GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #12

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I think the sex addiction thing will loom large as a defense of sorts.

Is there any independent confirmation anywhere that he left the police dispatcher position? The reason I ask is because I am familiar with dispatchers who use their job to troll for women.


Everytime I hear stuff like this I lose a bit of hope for humanity. Like the time I had a horndog for a boss who told me that anytime women adjust their bra straps around him it meant they wanted him!:sick::pullhair:
Meanwhile, a friend of Leanna's tells PEOPLE that her initial shock has been replaced by anger.

"I believe in forgiveness," SAID the friend (NOT LH). "And I believe in finding the best in people. I loved that family. But when I close my eyes, I think of Cooper in that car and I get furious. I don't care if it was an accident or on purpose, I am so angry at Ross that I can hardly see straight."

The quote I posted from is not a quote from LH! It's not about her feelings or thoughts. It's the sentiments of a friends of hers. I feel the need to clear it up cause I think some of you misunderstood it and I don't want to start any rumor. LH has remained silent.

Which is why IMO it is so telling that LH has been silent... FFS, she's his MOTHER. How could she NOT be absolutely enraged??
:gaah: I missed Randy Travis again!

Will someone please post the video here when it becomes available? Thank you!
Can you really install infant seats without the base AND with a seat belt, rear facing? It's been a while since I used an infant seat (my boys are 7 and 8 now) but that doesn't seem possible/safe from the models I had (Graco/Cosco). Where would you thread the seatbelt through? I understand how you'd do that forward facing, but not rear facing. Mind you, I had LATCH so I always used it, AND the base (so much easier to remove a sleeping baby that way).

You can, but most people who have one infant carseat and two cars buy two bases. The safest way is to have the base secured and then attach the seat to it, but in a pinch the other way is legal
Are you really suggesting that every hot car death is intentional? I just don't believe that.

are you really suggesting it's possible to accidentally put kid in car and accidentally buckle him in?

but I'll answer your q. intentional or negligent. never accident

Everytime I hear stuff like this I lose a bit of hope for humanity. Like the time I had a horndog for a boss who told me that anytime women adjust their bra straps around him it meant they wanted him!:sick::pullhair:

I've actually heard a male 'friend' announce once when he saw a woman jogging in running tights and a fitted tank top along a busy road that she should stop 'showing off' and cover up. I was speechless. Seriously? Women ARE NOT OBJECTS on display for men's viewing pleasure. It was a stunning thing to hear, especially from someone who seemed so, I don't know... evolved?
Can someone please describe what Randy Travis was able to see on his drive? I'm going to be on the edge of my seat to watch that video tonight! How tall is Randy Travis, btw? Does he say?
Woah! Paypal is now refunding ALL the donations given in support of RH!!

That right there is a BOLD move on Paypal's part!
nah just going out of their way to keep some of their stupider customers happy
Since you don't appear to be verified as a mental health worker, do you have a link to that?

I've watched that same video at least 5 times now, and I've never left anyone, child or animal, in a hot car. I've also seen Faces of Death and some other pretty disgusting movies/videos, read (and occasionally posted) on sites that are in no way related to anything I would be doing in my life.

I do take this case very seriously, but I can't help asking: Is it possible that he noticed a hair out of place once they got in the car, and he forgot about everything except getting to work and fixing it. That could be what took him 30 seconds before getting out.

MOO or something like that.

But if you did, and the found that on your computer I would think it was relevant. Everyone who looks up how to make a bomb online may not go on to blow up a building full of people either. However, if you do blow up a bunch of people and they find out you looked up how to make a bomb on your computer, ie Boston Bombers, it's going to be good circumstantial evidence against you!
The thought of kissing my boys after putting them in the car in case we are in an accident and they die has never crossed my mind.Ever. I still can't wrap my head around all just makes me so terribly sad.

I have 2 little boys, one 3.5 and one just 5 days younger than Cooper. They spent 5 days with Grandma and Grandpa and I was so anxious to get them back last night. I was putting my littlest to bed, cradling his little body, snuggling and kissing his sweet cheeks, tears running down my face thinking of Cooper and how he was the exact same age as my little one. I don't understand how a parent could hurt a child so small and precious and so dependent on them for protection.

He knew Cooper was there. He knew exactly what he was doing. I have a feeling he had this planned for a while, they just had to wait for the weather to get warmer. There is also no way Cooper fell asleep. A 22 month old that woke up only a couple hours earlier and just had breakfast does not fall asleep in the car in a matter of seconds.

With my two older children I stayed at home. My youngest went to daycare at about 6 months. The funny thing about daycare is, they get into a routine. The eat at a certain time, they nap at a certain time. If you take them in late, they won't give breakfast late, if they come in during naptime, they put them down.

I would LOVE to know what the baby's schedule was in his toddler room. What time would he normally nap? Because unless the child was sick, or used to napping that that particular time, I cannot imagine a child going to sleep within 40 seconds of being alert and eating breakfast.
Too bad Harris didn't take the time to purchase one of these!

View attachment 54705

Maybe they should hand these out at the hospitals when babies are born and given out at the pediatrician upon the baby first visit. Maybe even have them sign a paper stated they will always check for their child before exiting vehicle and put this up on their rear view mirror.

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Can someone please describe what Randy Travis was able to see on his drive? I'm going to be on the edge of my seat to watch that video tonight! How tall is Randy Travis, btw? Does he say?
He is smaller than RH and he stated so. His seat was up closer and he said the carseat was just inches from his elbow. He said when he turned to park, change lanes, make a u-turn and get the pc from the floor he could see the child/seat but he didn't notice it in the rear view mirror. jmo
In addition, to claim benefits, you have to demonstrate that you're available to work and looking for a job. Hard to say that when you're in a jail cell..

Yup. I said that on the last thread. He's not qualified for unemployment benefits
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