GUILTY GA - Rusty Sneiderman shot to death at Dunwoody preschool, 18 Nov 2010 #1

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I don't understand your reasoning.
The defense claimed he has "mental" issues.
Not the prosecution.

They claim he's bi-polar, with extreme ups and downs.
That does not mean he did not know what was going on between Andrea and him.
He was not claiming schizophrenia, that's a whole different beast.

We'll just have to wait and see what the prosecution has against her.

All I know so far is that she lied on the stand about having an affair with Hemy, (if proven that will get her some prison time) and she told 2 or 3 people that Rusty was shot before she got to the hospital.
She was not suppose to know that.

ETA, the prosecution might not even have to call Hemy to testify, they might have other hard evidence. At this point we just don't know.

He was not truly insane, just manipulated by a woman plus the bi-polar. He was conscious of what he did (shot Rusty) was bad, he went thru all that w/ the rental car, covering his tracks, etc. IMO a truly insane person would not bother to cover their tracks. Cos they are insane!

Hopefully Hemy has gotten his head on straight w/ meds and therapy since he's been locked up.

UGH watching the bond hearing, HATE that smug smile on Andrea when Judge said he WILL set bond. Dang I was hoping the little so-and-so would remained jailed. Did they freeze all her assets or just the $2mil? Cos she had nearly a million dollars in their joint checking accts, is that frozen too?


I don't understand your reasoning.
The defense claimed he has "mental" issues.
Not the prosecution.

They claim he's bi-polar, with extreme ups and downs.
That does not mean he did not know what was going on between Andrea and him.
He was not claiming schizophrenia, that's a whole different beast.

We'll just have to wait and see what the prosecution has against her.

All I know so far is that she lied on the stand about having an affair with Hemy, (if proven that will get her some prison time) and she told 2 or 3 people that Rusty was shot before she got to the hospital.
She was not suppose to know that.

ETA, the prosecution might not even have to call Hemy to testify, they might have other hard evidence. At this point we just don't know.

I think if they are smart they don't call him. He's a liability. Who knows if he still holds some crazy allegiance to Andrea. If they are able to prove she gave him Rusty's schedule plus substantiate the affair via recovered emails, that and her own testimony a Hemy's trial will put the nail in her coffin. I am sure computer forensics has turned up some juicy little bits.
All I know so far is that she lied on the stand about having an affair with Hemy, (if proven that will get her some prison time)

I have a hard time seeing her do one day in jail. If you listen to Hemy's lawyer's they already are providing her a get out of jail free card.

She did not pull the trigger, Mary Winkler did and got off scott free, I really doubt they can get anything beyond probation at best for her. Now if they had her cell phone records and text messages preserved from that mornining and days beforehand, she probably would be convicted, assuming that they point to her knowledge or planning. This is a huge IF and since they do not exist, she will walk IMHO
I recently started following this case and was blown away by AS' fake histrionics, the melt-down "crying" with no tears, accompanying gestures or mucous, etc. I would like to share my perspective, agree or disagree welcome.

I have no idea but surmise she married Rusty for his money in the first place. He looks like he may have been a little immature. We see how commanding, smug and manipulative she is and I'd guess she was the same way in their marriage. She's an average-looking if not dowdy woman. She bragged about their choosing to live "frugally" ("we ate a lot of peanut butter ... so we could save money"). I can imagine their lives were their careers, money, nitpicking one another, trying to be "successful", and her hectoring him a lot. They have 2 children but I don't get the impression that she could have been very maternal. I can very well imagine her coming home after a "hard day at the office" (!!! trips out of town screwing around and how hard could her job have been !!!???) and browbeating her husband that he didn't cook dinner, etc.

I see a scenario where HN was attracted to her and she led him on and liked the attention and the "romance", enjoyed *****ing about her husband and her terrible dilemma and having no intention of changing anything, and why should she? Now she has 2 men to do her bidding. She can stay in her big house and nag her husband, he can take care of the kids, and she can play Cinderella with the trips and the attention and the thrill of thinking she is so desirable. She definitely played dangle and snatch with HN, like so many other women in history who have been seductive with men and then kept them at arms length. I think she did that because it made her feel powerful.

