GA GA - Shirley, 87, & Russell Dermond, 88, Putnam County, 2 May 2014 - # 9

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yes it's been a long time, i never could find a marriage between margaret tedesco and charles h dermond, but i did find a margaret tedesco and Guesseppi Tuozolo, but her bdate was not the same on the marriage license but who knows if you needed a birth certificate proof before marrying or if the JP just asked your bdate, plenty of people try to run from family back then being it race or some other reasons, I'm not saying it is mafia but it's more significant, in my mind now, we just don't know anything about them, not to say they were bad people, but everyone has a secret and a past, who move on to a better life

Respectfully, I think it's a bit of a stretch. My great grandparents came to Manhattan from Italy and my husband's grandparents to Brooklyn from Italy, all via Ellis Island. NYC had a large immigrant Italian population. (Not so much now - Little Italy has shrunk to a few blocks, being overrun by Chinatown.) Families stretched out to the 5 boroughs, Long Island, and New Jersey.
yes it's been a long time, i never could find a marriage between margaret tedesco and charles h dermond, but i did find a margaret tedesco and Guesseppi Tuozolo, but her bdate was not the same on the marriage license but who knows if you needed a birth certificate proof before marrying or if the JP just asked your bdate, plenty of people try to run from family back then being it race or some other reasons, I'm not saying it is mafia but it's more significant, in my mind now, we just don't know anything about them, not to say they were bad people, but everyone has a secret and a past, who move on to a better life

Its true 'we' don't know anything about them but IMO SS does. He is very thorough in his investigations. I think he has retraced all of the Dermonds history all the way back to when they lived in NJ and found nothing..........not one thing .....that would explain why they were both murdered.

There is simply nothing pointing to them having mob ties or any other illegal activities for that matter. Its sort of sad to me at least that some are trying to connect them to an illegal enterprise based on nothing but mere speculation. Even SS himself said he found nothing supporting that and they were both law abiding citizens.

JMO though
I'm really not sure why so many assumes that this was a surgical/clean beheading.

Friends and family of the Dermonds, please stop reading right now.
I just want to point out that any nitwit could behead a body with even the most rustic of blades. We have no information about the way that the body was beheaded. It could have been done by someone with no expertise but having time and a sharp blade. Or even a rock with a sharp groove. I wish we had more information about how Mr. D was beheaded, but we do not, and so I don't know what sorts of assumptions we can make.

"Her husband’s head, neatly severed, indicating the work of professionals, is still missing."

"What he did not divulge was that the cut was remarkably clean. “It was not the skill of a surgeon,” he would say months later, but “whoever did it took time doing it.” " - See more at:

Seeing as the cut was "Clean", or "Neatly Severed", one can surmise that a variety of tools could have been implemented.
And yes, knapped flint or chert tools ,even volcanic glass, like obsidian, is sharp, and can be used as a tool as well.
Ok, I've become obsessed with this case again and as a result, I'm having ideas all scattered about in my head.

Suppose the killer(s) are of high school and/or collage age. Maybe a disturbed teen from the neighborhood... someone about to graduate from high school. Do you think SS would wait until after graduation to pursue in order to avoid the disturbance it would cause to fellow students?

I cringe at posting this thought, but we've had our fair share of creeper kids in our neighborhood.

Also, what, if anything, came of the man who reportedly went in to the nearby food place (Huddle House?) requesting to see video surveillance? Was that just a rumor?

Sorry, for all the crazy thoughts... i should form a support group in the area for WS members like myself whose spouses gets tired of hearing it all.
Ok, I've become obsessed with this case again and as a result, I'm having ideas all scattered about in my head.

Suppose the killer(s) are of high school and/or collage age. Maybe a disturbed teen from the neighborhood... someone about to graduate from high school. Do you think SS would wait until after graduation to pursue in order to avoid the disturbance it would cause to fellow students?

I cringe at posting this thought, but we've had our fair share of creeper kids in our neighborhood.

Also, what, if anything, came of the man who reportedly went in to the nearby food place (Huddle House?) requesting to see video surveillance? Was that just a rumor?

Sorry, for all the crazy thoughts... i should form a support group in the area for WS members like myself whose spouses gets tired of hearing it all.

Me too! Back to it bumping around in my subconscious all the time.
Just for the sake of argument, let's say that the murder was revenge/retribution for a wrong committed by Mr. D. How far could that go back? For the killer himself to be physically able to do what was done, the killer would have to be reasonably fit... as in not old. If you consider someone born in 1950 or younger to be able to do the work involved, then the perceived wrong would probably have occurred after around 1970.
If the person were much older, then he would have hired someone else to do it.
Could also be a descendant of the person slighted.
Want to add the disclaimer that just because a person perceives a wrong, it does not mean that the wrong was intentional or even real.
In other words, the perceived wrong could have been totally in the mind of the killer and not anything that Mr. D or anyone else did!
Ok, I've become obsessed with this case again and as a result, I'm having ideas all scattered about in my head.

