GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 # 7

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"'Maintenance Man' Has An Arrest Record"

hmmm... so MM has an arrest record... obstruction... for harrassing the officer who was arresting the driver of a car he was riding in... it gets more interesting...

HAHA! Good find! I still do not know his name. BUT, interestingly, SMcD DID NOT have a record...........nor did I find anything on his parents in their county and surrounding areas.

"'Maintenance Man' Has An Arrest Record"

hmmm... so MM has an arrest record... obstruction... for harrassing the officer who was arresting the driver of a car he was riding in... it gets more interesting...

Also note that according to that article, he is going to be a 3L this fall. He did not graduate in May with LG and SM.

I point this out because some people dismissed his ceasing to live and be employed at BH as the resident MM to be the natural course of events, assuming he had graduated.
So many things I'd like to say regarding what Glenda McDaniel stated in the article. None of them good and I decided I would keep my thoughts to myself.

I hope the press does not continue to use the family photo she supplied. I agree with Bessie, leave them out of this!!! Their names, ages and that photo should have never been publicly disclosed.

Interesting...I can't find the story, but I remember reading that SM and DD went out for "burgers" sometimes. I will see if I can find it. IMO, if SM knew this about DD, it would play nicely into a coverup plan. I assume MPD have checked DD out at this point, and his alibi is solid....JMO

Never mind. Wrong David....
Interesting...I can't find the story, but I remember reading that SM and DD went out for "burgers" sometimes. I will see if I can find it. IMO, if SM knew this about DD, it would play nicely into a coverup plan. I assume MPD have checked DD out at this point, and his alibi is solid....JMO

Nope, I'm sorry but you're wrong. DD was not friends with SM. It is another student named David who went out for burgers with SM. Read the article:

DD has an alibi and is not a person of interest in this case.
Quoting tomkat:

"She's not on trial............Is this a religious board? Freedom of Religion remember, if you teach Bible you have to teach Satan............everyone does it differently. JMO but I do wish people would quit bashing that poor woman. we raise our children the best we know how. Each of our religious views are different. Problem with this world is everyone telling everyone how to live. No ONE person is the only one right."

No one is telling her how to live. We are commenting on the fact that we believe that she's brainwashing these very young, innocent children with visions of Satan hiding behind every rock. Some of us are expressing an opinion that we believe that spiritual guidance to young children should be about love rather than terrifying images. Do to your children what you wish. From personal experience, I know how damaging it can be.

Sometimes these images are accompanied with fear in all realms, and when this is so, in my personal experience, one of the greatest fears is that of natural sexual urges. Some would say "God-given" desires. If McD was repressed sexually throughout his childhood and adolescence, it could have direct bearing on this case.

Many times parents, in their zeal to have chaste children, end up with 25-year-old virgins who in a rage murder and dismember perfectly innocent people.

This is just my opinion, and my belief. However, this young man's twisted thinking originated somewhere. A predisposition toward this kind of action is usually combined with an environment that fosters it. In my opinion, we've only seen the slightest inkling of what that environment was like. And it's not pretty.
Quoted from SmoothOperator from previous thread:
Still playing catch up so forgive me if this has been tirelessly discussed..

I keep reading people's questioning of why, if SM indeed had premeditated Lauren's murder then why in the world get caught by basically putting the victim's torso in trashbin 20 feet from his front door??.. IMO angelanalyzes has been right on the money since pretty much right out of the gate from the time the torso was located.. I know, as she says she's taken quite a bit of flack over that opinion and anytime that she's voiced it.. We all have that have at anytime brought this up(and not just here at WS..)..I firmly believe that due to it being such a highly sensitive area that most won't even allow their thoughts to go there when having to process what some of us feel is quite likely to be a key piece to the entire murder.. Meaning, ATLEAST IMO, I feel that it is part of the motive for the murder.. Sexual motivation.. And not in the normal sense.. I believe as we continue to learn about SM we will continue to find that there just isn't alot of "normal" anything where he's concerned..

