GUILTY GA - Lauren Giddings, 27, Macon, 26 June 2011 # 9

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From that article, McD's quote on the message board:
Keep the story consistent, and whenever I am asked about what happened, I look down and put a sad look on your face, relating what I was TOLD happened (as you have no memory of it).

And here's McDaniel quoted by his mother, from the article in early August:
"And Stephen, in almost a hypnotized, very flat voice said, 'They told me I did something bad. They told me I hurt someone.'"

Fyi, Stephen, it was a dumb plan from the beginning, but it would have worked a lot better if you had not announced it ahead of time.
proof of disregard for respect, morality, authority, but I'm sorry you, at such a young age, have had the unfortunate fortune to have witnessed that shiet. I say that becuase it does help most severely serve a cause having seen it. But just speculating as to why only 7 counts

Yeah, glad you said this, it's what 4chan is all about...being as offensive as possible until the thread gets closed.
Looks like is going to interview Frankengun/school. This was on Operator.chan under news.

He says he will not mention Opchan that will be a prerequisite.

What is Opchan???

Operator asks if Opchan has been compromised and he doesn't want it in the papers.
any ideas???
Wow. HUGE thumbs up to MaconMom for hunting this down, and to SuperSlueth for putting her on the scent! After reading almost all of the links, I had a few thoughts:

1. The frequency and extent of his posts on this site, not to mention whatever other sites he may have visited, indicated just how consumed he was by all of this. These posts (particularly the "fictional" story) weren't just some off-the-cuff hypotheticals, but rather the product of some serious thought. Also, as some of you have pointed out, some of the posts were very recent. I was struck by the amount of time he dedicated to this given the pressing need to get work done and prepare for class during the school year, and more recently, to study for the bar. At first, I tried to imagine how much down time I spent doing other things and compare that to McDaniel's posts, but I still can't imagine having this much free time. Most of my decompressing was spent hanging out with friends on the weekends and maybe an occasional dinner and a few drinks during the week. Other than that, I really didn't have a whole lot of time for doing much else, although the work load does lighten significantly by the third year. That he obviously spent a lot of time thinking about this and then posting about it, given the pressures of studying and attending class, tells me a lot about just how deeply he thought about it.

2. When trying to compare, I also thought about how lots of us, some more frequently than others, would browse the internet in order to zone out in class and between classes, which then made me think about Mercer IT. At the beginning of law school, Mercer gave us all laptops. If ever anything went wrong with the laptop, we would just take it upstairs to the IT guys and have them fix it for us. This was particularly an issue around exam time, as most of us took exams on the computer. I think this may be the reason McDaniel kept his secrets on the flash drive. If I'm remembering correctly, the IT guys could also monitor students' web use/e-mails in order to prevent the spread of viruses, etc.

Above BBM.. Thanks Irene for this little tidbit of info.. For me personally this is my first time having this knowledge that Mercer provided you guys laptops which of course would be somewhat monitored by their techs.. I think this would definitely fit as atleast the simplest motive of why the CP was found on a flash drive rather than on his personal hard drive of his laptop..

Again Thanks!
Taken as it is written: It sounds like he's sharing his heart and knows he will never find that person or has that fear. Couldnt' see the video, it's been removed.

The psochological aspects I dont' know but it's been stated on here many times. Probably the same.

The FACT is, he did find her, he will forever be linked to her. The two will now always be found on Wikepedia

Maybe he DID find true love.

No, more than IMO, he didn't find "true love", he found a convenient person and place to perform his sick, perverted, fantasies on. Just to scratch the surface. In that "manual of morals" I referred to you in an earlier post you will find that you dont kill, cut legs, arms and head off, and then abuse whats left. Fortunately she was already in Heaven when this occurred.
tomkat, we don't agree but that's ok. My problem is I have been around a very long time and also was luck enough to know "the good old days" they refer to sometimes when referring to morals. I hope they dont put his name in Wikepedia, just a reference to a very sick piece of human trash.
I have been creeped out by this guy from the start and I am not going to apologize for it...
Of course, it's true the GBI should be able to easily parse the site's archives for all of his posts,
including any referenced within for context.
OMG he probably DID CUT HIS FINGERNAILS, and offers an explanation for the scratch across his throat, look at this from June 27, 2011:

Quoting myself to make sure LE sees these 2 posts by SM/SoL

1. June 27, 2011 regarding the scratch on his neck, and possibly cutting his nails:


2. 10/01/29 Regarding SM's opinion on the American Legal System:

The beautiful thing about the American legal system - you can violate every law they accuse you of breaking, but if you can get a sympathetic jury, you can walk away free.

