GA - Secoriea Turner, 8, fatally shot, Atlanta, 4 July 2020 *arrest*

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IMO, (sadly), even as the National Guard was called in to help protect the citizens of Atlanta, the murderers of Secoriea are still out and roaming free. I know all too well how this works, as I live very near Chicago, and get the repeated daily news on shootings and deaths. There will be no one turning in a cell phone video, or a tip to Crime Stoppers. The gang bangers and their followers know that " Snitches get Stitches". Silence is the word in the city.
I just looked up Chicago. The safest place is near The Loop (where the business district is) ; the further you get from it the more dangerous it is. There are 10 bad neighborhoods listed in Chicago. God help the people who live there.
IMO, (sadly), even as the National Guard was called in to help protect the citizens of Atlanta, the murderers of Secoriea are still out and roaming free. I know all too well how this works, as I live very near Chicago, and get the repeated daily news on shootings and deaths. There will be no one turning in a cell phone video, or a tip to Crime Stoppers. The gang bangers and their followers know that " Snitches get Stitches". Silence is the word in the city.
I just looked up Chicago. The safest place is near The Loop (where the business district is)); the further you get from it the more dangerous it is. There are 10 bad neighborhoods listed in Chicago. God help the people who live there.
I don't ever watch The View. I stopped watching them and any talk show. I found the behaviors on TV replusive, and totally filled with nothing but devivisive, and mean spirited. Most on there are so rude if a guest is not in lockstep with their View. It was obvious to me anyway it was only their view that mattered.

I'm sure in today's toxic climate shows like that are even more appalling.

In fact I stopped watching most all MSM because they aren't journalists reporting the vetted facts, but instead have opinions which aren't anything close to the facts. We have seen how they purposefully mislead their viewers for years now so much that many times the lies they tell have been the news stories themself. That's shameful.

Before I stopped watching I never saw any of the reporters covering all of the violence happening everyday. Not even when countless precious AA children have been murdered, and there have been many through the years.

The only way I'm even aware of their deaths is because I do not watch MSM news, but I go elsewhere where they are covered.

Fox is the only ones I've ever seen who shows the photos of these murdered children consistently. They also have interviews with family members of these dead children.

All of their journalists there are professional, kind, and respectful at all times. They do not interrupt or kill the mic of anyone. They give them a voice so they can share the pain, and helplessness they feel when MSM doesn't even have them on. Just like they refuse to have parents on who are called Angel Moms or parents where they child has been murdered.

Why the MSM seems to have no interest or compassion for all AAs who have had their children murdered I've never understood. The only ones they seem to cover 24/7 is the unarmed AAs who have been killed by a white cop only. We have seen even being unarmed doesn't make the suspect less dangerous. We saw that in Mike Browns death which was ruled justifiable by a grand jury, and the DOJ. That's why facts must be known first. and not after a city is already left in ruins.

Why they do not give others a voice is unexplainable to me unless they just care about the 9 or 10 that were unarmed every year, and do not care about the thousands of other AAs, including many innocent children, that are murdered each year.

Even BLM sends a confusing contradictory message when they only seem to care about a few, but not the overwhelming vast majority of AAs who have been murdered every single year with it even worsening now.

I don't watch The View or The Talk, I find extremely boring. Every once in a while I check in just to see if Megan McCain is still on there, she is articulate and level headed.
IMO, (sadly), even as the National Guard was called in to help protect the citizens of Atlanta, the murderers of Secoriea are still out and roaming free. I know all too well how this works, as I live very near Chicago, and get the repeated daily news on shootings and deaths. There will be no one turning in a cell phone video, or a tip to Crime Stoppers. The gang bangers and their followers know that " Snitches get Stitches". Silence is the word in the city.
I just looked up Chicago. The safest place is near The Loop (where the business district is)); the further you get from it the more dangerous it is. There are 10 bad neighborhoods listed in Chicago. God help the people who live there.
I don't ever watch The View. I stopped watching them and any talk show. I found the behaviors on TV replusive, and totally filled with nothing but devivisive, and mean spirited. Most on there are so rude if a guest is not in lockstep with their View. It was obvious to me anyway it was only their view that mattered.

I'm sure in today's toxic climate shows like that are even more appalling.

In fact I stopped watching most all MSM because they aren't journalists reporting the vetted facts, but instead have opinions which aren't anything close to the facts. We have seen how they purposefully mislead their viewers for years now so much that many times the lies they tell have been the news stories themself. That's shameful.