IMO she is not intelligent in a perceptive way to recognize HN was becoming obsessed with her - or, she knew it but didn't care. She just wanted things to continue on having her family but also the thrill of a man "in love" with her, and at some point she decided to withold the sex but still put out signals that she wanted to "be" with him in whatever kind of relationship would fit her own needs and agenda.

I am trying to figure out a scenario where she deliberately led him on in order to push him into snapping and murdering Rusty, the motive being that she would get the insurance money, HN would be arrested and she would be free of the whole deal coming out as the grieving widow. But it seems to make more sense that she just could no longer control HN and started fearing that the affair would get back to Rusty so she started backing off, HN wasn't going to give up, and he just up and decided if he could kill Rusty he could eventually win her, because, IMO although she told him she was never going to leave her husband, I don't recall her having told him that she LOVED her he felt he could eventually win her love.

But when the deed was done, she knew he did it and wanted to cover her own A$$ so she wanted that computer and lied about the affair. If she had come forward and admitted to the affair and showed remorse about that, and turned over all of the evidence of it, I don't think she would have been suspected of conspiring the murder, because I haven't seen or heard any evidence of a specific conspiracy.

Those are just my thoughts. She is indeed a despicable person and her arrogance and combativeness are disgusting. In no way does she indicate she ever loved her husband or personally cared that he died, or misses him, or anything - except to sit there and fiddle with her wedding ring while the cameras are on her. I'd like to see her father in law rip that ring off her finger.

Just my thoughts.

And can somebody PLEASE explain to me why men are attracted to these skanky, dowdy, manipulative, boring, women, all of whom seem to have arrogant egotistical personalities and voices that grate on the nerves? Thanks.
Bet Daddy already has the cashier's check in hand.

Some of these details are new to me. I didn't know that Shayna had asked to testify. That really says a lot. Andrea is pure evil. Hemy too.

RIP Rusty, you did not deserve what these evil people did to you.

Wow, her testimony is so telling. Some takeaways I had................first, when she says she got a call from the daycare and they said she needed to come there, there had been an accident. She says she can't remember if they said anything about Rusty, but they said Ian was OK. But she presumes something is wrong with Rusty. So she gets into her vehicle (why does she always call it a vehicle, don't most people just call it a car?) and then makes a series of phone calls, to Rusty's parents, to Hemy, to her parents. This does not make sense to me. If I put myself in her shoes and I am thinking something has happened to my husband but I don't know what, I would NOT call my husband's parents until I knew what was wrong. For all I know, he has fallen and broken an arm or something, I certainly wouldn't jump to thinking it was catastrophic. I would not want to worry his parents until I knew what we were dealing with. Also, if I did pick up from the initial phone call that it might be something really bad, I probably would be so rattled that someone would need to drive me.

Anyway, just my random observations.......

I'm impressed iwth her stupidity too. She doesn't seem very smart for someone who had the kind of job she did. Her attitude is that of a rich, spoiled princess and how dare anyone question her


Sure doesn't look like a princess!!!!

I recently started following this case and was blown away by AS' fake histrionics, the melt-down "crying" with no tears, accompanying gestures or mucous, etc. I would like to share my perspective, agree or disagree welcome.

I have no idea but surmise she married Rusty for his money in the first place. He looks like he may have been a little immature. We see how commanding, smug and manipulative she is and I'd guess she was the same way in their marriage. She's an average-looking if not dowdy woman. She bragged about their choosing to live "frugally" ("we ate a lot of peanut butter ... so we could save money"). I can imagine their lives were their careers, money, nitpicking one another, trying to be "successful", and her hectoring him a lot. They have 2 children but I don't get the impression that she could have been very maternal. I can very well imagine her coming home after a "hard day at the office" (!!! trips out of town screwing around and how hard could her job have been !!!???) and browbeating her husband that he didn't cook dinner, etc.

I see a scenario where HN was attracted to her and she led him on and liked the attention and the "romance", enjoyed *****ing about her husband and her terrible dilemma and having no intention of changing anything, and why should she? Now she has 2 men to do her bidding. She can stay in her big house and nag her husband, he can take care of the kids, and she can play Cinderella with the trips and the attention and the thrill of thinking she is so desirable. She definitely played dangle and snatch with HN, like so many other women in history who have been seductive with men and then kept them at arms length. I think she did that because it made her feel powerful.