I can't remember if anyone linked the Columbine posting by SM, I think it was in September?
I am seriously in shock about all the posts on the internet. Why would he be so stupid??
About the mock trial in SMD's trial practices class .... In law school (not Mercer), I took a trial advocacy course and participated in mock trial/moot court and I can personally testify that things can get very personal and heated between competitors, even if they are your fellow classmates. Many, if not most, law students are type A personalities with perfectionist tendencies and the law school experience encourages competition amongst the students. Just a quick example, in my first semester, a fellow classmate screamed in my face during a group project because I told him that I didn't think he was right about how to correctly "bluebook" a legal citation.
Needless to say, I wouldn't find it strange if SMD was extremely angry or resentful about being "beat by a girl." I also wouldn't be surprised if we find out that the girl was LG. Just MOO!
I am seriously in shock about all the posts on the internet. Why would he be so stupid? ...Just MOO!

I think his fantasy life, evil perverted desires and compulsive deviant thoughts totally trumped any ounce of common sense or self-preservation. He couldn't help himself from posting his ideas. Same way he couldn't stop himself from sending out the reported mass email to his fellow law students. He thought himself a genius.
Originally Posted by tomkat View Post
snipped .The FACT is, he did find her, he will forever be linked to her. The two will now always be found on Wikepedia
Maybe he DID find true love

No, more than IMO, he didn't find "true love", he found a convenient person and place to perform his sick, perverted, fantasies on. Just to scratch the surface. In that "manual of morals" I referred to you in an earlier post you will find that you dont kill, cut legs, arms and head off, and then abuse whats left. Fortunately she was already in Heaven when this occurred.
tomkat, we don't agree but that's ok. My problem is I have been around a very long time and also was luck enough to know "the good old days" they refer to sometimes when referring to morals. I hope they dont put his name in Wikepedia, just a reference to a very sick piece of human trash.

Thank you Oldercitizen, for stating the hard core reality of what actually happened in this horrible crime. Absolutely no way is there a even a single drop of love in what happened to Lauren. Tomkat may choose to believe that love is two names printed side by side in Wikipedia. Others will see their names written together as a reminder of how a very evil person completely void of love and overpowered with hate, killed and dismembered an innocent young lady and robbed her of her life. Between this calculating murderer and Lauren Giddings, there is no link, no love, just good and evil, heaven and hell.
I agree genie!! I posted similar thoughts last night that IMO he literally worked himself into believing the bs of which he was foaming at the mouth and typing onto his posts.. In other words, He bought his own bs, believed his own hype!

The common sense, logical, reasonable mind that was somewhere in there as I do believe people saw this throughout his 3 yrs of law school.. Sadly I believe those "positive/good" components of himself were absolutely, without question overshadowed by his "dark passenger".. and yes the Dexter reference who I believe I read his post somewhere last night referencing his dislike of that particular I hardly doubt he'd much too appreciate my having used the "dark passenger" reference now twice in describing him:innocent:

Anyway I do believe that is what possibly happened, tho... In his big, Billy-bad-azz bravado that he'd created in cyberworld grew and grew, growing ever darker and more extreme in deviance.. Himself not only very much like this Billy-bad-azz that he was on these boards with his ever growing in disturbance posts that just kept on after another... He liked that "fantasy" character that he'd created himself to be.. Not taking no chit off no one..not even in high school.. Someone chose to pick on him and he took care of it by taking a pen and stabbing the bully not only in the wrist but stabbing him the face..all while the teachers weren't paying attn, so there wasn't even so much as a slap on the wrist given to him.. Yea, right, Stephen we really believe that one:eyeroll:..
Yea, right along with that disgusting atrocity of a post bragging and boasting that you'd bedded that prosecutor "perched over her".. You bet!! We all bought that one, too.. Hook, line, and sinker... NOT!!!!!