Before I stopped watching I never saw any of the reporters covering all of the violence happening everyday. Not even when countless precious AA children have been murdered, and there have been many through the years.

The only way I'm even aware of their deaths is because I do not watch MSM news, but I go elsewhere where they are covered.

Fox is the only ones I've ever seen who shows the photos of these murdered children consistently. They also have interviews with family members of these dead children.

All of their journalists there are professional, kind, and respectful at all times. They do not interrupt or kill the mic of anyone. They give them a voice so they can share the pain, and helplessness they feel when MSM doesn't even have them on. Just like they refuse to have parents on who are called Angel Moms or parents where they child has been murdered.

Why the MSM seems to have no interest or compassion for all AAs who have had their children murdered I've never understood. The only ones they seem to cover 24/7 is the unarmed AAs who have been killed by a white cop only. We have seen even being unarmed doesn't make the suspect less dangerous. We saw that in Mike Browns death which was ruled justifiable by a grand jury, and the DOJ. That's why facts must be known first. and not after a city is already left in ruins.

Why they do not give others a voice is unexplainable to me unless they just care about the 9 or 10 that were unarmed every year, and do not care about the thousands of other AAs, including many innocent children, that are murdered each year.

Even BLM sends a confusing contradictory message when they only seem to care about a few, but not the overwhelming vast majority of AAs who have been murdered every single year with it even worsening now.

I don't watch The View or The Talk, I find them extremely boring. Every once in a while I check in just to see if Megan McCain is still on there, she is articulate and level headed.
I just looked up Chicago. The safest place is near The Loop (where the business district is)); the further you get from it the more dangerous it is. There are 10 bad neighborhoods listed in Chicago. God help the people who live there.

I don't watch The View or The Talk, I find extremely boring. Every once in a while I check in just to see if Megan McCain is still on there, she is articulate and level headed.

Tragically, Chicago isn't the only crime ridden city by far.

If we could omit the homicides that have happened in the five top inner cities our overall homicide rate in our entire country would plummet like a rock.

Its heartbreaking that no one seems to care about all of the AAs lives which have been lost, and many more will happen. Those being terrorized in their own neighborhoods knows it is only going to get worse.

Sadly, it's like these local, and state elected officials don't care anything at all about this segment of their citizens as if they are the poor forgotten people, and are expendable. :(

Even BLM don't care about them nor any of the AA leaders. They are never seen in these neighborhoods where most of the homicides are happening to their own people in alarming numbers. They are never there protesting, and demanding the homicides stop.

They can tell us all the names of the ones who were killed by a white cop, but we never hear them saying the names of these murdered children, nor demanding justice for them too.

It shows how utterly hypocritical they all are.

This epidemic has been happening for decades now yet none of the AA organizations nor its leaders have ever given these people a voice.

No one stands up for them or their murdered babies, and children. They never have.

It's just so unbelievably sad how little these officials care, but neither do the AA organization leaders who disingenuously says BLM. Imo.

When I saw the grandfather of one of the murdered children I burst into tears. They want help badly. Like he said they need more police in their communities. He also said without the presence of police their people will suffer even more.

We all know no one likes it better than violent criminals when they know the police are being told to stand down or even be defunded or disbanded altogether.

Imo, that's why violent crimes are soaring. They know there is no one who is going to stop them, and know these elected officials will even make excuses for the inexcusable violence they do.

They all need someone to be the voice for them too, and deserve nothing less.

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Tragically, Chicago isn't the only crime ridden city by far.

If we could omit the homicides that have happened in the five top inner cities our overall homicide rate in our entire country would plummet like a rock.

Its heartbreaking that no one seems to care about all of the AAs lives which have been lost, and many more will happen. Those being terrorized in their own neighborhoods knows it is only going to get worse.

Sadly, it's like these local, and state elected officials don't care anything at all about this segment of their citizens as if they are the poor forgotten people, and are expendable. :(

Even BLM don't care about them nor any of the AA leaders. They are never seen in these neighborhoods where most of the homicides are happening to their own people in alarming numbers. They are never there protesting, and demanding the homicides stop.

They can tell us all the names of the ones who were killed by a white cop, but we never hear them saying the names of these murdered children, nor demanding justice for them too.

It shows how utterly hypocritical they all are.

This epidemic has been happening for decades now yet none of the AA organizations nor its leaders have ever given these people a voice.

No one stands up for them or their murdered babies, and children. They never have.

It's just so unbelievably sad how little these officials care, but neither do the AA organization leaders who disingenuously says BLM. Imo.

