GA - Secoriea Turner, 8, fatally shot, Atlanta, 4 July 2020 *arrest*

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Sorry to hear MichelleBlue, that you were called a low life. These armed individuals may or may not have been associated with the protesters; still not a good reason for name calling.

IMO I'm not bothered by it. People don't want to see the truth when it is literally in front of their faces. Atlanta's mayor and police chief clearly acknowledged at the first press conference that this group of armed individuals had put up barriers and were preventing people from entering the area.
Isn't that odd? .......
Nothing from CBS, NBC, ABC?

Morning Shotgun, and all!

I don't know what the others have reported because I don't watch any of those other channels nor read their online sites anymore.

However Fox definitely has had several segments every day all day long covering her case, and also all of the other young children who've been murdered in the past few days.

Fox has covered it extensively every single day. They've been covering all of the cities where the homicide rates are soaring including Atlanta specifically.

Fox have interviewed family members of some of the murdered children. They have also spoken to several citizens who live in these crime ridden cities. Its heartbreaking to hear them speak because they want everyone to pay attention to the thousands of lives being lost every year within the neighborhoods they live in. One said no one even knows the names of all the murdered children who've been killed while playing outside or were killed inside of their home by drive by shooters.

It would be enlightening for all of us if we knew how many innocent children are murdered each year in all of these crime ridden cities.

Would it be more than those who were unarmed, and killed by a white cop each year? I think it's certainly a possibility. That's why all facts matter. Yet for some reason that's never discussed.

If BLM means what it says then doesn't that mean all BLM especially all the lives of innocent children who have been murdered?

If the MSM hasn't covered it much if at all I'm not surprised at all though.

When I was watching them years ago before I stopped altogether they never covered the thousands of homicides just in Chicago even wayback then.

Now the homicide rates, and other violent crimes are soaring to levels never seen before or hasn't happened in decades.

Imo, it should be the top leading news story, and should be covered by them all.

If it's not being covered at length by MSM then we have to ask ourselves 'why not?'

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I don't know how anyone can live in an environment like Chicago, not knowing from one day to the next when you leave your home if you, your spouse or child may be the next victim. I guess people somehow manage to adapt and survive in that environment.

The saddest part is that anyone has to adapt to living in a war zone every single day.

I can't even imagine the worry, and dred all of the parents must have continuously who have to endure living in these violent neighborhoods. They can't even protect them inside of their own homes.

I know all of the good people living there wish more than anything they could move where they would be much safer.

Its heartbreaking that anyone has to endure such violence on a daily basis without ever feeling at ease or peace.

Why most mayors, and governors have refused help from the FBI is mindboggling to me.

It's like they dont care about their citizens who are being terrorized, and the children who are being murdered. If they really cared something would have been done to help them years ago. Yet, it's only grown worse.

Just look at how many more have been killed already all across our country since the thugs know LE is being cutback or is being told to stand down, and do nothing.

Sadly, the outrage and the cries for Justice is real, but are IMO, over-powered and silenced by the criminal powers that be. In Chicago, the gangs and politically corrupt control the outcome. Been there, done that. There is much more "justice" and assistance for the criminal, then there is a voice for the Victim. I would like nothing more than to see the culprits caught and arrested, and locked up for the murder of this little girl. I just see the same lip service given in Atlanta, as I do in Chicago. Sadder yet, the murderers in Atlanta were "protesters" , and that fact is getting swept under the proverbial rug.
Sadly, the outrage and the cries for Justice is real, but are IMO, over-powered and silenced by the criminal powers that be. In Chicago, the gangs and politically corrupt control the outcome. Been there, done that. There is much more "justice" and assistance for the criminal, then there is a voice for the Victim. I would like nothing more than to see the culprits caught and arrested, and locked up for the murder of this little girl. I just see the same lip service given in Atlanta, as I do in Chicago. Sadder yet, the murderers in Atlanta were "protesters" , and that fact is getting swept under the proverbial rug.

I really detest it when these criminal thugs are called protestors.

Protesters peacefully assemble. They do not hold areas of any city hostage nor arm themselves with long guns nor terrorize those who work, and live in these seized areas.

I know I repeat myself, but I truly dont understand why any mayor would allow this to happen, and even worse have supported it.

