GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #4

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Question for you, and I apologize if it's been asked. (I'm catching up.)

Could you not convict him of what he is there for now, or a charge involving premeditation? I am curious how you don't think the evidence supports what he is in jail for currently.

If it was up to me he would not be in jail. He would be out and I would be gathering evidence and charging later. I think the arrest was premature.
This day, it was to go to Chick Fil A.

What I'm saying is, when he heads to work, he does not go straight there. If he were on autopilot for his normal tasks, he would be on autopilot to take Cooper. His FIRST normal task. You can't selectively autopilot.
Yes. And he forgot. He just pulled into a space and forgot. I still see that possibility.

In two minutes. After putting him in his car seat. After eating with him. Not only did he forget his son, but he forgot to take him to daycare...which is what he does everyday?

In 2/10 of a mile, he forget the thing that starts his workday? He forgot his ROUTINE?
Setting up a new thread. This one will close shortly.

if that is the case his search histories should bear that out. It will show reading the articles about another recent case, maybe a comment or two under news article, something pointing to the case they may say the innocent search related to.

And yes, we would all need to have our histories here scrutinized to document our interest in which cases and the research we did and what links we provided for what case etc. It would need explained big time and tied up with a neat bow. Otherwise . . . it would look really bad.

And even then, the vast amount and variety of murder related things we research while following cases could be turned to look like we would have this wealth of knowledge at hand as to how to murder and get away with it.

But to the cynic in me. It looks really bad. JMO

Yeah, I just don't see it that way yet. What if they were on the phone one day and he called and said, Did you see that story about the child that was left in the car?~

And then she googled it to see about the case and what to do to help prevent it?

I just don't see this as anything but incidental yet.

I need to have it proven to me, I just don't see it yet. To be honest, Part of me does not want to see it, but if it is there, I will. I have to follow those facts.
So I know I am late to the party today.. I did see that the Police said that he searched for Kids dying in hot cars.

The problem I have with this is I have many times searched for the same statistics after a story like this. And also searched related things after this story came out.

I thought about it yesterday a long time. And I know that this was a pushing point for me before but as a parent who has googled a lot of crazy things since being here and seeing awful child deaths, Or drownings, or left in hot cars, I have googled all the same things. I just don't know if that is enough for anything.

In my opinion, none of these strange things would be "enough for anything" if they existed entirely alone. But taken as a whole, the few facts we now know are extremely troubling.

The search alone would not be suspicious to any Websleuther, but he wasn't "sleuthing...let's just take his own explanation: he was searching how long it took to die...because he feared it happening to his child.

Now we learn the Mother also had this fear, and also acted on that fear to read about it. Okay. Now, I ask myself, what did these two fearful people DO with the knowledge they gained? Did they put a note on the dashboard..."ALWAYS check for BABY!" Did the one NOT driving call the other every day to ascertain the child had been dropped off? These things cost nothing. Here we had two very "worried" parents about a certain type of death. But, that worry led to NO, NADA , proactive precautions. I find the worry...followed by NO action...very strange.

Then we have the stop at Chik-Fil-A. He puts his hands on his child, removes him, eats, puts him back in. He is holding, touching, interacting with the child. HE has FIVE minutes left in his trip. Sorry, unless he was drugged at Chik-Fil-A, that is too much interaction and too short a time, to go brain dead about your Baby.

Then there is the question of the pattern of his drive to work. Distracted people follow routine. He didn't. He went right past that huge building where the daycare was. He turned in a different direction. If it can be shown that he dropped off every day, the presence of mind to go OFF pattern, in a different direction! shows an awareness IMO that is damning. I know we don't know the frequency that he was the drop off parent, but the daycare will know.

Then there is the size of that SUV and the fact that the car seat is right over his shoulder. You can hear a hair rubbing on the back of the car seat from that position. Any sort of wheeze, sniffle, bubble that Baby made was right under his ear practically. But in five minutes, he is in La-La land...heads to the wrong place, hears nothing...and exits not sending the child or car seat.

