware of how much you did or didn't learn in the last three years and the upcoming bar exam itself played a role in the reserve coping power of every law graduate studying for the bar. Maybe SMD didn't have much of a margin for additional stress?"
ThinMan, I respectfully disagree that stress sent him over the edge. I think that his murderous actions were premeditated as a way of showing his supposed superior intellect to, and a way of getting back at, his fellows at Mercer.

This idea that McD planned this to "show his superior intellect" has been brought up several times now.
I'm not following this logic.
How could his getting away with murder accomplish this?
If they know, he didn't get away with it. :waitasec:
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