GUILTY GA - Rusty Sneiderman shot to death at Dunwoody preschool, 18 Nov 2010 #1

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#AndreaSneiderman is currently being fitted for her ankle monitoring bracelet. She should be released from jail around noon
Here's something I am finding frustrating at the HN trial, and feel free to agree/disagree or expand:

Why haven't either the prosecutors or defense interviewed any co-workers of HN or AS as to any suggestions of intimacies they may have observed between them? It seems like G.E. had strong policies about inter-office relationships, and perhaps nobody wanted to blow the whistle at work. BUT that does not mean that upon subpoena these people could not be asked what they saw/heard or even perceived. For instance, the last witness was a co-workers of Andrea and he traveled extensively in his position. Did he travel alone or bring male or female co-workers with him? Did his supervisor find it necessary to travel all around with him? Were there other co-workers within that department (or other depts.) under HN (or other supervisors) who traveled with their peers, male and female together? If so, did they get adjoining rooms? Did they rack up expensive meals? Did HN take other women with him on trips at any time during his whole tenure at G.E.?

These people interacted with HN and AS every day. I find it hard to believe that NOBODY discerned he singled her out EVEN if there were no obvious intimacies....another thought...he SINGLED HER OUT constantly, it seems, for special attention. SOMEBODY must have seen a glance, a back and forth, overheard something.

Is there any documentation to quantify or qualify the reasons for their frequent business trips....what was the "purpose" of them? She was a quality control manager. So did he accompany her to "manage" her on job sites? Did other supervisors do this with their employees, especially if opposite sex?

I think a more thorough questioning would reveal that theirs was a singular situation and prove again that Andrea was lying when she said there was no affair. Not that I think the jury believes her, but I think it would bolster that. They touched on it a couple of times but what I'd have liked to have seen was prosecutor's questions being like his repeated inquiries about HN: "Did you ever see him appear to hallucinate? Did he look normal? Were his eyes glazed over?" etc.

And I am convinced the family friend Joanne Powers "assignment" was to do damage control on the "KISS"
Joanne says AS dad, Herb "Told AS to get up and go give Shayna a kiss or hug" It was never AS's idea at all. All done in the sweetness that is Andrea
And they of course she sees a totally different (in her mind) scene outside the courtroom of AS and Shayna sitting on the bench. AS is holding Shayna hand (probably in a death grip) and explain to her that we simply can't be friends because "I need positive people around me"
I see a lot of damage control being engineered while AS has been stewing about the possiblity of being arrested.

I like this judge but I am disappointed that he, the judge in the Peterson case, and some other judges don't take better control of their courtrooms. For instance, Peterson locking eyes with people in the gallery, flirting with women and mouthing statements, standing up and making a no-verbal drama putting on his suit coat and tie, or just by his "presence". And here we have Andrea with her hissy fit actually talking back to the judge when she was excused from her testimony and told she could not remain in the courtroom. She was argumentative.

He must have seen AS approach Shayna and hug her, and reportedly when the baliff tried to separate them, she pushed him away and vocally insisted that she was going to accompany her friend out of the door (I don't recall exactly what she said but it was as arrogant as everything else). And how/why was she allowed to go into the witness room? She had to be doing something pretty bad in there for the witnesses to complain they didn't want her in there.

Why are these judges waiting for the attorneys to present oral arguments about these issues. The only thing I can surmise is that they do it to get it on record for purposes of possible appeals. Then again, Andrea didn't help herself with this behavior because it can be used in her trial, along with her arrogant testimony, used against her.

Remember what Judge Belvin Perry did whenever anybody even thought about such activities in his courtroom?
Since Judge Adams was the judge who kicked her out of court for messing with the witness, does anyone else think her lawyers (especially the "obnoxious one") may ask Judge Adams to recluse himself?
This is a big deal in the HM case and even bigger in her case. If they plan to drag Shayna down and bring some sort of doubt to her testimony...then all they have to say is Don Sneiderman lied about the phone call and that whole issue of the "Knowing before being Told" is negated.

