GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #9

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I have to wonder if LH and RH discussed the idea of doing away with Cooper etc...

They seem like the type of self-centered couple that would discuss all sorts of bizarre plans and ideas at great length no matter how bizarre those ideas may be.

Anyway I wonder if they had discussed it but LH did NOT know he planned to do it THAT DAY. The day was a surprise, maybe she didn't think he would ever really do it, but when she heard the baby wasn't at daycare she immediately "knew" he really DID follow through on the ideas they had discussed.

As much as I just can't comprehend that they were in this together ,it really seems like they were.Like they actually planned this.
How else could he have made this statement to her?He dreaded how Connor would look?? Doesn't that indicate they both knew he would see Connor "like that" ?:banghead:

STODDARD: And, once again, as we're watching their reunion, after he's talking about how Cooper looked peaceful and his eyes were closed and just, you know, looked like he was sleeping, he goes - and he goes, "I dreaded how he would look."

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Dreaded, past tense.
Couple little things here....

Why did LH go to RH's workplace to look for him and the baby at almost 5PM? And she asked that someone go with her. Now, remember, he made plans at lunchtime to go to drinks and dinner with friends.

We are to assume that there was no text or phone call to tell his wife that he wasn't coming home.

Why not? Was it commonplace that he would make plans and be gone hours after work without telling her? If so, and she was accustomed to his inconsiderate disappearances, why did she react the way she did at the Daycare?

I think he did not call her because that was part of their plan. But the "invitation" created a situation that complicated that plan. Because, you would expect a great "Leader" and wonderful "Husband and Daddy" at least text..."Going to drinks and movie, be home way too late for dinner."

But he didn't do that. Radio silence.

She comes at almost 5 o'clock to daycare and when told her child never was there...blurts out..."Ross left him in the car!" This is also beyond weird. She then asks someone to go with her to his workplace. Did she head straight to the parking lot? If I truly believed my child had been in a car all day...I would have broken all speed laws to get to that parking lot...and I'd be searching every aisle for our car.

Now, IIRC, she tries to call him but can't get through. This is while he is at the pizza place with the Baby's body. I'd like to know more about this specific interval. Did she rush to where they were? Was she intercepted by the police and taken elsewhere? If she is trying to call him, and he is wanting to talk to her, why isn't he taking her call when she beeps in to whatever conversation he is having? At times when I have tried to call my husband, and then called someone else in the the first call-waiting beep..I'll say.."Oh, this might be him!"

"Did you say too much?"

LH seems to have been in protect-Ross mode from the first. Did she ever ask him..."How could you forget him!?" Did she question how her child came to die such a terrible death...or was it all about Ross from the moment they were together?
She comes at almost 5:00 yet we have witness reports dad had called her on his cell and said our child is dead..something is hinky there.,moo
"but there's no malicious intent" is the sort of answer someone who had worked in dispatch for the police force might say in relation to a charge where they really did not mean to cause harm but they knew that the charge included maliciousness.. so I am not seeing this as a big red flag

"Did you say too much" was what LH said to JH. It does sound suspicious that she said that.. It definitely would support the allegation that she was in on it.

I think Stoddard said the drive took "less than 2 minutes".

bbm, I'm not buying that. I listen to a scanner allot and dispatch does not say that, that is lawyer talk to me, not dispatch.
>>Why did LH go to RH's workplace to look for him and the baby at almost 5PM? And she asked that someone go with her. Now, remember, he made plans at lunchtime to go to drinks and dinner with friends.

If she is innocent, I guess she was trying to find some rationale for how RH could still have Cooper? That he was still at work and had the little boy? Not sure where i would look if i knew for certain that my hubby was supposed to drop my son off that morning but the daycare had not seen him - and I knew my hubby was now at a movie with his friends.. Remember she had received a text from her hubby asking her what time she was picking up his "buddy". I can understand if she had a "gut feeling" something was terribly wrong.. she might think the only explanation would be that he had left the kid in the car and not left work yet?

>>We are to assume that there was no text or phone call to tell his wife that he wasn't coming home.