Suppose the killer(s) are of high school and/or collage age. Maybe a disturbed teen from the neighborhood... someone about to graduate from high school. Do you think SS would wait until after graduation to pursue in order to avoid the disturbance it would cause to fellow students?

I cringe at posting this thought, but we've had our fair share of creeper kids in our neighborhood.

Also, what, if anything, came of the man who reportedly went in to the nearby food place (Huddle House?) requesting to see video surveillance? Was that just a rumor?

Sorry, for all the crazy thoughts... i should form a support group in the area for WS members like myself whose spouses gets tired of hearing it all.

No apology necessary. I was thinking about the Huddle House myself. We have one now, only about 15 minutes from us. I wonder if the Dermonds frequented it? The rumor makes it sound as if the perp could have frequented it. Maybe an out of towner who visited the lake only on the weekends and holidays who was PO'd because someone had reported them about breaking HOA rules and regulations.

A younger perp, yes indeed, lots of them creeping around. A Dexter fan ? Figured the D's were easy targets seeing them around town at the publix and picking up Rxs. Didn't count on them not having lots of cash on hand, or an ATM card to access a large amount of cash quickly. I thought at one time Rx drugs, if they were narcotics could have been a motive. I've even thought about it being a case of mistaken identity, but that is kinda far down my list now.

I don't understand why the son would make the statement below about Sills not contacting him. If it were me, I'd make it a point to contact SS on a weekly basis and in light of all the new interviews I'd certainly be calling, if not personally visiting with SS.

“They made some great friends and loved when family visited,” Keith Dermond, 56, said in February, adding that he hadn’t heard “from the sheriff or anyone in months.”

Read more here: and had reported them. ingratiated himself into the community and became familiar with the Dermonds.
Ok, I've become obsessed with this case again and as a result, I'm having ideas all scattered about in my head.

Suppose the killer(s) are of high school and/or collage age. Maybe a disturbed teen from the neighborhood... someone about to graduate from high school. Do you think SS would wait until after graduation to pursue in order to avoid the disturbance it would cause to fellow students?

I cringe at posting this thought, but we've had our fair share of creeper kids in our neighborhood.

Also, what, if anything, came of the man who reportedly went in to the nearby food place (Huddle House?) requesting to see video surveillance? Was that just a rumor?

Sorry, for all the crazy thoughts... i should form a support group in the area for WS members like myself whose spouses gets tired of hearing it all.

BBM - I can't imagine that he'd wait if that were the case. In the beginning I was thinking possibly very disturbed teens; I don't think just one on his own. And I think they would've let the cat out of the bag by now.
All these weapons remind me of the Kraiser blade better known as a sling blade.
In the 1989 cult classic "Sling Blade," Billy Bob Thornton did a fine job acting when he later chopped Doyle's head off with his Kaiser blade. The movie is still being shown once in awhile on tv and cable. I wonder if there is still a following.

I love this movie! One of my top 5 favorite of all times. I also love The Walking Dead and I think it is just so exciting that you folks there in Georgia are right there where it is filmed. I love all the little interesting tidbits that are posted on the Talking Dead about places in Georgia where certain scenes are filmed.
Not all mob hitmen are from NJ or Northern states. I'm not suggesting the Dermonds were murdered by mob hitmen, but those pros are home grown around this area as well. I imagine most of the Lake Oconee home owners are from somewhere other than Greene County.

:yeahthat: Excellent point!
And if this was revenge (and it seems like it might be) it could be something that seemed relatively "minor" to others at the time or something that no one else knows about.

well who knows if he wsa involved in something at or just before retirement, might have just ticked someone off over smoething from the past, IDK, but nobody else does, but as someone stated, steleman or steleheart, somebody really hated (or was angry) with him or them
Also, this picture of the garage makes it look quite small compared to the rest of the home:

Me too! Back to it bumping around in my subconscious all the time.
Just for the sake of argument, let's say that the murder was revenge/retribution for a wrong committed by Mr. D. How far could that go back? For the killer himself to be physically able to do what was done, the killer would have to be reasonably fit... as in not old. If you consider someone born in 1950 or younger to be able to do the work involved, then the perceived wrong would probably have occurred after around 1970.
If the person were much older, then he would have hired someone else to do it.
Could also be a descendant of the person slighted.
Want to add the disclaimer that just because a person perceives a wrong, it does not mean that the wrong was intentional or even real.
In other words, the perceived wrong could have been totally in the mind of the killer and not anything that Mr. D or anyone else did!

that's an excellent point.
well who knows if he wsa involved in something at or just before retirement, might have just ticked someone off over smoething from the past, IDK, but nobody else does, but as someone stated, steleman or steleheart, somebody really hated (or was angry) with him or them

And maybe the beef wasn't only with the Dermonds, but perhaps close friends or neighbors of the Dermonds. . . I mean cutting the man's head off would pretty much says keep your mouth shut to me. Look what happens if you mess with me...
I have a question:

The latest article said the friends entered thru the kitchen door

The article also said the front door was unlocked

Are these 2 doors synonymous and if not, where is the kitchen door and it must've been unlocked also??

