GUILTY GA - Rusty Sneiderman shot to death at Dunwoody preschool, 18 Nov 2010 #1

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I think her parents are delusional. Dad was on the stand telling everyone she was "perfect" which of course is a big lie since no one is perfect. I think they will deny her guilt outwardly and vehemently and we have already seen they are willing to obstruct justice for her. My guess she is the "princess" of the family and they will put up with her snippy arrogant ways.

:seeya: Mama, nice to see familiar Avatars and folks from the FCA case here.

I do not believe that her parents are delusional. I would expect most parents would say there kids were perfect. Even with minor issues growing up, a parent IMHO would most always say that their child was perfect in thier eyes. All parents I know would. Note also the word "was" for my basing the opinion on. During this testimony, they specifically were NOT supposed to bring up character in the bond hearing, it specifically was not supposed to be allowed and there were some objections to it by PT. I believe the only reason that the judge allowed it was he assumed that all parents might state that. And since he was the sole decider on the bond, he knew that this type of testimony had no wieght in HIS decision but yet all parties were COMPASSIONATE in letting him talk to that.

As I am "from" the FCA trial, I do note that this is much different and in o way compares to what the Anthonys did covering the FACTS FOR FCA.

:moo: And welcome speaker Dave. :fireworks: Note to may want to go to be listed as a VERIFIED LAWYER with this thread foe the future. It gives you credibility and allowances that others do not have on this board. You can search out how to do, or go click on a modertors name so they can contact Tricia or Beach to set that up. Just last night one of them was on the Levi radio station talking about this case and I am sure that they would love having you as a legal go to person on this case.
I was at the bond hearing and prior to the judges decision, her lawyer and dad stated that they Did Want Her to live with them if that was needed to have bail. This way, she could have more time with the children and would not all grandparents do that for the sake of the grandkids if it was within their means?

What I have seen so far from family and friends is nothing more than being supportive and focus on kids, and I have not seen one iota of lying as to fact like the Anthony's did.

Although they did purchase a townhouse (not substantiated by me, seen elsewhere in Non-MSM that what was stated by her dad was residence purchased) that is going to be tight quarters for them all if they indeed are having the kids in a new school.

And I feel empathy for her family as I would expect for Andrea to have been severly "shunned" at their old place of worship...and another reason to move to another place of worship and therefore her parents have lost their community also as to religion. They are good folks IMHO. Analagous to me the persons parent who shot up the movie in Corado who stated it was their son, and they would support him and love him...and then did NO media appearances. I admire that. Yep, is hard when you even know for sure that the person commited the crime, and do not fault that..

It was surprising in the bond hearing that her family had a Rabbi from a different area of Atlanta do the immediate consoling and thenmoved to the Johns Creek synagouge immeditialy after the death of Rusty...IIRC her family the day after asked a Rabbi from Johns Creek, who they did not have a congregational relationship) to come over to comfort the family. Correction, the first request was the day Rusty died. Perhaps I am reading too much into that, but that made and still makes me go hmmmm.

. Why not her current Rabbi? Was there testimony that her current one was not available nor a backup? That could be the case? Not in my notes.

OT (trial) I was thinking this morning what must it be like to be AS parents and have her living with them? I mean, she has steadfastly refused to admit she had this affair but the testimonies and evidence make it abundantly clear. And she started something that ended up in a murder (were they close to their son-in-law?), the trial(s), the media, the ruination of so many lives. And she's snippy and arrogant to boot.

There's nothing like parental love and you want to love your children (even as adults) unconditionally, but in most situations you make your own choices and don't have a judge telling you that you are ORDERED to have them (and their children ) live with you 24/7. IMO having choices makes a big difference in the human psyche. So far, through the HN trial, they were unquestionably supportive and on her side.