I think she knew he was going out that night, maybe he had told her early that day..

>> Did she head straight to the parking lot? If I truly believed my child had been in a car all day...I would have broken all speed laws to get to that parking lot...and I'd be searching every aisle for our car.

She asked someone to go with her searching for her child - I know she went to Home Depot offices (Treehouse) but I do not know if she searched the car park before going inside or not

>>Did she rush to where they were? Was she intercepted by the police and taken elsewhere? If she is trying to call him, and he is wanting to talk to her, why isn't he taking her call when she beeps in to whatever conversation he is having? At times when I have tried to call my husband, and then called someone else in the the first call-waiting beep..I'll say.."Oh, this might be him!"

It is my belief that JH DID get through to the Daycare - his first call (to her cell) failed, and second call to Home Depot corporate went to voicemail but he called the Daycare number and the call lasted I think 6 mins. I think he told Leanna what had happened at that point. Giving her the benefit of the doubt - If I had just heard that news I would not be able to drive at that point. I believe the police told her to wait where she was and they came to the Daycare to interview her.
If Leanna was involved, and the plan was to make this look like an accident, shouldn't she have a different reaction when she went to pick Cooper up, and he was not there? You would think that she would react just like Ross did in the parking lot, where they are trying to look upset but there is something off.

I also think that "how to survive in prison" was searched as a joke. Ross did not think he would going to prison.

Maybe the plan was for her to react like Ross, but she decided to dump the whole thing on him.
Well, I would give them benefit of doubt yesterday, before this court proceeding, since then I have no doubt.
I live in Tuscaloosa. The supporters I've seen tonight are people who actually know RH. Someone commented about "lies, news reports, and gossip" and how if "any of us actually knew him, we'd know he has NO sense of smell and is deaf in one ear."

Unlinkable personal Facebook posts, so rumor.

If he has no sense of smell, I would think his atty would have talked about it like he talked about his hearing.

IMO, having no sense of smell in this case is a bigger deal than hearing loss in one ear.
bbm, So are you saying that they are not to be trusted? That they lied?

Cops often play this game.. if you want to call it lying you can.. I would call it selective evidence sifting.. They are balancing the morality of lying about seeing a piece of evidence against the morality of letting a guy like JH out of jail to potentially abscond and get away with the murder of an innocent baby.. I know which I would choose..

If you do not think police lie a lot in cases like this you are mistaken. Witness the OJ trial as the worst example of it, but they are often so keen to convict someone that they do stuff that is "decidedly dodgy" as we say in England

When Cooper's case first was known in the media, I was posting defending the monster. I truly thought that in this fast paced world, maybe he just forgot. Little by little, my thoughts had been changing. I watched the hearing yesterday, and was sickened. I never want to believe that someone will intentionally harm a baby, but...I can't deny when facts are thrown in my face. This was intentional, and at this point, from what was released yesterday in that hearing, both parents need to rot.

I'm bottle feeding pigs that the sow abandoned. PIGS for God's sake!! Did the whole up every two hours feeding them. They turn 5 weeks old Tuesday and I'm trying to wean them off the bottle. The darn things know my voice, know my footsteps, and are living in my house!!! PIGS!!! And someone can kill a human child without blinking an eye. I just don't comprehend. I just can't. Too much evil in this world. I'm ready to hide on a plantation with my head stuck in the clouds!!! When will this end??? How many more innocent children are going to be murdered?? WHY, dear Lord, WHY
I must have missed that (buffering every 3 minutes it seemed) --

wonder if that was the agreed upon 'signal' that deed was done - time for next step kind of thing

I wonder if the little buddy text came right after him telling his buds he would be late for the movie
Well, I would give them benefit of doubt yesterday, before this court proceeding, since then I have no doubt.

I thought he was guilty of something before the hearing, but wasn't sure of the extent.

