GA GA - Shirley, 87, & Russell Dermond, 88, Putnam County, 2 May 2014 - # 9

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If it was so planned, and they came to specifically kill two almost 90 year olds, why be so dramatic - why not just shoot them? It seems like rage to me - and group hug back to all. Can you tell this is the last thing on my mind before bedtime? I hope it's solved soon and I don't have to read the book years from now.

You and I seem to be thinking along a similar track Happyshoes. I think it was one or two young people known to the Dermonds. One of them with a lot of anger towards Mr. Dermond for some perceived insult or perhaps he'd been turned down by Mr. D. when asked to "borrow" money or something of value. However, imo, this was meticulously planned by amateurs. Had it been a burglary gone wrong, I think more forensic evidence would have been left behind.
If Mr. D. was shot in the head to remove ballistic evidence, why? If this was a home invasion or burglary gone wrong, why bring along gun that you were afraid to use because it could be traced?? This was obviously a clever perp(s), if he intended to threaten the D's with a gun, he would have known he might have to use it. Why would any criminal carry a gun that he knew could be traced, when cheap guns are easily acquired on the street? Doesn't make sense to me. Seems more likely the beheading was intended from the beginning and they were prepared to do it without leaving evidence. It seems more likely that it was because of some deep seated anger at Mr. D. or as a message to someone closely connected to Mr. D., not a third party.
Good morning, gang - nice reading your thoughts, just wish SS would give us something, no matter how small it may be. Abelia - I am thinking there was never a gun involved now. You would think someone would recall hearing it, like the person who saw "someone" in their yard. Moreover, I do think someone was very mad at Mr. D, and said to himself (or to his friend) "I'm going over there and if he gives me any lip, I'm going to ___ his ____ head off." I think it was someone young, and I wonder if there could possibly be a link to who they sold their boat to? Maybe someone was making payments to Mr. D? Another far-fetched idea, but there has to be some kind of tie between this savage and Mr. D (IMO).
I still feel as I did

The killer(s) did not target the Dermonds specifically

The killings were not planned ahead of time

The Dermonds were killed to protect the killer(s) from being revealed for or as something that was threatening to killer(s) and made the Dermonds worth killing to protect that from becoming public knowledge.

The killers were disorganized and everything after the confrontation with the Dermonds was disorganized reaction and cleanup.
I feel like the reason SS has been so silent is because early on, he said too much. I think in the beginning, he was in way over his head but I think
now, he is more concerned about getting this solved than appearing to the p
Sorry. He's more concerned now with getting this solved than he is about how the public perceives him.
I do not know his motives behind his early frequent statements that seemed to allow us into his thought process as evidence came in, but I agree that he was very vocal earlier and that his theories, to me, seemed to change from day to day. Much like ours as new info became available. It was interesting to feel we were theorizing and adjusting along with him as facts became known but I do not feel it helped the investigation. Even tho it means a lull in new info I think his stepping back and keeping the investigation closer to the vest was a good move.
Any locals know if Sheriff Sills has a challenger for his 6th term as Putnam County Sheriff in 2014? I am having difficulty locating this info due to the new pay per view policy by the only news source in Eatonton/Putnam County, GA.. TYIA..
Fox, wouldn't his term be 4 years? He was elected last in 2012- do they not do every 4 years there? I would think 2016 would be next not 2014 (but I'm wrong on threads alllllllllllllll the time :blush: so please correct me folks!)

(see link, page 2)
and secy of state site saying 4 years (this link outdated gov'mt site, but it gives an idea as to timing) see page 2
Fox, wouldn't his term be 4 years? He was elected last in 2012 (see link, page 2) - do they not do every 4 years there? I would think 2016 would be next not 2014 (but I'm wrong on threads alllllllllllllll the time lol so please correct me folks!

atthelake, I'm not sure if the Sheriff's election is this year or in 2016. In the letter to GA Senator Chamblis, by Sheriff Sills dated 01/14/2013 , he stated that he had just been elected to his 5th term as Putnam County's Sheriff. So, if Sheriff's serve 4 year terms, the election would be held November 2016.
Thanx... Preble.pdf


Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer...
I think the head was taken to hide evidence. To me, it seems the most obvious reason, and I got the feeling from SS that there was some indication of that left on Mr D.