IMO she is not intelligent in a perceptive way to recognize HN was becoming obsessed with her - or, she knew it but didn't care. She just wanted things to continue on having her family but also the thrill of a man "in love" with her, and at some point she decided to withold the sex but still put out signals that she wanted to "be" with him in whatever kind of relationship would fit her own needs and agenda.

I am trying to figure out a scenario where she deliberately led him on in order to push him into snapping and murdering Rusty, the motive being that she would get the insurance money, HN would be arrested and she would be free of the whole deal coming out as the grieving widow. But it seems to make more sense that she just could no longer control HN and started fearing that the affair would get back to Rusty so she started backing off, HN wasn't going to give up, and he just up and decided if he could kill Rusty he could eventually win her, because, IMO although she told him she was never going to leave her husband, I don't recall her having told him that she LOVED her he felt he could eventually win her love.

But when the deed was done, she knew he did it and wanted to cover her own A$$ so she wanted that computer and lied about the affair. If she had come forward and admitted to the affair and showed remorse about that, and turned over all of the evidence of it, I don't think she would have been suspected of conspiring the murder, because I haven't seen or heard any evidence of a specific conspiracy.

Those are just my thoughts. She is indeed a despicable person and her arrogance and combativeness are disgusting. In no way does she indicate she ever loved her husband or personally cared that he died, or misses him, or anything - except to sit there and fiddle with her wedding ring while the cameras are on her. I'd like to see her father in law rip that ring off her finger.

Just my thoughts.

And can somebody PLEASE explain to me why men are attracted to these skanky, dowdy, manipulative, boring, women, all of whom seem to have arrogant egotistical personalities and voices that grate on the nerves? Thanks.

You know, I tend to agree with most of what you have posted. I think my extreme dislike for her sometimes leads me down a path of guilty "just because."

I haven't watched much of the IS replay today, but did catch HN's attorneys talking to the host and they even said they don't think she was involved with the murder at all (explaining that HN went back to Dasilva, the gun guy, and was trying to get him to lie if police came to him, but the defense attys said no, he was more concerned about hiding it from AS!). IMO, they have no reason to protect AS either. I had to rewind it 2x to make sure I heard them correctly.

The one thing that has always stood out to me as peculiar is the fact she is so angry and disdainful on the witness stand. That is not an act. Like she is so mad this man (HN) has done this and upset her life (note I did not make any note of emotion regarding her grief over RS' death because I see none).

In the grand jury indictment, they state there is proof of AS providing HN with RS' schedule and a map of the common walking area behind their home. I'll have to see it to believe it. I think the fact she has (obviously - to me) lied about her relationship with Hemy makes her suspicious - but of what.

With all this said, however, I still don't understand the details of January 4th (the day HN was arrested and earlier in the day AS spoke to LE about the people she thought could be responsible). It appears she was trying to protect HN, but why if she had nothing to do with it?

I have advice for AS and her family (one of whom at least should be reading these boards). If AS is truly innocent of conspiring with HN to kill RS, the ONLY way she will be considered believable is if she takes the witness stand, acknowledges she was having a very rough patch in her marriage, liked the attention from HN, it lead to a relationship in which she is very ashamed to admit became physical and emotional, and she was so guilty and disgusted with herself and knew she would disappoint her family and RS's family if she admitted to the affair. As a result, she stuck to her "story" and became angry when confronted with information that showed she was not being truthful. Although she and RS were having a rough patch, they were in it for the long haul and she truly loved him and is so ashamed of her involvement with HN. SHe wishes nothing but the ability to atone for her sins and to honor RS by being a good mother to his children. Amen!
Hmmmm.... 500K, surrender passports, no contact with witnesses, must live with her parents, house arrest and ankle bracelet.

I swear I wanted to just slap that smirk off her face as the judge read bond and conditions. Dang I really wanted her to sit on her princess a$$ in the slammer.

You know, I tend to agree with most of what you have posted. I think my extreme dislike for her sometimes leads me down a path of guilty "just because."

I haven't watched much of the IS replay today, but did catch HN's attorneys talking to the host and they even said they don't think she was involved with the murder at all (explaining that HN went back to Dasilva, the gun guy, and was trying to get him to lie if police came to him, but the defense attys said no, he was more concerned about hiding it from AS!). IMO, they have no reason to protect AS either. I had to rewind it 2x to make sure I heard them correctly.