When I saw the grandfather of one of the murdered children I burst into tears. They want help badly. Like he said they need more police in their communities. He also said without the presence of police their people will suffer even more.

We all know no one likes it better than violent criminals when they know the police are being told to stand down or even be defunded or disbanded altogether.

Imo, that's why violent crimes are soaring. They know there is no one who is going to stop them, and know these elected officials will even make excuses for the inexcusable violence they do.

They all need someone to be the voice for them too, and deserve nothing less.


Although I get what you are saying, I disagree about AA leaders not caring. I poster a link earlier in the thread where local black leaders were speaking out for ST. The mayor (regardless of what other things she has said/done) is speaking out. This coincides with what I see living in an urban area with a high crime rate with black males making up the majority of the victims of gun violence. Local leaders do speak out & try to put action in place. However, there is a cycle of trauma in poor communities that causes so many obstacles for kids to make the right decisions. Kids often also grow up in a culture of crime. Again, this causes so many obstacles in their way to stay on the right path. Schools, community centers, churches, & yes, police are all trying in the city where I live. Nationally, many black celebrities and politicians are not speaking out. You are right about that. Because they are playing politics and tiptoeing around the subject. Nationally, black people who speak out about community violence have to deal with the backlash unfortunately. It is sad. In the end, I hope justice for Secoriea. IMO
Although I get what you are saying, I disagree about AA leaders not caring. I poster a link earlier in the thread where local black leaders were speaking out for ST. The mayor (regardless of what other things she has said/done) is speaking out. This coincides with what I see living in an urban area with a high crime rate with black males making up the majority of the victims of gun violence. Local leaders do speak out & try to put action in place. However, there is a cycle of trauma in poor communities that causes so many obstacles for kids to make the right decisions. Kids often also grow up in a culture of crime. Again, this causes so many obstacles in their way to stay on the right path. Schools, community centers, churches, & yes, police are all trying in the city where I live. Nationally, many black celebrities and politicians are not speaking out. You are right about that. Because they are playing politics and tiptoeing around the subject. Nationally, black people who speak out about community violence have to deal with the backlash unfortunately. It is sad. In the end, I hope justice for Secoriea. IMO


I do agree with most of what you posted, but Bottoms only spoke out after this precious child was dead. I'm not impressed with Bottoms.

She knew the areas where Secoriea was murdered was already a powder keg where bad things were sure to happen. Bottoms is the typical politician, but she's not dumb.

She allowed these armed people to seize part of her city. Even with the armed thugs, imo, telling those who live, and work in the area they couldn't cross the illegal barriers they had put in place. She allowed racial discrimination when whites were told specifically to stay out by these armed thugs even though it's their neighborhood too.

Imo, being reactive with mere words to the press after murders have already happened...instead of being proactive does no good. Everyone already knew what she allowed them to do was most likely not going to end well.

When the lawless are allowed to rule any area making the rules for what law abiding citizens must adhere to more will lose their lives. Bottoms should have immediately stood by her officers telling them to go do their jobs, and remove the threat from this area. If they were able to do it after an innocent child had already been killed they could have done the same before the shootings began if LE hadn't been hamstrung by the officials.

It's just a repeat of Seattle's mayor. She allowed, and condoned the lawless to rule the city's streets ending in blood shed. Only after great harm had already happened was the CHOP zone disbanded.

The local leaders in these communities you speak off I haven't seen them being given a national voice.

The only ones I've seen given a national platform are organizations like BLM. I've never heard even one from BLM say the main problem that needs to be addressed are the thousands of murders being done far more often by others of their own race. Or that 70 percent of AA children born have no fathers in their home nor have male role models.

I don't see Al Sharpton or Jessie Jackson ever addressing it either. All I see, and hear are always about white cops killing AAs.

Yet, in truth, on average police officers kill around 9 or 10 unarmed AAs each year, and shoot, and kill approximately 25 unarmed whites.

If the local community leaders living in these crime ridden areas aren't being given a national platform for their voices to be heard just as much as BLM, and others we need to ask ourselves 'why not?'

They deserve to be able tell the nation what they are enduring every single day just trying to survive, and praying one of their children isn't murdered.

Imo, this is a national epidemic that has been happening for decades now. As a nation I truly believe we all should care when anyone is murdered especially children. But it seems no one wants to talk about it, and only want to dwell on the tiny minority who are killed by white officers ...even though studies have shown an AA police officer will kill an AA suspect just as quickly.

Ignoring the huge elephant in the room does not help those living in these neighborhoods.

They need to be given a choice where to send their children to school so they can receive a good education.