So, his complete self absorption with this alter ego that he'd created took female classmates like they were pieces of meat awaiting his choosing of them to be devoured by the rogue beast that he saw himself as.. You combine those already dysfunctional behaviors being detailed and add in severe preoccupation of all things extreme and elaborate as far as brutality, deviance, torture rituals and methods, including very disturbing elements as dismemberment, disembowelment, etc all while ensuring your victim is not only still alive but very much conscious and coherent so that he could feed off of their complete terror that I personally cannot even comprehend..

Then you throw in to that big ol' pot of brewing dysfunction obvious severe inadequacies as a male and IMO even as an individual period.. Paralyzed by his dysfunctions in these areas IMO did nothing but literally breed vehement hatred and resentment for those complete and total opposite of what he was..

It was all of these things and I am quite certain even more that has yet to have been brought to light of day.. But all of these severe and extreme fantasies that as i said were ever growing only darker, his more becoming "one" with the "fantasy" character he had created and portrayed himself to be in the online world.. only further overshadowing until completely blocking out any of the "positive/good" traits that were now lost to his conscious mind...All of this creating the perfect storm within Stephen that finally allowed the "dark passenger" to not only take the driver's seat, but to fully envelope and take the reins of the horses and literally drive himself full force ahead into the pits of hell..

Which is fine by me.. EXCEPT for in his mad rage, feeling as if he were the almighty and all powerful, judge, jury, and punisher by death, deviant soulless being that he had become he "snatched" up a beautiful, full of life, with the kindest and caring soul to Stephen himself.. He ripped this beautiful human being from her life and the arms of the many who love her and he drug her into those pits of hell with him!!{just want to emphasize this is not literally what I feel about Lauren's eternal, resting place..but rather only figuratively speaking..just wanted to reiterate in case any were to get the wrong picture that is not intended}

And that is what I pray there be justice served quickly and firmly on that human being, Lauren's behalf!! I hope its so swift and so firm that it makes him shake in fear every night of the remainder of his life[which AgentLundy I believe summed it ip best with the duration of a lifetime of nights being spent along a not so welcomed companion].. Welcome to Hell Stephen!
SOOOOOO, are we NOW talking PREMEDITATION?!!!!!!! I mean JEEZE!!!! He's done everything he's said he would do in many of his postings!! Why post that sheet if it isn't in your head that it would/could/will/proposed to happen. RIGHT? LE is going to hang him now if they can use these posts!!!!! Can they prove it's him?
Wow! That's awesome AA, and I gotta say I'm shocked that LE didn't know about them too! I kind of figured that the statement on the arrest warrant about "have previously stated he could get away with murder" came from one of his posts or that perhaps another poster from OperatorChan had come forward with that info.

Remember yesterday when we all saw this on the website:

One of the commenters was the guy that volunteered to be his juror during the mock trial project. The commenter stated that he knew it was him that had been charged with murder. That means that the people who knew who he was on OperatorChan did not come forward to volunteer all of this to police. Seems they really protect their own or are afraid of being investigated due to their own eye-raising comments.
No, more than IMO, he didn't find "true love", he found a convenient person and place to perform his sick, perverted, fantasies on. Just to scratch the surface. In that "manual of morals" I referred to you in an earlier post you will find that you dont kill, cut legs, arms and head off, and then abuse whats left. Fortunately she was already in Heaven when this occurred.
tomkat, we don't agree but that's ok. My problem is I have been around a very long time and also was luck enough to know "the good old days" they refer to sometimes when referring to morals. I hope they dont put his name in Wikepedia, just a reference to a very sick piece of human trash.

Yes, my post said "TAKEN as it is written" meaning what it appears on the surface. But I speculated that early on and got blasted for blaming the victim! LOL. But I do agree, he found a TARGET, isn't that what sociopaths do, find one target, CHECK, get bored, next target, CHECK, move on, next target, CHECK, they always find another one to mooch off of or target in some way, until discovered. Apparently this guy premeditiated it all in his fantasies!!

Well, wherever you google to find these sociopaths online, you'll find him, sadly linked to LG,

I'm no young one but I would love to have lived in the "good ole' days", even in my childhood, I dont' remember this kind of lunatic stuff. I'm sure there, but FAR LESS , we could actually WALK the streets and be safe, everyone new everyone
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