The one thing that has always stood out to me as peculiar is the fact she is so angry and disdainful on the witness stand. That is not an act. Like she is so mad this man (HN) has done this and upset her life (note I did not make any note of emotion regarding her grief over RS' death because I see none).

In the grand jury indictment, they state there is proof of AS providing HN with RS' schedule and a map of the common walking area behind their home. I'll have to see it to believe it. I think the fact she has (obviously - to me) lied about her relationship with Hemy makes her suspicious - but of what.

With all this said, however, I still don't understand the details of January 4th (the day HN was arrested and earlier in the day AS spoke to LE about the people she thought could be responsible). It appears she was trying to protect HN, but why if she had nothing to do with it?

I have advice for AS and her family (one of whom at least should be reading these boards). If AS is truly innocent of conspiring with HN to kill RS, the ONLY way she will be considered believable is if she takes the witness stand, acknowledges she was having a very rough patch in her marriage, liked the attention from HN, it lead to a relationship in which she is very ashamed to admit became physical and emotional, and she was so guilty and disgusted with herself and knew she would disappoint her family and RS's family if she admitted to the affair. As a result, she stuck to her "story" and became angry when confronted with information that showed she was not being truthful. Although she and RS were having a rough patch, they were in it for the long haul and she truly loved him and is so ashamed of her involvement with HN. SHe wishes nothing but the ability to atone for her sins and to honor RS by being a good mother to his children. Amen!

ITA. Except I don't think she felt remorse or embarassment, or shame over what she had done once she started sleeping with Hemy. I have known women who perceived themselves to be "God's Gift To Men", who were every bit as homely (IMO) as Andrea. I don't understand the attraction, either. Maybe men chase women like her thinking she's so homely nobody will ever steal her away.

IMO she led Hemy on, on purpose. She enjoyed the attention and enjoyed torturing the poor guy who obviously was like a love sick puppy- (and she, a *advertiser censored* in heat).

Maybe in Andrea's trial Hemy will take the stand and tell about pillow talk and things Andrea said to encourage him to kill Rusty. Yes he was judged to be mentally ill but I heard Vinnie say a few days ago that he's on meds and is getting therapy and now knows he was duped, etc. So maybe he will sing like a canary on the stand.:please:

ChickenPants, loved your post agree w/ it all.

Great posts chickenpants and brown rice!

For me the biggest question is why did she not go to the police right away.
She suspected Hemy was the killer, yet she danced around that idea.
It seems she went back and forward.
Police asked her straight forward questions, like about the state of her marriage, who does she think could have done this. She gave a bunch of names, she never said: I think Hemy did this, I'm sure of it.
Remember she said she was afraid, so afraid.
Yet she told her friends, why not LE?
The explanation about her being in Florida and being afraid made no sense what so ever.
Hemy was not in the house were she was staying, she could have called, her mom could have called, she could have sent LE an email.

I can say for myself, without doubt, that if my husband was killed and I had an idea who could have done this, I would RUN to the police.

Yes, she might have been ashamed that she had an affair with Hemy.
If it's true she gave Hemy info about the schedule her husband had during the day, it there's PROOF of that, she's is trouble.

For for what's very troubling is the fact that she told her father in law, and 1 or two friends, the morning of the shooting, on her way to the hospital, that Rusty was shot.
No one had told her he was shot.

She said on the stand that when she arrives at the daycare center, she fell out of her car.
Yet, she left without answers what had happened to her husband, and on her way to the hospital she made numerous calls to friends and family members.
Lets not forget, she never ever tried to call Rusty's cell phone.
Why not?
She did not know he was dead.
He could have broken an ankle, remember she was told that there had been an accident.
I know, for myself, the first thing I would have done, is call my husband's cell, without a doubt.
Andrea's reaction to the question of the prosecution why she had not tried to call him, was just weird plain weird.
Anger, that's what I saw.
As if at that moment, that was the first time she had to think about that, surprised, the only way she could handle that question, was with anger.
ITA. Except I don't think she felt remorse or embarassment, or shame over what she had done once she started sleeping with Hemy. I have known women who perceived themselves to be "God's Gift To Men", who were every bit as homely (IMO) as Andrea. I don't understand the attraction, either. Maybe men chase women like her thinking she's so homely nobody will ever steal her away.