I don't mean to be grisly... Could the head have been taken to further take out some anger somewhere else?
If Mr. D. was shot in the head to remove ballistic evidence, why? If this was a home invasion or burglary gone wrong, why bring along gun that you were afraid to use because it could be traced?? This was obviously a clever perp(s), if he intended to threaten the D's with a gun, he would have known he might have to use it. Why would any criminal carry a gun that he knew could be traced, when cheap guns are easily acquired on the street? Doesn't make sense to me. Seems more likely the beheading was intended from the beginning and they were prepared to do it without leaving evidence. It seems more likely that it was because of some deep seated anger at Mr. D. or as a message to someone closely connected to Mr. D., not a third party.

I agree that this was an act of deep-seated anger or rage against...primarily...Mr. Dermond. I never thought the decapitation was a message to a third party, but still contend that it was done to send a clear message.
Just using my imagination, so you guys bear with me. I think if there was only one perp, maybe there was a confrontation between him and Mr. D somewhere on the D's property, not far from the garage, and he killed Mr. D with a blunt object out of rage. So when Mrs. D came out, he felt he had to kill her because she knew who he was; then he may have taken his big knife out - or found what he needed in the garage - and went back to Mr. D and did what he did because he feels like Mr. D was to blame for this whole thing and look what it made him do. I am not sure why (maybe because I don't think she went willingly to the dock), but I think he took her to bury her. He didn't want to kill her. He just said forget Mr. D, I hope everybody sees him like this. Or, maybe I just read too much into things.
I don't want to keep going back to this, but when my husband and I saw the movie in HD of "300: Rise of the Empire", it sent me to this creepy place with what I know of today's young people and how they think nothing of this especially since they see it day in, day out in video games, internet, (Slenderman anyone?), movies, music, tv...they might just want to know how it feels as was pointed out in an earlier post. Thanks for indulging me. I wish they would just release some kind of profile. Back to the drawing board...
I don't think they ever made it to the house, unless they came upon Mrs. D in the garage, but that's just me and my way of thinking. I think that's why there was anything disturbed in the house. I'm not sure anybody was capable of doing something via surveillance, hit men - that almost seems too smart. If this crime was financial in any way, I certainly hope they are onto something. I have always had a problem with the cameras not working, certain people knowing their habits/schedule (what they were going to do Sat night), and who would profit. Don't really think it is from son's past crime and trial, or anything from his business dealing. Tomorrow is Monday, will start another week of wishing and hoping.
Sorry, meant to say "that's why there WASN'T anything disturbed in the house. Just meaning that the altercation could have been outside with Mr. D, in the garage with Mrs. D, drug him in later after both crimes were committed. And I can see why Razz says they took "care" of Mrs. D. I just took it to mean they buried her as best they could in an area familiar to them (or him). He/They did not want her body found. I still feel he/they were ashamed of this part. I do imagine that when things went south, they killed them, tried to decide how to dispose of them and only did so much. Like I said, they may not have gone in the house, that's why it was so pristine.
I think it happened quickly and they left the way they came in. I just want a guilty person behind bars, really.
Last thought - Dr. Phil often asks this question: Would you rather be happy or would you rather be right?" In this case, I most definitely want to be happy about the outcome. If LE catches this criminal, that's all I care about. I don't care how foolish I look, I'm invested. This just pulls at my heart strings. I don't think this couple knew what was coming; but maybe someone else did.
I don't think the killers entered the house either. Something would have been disturbed...or some evidence left behind inside. Hopefully, the silence surrounding this case (other than WS posters) means SS is digging very deeply and will soon have answers. Who cares if we're right or wrong so long as it gets solved?
I believe the head was taken as a message. Mrs. Dermond's "disappearance" only made that message more...fearsome and urgent. If Mr.D's head was taken as a trophy, then why not take Mrs. D's too?

Contrary to popular belief, I feel some "care" was taken not to have the Dermond's suffer. For example, Mrs. D. had not been sexually molested. She was hit once on the back of the head. She was put in the water after she was dead.

I believe the coroner said Mr. D. was beheaded after death because of lack of blood.

The perps imo, weren't looking to terrorize the couple. Only to send a message.

Also, the Dermonds were an easier mark than say, those the perps were sending a message to. Both were eldery and they both had lived, good, full lifes.
In other words....easily expendable.

I surely hope you are right about a certain degree of care being taken so that they did not suffer.
Agree that the perps were sending a message and that in the context of whatever was going on that caused this, expendable.
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