Like the mayor of Seattle who stupidly said the CHOP zone was a summer of love yet the streets were filled with blood of those who were shot, and wounded or murdered there. Plus all of the sexual assaults, beatings, robberies that was said to have happen ed there. Has she even demanded the criminals be caught, and brought to justice? Imo, some of these officials talk like they are insane.

It's bad enough they have all allowed these violent acts to happen, but just as bad is most dont even say they want these vile creeps caught, and arrested.

I just pray that someone will do the right thing in Secoriea's case. Fgs she was a totally innocent little girl. Someone has got to care about her life being taken from her.

Shotgun, I've been reading for months now about how the FBI has served many SWs, and have done raids concerning many government officials in, and around Chicago. It's about damn time!!!

It should have been done years ago because it's so well known how corruption has run rampant for decades in Chicago without any accountability.

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Sadly, the outrage and the cries for Justice is real, but are IMO, over-powered and silenced by the criminal powers that be. In Chicago, the gangs and politically corrupt control the outcome. Been there, done that. There is much more "justice" and assistance for the criminal, then there is a voice for the Victim. I would like nothing more than to see the culprits caught and arrested, and locked up for the murder of this little girl. I just see the same lip service given in Atlanta, as I do in Chicago. Sadder yet, the murderers in Atlanta were "protesters" , and that fact is getting swept under the proverbial rug.
You are so right shotgun09 our justice system seems corrupt now as it very often favors and rewards the criminals.
Just being curious, but was Atlanta one of the major cities who let many convicted felons out of prison in the beginnings of the Covid-19 pandemic?
I read that Georgia was considering clemency for prisoners who were within 180 days of their release date. They would be released to community supervision. To date, none have been released from Georgia. Each state had their own conditions. Among early releases in one state included persons 55 and over. I remember hearing on the news that one person who was released because of covid 19, was arrested a few days later.
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Criminal George Floyd gets murdered by a cop and his Go-Fund-Me raised 14 million dollars, ,had several memorial services led by Al Sharpton and was buried in a gold casket.

Innocent 8 year old Secoriea Turner gets murdered by a couple of lawless thugs, her Go-Fund-Me stands at $39,000, and not one word from Al Sharpton.
Criminal George Floyd gets murdered by a cop and his Go-Fund-Me raised 14 million dollars, ,had several memorial services led by Al Sharpton and was buried in a gold casket.

Innocent 8 year old Secoriea Turner gets murdered by a couple of lawless thugs, her Go-Fund-Me stands at $39,000, and not one word from Al Sharpton.
I read that Tyler Perry has offered to pay for Secoriea Turner's burial expenses.
Sadly, the outrage and the cries for Justice is real, but are IMO, over-powered and silenced by the criminal powers that be. In Chicago, the gangs and politically corrupt control the outcome. Been there, done that. There is much more "justice" and assistance for the criminal, then there is a voice for the Victim. I would like nothing more than to see the culprits caught and arrested, and locked up for the murder of this little girl. I just see the same lip service given in Atlanta, as I do in Chicago. Sadder yet, the murderers in Atlanta were "protesters" , and that fact is getting swept under the proverbial rug.
I wonder myself if the mindset of these mayors is that it is better to leave these lawless criminals in the neighborhoods where they are because disrupting and dispersing them might mean they would disrupt other parts of the city that are much safer. Along the lines of don't disturb a hornets nest. Just throwing a thought out there.
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Armed protesters ‘removed’ from Wendy’s where Rayshard Brooks was killed

Wow! This article is enlightening. It is from 6/24 & describes how armed protestors were removed from the Wendy's area after several shootings.

Apparently they came back, which I do remember Mayor Bottoms in the 1st pc say she had just gotten word that the armed protestors had returned to the site & then she was informed a short time later about ST's murder.
City Council speaks on death of Secoriea Turner: 'If Black lives matter, they have to matter all the time'

This article is from 7/6 so before the reward was increased & before the video footage of the suspect was released. However, it is reassuring to hear black leaders speaking out about her death. Also of interest is the aerial footage of the scene, as well as the mention of previous complaints by the public of an armed group refusing to let people by.
Local and regional leaders need to speak up and speak out about these tragedies including city councelors, mayors, clergy etc. It puts the criminals on notice and sends a message to young people that this behavior is not normal, is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. I also can't imagine what it must be like to be a teen or young adult today and have to deal with unsafe areas while out and about. Those in leadership roles need to be willing to speak up but also back up what they say with action.
Local and regional leaders need to speak up and speak out about these tragedies including city councelors, mayors, clergy etc. It puts the criminals on notice and sends a message to young people that this behavior is not normal, is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. I also can't imagine what it must be like to be a teen or young adult today and have to deal with unsafe areas while out and about. Those in leadership roles need to be willing to speak up but also back up what they say with action.