IMO she led Hemy on, on purpose. She enjoyed the attention and enjoyed torturing the poor guy who obviously was like a love sick puppy- (and she, a *advertiser censored* in heat).

Maybe in Andrea's trial Hemy will take the stand and tell about pillow talk and things Andrea said to encourage him to kill Rusty. Yes he was judged to be mentally ill but I heard Vinnie say a few days ago that he's on meds and is getting therapy and now knows he was duped, etc. So maybe he will sing like a canary on the stand.:please:

ChickenPants, loved your post agree w/ it all.


Oh, I don't think for a minute she has remorse or guilt. I was just saying she needs to BS her way on the witness stand and ACT like she does.

Oh - and she needs to do a helluva better job of being a grieving widow than she did on the opening day of the first trial!
Great posts chickenpants and brown rice!

For me the biggest question is why did she not go to the police right away.
She suspected Hemy was the killer, yet she danced around that idea.
It seems she went back and forward.
Police asked her straight forward questions, like about the state of her marriage, who does she think could have done this. She gave a bunch of names, she never said: I think Hemy did this, I'm sure of it.
Remember she said she was afraid, so afraid.
Yet she told her friends, why not LE?
The explanation about her being in Florida and being afraid made no sense what so ever.
Hemy was not in the house were she was staying, she could have called, her mom could have called, she could have sent LE an email.

I can say for myself, without doubt, that if my husband was killed and I had an idea who could have done this, I would RUN to the police.

Yes, she might have been ashamed that she had an affair with Hemy.
If it's true she gave Hemy info about the schedule her husband had during the day, it there's PROOF of that, she's is trouble.

For for what's very troubling is the fact that she told her father in law, and 1 or two friends, the morning of the shooting, on her way to the hospital, that Rusty was shot.
No one had told her he was shot.

She said on the stand that when she arrives at the daycare center, she fell out of her car.
Yet, she left without answers what had happened to her husband, and on her way to the hospital she made numerous calls to friends and family members.
Lets not forget, she never ever tried to call Rusty's cell phone.
Why not?
She did not know he was dead.
He could have broken an ankle, remember she was told that there had been an accident.
I know, for myself, the first thing I would have done, is call my husband's cell, without a doubt.
Andrea's reaction to the question of the prosecution why she had not tried to call him, was just weird plain weird.
Anger, that's what I saw.
As if at that moment, that was the first time she had to think about that, surprised, the only way she could handle that question, was with anger.

Ya, those are ALL legitimate questions/concerns that make no sense. Hopefully, if she is guilty, there is compelling evidence to make it easy on the jury. If she is not guilty, she better have a good plan because there are a lot of things that don't look good for her. She needs to do damage control.
I swear I wanted to just slap that smirk off her face as the judge read bond and conditions. Dang I really wanted her to sit on her princess a$$ in the slammer.


I don't blame her for having a big smirk on her face when she heard she was getting bond.
I'm sure it's no picnic being in jail.
Also don't forget who we are dealing with.
A person who wants to be in control. IMO.

I hope she will not try to intimidate potential witnesses.....well maybe I do, because that will land her, the little princess a$$ back in the slammer, and she'll sit there till trial.

"More than 24 hours after being granted bond, Andrea Sneiderman remains in jail.

Judge Gregory A. Adams granted Sneiderman a $500,000 bond after a hearing in Tuesday.

Sneiderman was arrested Aug. 2 after being indicted on murder charges. Her former boss, Hemy Neuman, was convicted earlier this year of shooting and killing Sneiderman's husband, Rusty Sneiderman, outside a Dunwoody day care in November 2010.

Channel 2's Jodie Fleischer learned that as of 6 p.m., Sneiderman had yet to pay the $250,000 in cash the judge ordered she pay as part of her bond. "

yay! "Wednesday, Adams also put in a place a gag order prohibiting attorneys from discussing the Hemy Neuman case or the case against Sneiderman. " We won't have to listen to that attorney outside of court.
I don't blame her for having a big smirk on her face when she heard she was getting bond.
I'm sure it's no picnic being in jail.
Also don't forget who we are dealing with.
A person who wants to be in control. IMO.