Now the judge orders your daughter to live with you and you get to face her across the breakfast table and what is in your mind? If it was just the HN trial is over you might be able to bury it away, perhaps get on with your lives in some semblance of order, but no. Another trial and she is still denying everything. I guess a predictable reaction would be for a parent to suspend suspicion and choose to believe the daughter against all odds and common sense. But I don't see how this is really possible at this stage. It's really bizarre, IMO.
Here is the blog I created for the Andrea Sneiderman proceedings:

Thanks for shaing your insight as a legal person is always appreciated here! You may be the go to person as AZLawyer was for the FCA trial. Are you ready for that? She always gave us such good information to keep us on board with understanding the LEGAL aspect.

Again, welcome!
My point, exactly. If hauling AS around on business trips and racking up expensive hotels and etc., was not preferential, then what is? Who among the other employees had their bosses squiring them around?

I read that HN's wife stated she was supposed to go to London with him, then he told her she couldn't go because he was going to be too busy. She said he didn't allow her to work, she had to stay home and raise the kids and he accused her of racking up the bills when it was he spending like no tomorrow, a lot of it on AS.

The IS witness testified that they had discretion about travel, but wouldn't you think all of this superfulous activity and the expenses they were piling up might not come to the attention to somebody just because of the finances? I guess they don't do too much "quality control" in that area. I'd think that more than one employee might be a bit disgruntled. Maybe somebody DID complain, but another somebody did nothing about it.

1) When I travelled corporate at director level, wine with dinner was very acceptable. The way it was "learned" was that the person who reported to the other person would always expense the check so that the director would sign off on. Those in hourly positions who process would never think to question. It was the culture of the organization in a large company IMHO.

2) You stated that he was spending a ,ot on AS, but other than trips, I have heard nothing about that in the court or media. All I recall about purchases that were personal were presents for the kids which in clurt was stated that she paid for. The flowers and candy he tried to do...nver saw happen. I guess the only one that does indeed stand out to him spending his own money for now that I reflect more is the airplane ticket to Colorado. He even did not pay for taxi to get to the hotel there. And upon return, he rode with Andrea to her house and then she took him home in her car. I live in Atlanta and taking aimo is just as much cost as a taxi, and is common here as comapnies in the south do not expect or force you to take subway like perhaps up orth. Even if she had parked at the airport, the cost of five to seven days would equal limo about to airport from the Dunwoody area, so that does not stand ot to me.
I wasn't impressed with either of the two male witnesses who gave incredibly detailed descriptions of the shooter and the van; both stated they knew he looked suspicious and out of place, both made a mental note of it and DROVE OFF to their business...neither of them stopped, went into the day care and reported this to the staff. In these dangerous times, you'd think they would have done something - even if to call and alert the staff, for the safety of THEIR OWN children as well as others.

Dunwoody must have a large population of males who haul their kids all over. Where were all of the mom's? Just curious....

Which thing would make you call police or report if you had no identity of who to report? Neither knew who to report if they did such.

Not sure which part I would have cause to go in or call police at the time. I respectfully disagree that driving fast would cause me to call police or go into the school, perhaps others would.

Person driving fast in Atlanta ? For those that do not live here, it is common to drive very fast and be in a rush.

As to a man in a beard that looked fake, that would not cause me to call the police or report to the school either,

What would you have reported and to whom?
I think her parents are delusional. Dad was on the stand telling everyone she was "perfect" which of course is a big lie since no one is perfect. I think they will deny her guilt outwardly and vehemently and we have already seen they are willing to obstruct justice for her. My guess she is the "princess" of the family and they will put up with her snippy arrogant ways.

My thoughts regarding this are they may be delusional about Andrea - but maybe they want the kids living with them so that when/if Andrea is convicted they can go for custody.

As part of the custody hearing they would say 'don't disrupt the children' they have lived with us, are happy with us and use this to fight Rusty's parent's petition for custody.
Apparently there are e-mails in the thousands (one report said 1,400 I think), but when I heard them, there was nothing definite that proved an affair. AS was very cryptic in hers, very vague. The only one I remember that gave a clue was when she apologized about her "betrayal". Then there's Hemy's reminding her of their cozy morning-after but again nothing said that definitely relates to intimacies of a sexual nature.