So, with all that said I agree with the few that believe that there was a definite reason, a definite purpose for why Lauren's torso was kept, unlike the entire rest of the body which was thoroughly and successfully disposed of.. Had SM not had a specific and definite purpose for having kept the torso.. We all know that he obviously was successful in disposing of the remainder of the body and had he not had a purpose for her torso, it too very easily could have and would have been disposed right along with the rest of her remains..

One must look at like this.. Why successfully dispose of all remains using a method unknown, in an unknown location, that to this very day have yet to have been located?? But keep the torso??

IMO the answer to that question is reached from drawing a logical conclusion.. That logical conclusion is that the perp had a need, a reason, a desire of some sort to hold onto the torso..

And then in looking at the picture as a whole there are many, many pieces of the puzzle that are very disturbing, highly depraved, and downright sick IMO.. So one ponders on what could be the reasons for the murderer to keep this specific piece of the victim?

As I said I realize that what we are talking about that possibly happened is the utmost of disturbing and very uncomfortable to even think about much less speak about, or even allege that this murderer did to this young woman's body after having killed her.. I do very much understand that for most the level of this depravity is so very high that it makes people not willing to even let their minds go there.. I understand and I respect that..

I just wanted to as delicately as possible attempt to explain a few of ours opinion about this specific part of this heinous crime.. It is an important piece to the puzzle, a very important piece IMO that without it some things just are not making sense, not adding up.. Therefor some are questioning is it SM that has done this since they are looking at the puzzle with that very large piece missing(too hard to think about much less admit the possibility that its a huge part of the case).. Without that piece it doesn't add up..

When you add in the piece of the puzzle that SM purposefully dismembered and successfully disposed of her entire remains in a location that has still yet to have even been discovered.. You look at why the torso was kept by him?.. You factor in that sick depravity, evil beyond comprehension, and sexual motivations of an utter psychopath.. And it adds up much more effectively.. You begin to understand that the perp wanted to keep the torso for his needs for as long as he possibly could.. He's efficiently disposed of everything else and cleaned and scrubbed as much as is humanly possible.. IMO his evil desires and sick and twisted motivations for why he kept that torso is the reason why his plan failed.. His desires forced him to keep the torso much longer than was safe to.. He kept it until the last moment.. When the troops were called and coming in and he had literally just a very few hours to get rid of the torso that he should have long since have already gotten rid of along with her other remains..

Just as col mustard said in a post a couple days ago.. The officers on the scene at BH apts well after midnight on that Wednesday night/Thursday wee early morning hours.. Their having dropped the ball essentially by not immediately buttoning down everything and everyone right then And there and started meticulously searching the entire BH apts and separating and questioning all of those present there at the apts when LE arrived.. Due to their NOT having done so most likely allowed for major evidence(I.e. The torso most importantly) to be manipulated and moved around(I.e. The hacksaw).. Thus leading to possibly even more evidence tying SM directly to Lauren's murder was lost to them..

Their choosing to not immediately take these steps allowed SM to move the torso to the trash bin, possibly clean much damning evidence, and even possibly hide and or successfully dispose of other major pieces of evidence.. As well as possibly come up with a quick plan b realizing that with him having screwed up by letting his desires dictate his keeping her torso for much too long of a time.. That screw up could likely cost him his life, as in due to the torso not being disposed of with all other remains was going to be what brought down the entire case right smack dab on top of Stephen's head.. I'd say he was attempting to think real quick of a way to attempt to misdirect focus, and point the trail in any opposite direction possible as long as it was away from him.. Luckily for the MM he was the winner of getting chosen by SM to attempt to point and misdirect evidence to point in the direction of MM..

So, you see how very big a piece that this uncomfortable topic of why SM kept Lauren's torso.. It's a huge piece to the puzzle of this case.. As well as "it"(I.e. The choice to keep Laurens torso for longer than what was planned in order to successfully dispose/hide of all of her remains) is what brought the entire house down on his head..