I hope she will not try to intimidate potential witnesses.....well maybe I do, because that will land her, the little princess a$$ back in the slammer, and she'll sit there till trial.

When I was watching today, the attorney at her bond hearing mentioned that not only did she intimidate her former friend/witness following the fake hug in front of cameras - outside of the courtroom - but that she had also been prohibited from going into the witness holding area and ignored the admonition to stay out of there. So she WAS purportedly trying to intimidate witnesses at HN's trial. Since she's is ordered to be living with her parents and wearing an ankle bracelet, I wonder who, if anyone, will be monitoring her communications with other people - potential witnesses as you say.

Isn't the judge for the HN case going to also be the judge in her trial? If that is so, perhaps we can count on his upholding his former order that she remain clear of anybody in the courthouse altogether. Maybe he will be watching her closely to see also if she will be trying to make non-verbal communications, locking eyes or such, with witnesses as they are in the courtroom.
When I was watching today, the attorney at her bond hearing mentioned that not only did she intimidate her former friend/witness following the fake hug in front of cameras - outside of the courtroom - but that she had also been prohibited from going into the witness holding area and ignored the admonition to stay out of there. So she WAS purportedly trying to intimidate witnesses at HN's trial. Since she's is ordered to be living with her parents and wearing an ankle bracelet, I wonder who, if anyone, will be monitoring her communications with other people - potential witnesses as you say.

Isn't the judge for the HN case going to also be the judge in her trial? If that is so, perhaps we can count on his upholding his former order that she remain clear of anybody in the courthouse altogether. Maybe he will be watching her closely to see also if she will be trying to make non-verbal communications, locking eyes or such, with witnesses as they are in the courtroom.

It's simple.
That potential witness will contact LE or the prosecutor if she's trying to intimidate him/her.
Plus she can't go anywhere but her lawyers office or the hospital.
No amusement park for her. lol

I think Judge Adams will be the same judge, he's awesome.
I don't think the judge will be watching her. that's not his job, but I'm sure the prosecutor and LE are watching her like a hawk.
I'm also sure her defense team is telling her to stay clear of everyone....or else....
I have it on good authrity that the arraignment, where she pleads, has of today been moved from September to October date that was originally offered, FYI I have not seen yet in the media.....
It's simple.
That potential witness will contact LE or the prosecutor if she's trying to intimidate him/her.
Plus she can't go anywhere but her lawyers office or the hospital.
No amusement park for her. lol

I think Judge Adams will be the same judge, he's awesome.
I don't think the judge will be watching her. that's not his job, but I'm sure the prosecutor and LE are watching her like a hawk.
I'm also sure her defense team is telling her to stay clear of everyone....or else....

I guess Six Flags patrons are safe, then :p

IMO, I kind of wish that she would mess up somehow. I don't like her out of jail, because she could be manipulating another person into doing more dirty work... allegedly! I said allegedly! IMO :moo:
I guess Six Flags patrons are safe, then :p

IMO, I kind of wish that she would mess up somehow. I don't like her out of jail, because she could be manipulating another person into doing more dirty work... allegedly! I said allegedly! IMO :moo:

Well, I think if/when she is released on bond, her parents will be supervising her closely to make sure she is on her best behavior. She's an idiot if she does any of those things and lands back in jail. The restrictions were clear.
I think Judge Adams will be the same judge, he's awesome.....

Since Judge Adams was the judge who kicked her out of court for messing with the witness, does anyone else think her lawyers (especially the "obnoxious one") may ask Judge Adams to recluse himself?
This is a big deal in the HM case and even bigger in her case. If they plan to drag Shayna down and bring some sort of doubt to her testimony...then all they have to say is Don Sneiderman lied about the phone call and that whole issue of the "Knowing before being Told" is negated.
And I am convinced the family friend Joanne Powers "assignment" was to do damage control on the "KISS"
Joanne says AS dad, Herb "Told AS to get up and go give Shayna a kiss or hug" It was never AS's idea at all. All done in the sweetness that is Andrea
And they of course she sees a totally different (in her mind) scene outside the courtroom of AS and Shayna sitting on the bench. AS is holding Shayna hand (probably in a death grip) and explain to her that we simply can't be friends because "I need positive people around me"
I see a lot of damage control being engineered while AS has been stewing about the possiblity of being arrested.
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