Testimony also from a GE coworker that was actually played on IS today is that Andrea called or texted him saying I am leaving the office as Rusty has been shot. The attorney clarified with the witness that she said I am leaving, not that she had left in the past. I would assume that the prosecution at least has those phone records.
Snipped from (earlier) Brown Rice:

In the grand jury indictment, they state there is proof of AS providing HN with RS' schedule and a map of the common walking area behind their home. I'll have to see it to believe it. I think the fact she has (obviously - to me) lied about her relationship with Hemy makes her suspicious - but of what.

With all this said, however, I still don't understand the details of January 4th (the day HN was arrested and earlier in the day AS spoke to LE about the people she thought could be responsible). It appears she was trying to protect HN, but why if she had nothing to do with it?

1. I'd like to see that proof in grand jury indictment, too, but even without her instructions (Rusty's routine, etc.) Hemy could have discerned that information just from her reportedly complaining on and on and giving details of her marital life and routines, etc. Didn't she often complain about the routine with the kids and Rusty's supposed responsibilties of picking them up and dropping them off, etc....? All Hemy would have to do is follow Rusty for a couple of days, case out the day care center, note when parents dropped off the children, etc.

2. It appears to me that she was trying to "protect" HN too....logically this would mean to me that she is buying time to get all of her ducks in a row and figuring out ways she can lie her way out of any involvement. In that purported phone call of 40 some seconds what was said? Did he tell her he did it? She had been stringing him along long enough and knew how to play him that I can imagine she said something to the effect of: "just stay calm" or something like that....not showing the "anger" she showed on the witness stand, wanting to get her laptop and erase everything, kind of treating him like a little boy needing soothing after a temper tantrum. AS is all about AS, period. Whatever it took for her to remain cool, put on her grieving widow act, deflect attention away from her involvement with him, that's what I think she was and is doing.
Testimony also from a GE coworker that was actually played on IS today is that Andrea called or texted him saying I am leaving the office as Rusty has been shot. The attorney clarified with the witness that she said I am leaving, not that she had left in the past. I would assume that the prosecution at least has those phone records.

I'll bet they have all the phone records (receipts and etc.) of EVERYTHING; what a shame they don't have phone recordings.

I wonder why the forensic records expert did not bring hard copies of materials to the witness stand so as to give more specificity? Even the defense questioned her on that. It seems as if in her job she would know to prepare herself to be a witness by bringing whatever was available. Unless she purposefully did not because there was something she (or G.E.) did NOT want revealed in court? IDK

What with testified to as very strict policies against personal intimate relationships between co-workers, etc., it seems like somebody might have dropped the ball. Again, I believe more than one somebody noticed this relationship and did not report it, perhaps because they felt they might lose their own job.
I don't understand your reasoning.
The defense claimed he has "mental" issues.
Not the prosecution.

They claim he's bi-polar, with extreme ups and downs.
That does not mean he did not know what was going on between Andrea and him.
He was not claiming schizophrenia, that's a whole different beast.

We'll just have to wait and see what the prosecution has against her.

All I know so far is that she lied on the stand about having an affair with Hemy, (if proven that will get her some prison time) and she told 2 or 3 people that Rusty was shot before she got to the hospital.
She was not suppose to know that.

ETA, the prosecution might not even have to call Hemy to testify, they might have other hard evidence. At this point we just don't know.
I'm sorry, I was not serious.

He is not "mental" IMO and I do not understand why the jury even considered it.

I really hope that she does not get away scott free!

She is whining about her "kids"... if she hadn't had
a part in killing their father
she wouldn't have to worry...
IMO her kids do not need to be around her.
I know they have frozen most if not all of her money, but :banghead:
I do worry about the $ the family has.

:maddening: I will just wait for Sept. or Oct. or however long she succeeds in delaying her trial.
Here's the article cited:

You go, girl! God Bless You!