They need jobs, and before the pandemic, it was promising for so many AAs with the unemployment record at an all time low for them.

I agree, they need help, and hope for a better future. They also need their neighborhoods to be safe. That can only happen when all officials come together to clear the streets of the ones who have held them hostage for way too long.

All of these hotbed areas the elected officials need to ask for the assistance of the FBI gang unit.

At least Kansas City knows they need the assistance of the FBI since homicides have increased by 40 percent.

With all of the soaring violent crimes that are sweeping our nation now the time couldn't be more timely to finally do something about it all.

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The senseless and horrific murder of Secoriea, along with the names and faces of a handful of other murdered children in America was brought to the forefront in a White House Press Briefing this week. Kayleigh Mac (sp) included these children's stories with each of their photos at the close of her briefing. Specifically stating, that none of the major MSM covers these senseless and sad stories, and that perhaps it is time they re-focus some attention to them. IMO, It was quite the statement, very impactful, and sadly....not covered by the press.
The senseless and horrific murder of Secoriea, along with the names and faces of a handful of other murdered children in America was brought to the forefront in a White House Press Briefing this week. Kayleigh Mac (sp) included these children's stories with each of their photos at the close of her briefing. Specifically stating, that none of the major MSM covers these senseless and sad stories, and that perhaps it is time they re-focus some attention to them. IMO, It was quite the statement, very impactful, and sadly....not covered by the press.

Morning, Shotgun!

Ita! She's very good at her job. She's quick to respond to all questions, fully prepared, respectful, articulate, and very intelligent. She's also a lawyer herself.

She asked them why NONE of the MSM asked her one single question about all of the children who have been murdered recently.

She is excellent in showing the MSM biases.

Imo, they don't care about these murdered children. If they truly did they would have asked her plenty of questions about them.

Instead total silence. I sometimes wonder if the MSM even knows how people see right through their hypocrisy. They fool no one except those who don't care either who have the same like biases, and agendas.

Thank goodness for millions of viewers Fox does carry it, and more trust, and watch FNN or when reading their online site.

The other major news networks have lower viewer ratings. Each month FNN comes out on top. People watch news sites based on who they know they can trust the most.

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I just looked up Chicago. The safest place is near The Loop (where the business district is)); the further you get from it the more dangerous it is. There are 10 bad neighborhoods listed in Chicago. God help the people who live there.

I don't watch The View or The Talk, I find extremely boring. Every once in a while I check in just to see if Megan McCain is still on there, she is articulate and level headed.

Is she still there? If so, I honestly don't know how she tolerates the blatant hostilities.

I use to watch the View over a decade ago. I didn't stop watching because it was boring.

I stopped because most were so hostile, and downright crude especially WG and JB, and mean to all of the guests who wasn't in lockstep with their far left leaning ideology.

I'm a woman of peace. I believe in treating people respectfully even if we don't share the same POV.

I do know from time to time what is happening on TV even now because it will make the news or is linked on a SM site.

Every time I do read articles about them it reassures me I made the right call years ago to no longer watch them. Whoopi, and Joy made me feel so uncomfortable by their appalling behaviors.
Lol! But then I never watched shows like the Jerry Springer show either or others like it. From what I've read TV is even worse now than ever.

Neither really are worth my time. Nothing of value was ever learned on TV even when I use to watch it from time to time.

It doesn't take any talent to be rude, crude, vulgar or loudly abrasive. In fact most who have this kind of consistent behavior it's simply who they really are as a person.

Negative rude individuals aren't appealing to me, and never have been. That's probably why I don't watch any liberal news shows anymore either. It was nonstop reeking negativity only.

I think having a consistent day in, and day out negative mindset is very harmful to one's health both physically, and also affects one's emotional mental wellbeing.

The senseless and horrific murder of Secoriea, along with the names and faces of a handful of other murdered children in America was brought to the forefront in a White House Press Briefing this week. Kayleigh Mac (sp) included these children's stories with each of their photos at the close of her briefing. Specifically stating, that none of the major MSM covers these senseless and sad stories, and that perhaps it is time they re-focus some attention to them. IMO, It was quite the statement, very impactful, and sadly....not covered by the press.

I heard and read about this child's death as well as the other children before that, and her death and those of the others should not be politicized. There are MSM links to be found if you care to look.
It shows how utterly hypocritical they all are.

This epidemic has been happening for decades now yet none of the AA organizations nor its leaders have ever given these people a voice.

No one stands up for them or their murdered babies, and children. They never have.

