GUILTY GA - Rusty Sneiderman shot to death at Dunwoody preschool, 18 Nov 2010 #1

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I think you mean Ariela Neuman.

I want to see AS punished severely.


Yes, I did mean Neuman. I want to say I have been reading this thread back from the beginning and obviously a lot of people were aware of all of the things I have been posting. So if I offended any sleuthers who have already done all of this digging, I apologize.

A couple of things that stand out to me. I wonder if they'd have connected the dots without the assistance of the former Mrs. Neuman and her attorney. It was Mrs. Neuman who came forward with the suspicion of the affair and it was her attorney who pushed that into the limelight. According to what I read, people from the AS camp were harassing her outside of the courtroom early on in the trial?

I also read an article where Dunwoody LE half-admitted to a huge screw-up in not indicting AS in the first place. I was reading on the WS threads how there was a power struggle in the LE during the early weeks of the investigation.

All of this just magnifies to me the arrogance of AS who sat there during the trial and insisted everybody else was a liar. Of course this is going to come back to haunt her during her own trial. An attorney on In Session stated yesterday that if he was her defender he would urge her to come clean this time and say "yes I did have an affair and I lied but I had nothing to do with killing my husband". But then a jury might not buy that based on that evidence that after the murder AS had HN pick up her computer to erase any evidence.

Just MOO.

Thanks, everybody for all of your hard work sleuthing this and your interesting posts.
Snipped by me. I go to a dentist around the corner from GE. Last year, at my cleaning, I mentioned that I was very interested in this case (Pre Andrea arrest). The hygienist told me that many of their patients work at GE headquarters and that they had told her the affair was common knowledge in the office. They didn't bother to hide their closeness and were rather indiscreet. I often wondered why some of those folks, if this is true, weren't called as witnesses. Perhaps the DA didnt feel they would signicantly bolster the evidence already presented (hotel employees, bartender, etc.). This is hearsay and just my musings. JMHO

This is exactly what I was thinking (posting) yesterday....there is no way people didn't know. If they'd had a few co-workers on the stand testifying they saw or heard them _______________ (fill in the blanks), especially if they remembered approximate dates that coincided with the "business" trips, it could have only bolstered the evidence. I also don't understand why Mrs. Neuman was not called to testify. I read she was willing to but she was never issued a subpoena, because (according to her attorney), the state said they already had enough evidence.

IMO the more people up there corroborating each other, the more AS would look like a liar and perjurer.

But I perceived that ALL of the G.E. employees on the stand looked VERY uncomfortable and even nervous. Why? And why did that forensic expert fail to bring her evidence? It's odd. Is it that G.E. does not want to get sued? Because if a lot of people knew about the affair, and let it go contrary to their policy.....I see grounds, however remote, for a lawsuit...
I don't understand your reasoning.
The defense claimed he has "mental" issues.
Not the prosecution.

They claim he's bi-polar, with extreme ups and downs.
That does not mean he did not know what was going on between Andrea and him.
He was not claiming schizophrenia, that's a whole different beast.

We'll just have to wait and see what the prosecution has against her.

All I know so far is that she lied on the stand about having an affair with Hemy, (if proven that will get her some prison time) and she told 2 or 3 people that Rusty was shot before she got to the hospital.
She was not suppose to know that.

ETA, the prosecution might not even have to call Hemy to testify, they might have other hard evidence. At this point we just don't know.

We know they recoverd emails ,I would guess at phone records. They have been investagating her since day 1 so I tend to believe they probably have alot of evidence and her own statements which ended up being lies will convict her.I hope they got travel records and photo's from those trips.
She never appeared to be innocent and I doubt a trial will help her appear to be that way . My hope at least.

I still feel ill thinking over the sadness this has brought on Rusty's family.
We know they recoverd emails ,I would guess at phone records. They have been investagating her since day 1 so I tend to believe they probably have alot of evidence and her own statements which ended up being lies will convict her.I hope they got travel records and photo's from those trips.
She never appeared to be innocent and I doubt a trial will help her appear to be that way . My hope at least.

I still feel ill thinking over the sadness this has brought on Rusty's family.