I must add just one more thing tho.. And IMO it's a testament to just how God does work in the most awesome and strange ways imaginable.. Because it was SM's choice of selfish desires and needs that had him hold on to the torso for way too long *and that did not only help to bring the case right down on his head.. But more importantly IMO his error, his choice to do so is what directly led to Lauren's having been discovered.. That error that cost him EVERYTHING, was the error that allowed Lauren TO BE FOUND!!! To NOT just end up another MISSING PERSON on a flier.. Had he not made this sick driven choice to keep the torso it would have been long gone**with the entire rest of Lauren's remains.. No body, no Lauren, no murder.. Nothing but a missing persons case that my God can you only imagine how many years of suffering not knowing what had happened to her or if she were alive or dead.. His error, his choice that brought him down, allowed Lauren's family the peace and solace in ATLEAST knowing where their daughter is and NOT LEFT *wondering every day of every year for the entire rest of their lives what happened to her or where she was..

After seeing how the dumpster at Mercer across the street is gated and obscured from the view of possible onlookers, I think it's even more unlikely that McDaniel couldn't have easily disposed of her torso there right along with the rest of her, if that indeed is where he put her other remains.

He figured out a way to skulk over there unnoticed to dispose of her other remains, he would have been confident he could do the same for her torso. The risk of keeping it was simply too high, it far outweighed the risk he'd be taking in dumping it, especially since he had a vehicle.

He had a relatively fool proof way of disposing of these remains without detection, because as SmoothOperator noted, we still have no idea where the rest of her is. He must have been both very eager to and very capable of getting rid of them...and yet, he held onto her torso, and signs point to him having kept it refrigerated. He took the additional risk of using someone else's fridge to hold onto that torso, he took sooo many risks just to hold onto her torso, risks that exceeded whatever risk would have been involved in tossing a slightly larger bit of the remains.
Barring some unforeseen event, such as a panic attack or close call that went unreported but shook him up, it seems very unlikely that he simply held onto the torso for too long because it was a little bigger, a little heavier. For someone risk-averse enough to come up with a "perfect murder" scenario, neglecting to get rid of such a damning bit of evidence for all that time must have been motivated by some seriously abnormal and uncontrollable urges. He was too meticulous otherwise.
He held onto her until the last possible moment, as if he couldn't bear to part with that last bit. JMO.
I'm sure he is beyond angry that he is being dragged into this case that he has no ties to. He doesn't deserve that - the police made their arrest based on evidence.

That story was unnecessary. No other person who was questioned in the investigation has been treated that way.

"'Maintenance Man' Has An Arrest Record"

hmmm... so MM has an arrest record... obstruction... for harrassing the officer who was arresting the driver of a car he was riding in... it gets more interesting...

I don't see what's so interesting about that? Looks like he was just being defensive of his friend. I have almost gotten myself in trouble for similar reasons when I was up in arms over the way a cop was treating my mother over a traffic violation. If this guy is a law student I can imagine he popped off at the mouth over what he saw as unfair treatment. How on earth does this suggest he'd be capable of murdering and dismembering a young woman, especially given the fact that he has been cleared by MPD which likely means he has an alibi?
It would be more interesting to me if his arrest record was something relevant to the crime like beating up a woman or raping her. Mouthing off at a cop is one of those embarrassing "little" arrests that a lot of college students have. I am not saying it was cool or normal-just that little things like that when you have been drinking in college don't make me think HE WILL DISMEMBER SOMEONE LATER IN LIFE.

DD has an alibi and is not a person of interest in this case.

Is that reported somewhere? The latest article about the obstruction matter says police have not commented on his involvement. I have only heard LE decline to comment on whether there are other persons of interest in general. I have not heard that anybody in particular was cleared or that anybody in particular is not a POI.

I'm not disputing the veracity of what you say. I just hadn't seen it, and I certainly would like to put this angle entirely to bed, if what you say is verifiable.