It's just so unbelievably sad how little these officials care, but neither do the AA organization leaders who disingenuously says BLM. Imo.


RSBM, RBBM. No one in the black community cares about black children? No one other than non-black people? Are you sure?

Black grassroots groups don't try to take on an enormously powerful gun lobby/NRA? An unbelievably futile and highly profitable war on drugs? Try to fight the very profitable prison industry and mass incarceration? Try to fight for fair elections so they have some voice to make their neighborhoods better places? Try to fight predatory landlords? Fight for environmental justice? Fight against all these things that destabilize neighborhoods?

Black people don't do that for the sake of black children? And if they did, we'd totally listen and help them right those wrongs, right?

Black Lives Do Matter. The BLM organization is correctly identified as being concerned with justice in the face of police overreach. Just like how the NRA isn't all that interested in clean drinking water. That's just not their mission.

At the same time, it is possible to affiliate yourself with multiple causes. So maybe you advocate for BLM, but you also joined this march. Young black organizers join March for Our Lives in strong push for gun control

And this group.

And this group.

Or this effort. Nipsey Hussle's killing inspired rival gangs to march in peace. A year later, did it last?

Don't know that any of these efforts made a dent in the problem. But let's not pretend anyone else is trying any harder to stop all this. Even when they are pretending. Kemp’s anti-gang bill amended after swell of opposition Want to fight gangs? Gov. Kemp could get the moral high ground by showing that you believe your constituent's lives & rights matter, by expanding, rather than limiting, voter access. Oh, and maybe he could also take the pandemic that's killing them seriously. JMO.

See how far we got from this young girl's death? That's what politicizing does.
RSBM, RBBM. No one in the black community cares about black children? No one other than non-black people? Are you sure?

Black grassroots groups don't try to take on an enormously powerful gun lobby/NRA? An unbelievably futile and highly profitable war on drugs? Try to fight the very profitable prison industry and mass incarceration? Try to fight for fair elections so they have some voice to make their neighborhoods better places? Try to fight predatory landlords? Fight for environmental justice? Fight against all these things that destabilize neighborhoods?

Black people don't do that for the sake of black children? And if they did, we'd totally listen and help them right those wrongs, right?

Black Lives Do Matter. The BLM organization is correctly identified as being concerned with justice in the face of police overreach. Just like how the NRA isn't all that interested in clean drinking water. That's just not their mission.

At the same time, it is possible to affiliate yourself with multiple causes. So maybe you advocate for BLM, but you also joined this march. Young black organizers join March for Our Lives in strong push for gun control

And this group.

And this group.

Or this effort. Nipsey Hussle's killing inspired rival gangs to march in peace. A year later, did it last?

Don't know that any of these efforts made a dent in the problem. But let's not pretend anyone else is trying any harder to stop all this. Even when they are pretending. Kemp’s anti-gang bill amended after swell of opposition Want to fight gangs? Gov. Kemp could get the moral high ground by showing that you believe your constituent's lives & rights matter, by expanding, rather than limiting, voter access. Oh, and maybe he could also take the pandemic that's killing them seriously. JMO.

See how far we got from this young girl's death? That's what politicizing does.

Are you saying the drug gangs belong to the NRA?

I don't know that much about the NRA except they have around 4 million or so memberships out of the 150 million plus gun owners who lawfully purchase their firearms. I also read since all of the violence erupting in the past two months gun sales are breaking all time records.

Is it NRA members who are shooting, and killing all of these AA children? I would think its mostly being done by gang members with illegally obtained firearms.

Do you know how many violent crimes are drug gang related throughout our nation? If not, maybe I can find the total myself when I have more time to research it.

In these areas where AAs marched did the violence drastically decrease in the worst areas, and stay that way?

I never ever said the local AA leaders in these crime ridden communities don't care about the murdered children. Of course they do. In fact I said they should be given a national platform by all MSM to express often what is happening in their communities. I also said I have seen local leaders, and family members of the dead children speak out. It wasn't about police brutality though they spoke of that worried them the most. Those I've seen said more police are needed...not less.

I never said not once that only those of other races care. Please don't accuse me of something I've never said nor would say. That's very unfair.

I see the despair on the faces of the AA people who DO care.

What it does show is AAs are not in lockstep with each other, and have individual differing views about what is harming these communities the most just like all individual never think alike.

I havent watched these links you have posted yet although I will. Is it of BLM calling for all of the killings to stop in these neighborhoods where young children are being murdered inside, and outside of their homes by their own people? The last video I saw of a BLM leader was speaking about how they didnt want any police of any kind for five years. That was this past week.

