GA GA - Raymond Green, 6 days, Atlanta, 6 Nov 1978

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
How sad! This story really touched my heart.

Nurselady, viewing into the caring, yet determined eyes of Baby Raymonds' Mother, gives real meaning to the quote:

'there is a hole in my heart that only a child can fill'..
Here is an article including the artist sketches by Forensic Artist Diane Trepkov.

"She told me four pages of information and I just wrote wrote, wrote," said Trepkov.

Memories that turned into images for the first time.

"Went to tell her some things about me and she said ‘I can help you, I can help you,’ and she went to telling me and went through the sketches and it was just amazing," said Green.

Trepkov put those pages of information into sketches, "Her eyes, she kept saying she had nice eyes, she felt like she could trust her and Her bandana on her head was really tight. All hair was tucked in and you couldn't see one strand of hair coming out," said Trepkov.

A picture that turned out exactly like she remembered.

"I was numb I was numb I could not just stare and stare I was so numb but I could, it wasn't anger, but I could feel something going on in the inside, but I couldn't stop saying to myself ‘that's her, that's her,’" said Green.

Also giving her another picture she never had, a picture of baby Raymond.

"She actually made the picture of the baby, of my baby, that was amazing. I told her can I just put him in a blanket and take him home," said Green.
Been attempting to be an advocate for Donna Green, or I guess liason would be a better word. My goal is to insure that they contact her and keep her updated on the progress in the investigation and reassure her that they are giving the case the attention that it deserves.

I have called Fulton County Cold Case Squad, APD, and after receiving outdated numbers, wrong email addresses, and the usual red duct tape. Finally, after hours of tracking down the two investigators assigned to Raymond's case, voice mail seems to be the best I can do.

Irony: their work hours are 7AM to 3PM.

Folks, I have some breaking news for ya, criminals do not operate from 9AM to 5PM, 5 day a week, and they sure don't knock off at 3PM. Those numb3rs simply don't add up.

Becoming frustrated, I finally called the Mayors Office. The Mayor's aid said, 'be patient calm down." I said, "don't you think that 31 years, is being very patient?"
She said, but I work with the Mayor, I get results!

That is what I like to hear... We'll see..
Ever sit in church on Sunday and felt that the Preacher was projecting the sermon directly at you? I was watching Fox & Friends this morning, after spaming Baby Raymonds story to all the news outlets, internet etc. A guest on the show was Troy Dunn. He talked about reuniting a family member after 30 years. It was a Mother and Son. His interview ended by Gretchen saying, "If you have a Family Member that needs locating,, the Locator can be contacted at this website:

Coincidence? Maybe...
Locating Baby Raymond, would be an excellent challenge for Troy Dunn: 'The Locator'....

Seems that they get 2500 emails per day. Any ideas on how Donna Green, could get Troy Dunn's ear?

Donna Green, reported that APD Brass has contacted her and requested all new info and sketches, etc. garnered from the interview by Forensics Artist Diane Trepkov. Diane has been contacted and the info sent to APD. Donna will be updated on the progress on a regular basis. She said that she will email the Locator: Troy Dunn today, and request their help in locating Baby Raymond.

Although an obvious alias, the abductor of Baby Raymond, also gave a last name: Lisa Morris. Donna said that she was in her early 20s.

Possibly due to the stress of childbirth or other factors, a significant fact had been hidden away in Donna's subconscious for over three decades. She woke up and caught Lisa Morris, either going into her hospital room closet, or sneaking out at 1AM one night. Diane Trepcov had the remarkable ability to extract this information from Donna Green, after all these years. "Simply Amazing."
Folks, I am blown away. Just received a phone call from Detctive Murdock from the APD, who has been assigned exclusively to Raymond Lamar Green's case.
I was searching contact info for Monica Caison; CUE and Forensics Artist Diane Trepkov to provide him so that he may retrieve the valuable sketches of Baby Raymond, Lisa Morris(unsub)and other info.
When I searched What I saw on her Home Page was Amazing..
Folks, I am blown away. Just received a phone call from Detctive Murdock from the APD, who has been assigned exclusively to Raymond Lamar Green's case.
I was searching contact info for Monica Caison; CUE and Diane Trepkov to provide him so that he may retrieve the valuable sketches of Baby Raymond, Lisa Morris(unsub)and other info.
When I searched What I saw on her Home Page was Amazing..