All of the leaders everywhere all need to speak up, but they aren't. They had many opportunities to tell the thugs.... violence against anyone will not be tolerated.

Instead they've done the opposite.

I did just see on Fox that the FBI/DOJ is coming into assist LE in Kansas City. This is where a beautiful little 4 year old boy was shot, and killed in June.


All of the leaders everywhere all need to speak up, but they aren't. They had many opportunities to tell the thugs.... violence against anyone will not be tolerated.

Instead they've done the opposite.

I did just see on Fox that the FBI/DOJ is coming into assist LE in Kansas City. This is where a beautiful little 4 year old boy was shot, and killed in June.

I only hear about these senseless, preventable deaths on the main news channels, on this website or what's on Google news, as I did with George Floyd. I stumbled on this (ws) website by accident, I was shocked to read about all the deaths that occur. Such as military people being murdered by others in the military. I don't think it's common to hear about deaths in other states. Like the 4 year old boy your talking about or Elijah McClain of Aurora, CO who died last year after being confronted by police while walking home from a store. Shows like The View and The Talk don't usually discuss them either.
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Criminal George Floyd gets murdered by a cop and his Go-Fund-Me raised 14 million dollars, ,had several memorial services led by Al Sharpton and was buried in a gold casket.

Innocent 8 year old Secoriea Turner gets murdered by a couple of lawless thugs, her Go-Fund-Me stands at $39,000, and not one word from Al Sharpton.
Yeah, makes me feel ill
I only hear about these senseless, preventable deaths on the main news channels, on this website or what's on Google news, as I did with George Floyd. I stumbled on this (ws) website by accident, I was shocked to read about all the deaths that occur. Such as military people being murdered by others in the military. I don't think it's common to hear about deaths in other states. Like the 4 year old boy your talking about or Elijah McClain of Aurora, CO who died last year after being confronted by police while walking home from a store. Shows like The View and The Talk don't usually discuss them either.

I don't ever watch The View. I stopped watching them and any talk show. I found the behaviors on TV replusive, and totally filled with nothing but devivisive, and mean spirited. Most on there are so rude if a guest is not in lockstep with their View. It was obvious to me anyway it was only their view that mattered.

I'm sure in today's toxic climate shows like that are even more appalling.

In fact I stopped watching most all MSM because they aren't journalists reporting the vetted facts, but instead have opinions which aren't anything close to the facts. We have seen how they purposefully mislead their viewers for years now so much that many times the lies they tell have been the news stories themself. That's shameful.

Before I stopped watching I never saw any of the reporters covering all of the violence happening everyday. Not even when countless precious AA children have been murdered, and there have been many through the years.

The only way I'm even aware of their deaths is because I do not watch MSM news, but I go elsewhere where they are covered.

Fox is the only ones I've ever seen who shows the photos of these murdered children consistently. They also have interviews with family members of these dead children.

All of their journalists there are professional, kind, and respectful at all times. They do not interrupt or kill the mic of anyone. They give them a voice so they can share the pain, and helplessness they feel when MSM doesn't even have them on. Just like they refuse to have parents on who are called Angel Moms or parents where they child has been murdered.

Why the MSM seems to have no interest or compassion for all AAs who have had their children murdered I've never understood. The only ones they seem to cover 24/7 is the unarmed AAs who have been killed by a white cop only. We have seen even being unarmed doesn't make the suspect less dangerous. We saw that in Mike Browns death which was ruled justifiable by a grand jury, and the DOJ. That's why facts must be known first. and not after a city is already left in ruins.

Why they do not give others a voice is unexplainable to me unless they just care about the 9 or 10 that were unarmed every year, and do not care about the thousands of other AAs, including many innocent children, that are murdered each year.

Even BLM sends a confusing contradictory message when they only seem to care about a few, but not the overwhelming vast majority of AAs who have been murdered every single year with it even worsening now.


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