Now I think they're both guilty as hell and (I'm just going to stop that sentence there before I get myself into trouble).
Chewy, this is true AND sad. It burns me up, when a woman traps a man. And , yes peeps, IT DOES HAPPEN, and the child AND the man, are the victims. :(

WOW. Maybe we should take a good look back, a couple hundred years ago when any woman who fell for the lies, or machinations of men, and got pregnant were shunned by society. No child support, no family support - the woman and the child were victims. Oftimes illigitimate children were not considered "suitable" spouses. Many women, especially in England (maybe we have the most data there), threw there newborns in the outdoor latrines.

Even during the fifties in this country, girls were sent away to have the babies some man promised he would support and protect. Oh, please, I know what went on, and the "poor men" were NOT victims, the stupid girls who believed them were. Ever watched mothers on TV looking for their children that they were "forced", and yes they were, to adopt out? Where was daddy then, the poor men victims?

Sorry, men are not victims. My son, who does not want to ever marry again, tells me the hoops he jumps through to be SURE no one gets pregnant. Good for him, too bad women for a couple hundred years didn't have that same knowledge.

Any married man who has a child is NOT a victim. A real man stands up, protects, and raises his child, he does not do away with it, one way or another.

Today, with our knowedge of birth control, there is no reason for anyone to have an unwanted child.
If he has no sense of smell, I would think his atty would have talked about it like he talked about his hearing.

IMO, having no sense of smell in this case is a bigger deal than hearing loss in one ear.

Let me just reiterate I do believe he has no hearing in his right ear. I have NO HEARING in my right ear. Exactly the same situation. And it seems like this loss of hearing came from an accident several years ago. His friend ALSO demonstrated that he "always has to talk to him in one ear" and this is the case with me as well I only have 20% hearing in the left ear.

I believe that RH is deaf in his right ear and to me, I hope they actually DO bring this up in the case. Why? Because guess what happens when you have NO hearing in your right ear?

A. You always look over your shoulder when backing up because you can't rely on hearing the way a regular person does.

B. Every single time he has driven Cooper he has had no hearing in his right ear. He's had no hearing in his right ear since before Cooper was born. So he is USED to not being able to hear Cooper in his right ear. This isn't suddenly new. He hasn't had to "acclimate getting used to his lack of hearing in his right ear when dealing with Cooper." Every single time he's driven him he's had no hearing in his right ear.

C. People who have children sitting behind them who have no hearing in their right ear, depend on VISUAL monitoring of the child, BECAUSE they can't hear him. Thus his excuse undermines him. He would have ALWAYS relied on the visual of Cooper because he couldn't hear him there.
I haven't had time to post as I have been traveling. Catching up with these threads is impossible.

Anyway, I noticed that the poster that went to the courtroom to observe the hearing said that there are still reasons that they could think that RH did not do this on purpose.

One reason listed was that it was "Justin's responsibility to drop off Cooper at daycare everyday"

The inference was that this was not part of "Ross'" routine, it was part of "Justin's".

Do some realize that "Justin" is Ross? His full name is Justin Ross Harris, he just goes by "Ross". Justin and Ross are the same person.

Also, there was something mentioned about his being deaf in one ear.

That does not matter.

Being deaf does not mean that you cannot smell or see. In fact, it probably means that you can smell and see better than most because when one sense is not up to par on a person, their other senses become stronger as they rely on them more and over compensate.

And his hearing has nothing to do with his apparent inability to see a car seat with a child in it when it was a mere 6 inches away from him. You also do not need your right ear to smell the stench of death in a hot car.

I mean, this guy is not a hapless Mr. Magoo. He murdered his baby with premeditation.

Also, child killers, murderers, rapists, and criminals do not "look" a certain way. In fact, they usually appear to be every day Joe's, the guy next door. There is no common appearance that tells you who they are and what they are capable of.

Has Sheltiesmom1 been back since court yesterday? Hope I have the right Nic.
Couple little things here....

Why did LH go to RH's workplace to look for him and the baby at almost 5PM? And she asked that someone go with her. Now, remember, he made plans at lunchtime to go to drinks and dinner with friends.

We are to assume that there was no text or phone call to tell his wife that he wasn't coming home.