IMO she was careful not to leave an electronic, phone or paper trail of anything that could be construed as a romance. She wanted her double life. She wanted the attention but she did not want to be tied down with HN. And she didn't want to get caught.

The details HN provided were, I think, in the interview with LE that was shown to the jury at the trial. (I read ahead to the verdict and apparently this was very powerful). Nothing was said by him that implicated her in planning the murder, as far as I know.

I agree with all you've said about the circumstantial evidence AND her actions following the shooting would indicate some knowledge...but how much foreknowledge and how long before it happened? All I've learned thus far (unless I missed something) is that during their relationship she complained Rusty was not being a good father (HN's apparent motive for "saving" the kids), she was unhappy in the marriage, they had problems...and IRC a friend testifying that part of AS' complaints had to do with problems with RS dropping the children off at their activities. Just from hearing this information, HN could have learned his routine from that.

But it seems clear that at some point she made it clear that she was not going to leave Rusty. How do we go from that to her deciding to help kill Rusty? All of this together is circumstantial evidence which may help in a conspiracy charge, but how do they charge her with murder? All I can guess is they have more evidence we have not heard. It should be interesting.

Thanks for the discussion.

:rocker: What she said, "ditto". The only piece of a potential conspiracy I potentially see is that the co-worker from GE got a voicemail or text that she was LEAVING GE (does anyone have documentation noted of time of call as he did not state that when on stand for Hemy trial IIRC) added to the testimony of Shawna and Rustys dad that she knew he was shot before anyone told her. Yeah, I know the meeting at the house and in dyas before the other lurking by Hemy, but not yet enough on that in court as to make me convict on anything else other than she lied on the stand about the affair. Try to keep an open mind (knowing that on thread opinions may be differemt if I was a juror!)
My thoughts regarding this are they may be delusional about Andrea - but maybe they want the kids living with them so that when/if Andrea is convicted they can go for custody.

As part of the custody hearing they would say 'don't disrupt the children' they have lived with us, are happy with us and use this to fight Rusty's parent's petition for custody.

Yes, so very tragic this is between the grandparents. The Atlanta Journal Constitution reported that Judge Lane postponed Andreas deposition on this for visitation for them for between 9/3 and 10/30, and SpeakerDave, who is a new poster here and is a lawyer, noted elsewhere that his thought were Andrea would plead the 5th if not stayed.
1) When I travelled corporate at director level, wine with dinner was very acceptable. The way it was "learned" was that the person who reported to the other person would always expense the check so that the director would sign off on. Those in hourly positions who process would never think to question. It was the culture of the organization in a large company IMHO.

2) You stated that he was spending a ,ot on AS, but other than trips, I have heard nothing about that in the court or media. All I recall about purchases that were personal were presents for the kids which in clurt was stated that she paid for. The flowers and candy he tried to do...nver saw happen. I guess the only one that does indeed stand out to him spending his own money for now that I reflect more is the airplane ticket to Colorado. He even did not pay for taxi to get to the hotel there. And upon return, he rode with Andrea to her house and then she took him home in her car. I live in Atlanta and taking aimo is just as much cost as a taxi, and is common here as comapnies in the south do not expect or force you to take subway like perhaps up orth. Even if she had parked at the airport, the cost of five to seven days would equal limo about to airport from the Dunwoody area, so that does not stand ot to me.

I understand what you are saying about corporate spending. However, these 2 did an extraordinary amount of traveling and spending TOGETHER. I still have yet to hear any information related to the validity of so many business trips. There were other quality managers like AS who traveled out of town but I heard nothing to inform that their managers constantly went with them.
All I am saying is if I was working in the expenses department, this might raise a red flag with me.