And finally, the noon drop by. If that child excreted anything...that car stank then. I know. I missed some vomit from my grandchild and then spent 2 hrs with her in a DR.s office. Fried vomit, fried feces...very hard to not notice.

So...I put all these things together. I add some common sense. And I gag with horror. It's the totality. Not just this or that.
Listen. We could go round and round with people saying no way he forgot, and other people exhausting themselves pointing out other people who forget in very unbelievable situations, and then the original people could keep saying yeah well okay that doesn't count because that wasn't a child.

I guess we can just finish this back and forth by me saying I've certainly see people forget things they were JUST doing, and you saying okay fine but when there's a baby harmed no one actually forgets.

Also, I wanted to point out that no child talks all the time. Some do, but they drive their parents right up the wall. It's HIGHLY unlikely that Ross was engaged in a conversation with Cooper or that Cooper was making any noise at all while they drove from Chick Fil A to work and then Dad left him. Children - especially rear facing ones - often zone out despite fond memories loved ones have of them cutely saying bye red car while in the car.
In two minutes. After putting him in his car seat. After eating with him. Not only did he forget his son, but he forgot to take him to daycare...which is what he does everyday?

In 2/10 of a mile, he forget the thing that starts his workday? He forgot his ROUTINE?

This is part of it for me. If he was planning this, He would know it would make no sense to do it this day. When he was with the child, and only had 2 mins from the restaurant to work. It just makes no sense. It would have been better on a day when he did not stop and if he read all the research he would know that.
He searched on his own computer. He is IT. He knows the police will find it if they look.
So for me, It seems accidental not deliberate.
If it was up to me he would not be in jail. He would be out and I would be gathering evidence and charging later. I think the arrest was premature.

I didn't ask about putting him in jail.

I'm asking based on the evidence we know, and keep in mind the cops know more than we would not convict him of what his is currently charged with?
So when he pulls into the space, his 2 yr old is SILENT? Not a peep out of him that whole time?

Sure. I have had 3 kids. Sometimes just putting them in the car after eating sends them into lala land. Some kids nap at that time of day.

Kids are not always making noise.
I didn't ask about putting him in jail.

I'm asking based on the evidence we know, and keep in mind the cops know more than we would not convict him of what his is currently charged with?

No. I wouldn't. Not of murder or child welfare charges.

I think the early arrest is going to come back to bite them.
What I'm saying is, when he heads to work, he does not go straight there. If he were on autopilot for his normal tasks, he would be on autopilot to take Cooper. His FIRST normal task. You can't selectively autopilot.

YES you can selectively sutopilot! You can decide hmm today I want chick fil a, let's go do that. Get the baby out of the car, do the chick fil a, then replace the baby, get in the car.

The brain goes into "now that I've stopped" I'm on the way to work.

JUST as when you buy a burger and you get your credit card and receipt but no food, some people's brain goes into "There, I've done that transaction, time to roll up the window and drive off". With no food, but a full interaction with the clerk.

With people who have to bring a covered dish to book club, and they make the dish and there it sits, warm and in a casserole on their stove ready to be brought, and then they get involved in doing a load of laundry and looking at kid's homework and all of a sudden it's 20 minutes past the time they were supposed to be at book club and it has TOTALLY slipped their mind. Who knows, but for the call from a friend, when they'd remember they were headed to book club? I've seen this, more than once.
the man caused his child's death by cruel neglect (ie. forgetting or leaving him in the car) and so under existing GA law he may be guilty of murder if the neglect charge is proved.

All our various opinions on forgetting or not forgetting or forgetting for a short while or a long while does not affect that under existing law this is perfectly possible to be guilty of the crimes he is charged with regardless.

I don't think any of us are going to change one another's opinion and we have heard from a lot of folks from both POVs.

done with the :horse:

Time to go sit on the porch and watch the kids all play and ride their bikes. Fireworks will be going off pretty soon.

cya :wave:
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