I'm not sure what you mean by voters are being suppressed by Kemp. I was under the impression everyone of any race with legal identification is eligible to register to vote unless they are an excon?

I know I'm required to produce my legal driver's license with my pic on it or I'm not allowed to vote. One time I forgot to bring it, and had to go home to get it.

In many phases of our lives we have to produce a required photo ID of some type. In Georgia they are very easy to obtain. So I see no evidence anyone is being suppressed from voting. Are you saying they would only vote for one party, and that is why they are being surpressed? If so, I don't believe that is true. Everyone of all races are as individual as they vote they cast.

Iirc in the last governor's election more AAs voted than ever before.

Maybe BLM leaders, and those like Jackson, and Sharpton have gone into these areas where AAs are losing their lives in astounding numbers, and I missed it somehow. Do you have links where they have done so for I genuinely would be very interested to see what they have had to say about the epidemic that's been happening for years now, and what they plan to do to curtail it for it sure it's happening now with violent crime soaring to levels some have never seen before or haven't in years.

I have seen several AA college professors discussing all the problems that have faced AAs for decades. Were the AA leaders on MSM talking about it too?

I'm not here to argue with you or anyone for that matter.

I know that millions of caring AAs do care because when given a chance to speak, I hear them express their despair about what is happening to them that they know is taking more lives in one day in places like Chicago than when any white police officer shoots, and kills an unarmed AA each year.

That is not being political in any shape or form. Those are the sad facts AAs are having to endure in so many of their neighborhoods.

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Are you saying the drug gangs belong to the NRA?

I don't know that much about the NRA except they have around 4 million or so memberships out of the 150 million plus gun owners who lawfully purchase their firearms. I also read since all of the violence erupting in the past two months gun sales are breaking all time records.

Is it NRA members who are shooting, and killing all of these AA children? I would think its mostly being done by gang members with illegally obtained firearms.

Do you know how many violent crimes are drug gang related throughout our nation? If not, maybe I can find the total myself when I have more time to research it.

In these areas where AAs marched did the violence drastically decrease in the worse areas?

I never said the local AA leaders in these crime ridden communities don't care about the murdered children. Of course they do. In fact I said they should be given a national platform by all MSM to express often what is happening in their communities. I also said I have seen local leaders, and family members of the dead children speak out. It wasn't about police brutality though they spoke of that worried them the most. Those I've seen said more police are needed...not less.

What it does show is AAs are not in lockstep with each other, and have individual differing views about what is harming these communities the most just like all individual never think alike.

I havent watched these links you have posted yet although I will. Is it of BLM calling for all of the killings to stop in these neighborhoods where young children are being murdered inside, and outside of their homes by their own people? The last video I saw of a BLM leader was speaking about how they didnt want any police of any kind for five years. That was this past week.

I'm not sure what you mean by voters are being suppressed by Kemp. I was under the impression everyone of any race with legal identification is eligible to register to vote unless they are an excon?

I know I'm required to produce my legal driver's license with my pic on it or I'm not allowed to vote. One time I forgot to bring it, and had to go home to get it.

In many phases of our lives we have to produce a required photo ID of some type. In Georgia they are very easy to obtain. So I see no evidence anyone is being suppressed from voting. Are you saying they would only vote for one party, and that is why they are being surpressed? If so, I don't believe that is true. Everyone of all races are as individual as they vote they cast.

Iirc in the last governor's election more AAs voted than ever before.

Maybe BLM leaders, and those like Jackson, and Sharpton have gone into these areas where AAs are losing their lives in astounding numbers, and I missed it somehow. Do you have links where they have done so for I genuinely would be very interested to see what they have had to say about the epidemic that's been happening for years now, and what they plan to do to curtail it for it sure it's happening now with violent crime soaring to levels some have never seen before or haven't in years.

I have seen several AA college professors discussing all the problems that have faced AAs for decades. Were the AA leaders on MSM talking about it too?

I'm not here to argue with you or anyone for that matter.

I know that millions of caring AAs do care because when given a chance to speak, I hear them express their despair about what is happening to them that they know is taking more lives in one day in places like Chicago than when any white police officer shoots, and kills an unarmed AA each year.

That is not being political in any shape or form. Those are the sad facts AAs are having to endure in so many of their neighborhoods.


On this we agree. We also have the power to help people change the conditions that lead to this neighborhood chaos. It is not a one-solution problem. That's the reasoning behind a multi-pronged approach to end gang violence - take this problem down in multiple ways. And we cannot say that advocacy groups have not tried. All my links point to that. It takes broad support, and voting access.