I have been watching this trial since it started and with the recent witnesses I do not see how either of these people will walk. As a matter of fact I would question her sanity. Her behaviour in court has been strange to say the least and it is obvious at least to me that she is perjuring herself everytime she opens her mouth. jmo
I have been watching this trial since it started and with the recent witnesses I do not see how either of these people will walk. As a matter of fact I would question her sanity. Her behaviour in court has been strange to say the least and it is obvious at least to me that she is perjuring herself everytime she opens her mouth. jmo

I dont know how she will rebutt being shown the picture of the suspect and acting like she had no clue who he was.

Then trying to hide the emails from her computer that Hemy took from the office.

Then again knowing rusty was shot while on the way to the daycare where LE told her to go without giving her details.

I think these 3 things will take reasonable doubt from her case.
We know they recoverd emails ,I would guess at phone records. They have been investagating her since day 1 so I tend to believe they probably have alot of evidence and her own statements which ended up being lies will convict her.I hope they got travel records and photo's from those trips.
She never appeared to be innocent and I doubt a trial will help her appear to be that way . My hope at least.

I still feel ill thinking over the sadness this has brought on Rusty's family.

BBM; here is the article I read about Dunwoody LE's errors and how they totally overlooked her as a suspect:
Testimony also from a GE coworker that was actually played on IS today is that Andrea called or texted him saying I am leaving the office as Rusty has been shot. The attorney clarified with the witness that she said I am leaving, not that she had left in the past. I would assume that the prosecution at least has those phone records.

Not only that, atthelake, didn't she also leave her kids at the day care center, knowing her husband had just been shot there? Who does that? :what:
BBM; here is the article I read about Dunwoody LE's errors and how they totally overlooked her as a suspect:

I want to go back and look at the case history because I am confident that they did find ALOT of emails from AS'S computer. I also am having trouble with her not being a suspect from day 1. I think this might be a tactic to make the lawyers from her case think they do not have to work as hard.

I might believe they overlooked her until Hemy was located but after that there is no way she could have been overlooked.

I am calling BS on the content of this article . I just do not believe it.

Why would they try to search they house the night Rusty was murdered if she wasnt being investigated? They went in with a warrent the next day.
I dont know how she will rebutt being shown the picture of the suspect and acting like she had no clue who he was.

The composite drawing looked nothing like HN, it looked more like the guy that sold the gun to HN than HN himself.


Google for pics

HN's attorney's are so far reaching with their assessment of her(AS) manipulation of HN that no jury will be able to find any fault beyond reasonable doubt. They did not get her phone records and unless she is dumber than a box of pencils, I doubt her GE email will establish anything more than perhaps she was riding the whoopie cushion with HN. In today's world where CA can walk and Mary Winkler can pull the trigger and still walk, it is very hard to see a possible conviction. Granted I will eat my words if she is found guilty.
If I recall, yesterday (or the day before?) there was a coworker who testified (maybe she was a direct report of Hemy's?) who said she noticed AS and HN had a very close relationship (didn't say intimate) and she thought perhaps they knew each other previously. She said they went to the Braves' game together (it was a team outing) and would often walk into meetings together and AS always sat next to him at meetings. There was 1 meeting in particular, however, where AS did not sit next to him and the state made mention of the date (I assumed maybe it coincided with the date she sent the email saying how she was remorseful, etc).

Yesterday, the forensic investigator from GE said emails are purged from the system and not recoverable after 30 days IF they have been deleted from the users' inbox. If they are still in the inbox, they remain. I found this insane for such a large company. I would assume they would have some system to go back into their process to recover them. So even though LE has many of the emails, it's likely the ones with any evidence pointing towards an affair would have been deleted (no way I'd keep them in my inbox if I was having an affair!).

Regarding the issue of the witness not bringing her notes/records, I would have thought the attorneys would have had them! I felt like she was going to say that, but stopped. They're the ones calling her in - don't they have to review documents with her before she gets on the stand?

I did find some of the questions odd which were posed to her about travel policies, per diem limits, etc. She's an IT person - even if she "knew" the answer, she is not the person who sets the policy or enforces it. Not an expert in that area at all.
I want to go back and look at the case history because I am confident that they did find ALOT of emails from AS'S computer. I also am having trouble with her not being a suspect from day 1. I think this might be a tactic to make the lawyers from her case think they do not have to work as hard.