It would be easy enough for LE to lay this to rest, if they are confident they've got their man. Hopefully they will do so.
From angelanalyzes: "He held onto her until the last possible moment, as if he couldn't bear to part with that last bit. JMO" ~ Very Good Point ! And I had forgotten Ted Bundy was a necrophile. McD has some character traits of Bundy and Dahmer.
From Macon's The Telegraph:

Quote: "Man allegedly attacks woman 112 days after prison release"
"In October 1985, Traypanilla Williams was sent to prison for forcibly sodomizing and, at gunpoint, robbing an 18-year-old woman he later said “just happened to be walking” in Tattnall Square Park the year before. The 1984 assault happened two days after he walked out of prison after doing time on a firearms charge.
Fast forward to 2011. ..."

read more at link:

Probably totally unrelated, I know, but very close to the same area, so ...interesting

This was snipped from a comment that Backwoods posted but I wanted to reply to it.

While this, IMO, is VERY good reason why Psychomom should not let her daughter walk through any park in Macon, I do not think this is the Perp.

I think we can rest easy with the FBI being so involved from the beginning.

For example the FBI profilers could look at the evidence that LE had and tell them something so specific as....

You are looking for a white male in his mid to late 20's. The fact that he went to such great lengths to dismember her body says that he knew Lauren. The perp had a working knowledge of LE and went to great lengths to make it look like there was no crime scene and that this was a missing person's case.
The fact that the torso was disposed of in such close proximity to the crime scene suggests that the perp placed value on the torso portion and this crime is sexual in nature. The TOD was over 48 hours, yet the decomposition suggests that the perp might have kept the torso refridgerated. The perp lives close enough to know that there was a search for Lauren, forcing him to dispose of it in a hurried fashion.
The fact that there are signs of post mordem sexual assault on the torso means that you are looking for someone who lacks the ability to form close meaningful relationships, yet placed great value on preserving the torso to mimick a physical relationship. He probably has inserted himself into the investigation as not to "seem suspicious." This will be out of the norm behavior for this perp as he lacks the ability to form complex relationships with others. This person might have wanted to have a relationship with Lauren, yet lacked the social skills to do so. Even though this person did not have a "relationship" with Lauren, he probably has had access to her apartment and detailed personal information and felt as though they did. He might have made what he thought were obvious advances towards Lauren and might have misinterpreted her kindness as reciprocation.
The fact that the perp has a working knowledge of LE, you will need to search vacated apartments that are within view of Lauren's apartment. The perp felt comfortable enough to keep the toro for an extended period of time, so it is not likely that he kept the torso in his apartment or Lauren's.

Didn't mean to imply this was likely the perp! Just thought it interesting, since we have talked on the threads about the relative safety (or not) of the area where this happened, LG feeling comfortable to keep a key outside, how there are pockets of "safe place" and "unsafe places" very near each other -- and, of course, how the boundaries of those pockets don't really necessarily exist.

Good opportunity to post the "profile" anyhow, huh? LOL
Is that reported somewhere? The latest article about the obstruction matter says police have not commented on his involvement. I have only heard LE decline to comment on whether there are other persons of interest in general. I have not heard that anybody in particular was cleared or that anybody in particular is not a POI.

I'm not disputing the veracity of what you say. I just hadn't seen it, and I certainly would like to put this angle entirely to bed, if what you say is verifiable.

It would be easy enough for LE to lay this to rest, if they are confident they've got their man. Hopefully they will do so.

Skip down to the last 4 paragraphs.
Originally Posted by tomkat

Question: if parts were allegedly disposed of in the dumpster........I wonder why there was no odor......especially since it would've been picked up the same day as upright cans?? Or was it another sanitation company to pick up the dumpster since the cans were manually handled..........

<snipped for focus>

Yes, I believe another sanitation company, because the dumpsters at the law school would have been headed to the Twiggs Co. landfill rather than the Bibb Co. one, remember? Not sure about the pick-up days on the dumpsters, though.