Is it NRA members who are shooting, and killing all of these AA children? I would think its mostly being done by gang members with illegally obtained firearms.

When these advocacy groups say they want reasonable gun laws and liability for gun owners, they are fully aware that many of these guns are illegal. In a nation awash with more guns than people, theft happens. One way to approach this is to reduce the numbers overall. Same for ammunition. Another prong is to attempt to standardize practices across states.

In order to have more than a 0ne-off march or protest, advocacy groups need political power.
Re: Voting in Georgia.
Georgia Governor Brian Kemp Faces Investigation by House Panel

Election fiasco reveals flaws with Georgia’s new voting system

Maybe BLM leaders, and those like Jackson, and Sharpton have gone into these areas where AAs are losing their lives in astounding numbers, and I missed it somehow. Do you have links where they have done so for I genuinely would be very interested to see what they have had to say about the epidemic that's been happening for years now, and what they plan to do to curtail it for it sure it's happening now with violent crime soaring to levels some have never seen before or haven't in years.

You may have missed it in recent years. Rev. Al Sharpton discusses plans to combat Chicago violence | WGN-TV However, Jackson and Sharpton are older men, now, and not nearly so relevant though they still try to protect their community:
After pastor arrests, Al Sharpton implores black churches to stop gathering

Many (younger and less famous) BLM activists live in those neighborhoods you referred to, so yes, they are there. But again - that's not BLM's cause. Similar to how Blue Lives Matter activists didn't seem to hold any marches against the blue-on-blue violence that killed Officer Katlyn Alix (though they did acknowledge her death). Or this officer's loss of livelihood for doing the right thing: Joliet Police Sgt. Javier Esqueda, Who Blew Whistle On Death Of Eric Lurry In Police Custody, Stripped Of Police Powers

But BLM activists are members of other organizations and act under those umbrellas, in troubled neighborhoods.

If your criticism was actually aimed at media coverage, that's one thing, but in fact, media does cover black activism beyond BLM protests. It just depends on where you are looking. But yes, black people do fight for their lives and their children every day. It's on us to join in finding multi-pronged solutions to the very real problem of gun violence. It's on us to stop saying "why aren't they solving problems in their community", as though it isn't OUR community, too. We are brothers and sisters and fellow Americans.

Back to Secoriea, who this thread is about:
What is going on with the search for Secoriea's killer? Looks like there may be 3, actually. Police search for as many as 3 suspects involved in fatal shooting of Secoriea Turner
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I agree with most of what you say Reasonable. Thank you for replying.

However, I respectfully disagree that the answer to gun violence is to punish all of the 150 million law abiding gunowners because of what criminals do.

We already have perhaps a thousand or more gun laws in place now.

Imo, putting restrictions on anything by the federal, local, or state government only helps the criminals imo.

Just because criminals invades a home then steals what's not theirs... the law abiding homeowners or renters shouldn't be the ones wound up punished.

That would be as unreasonable as serial rapists invading homes in order to rape the victims then the victim is the one punished for being there. Or if they steal someone's legal drugs, and then sell it on the street with the person buyung it then dies from an overdose.

Thank goodness we are a nation of laws who punishes the criminal wrongdoers only.

We don't take away anyone's vehicles restrict them due to thousands of others per year killing people, including many children or leaving so many with life altering imjuries. Nor do we prevent need prescriptions from being given to those who needs them... even though in places like Florida are now losing more lives each year due to drug overdoses ...which cost almost 70 thousand lives last year alone.

All we have to do is look at past history to know banning or restricting anything only makes it worse from prohibition, or making certain drugs illegal. Each time it only made the alcohol runners back then into multi millionaires, and the drug cartels into billionaires. We have already seen illegal gun runners coming in through our southern open border as well as catching Americans doing the very same thing.

One thing I think we can agree on hopefully is criminals are never going to abide by any laws much less gun laws. The new billionaires will be illegal gunrunners.

Imo, we are at a very dark violent place in time now all across our nation. I don't think many feel safe unless the homes are like Sharpton's with high walls, and security.

Imo, that is why gun sales are through the roof. With cutbacks or officials wanting police eliminated completely... law abiding citizens know they are now the first line of defense to keep their families safe.

It's quite ironic to me that the very politicians who want more gun laws or our second amendment right abolished altogether... all have armed security guards with most having high walls wall around their property to protect them.