I wish she had been subpoenaed to testify so that she could have stated that he was a liar and a "faker" as related to his insanity defense. I would have liked to hear her say that on the stand with him sitting there glassy-eyed, as we see.

Oh I hope the prosecution calls her in AS's case if there is any way she could detail the deviousness of the the defendant and how it affected her husband. Or soon to be ex-husband.

Loved her description about marrying the wrong man!
I don't blame her for having a big smirk on her face when she heard she was getting bond.
I'm sure it's no picnic being in jail.
Also don't forget who we are dealing with.
A person who wants to be in control. IMO.

I hope she will not try to intimidate potential witnesses.....well maybe I do, because that will land her, the little princess a$$ back in the slammer, and she'll sit there till trial.

Yes, jail is unpleasant, it's supposed to be. I am sure getting shot multiple times and killed by your wife's lover is pretty unpleasant, too.

I have NO sympathy for her, I only wish the Judge had kept her in jail, especially in light of what she did in the courtroom that day when she was going in the witness room and intimidating folks. Who the hell does she think she is? I feel sorry for her parents... now trapped in their own home with this real nasty piece of work. You really think she won't sneak back to her own home to get clothing, etc? I bet she does and is never caught doing it. Hopefully, every trip she makes to her atty's office or hospital (they should have included shrink appointments, she needs them 3 x a week IMO) will require she schedule it in advance w/ the ankle monitoring people. No other stops!!! And no atty appointments like FCA had w/ Baez, either. (Six hours a day Mon thru Fri)

(Oh did you see Baez is now the atty for the Colorado movie theater shooting victims? Gads! Why do people hire this dude, I wonder?????)

Lastly, RIGHT ON to Hemy's soon to be ex-wife.:rocker: Hope she finds herself "the right guy" and doesn't have to work her fingers to the bone keeping down 3 jobs! I wish her peace of mind and clear thinking as she gets through the first year of having to do it 'all.'

All :moo:, all the time.

I briefly watched the IS trial today and had a thought that HN resembles his attorney quite a bit.

When the camera pans to HN he always has the same expression on his face - just studying the court and witnesses, but nothing really else. I never see happiness, sadness, grief, remorse, interest, anything. He does look like a kind man though and I am wonder if he does regret what he did (if only because the rest of his life is going to be quite unpleasant).
I briefly watched the IS trial today and had a thought that HN resembles his attorney quite a bit.

When the camera pans to HN he always has the same expression on his face - just studying the court and witnesses, but nothing really else. I never see happiness, sadness, grief, remorse, interest, anything. He does look like a kind man though and I am wonder if he does regret what he did (if only because the rest of his life is going to be quite unpleasant).

I googled Ariela Sneiderman and there are a lot of articles about what she had to say regarding her ex-husband and his "insanity". In one, she said that she had spent (over 22) years helping him to build his life/family and AS destroyed it "in one second". She poo-poohed the insanity defense especially after the verdict (guilty but insane) saying he was a "faker" and was "never insane", just wanted to get his own way....that he was making the whole thing up.

So much for the nice guy theory. Appearances deceiving. There was an excellent article on Rusty Sneiderman's family discussing what they learned when in the case and they still need closure and are hoping to get answers from the AS trial. Apparently her father in law suspected her but wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt...UNTIL he heard her testimony that she learned Rusty was shot when she went to the hospital. We know now that she called him and told him Rusty had been shot, then went to the day care, back home, and then to the hospital.


I want to see her totally outed and punished accordingly.
Yes, jail is unpleasant, it's supposed to be. I am sure getting shot multiple times and killed by your wife's lover is pretty unpleasant, too.