We know that he charged things to G.E. and we know that he was personally in financial trouble but we have no way of knowing how much, if any of his personal money was spent in total. His ex-wife (as I mentioned earlier) said that SHE was supposed to accompany him to London, but he nixed that. I read several interviews with her, and she said he was a big cheapskate at home and it was she who stated in comparison he was lavish with his mistress. She also stated that in 22 years of marriage she had never known him to be insane or behave as if he was. That he pretty much makes up his mind he wants something and that is all that matters.
Yes, so very tragic this is between the grandparents. The Atlanta Journal Constitution reported that Judge Lane postponed Andreas deposition on this for visitation for them for between 9/3 and 10/30, and SpeakerDave, who is a new poster here and is a lawyer, noted elsewhere that his thought were Andrea would plead the 5th if not stayed.

Don't know if you watched the Brad Cooper deposition in his child custody case against his wife's family - it is part of what helped convict him of the murder of his wife, Nancy Cooper. Brad did not take the stand in his trial but the depo was played.

If you haven't watched it - it is well worth watching and may be in the archives of Can't believe his lawyer's permitted him to answer the masterful questioning of opposing council.
Which thing would make you call police or report if you had no identity of who to report? Neither knew who to report if they did such.

Not sure which part I would have cause to go in or call police at the time. I respectfully disagree that driving fast would cause me to call police or go into the school, perhaps others would.

Person driving fast in Atlanta ? For those that do not live here, it is common to drive very fast and be in a rush.

As to a man in a beard that looked fake, that would not cause me to call the police or report to the school either,

What would you have reported and to whom?

The first witness stated that the driver's appearance was bizarre but what also stood out was he had the vehicle in a place where he wasn't supposed to be...I don't recall exactly what. IMO how many reasons are there for men to be driving around day care centers wearing huge fake beards - that would be a reason for me to look closely, and HN obviously was strange enough to cause at least 2 people to sit up and take notice..

The second witness described him as speeding off quickly and while I understand that is not abnormal in cities, it is inappropriate in a day care center parking lot. Which is why schools have strict speed limits on campus. I'd be thinking why is this crazy looking man driving so recklessly? But the second witness took careful note of all of the specific details....and then went on to his office.

I would have pulled over, taken out my cell phone and called the Day Care Center to alert them that there had been a wacky looking man in a fake beard hanging around their parking lot and driving recklessly. At least then they could be on the lookout. Especially in relation to so many child abductions, etc. Or I would have parked my car and gotten out and gone in and told them about it. IMO if seems strange or bizarre and there are little children involved, I report anything. There was no crime comitted so I doubt I'd have called 9-11, but the guy looked hinky enough I definitely would have taken down the tag number on the vehicle. That's just me.
My thoughts regarding this are they may be delusional about Andrea - but maybe they want the kids living with them so that when/if Andrea is convicted they can go for custody.

As part of the custody hearing they would say 'don't disrupt the children' they have lived with us, are happy with us and use this to fight Rusty's parent's petition for custody.

IMO that makes good sense. From what I have read, there has been a custody battle going on between the grandparents....Rusty's parents said AS limited their visitation and wouldn't allow them to take the kids out for ice cream. They and Steve, his brother, don't want the kids with her and her parents because they feel there was a cover-up when the murder was being investigated.
:rocker: What she said, "ditto". The only piece of a potential conspiracy I potentially see is that the co-worker from GE got a voicemail or text that she was LEAVING GE (does anyone have documentation noted of time of call as he did not state that when on stand for Hemy trial IIRC) added to the testimony of Shawna and Rustys dad that she knew he was shot before anyone told her. Yeah, I know the meeting at the house and in dyas before the other lurking by Hemy, but not yet enough on that in court as to make me convict on anything else other than she lied on the stand about the affair. Try to keep an open mind (knowing that on thread opinions may be differemt if I was a juror!)

Wow, I totally missed that. I thought she meant she was leaving the office (for the day), I didn't realize she said she was "leaving G.E." With everything you've mentioned I can't think of any other evidence that points toward her specifically conspiring to murder RS. For them to bring down an indictment for murder, they must have something they feel is strong enough to get a conviction. I hope it's good.
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