I might believe they overlooked her until Hemy was located but after that there is no way she could have been overlooked.

I am calling BS on the content of this article . I just do not believe it.

Why would they try to search they house the night Rusty was murdered if she wasnt being investigated? They went in with a warrent the next day.

From what I read (several sources), they wanted to search her home and she, her parents, and her brother resisted that. Apparently her brother-in-law, Steve (Hemy's older brother) intervened and tried to negotiate with them to cooperate with police. He stated her brother in particular erased a lot of things from her computer.

I am thinking that perhaps they didn't tag her as a suspect right away it might not be that they overlooked her at all. But they might have waited, figuring that in being called as a witness, she would out herself during questioning, and that is exactly what she did. The old adage: Giver her enough rope to hang herself rings true here.

So that would be good strategy. You figure they might have thought she would not be a danger to the community if not arrested, she would have more time to make slip-ups and exhibit the arrogant, combative and lying demeanor we have seen, and finally during the trial they would have a permanent record right on camera that they could use in a future indictment. That's MO.
I have been watching this trial since it started and with the recent witnesses I do not see how either of these people will walk. As a matter of fact I would question her sanity. Her behaviour in court has been strange to say the least and it is obvious at least to me that she is perjuring herself everytime she opens her mouth. jmo

Just the fact that she would allow her lover to murder her husband at the day care, where not only their two children were, but where many other children were as well, tells me she's either crazy or dumb and uncaring. I might be leaning towards uncaring because she was not required to take all those trips, and it seemed she put a lot of day to day of the responsibility of the children on to Rusty, even when she was at home.

Also, to act as she did in a court of law completely floored me!! She was so arrogant, disrespectful and argumentive I was surprised she wasn't thrown out as soon as she opened her mouth.

I worked for GE (not in GA) for many years and it was one of the nicest places I have ever worked, Of course there was the politics, et al, but not as bad as some places. GE was very good to us, and all of us in my unit were very dedicated to GE. However, as far as romances between co-workers being prohibited is really funny. It happened all the time.

Yesterday, the forensic investigator from GE said emails are purged from the system and not recoverable after 30 days IF they have been deleted from the users' inbox. If they are still in the inbox, they remain. I found this insane for such a large company. I would assume they would have some system to go back into their process to recover them. So even though LE has many of the emails, it's likely the ones with any evidence pointing towards an affair would have been deleted (no way I'd keep them in my inbox if I was having an affair!).

Regarding the issue of the witness not bringing her notes/records, I would have thought the attorneys would have had them! I felt like she was going to say that, but stopped. They're the ones calling her in - don't they have to review documents with her before she gets on the stand?

I did find some of the questions odd which were posed to her about travel policies, per diem limits, etc. She's an IT person - even if she "knew" the answer, she is not the person who sets the policy or enforces it. Not an expert in that area at all.

I wholeheartedly agree with you. But even if e-mails are deleted and not retained in a company system, LE forensics can retrieve any and all communications off of hard drives. It's almost impossible to get rid of them entirely. There are whole units of LE whose only job is to do this. That made me wonder what was the purpose of that line of questioning when of course prosecutors and LE knows this.

What's puzzling is G.E. seemed to have an overabundance of security EXCEPT in this area. It makes me wonder......and yes the questions posed to the IT expert about travel seemed strange, even stranger is that she seemed to recollect by memory each and every trip and expense they incurred while allegedly forgetting similar specific information about e-mails and failing to bring along hard copy that would refresh her memory. Yes, you're right....why didn't prosecutors (or DT) have the hard copies, too? They had those of everything else. It makes it seem very odd, even deliberate, IMO.

I still sense that G.E. may be covering their own backs. If you consider how many people KNEW this affair was going on and nobody did anything, told anyone, reported it to anyone - it seems in a company that large that doesn't make sense.

Hypothetical: I am a member of RS' family and I decide to sue G.E. My grounds are that they had a strict policy against affairs between co-workers. There must be somebody in the organization that enforces this and all employee policies. Usually employees are given at least verbal and/or written warnings which are retained in their files. So there would be a paper trail.