Wow, you aren't kidding, she is amazing!
FYI...FWIW, I have all original news articles and police reports...let me know if there is anything I can assist with.

Detective Murdock Atlanta Police Department

404- 546 - 5591

Please Contact him Christine2448, Detective Murdock requested all available information and is open to the use of all available resources...
Thanks to Monica Caison, Forensics Artist Diane Trepkov, and you; Christine2448, Baby Raymonds odds of being located have been enhanced enormously, IMO
I will give him a ring. I put my hands on the articles and the police reports. I will update as I am.
Poster I had made for Raymond for last vigil, Monica from Cue came through GA on tour.

LTWH had posters, address labels, tshirts, ID cards, ect. with information about Raymond. It was awesome finally meeting Monica.



Update...playing phone tag with Det. Will let u know when I connect.:crazy:
I have copies of a few articles that I rec'd by fax and are hard to read. I haven't had time to work on this with everything going on in Stephen Lankester Cox's, Red, Cowboy's case!

I would love to see if you all that are good with newspaper research can find these articles so we can read them clearly.

I have them and the police reports from Atlanta PD all scanned if someone wants to translate ;)

Quoting myself....the police report I have is totally legible. The articles I have, can hardly be read and surely can't be copied.

In the middle of moving and don't have time to find originals.....if any of you sleuths can come up with better copies....the articles I have are:

'Baby Theft Case Under Probe Here' I can't see a date on article, but there is a hand written note on side that states 11/6-11/7/78

'25-year mystery haunts mother' AJC (Atlanta Journal Constitution) 12/10/? (in article states Raymond would have turned 25 in Nov) do the math.

Research any Atlanta papers. Under LTWH there should be a listing of local papers/media. If not, we need to get them there ;)
Folks, I am blown away. Just received a phone call from Detctive Murdock from the APD, who has been assigned exclusively to Raymond Lamar Green's case.
I was searching contact info for Monica Caison; CUE and Forensics Artist Diane Trepkov to provide him so that he may retrieve the valuable sketches of Baby Raymond, Lisa Morris(unsub)and other info.
When I searched What I saw on her Home Page was Amazing..

FYI: I have recently provided Det. Murdock with the information on the case. This is due to a phone call that I received in which a young man believes he is Raymond. I have been working with Donna (Raymond's mother) and Raymond is listed with our organization, among others, at What is exciting is the young man really does look near identical to the sketch drawing, however, he is in another country and not in the USA. A DNA kit was sent to the consulate and as you may know it could be a false lead and/or it could be him and may take awhile to find out. Keep your prayers going that it could be him. As I explained to Donna, while he looks very much like the photograph and is adamant that he believes his mother is not his biological could end up being a coincidence or a false lead. I hope for Donna this will work out and be her son.
Awesome Lavanda! I will keep my fingers crossed and say a prayer when DNA is finally compared this is a match! Wouldn't that be amazing!
Awesome Lavanda! I will keep my fingers crossed and say a prayer when DNA is finally compared this is a match! Wouldn't that be amazing!

It would be absolutely wonderful!! I don't want to get my hopes up though...I know that sounds odd, but there is just soooooo much of an uncanny resemblance, same age that it would be a miracle of miracles if this works out. Especially considering this is in another country. It would be just amazing. I asked Donna when I sent her his photo in email if she "felt in her heart" if it could be him...and she said she honestly couldn't tell because she doesn't want to get her hopes up but that he does look like her other sons and could certainly be a possibility. I'm not even sure how long it will take for the DNA. I believe a cheek swab kit is what was sent. Just keep the prayers going. Hugs, Cyn
It would be absolutely wonderful!! I don't want to get my hopes up though...I know that sounds odd, but there is just soooooo much of an uncanny resemblance, same age that it would be a miracle of miracles if this works out. Especially considering this is in another country. It would be just amazing. I asked Donna when I sent her his photo in email if she "felt in her heart" if it could be him...and she said she honestly couldn't tell because she doesn't want to get her hopes up but that he does look like her other sons and could certainly be a possibility. I'm not even sure how long it will take for the DNA. I believe a cheek swab kit is what was sent. Just keep the prayers going. Hugs, Cyn

wow this is absolutely amazing, i really hope this works out...I will be praying...

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