Imo, it truly shows millions of Americans how hypocritical they all are. They are protected yet they don't want those having to live in these war zone like areas to have the same right they all do.

I've seen several community spokespersons in these very areas say the same since most of these cities, and states have some of the strictest gun laws in our nation.

It leaves all of the many good families without a way to even protect their families leaving them as sitting ducks.

I respectfully disagree again about BLM. My opinion of seeing them in action...starting in Ferguson, and what they have said leaves me with a different than your opinion which is perfectly okay.

I find them very hateful, and devisive. Jmo tho

But to me they do not care about ALL Black Lives, but only a chosen few. Jmhoo.

It's also ironic to me that we never see violence like we've endured these past two month, and for 7 years years before now, when a cop shoots unarmed whites on average from 25 to 27 times each year. That's a lot of grieving families too, and funerals to attend.

5 Dallas police officers were killed in cold blood during a protest, and many injured by a supporter of BLM.

I just don't understand why these groups like BLM or antifa believes violent riots... which have left innocent people dead, and hundreds of cops injured is the answer to everything. Or stealing everything in sight before the serial arsons begin.

Violence only begets more violence as we have all witnessed resulting in more death, and destruction.

Sometimes when I see video footage of all the cities on fire it's hard to comprehend this is all happening in the USA, and not Iran or some other country. Even now it seems surreal even though I know it's been our reality off, and in for way too many years now.

Do they have descriptions or still footage of the three suspects who LE suspects to have murdered little Secoriea? Either they do or maybe they were able to remove multiple slugs of three different weapons used during autopsy. :( poor baby girl. She looked like an adorable beautiful happy child.

Do you know if they have made any arrests in all the other cities where small children have been murdered in the past few weeks? Tia!

I don't care if all of the suspects in each state are white, AA, or some other race or even polka dotted. They all need to be arrested, and if the states have the DP it should be an option for all of these horrid offenders who have murdered these totally innocent children.

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Do you know if they have made any arrests in all the other cities where small children have been murdered in the past few weeks? Tia!

I don't care if all of the suspects in each state are white, AA, or some other race or even polka dotted. They all need to be arrested, and if the states have the DP it should be an option for all of these horrid offenders who have murdered these totally innocent children.

For sure. There must be justice, and there must be steps forward to end these gang wars and the conflicts between civilians and police. You mentioned Houston - I will never forget the hollow, sick feeling I felt the morning I learned about it. I'm feeling it right now. We must, simply, value the lives of all our fellow Americans - civilians and police. We must listen to each other talk about our needs - and really consider what we are hearing. We can coexist as a diverse, free nation if we can do that - listen with respect and a will to help. And we must have justice for all.

I respect the heartfelt nature of your posts very much, @oceanblueeyes I know that you look at these pictures and weep for their parents and for everything that should have been, as I do. And I, too, feel the anger that you do, even if we look at some things through different lenses.

Here is the latest on the other children taken from us that weekend.

Natalia Wallace, 7 (Chicago) - Gang retaliation. Suspect charged is the getaway driver, but apparently the shooter is still free. The man in custody isn't talking to the police.

Royta De'Marco Giles Jr, 8 (Hoover, AL) - Suspect arrested in Alabama mall shooting that killed boy, 8, wounded three others Shootout amongst a group of men at a mall. Suspect arrested.

Davon McNeal, 11 (DC) - Davon McNeal death: Two charged in July 4 shooting of 11-year-old in Washington, DC - CNN - Shot as he was running into his aunt's house to get a phone charger - caught in crossfire amongst 5 men. Powerful words from his grandfather, who is a neighborhood activist (Guardian Angels): 11-year-old shot and killed Saturday is the son, and grandson, of DC violence interrupters

Jace Young, 6 (San Francisco) - Shot while watching fireworks. No arrest. Police say this was a targeted shooting, but he was not the intended victim. He was a vegetarian because he didn't want animals to suffer.
Family Demands Justice for 6-Year-Old Boy Killed in San Francisco Shooting
"Mayor London Breed joined Jace’s family during the press conference.
"We talk about Black lives matter. This boy’s life mattered," she said. "So we are determined in this city to get justice for Jace."

Peace, safety, and health to all.
I am watching Fox News now.

Omg! NYC shootings are up 600 percent from this time last year.

In NYC alone 38 were shot this past weekend.

One of the victims who was killed was a tiny little boy only ONE year old!!!

So you will have to add him to the growing list, Reasonable. :(

It's a never ending trail of tears. Child after child losing their lives due to all of the extreme violence infecting our nation.


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