Thank you. NO, I do not remember, I was under the impression that another sanition co handled the garbage pickup ACROSS the street or nearby but not 2 on the same property. Thanks for clarification.

tomkat, don't thank me too quickly, because I may have misled you! I thought you WERE meaning the dumpster across the street, not at the the apartments, sorry. Didn't really even know there was a large dumpster at the apts.
If for some reason, the capital defender's office doesn't take the case, the judge would appoint someone who is qualified to handle capital cases. Theoretically, the court can appoint an attorney to a case and the attorney would have an obligation to remain on the case but realistically, they would only appoint an attorney who was able to devote the time and resources necessary and who would agree to take the case. The last thing anyone would want would be to have a conviction overturned in this case because of ineffective assistance of counsel because the attorney was forced to handle the case against his or her wishes. That simply wouldn't happen. Attorneys who take these kinds of cases know going into it that they will be asked to represent some dispicable people charged with horrific crimes. It takes a special kind of person to be able to take on these kinds of cases and block out public opinion, so that they may provide the defendant with zealous representation. Keep in mind that the role of the defense attorney is a sacred one. If defense attorneys didn't protect our constitutional rights, then who would? If McD or anyone else could be convicted of a crime using anything less than legally obtained and legally admissible evidence, then it could just as easily happen to you or to me. BTW, a public defender does not have the right to refuse to take a case in the same way a private attorney can.
[emphasis mine]

I would just like to state how much I agree with what you've said, and I think it's important to remind people of what a sacred duty it is to be a criminal defense lawyer. They are the people's last line of defense and guardian of our rights under the constitution.
Maybe I missed something as I don't read this everyday, but I do recall that the key to LG apt was used when he and the friends came to check on her that late night and somewhere along the way I read that her room key was missing after that and I think it was referring to the outside key under vase. Maybe he just kept her apt key after they all entered and left......?? For what reasons I do not know other than possession.

Can you post a link for the bolded part? I don't remember ever having read that, but gosh, so many details, so many rumors -- it's hard to keep them straight
Is that reported somewhere? The latest article about the obstruction matter says police have not commented on his involvement. I have only heard LE decline to comment on whether there are other persons of interest in general. I have not heard that anybody in particular was cleared or that anybody in particular is not a POI.

I'm not disputing the veracity of what you say. I just hadn't seen it, and I certainly would like to put this angle entirely to bed, if what you say is verifiable.

It would be easy enough for LE to lay this to rest, if they are confident they've got their man. Hopefully they will do so.

I know him. He has an albi, and several people who can easily corroborate his alibi. Not sure if I'm allowed to say that on here because I can't provide a link as "fact", so Bessie, feel free to delete if need be.

For the first time since this began, I am very disappointed in the local media. They're sensationalizing this by positing his record like it correlates to a dismemberment case.

We're law students- we can be obnoxiously opinionated. When your buddy gets pulled over with you in the car, you'd likely be opinionated too. Doesn't make it right, but it's also pretty understandable, IMO. [And by you, I mean general "you."]
I know him. He has an albi, and several people who can easily corroborate his alibi. Not sure if I'm allowed to say that on here because I can't provide a link as "fact", so Bessie, feel free to delete if need be.

For the first time since this began, I am very disappointed in the local media. They're sensationalizing this by positing his record like it correlates to a dismemberment case.

We're law students- we can be obnoxiously opinionated. When your buddy gets pulled over with you in the car, you'd likely be opinionated too. Doesn't make it right, but it's also pretty understandable, IMO. [And by you, I mean general "you."]

Assuming this is ok to post (I'm not sure either)... An alibi for what time period? Do we know when LG was murdered, or are you saying he is fully accounted for during the entire time period between June 25 and June 30?

I was a law student once upon a time, so I know what it's like. However, I am not prepared to call it "understandable". But that is just MHO.
To be fair and accurate, SM hasn't admitted to burglary (his attorney has publicly stated on his behalf that he is innocent of burglary) and SM has no record.

I read somewhere SM volunteered that info to the police (that he stole the condoms). It was either in the warrant or in a news article.
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