Assuming people knew but did not tell, I'd target those individuals up to and including HN's supervisor and other corporate personnel for failure to implement their policies, resulting in several months of this affair and the eventual fallout, which was RS' death. Yes, I would call them to account.

So I wonder if some deal was not made behind the scenes to limit the questioning in this sphere as pertained to the G.E. employees, his and her co-workers. I did not hear ONE specific question of one witness whether he or she ever suspected or knew of their affair. I do recall testimony that HN himself revealed it to one or more people but I can't recall what, if anything they did about it and I would ask WHY DIDN'T YOU REPORT IT?
In order for AS to be convicted for Murder (and will it be first or second degree?), and/or conspiracy to commit murder, they are going to have to present evidence that proves intent and collaboration of the murder beyond a reasonable doubt. So far I have not heard, seen or read any theories about how she may have done these things. We know about the clandestine affair, we know she was dangling him along, we know she knew RS was shot before she got to the hospital, that she seemed un-emotional, she continued contact with HN, retrieved her computer, etc. But those are peripheral to hard evidence that she was actually involved.

So they must have evidence we have not heard about yet. What is anyone's theory (here) about what went down? What evidence do you think they may have that will be specific and compelling enough to win a guilty verdict?
In order for AS to be convicted for Murder (and will it be first or second degree?), and/or conspiracy to commit murder, they are going to have to present evidence that proves intent and collaboration of the murder beyond a reasonable doubt. So far I have not heard, seen or read any theories about how she may have done these things. We know about the clandestine affair, we know she was dangling him along, we know she knew RS was shot before she got to the hospital, that she seemed un-emotional, she continued contact with HN, retrieved her computer, etc. But those are peripheral to hard evidence that she was actually involved.

So they must have evidence we have not heard about yet. What is anyone's theory (here) about what went down? What evidence do you think they may have that will be specific and compelling enough to win a guilty verdict?

Emails, plus people that Hemy confided certain details to that will testify and that Hemy will confirm?? Is that hearsay? Admissible?
Not only that, atthelake, didn't she also leave her kids at the day care center, knowing her husband had just been shot there? Who does that? :what:

Rusty only dropped off Ian that morning. Dunwoody dare care had kids aged infant to 5 yrs. Maybe the daughter was in school?

If my husband was injured and/or shot/ dead, and I was on my way to the hospital, I would leave my kids where they would be looked after while I rushed to the hospital. Hospitals are no places for kids. Especially in times of crisis and death. And, she had her mother with her so what was she going to do, take Ian out of day care for RUSTY'S parents to watch (after she just had him killed). What GONADS that would take!!!! JMO

Rusty only dropped off Ian that morning. Dunwoody dare care had kids aged infant to 5 yrs. Maybe the daughter was in school?

If my husband was injured and/or shot/ dead, and I was on my way to the hospital, I would leave my kids where they would be looked after while I rushed to the hospital. Hospitals are no places for kids. Especially in times of crisis and death. And, she had her mother with her so what was she going to do, take Ian out of day care for RUSTY'S parents to watch (after she just had him killed). What GONADS that would take!!!! JMO


I would have taken my child/children away from a crime scene immediatlely for the killer might come back and start shooting again. But since she KNEW who the killer was, she left them at school! More proof she is dumb and this wasn't completely thought out.

Prayers for Rusty's family and his children. I wish the two evil "people" that did this would get the Death Penalty, but we'll have to settle for LWOP!
I would have taken my child/children away from a crime scene immediatlely for the killer might come back and start shooting again. But since she KNEW who the killer was, she left them at school! More proof she is dumb and this wasn't completely thought out.

Prayers for Rusty's family and his children. I wish the two evil "people" that did this would get the Death Penalty, but we'll have to settle for LWOP!

I wonder how many parents of students at this school, on hearing of a homicide in the school's parking lot, rushed over and took their own children out of school for the remainder of the day. I probably would have! It would be interesting to hear some statistics on how many other parents did not feel assured their children would be safe there until they knew more about what was going on. :what:
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