OR did he enter thru the garage and the kitchen door is the entrance to the garage?
The FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit has provided Sills with a broad description of the culprit.

“Someone who likes guns and knives,” Sills said, recalling some contents of the FBI’s report.

Such insight -- helpful as it may be down the road -- does little to narrow the field of suspects. That said, it points out a daunting truth.

Practically anyone could be the killer.

Read more here:

Well they left out the killer could have liked hammers too and carries around 30 pound concrete blocks. Good gosh! Someone who likes guns and knives... Yep! That's a whole lotta folks. This is a depraved someone.
I have a question:

The latest article said the friends entered thru the kitchen door

The article also said the front door was unlocked

Are these 2 doors synonymous and if not, where is the kitchen door and it must've been unlocked also??

OR did he enter thru the garage and the kitchen door is the entrance to the garage?

Treelights might know. They posted the information on the size of the garage. If I remember correctly there were blueprints posted of the home early in the case.

He went in the house through the kitchen door, the same door the neighbor entered. Then he headed for an open door that led to a cramped two-car garage. -

See more at:

I don't know. Sounds like he entered the side door - the one with the steps beside the garage ? and then once in the kitchen there is a door into the garage. Strange to have a front door open to your dining area. We have only one entrance to our garage besides the obvious garage doors and it is a door from the kitchen that opens to the garage. However, the garage doors could have been open at the point all this went down and the killer shut them once he had silenced the Dermonds. Maybe that's why the neighbors didn't enter the house sooner because the garage doors were down and that means the Dermonds were not home.
How their killer or killers arrived is anyone’s guess.

“I still think they came by car, but there is no question whatsoever that Mrs. Dermond’s body was, in my opinion, disposed of by boat,” Sills said. “They could have come by boat.”

As for the number of assailants involved, Sills said, “If one person did this, he spent the weekend. It’s just my opinion that it would just be impossible for one person. One person may have made the initial assault, or something like that, but somebody had some help at some juncture.”

Read more here:

I still think about the trip to Oklahoma that SS made. Still wonder about that woman and two men involved with the Cashmere and gambling-related offenses and drug charges. The man from Oklahoma has a record as long as my arm and 2 charges were for burglary.,959
Read more here:

Well they left out the killer could have liked hammers too and carries around 30 pound concrete blocks. Good gosh! Someone who likes guns and knives... Yep! That's a whole lotta folks. This is a depraved someone.

Yes, I agree Bootsctr, these are very deprayed creatures that commited this horrific crime. No strangers to the game, imo..
Bootsctr, you are very intuitive, imo..


Bumping this post by Bootsctr from 05/30/2014 --> GA - Shirley Dermond, 87, Russell Dermond, 88, Putnam County, 2-4 May 2014 #5

Originally Posted by Foxfire View Post
Tomkat, I think we have all compared the Dermond abduction/murder/decapitation case with many other cases past. The abduction/murder/decapitation of John & Irene Bryant(10/2007-NC) by prolific serial killer Gary M. Hilton, is the only case that comes to my mind..
Found Deceased NC - John Bryant, 79, & Irene Bryant 84 - NC

If the perp/s had taken both S & R Dermond and disposed both of their bodies in the lake w/o leaving any signs of a crime. They would have been considered as only missing persons/adults. Other than a Silver Alert being initiated, the investigation would have had much less; urgency, investigative resources dedicated, and would have simply been a mystery...
Adults have the right to go missing..

The decapitation of RD and his missing head, combined with the torso being left in the garage changed not only the urgency of the investigation, but the horrific nature and magnitude of the crime.. Seems, the perp/s would have had to know that this would be the case.

The brazen perp/s were making a statement, while challenging authorities, imo.. Why?

<BBM for focus>

Quote: You stumped me Foxfire. Cutting off Mr. Dermond's head is brazen and almost like they are slapping the authorities in the face. Like they are saying Take that! Or how do you like that? We're just as powerful as you are. ? Catch us if you can.


Irony; following the case of a missing person from my area. The truck driven by the missing Canton man, Michael Shockley, 46 years of age, was located this morning near the Pisgah National Forest in Haywood County, North Carolina. Mr. Shockley has still not been located. This is the same location where John & Irene Bryant was abducted/murdered; Pisgah National Forest - Pink Beds..

ForumMISSINGMissing Persons DiscussionGA GA - Douglas Michael Shockley, Canton, 11 May 2015
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