I have NO sympathy for her, I only wish the Judge had kept her in jail, especially in light of what she did in the courtroom that day when she was going in the witness room and intimidating folks. Who the hell does she think she is? I feel sorry for her parents... now trapped in their own home with this real nasty piece of work. You really think she won't sneak back to her own home to get clothing, etc? I bet she does and is never caught doing it. Hopefully, every trip she makes to her atty's office or hospital (they should have included shrink appointments, she needs them 3 x a week IMO) will require she schedule it in advance w/ the ankle monitoring people. No other stops!!! And no atty appointments like FCA had w/ Baez, either. (Six hours a day Mon thru Fri)

(Oh did you see Baez is now the atty for the Colorado movie theater shooting victims? Gads! Why do people hire this dude, I wonder?????)

Lastly, RIGHT ON to Hemy's soon to be ex-wife.:rocker: Hope she finds herself "the right guy" and doesn't have to work her fingers to the bone keeping down 3 jobs! I wish her peace of mind and clear thinking as she gets through the first year of having to do it 'all.'

All :moo:, all the time.


It was so sad to read that after HN was arrested, G.E. called his wife to announce they had fired him. She lost all of that income. I wonder where was the G.E. "community" or her own family and friends - persons of her faith, etc., to help her out during this devastating time? I am sure she suffered A LOT, including personal humiliation of her husband's affair, having to explain this to their children, etc. Do we think Andrea ever gave one single thought to this woman and her family when she was playing HN like a violin?
I'll bet they have all the phone records (receipts and etc.) of EVERYTHING; what a shame they don't have phone recordings.

What with testified to as very strict policies against personal intimate relationships between co-workers, etc., it seems like somebody might have dropped the ball. Again, I believe more than one somebody noticed this relationship and did not report it, perhaps because they felt they might lose their own job.

Snipped by me. I go to a dentist around the corner from GE. Last year, at my cleaning, I mentioned that I was very interested in this case (Pre Andrea arrest). The hygienist told me that many of their patients work at GE headquarters and that they had told her the affair was common knowledge in the office. They didn't bother to hide their closeness and were rather indiscreet. I often wondered why some of those folks, if this is true, weren't called as witnesses. Perhaps the DA didnt feel they would signicantly bolster the evidence already presented (hotel employees, bartender, etc.). This is hearsay and just my musings. JMHO
Andrea will walk...

HN's jury secured that for her.
His "mental" issue will win her case.

So sad for Rusty!

I so badly hope you are wrong about AS walking.

But I think there should be an island (how about Alcatraz??) where FCA, Drew (if he gets off), and AS (if she gets off) should be put there to live out their lives.
Throw em all in there and let God sort them out.

All 3 are a danger to society.

:moo: etc

Snipped by me. I go to a dentist around the corner from GE. Last year, at my cleaning, I mentioned that I was very interested in this case (Pre Andrea arrest). The hygienist told me that many of their patients work at GE headquarters and that they had told her the affair was common knowledge in the office. They didn't bother to hide their closeness and were rather indiscreet. I often wondered why some of those folks, if this is true, weren't called as witnesses. Perhaps the DA didnt feel they would signicantly bolster the evidence already presented (hotel employees, bartender, etc.). This is hearsay and just my musings. JMHO

Wow. Hope they parade them all through AS's trial!

I googled Ariela Sneiderman and there are a lot of articles about what she had to say regarding her ex-husband and his "insanity". In one, she said that she had spent (over 22) years helping him to build his life/family and AS destroyed it "in one second". She poo-poohed the insanity defense especially after the verdict (guilty but insane) saying he was a "faker" and was "never insane", just wanted to get his own way....that he was making the whole thing up.

So much for the nice guy theory. Appearances deceiving. There was an excellent article on Rusty Sneiderman's family discussing what they learned when in the case and they still need closure and are hoping to get answers from the AS trial. Apparently her father in law suspected her but wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt...UNTIL he heard her testimony that she learned Rusty was shot when she went to the hospital. We know now that she called him and told him Rusty had been shot, then went to the day care, back home, and then to the hospital.


I want to see her totally outed and punished accordingly.


I think you mean Ariela Neuman.

I want to see AS punished severely.

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