Why not? Was it commonplace that he would make plans and be gone hours after work without telling her? If so, and she was accustomed to his inconsiderate disappearances, why did she react the way she did at the Daycare?

I think he did not call her because that was part of their plan. But the "invitation" created a situation that complicated that plan. Because, you would expect a great "Leader" and wonderful "Husband and Daddy" at least text..."Going to drinks and movie, be home way too late for dinner."

But he didn't do that. Radio silence.

She comes at almost 5 o'clock to daycare and when told her child never was there...blurts out..."Ross left him in the car!" This is also beyond weird. She then asks someone to go with her to his workplace. Did she head straight to the parking lot? If I truly believed my child had been in a car all day...I would have broken all speed laws to get to that parking lot...and I'd be searching every aisle for our car.

Now, IIRC, she tries to call him but can't get through. This is while he is at the pizza place with the Baby's body. I'd like to know more about this specific interval. Did she rush to where they were? Was she intercepted by the police and taken elsewhere? If she is trying to call him, and he is wanting to talk to her, why isn't he taking her call when she beeps in to whatever conversation he is having? At times when I have tried to call my husband, and then called someone else in the the first call-waiting beep..I'll say.."Oh, this might be him!"

"Did you say too much?"

LH seems to have been in protect-Ross mode from the first. Did she ever ask him..."How could you forget him!?" Did she question how her child came to die such a terrible death...or was it all about Ross from the moment they were together?

Those are all questions that I have been pondering today.

Also, his comment to her that he ' was dreading' what the baby was going to look like.

HUH? When exactly was he dreading? Dreading is something that goes on for awhile. It is not instantaneous. So when did he have time to 'dread' what poor Cooper looked like after roasting to death?

t is also weird that LE says they never texted throughout the day at all. I talk or text my husband several times and our kids are grown.
WOW. Maybe we should take a good look back, a couple hundred years ago when any woman who fell for the lies, or machinations of men, and got pregnant were shunned by society. No child support, no family support - the woman and the child were victims. Oftimes illigitimate children were not considered "suitable" spouses. Many women, especially in England (maybe we have the most data there), threw there newborns in the outdoor latrines.

Even during the fifties in this country, girls were sent away to have the babies some man promised he would support and protect. Oh, please, I know what went on, and the "poor men" were NOT victims, the stupid girls who believed them were. Ever watched mothers on TV looking for their children that they were "forced", and yes they were, to adopt out? Where was daddy then, the poor men victims?

Sorry, men are not victims. My son, who does not want to ever marry again, tells me the hoops he jumps through to be SURE no one gets pregnant. Good for him, too bad women for a couple hundred years didn't have that same knowledge.

Any married man who has a child is NOT a victim. A real man stands up, protects, and raises his child, he does not do away with it, one way or another.

Today, with our knowedge of birth control, there is no reason for anyone to have an unwanted child.

I agree with the last sentence but the first part is irrelevant. This isn't hundreds of years ago or the 1950s we're in 2014. And many men are duped by women who get pregnant on purpose because they poke holes in condoms or lie about using birth control. In a casual relationship with a man, obviously it's his duty to use condoms and be careful. But then you have to wonder why a woman would want to have a baby with a man she's in a casual relationship with.

That said, this is not an excuse anyway. Tough crap, grow up and deal with responsibility.

But I do have to wonder if he was using those medications to enhance his erections for his "sexting' and the side effect was low sperm count which is why she couldn't get pregnant for so long.
And to address the rumor that RH does not have a sense of smell.

I do not believe it.

If that were the case, you better believe that his defense attorney would have been all over that on cross. He would have mentioned it in court yesterday during his chance with the investigator.

If your client is accused of driving in a car with your dead child in the backseat, and the entire crux of your case is that this was a hapless accident, your attorney is definitely going to defend your actions by mentioning that you were unable to smell the stench in the car.

His attorney only brought up that RH is totally deaf in his right ear. And RH did not need his hearing to see and smell Cooper.

I call Major BS on the RH has "no sense of smell" commentary. Its pure rumor.

I'm really interested in how bad the car was supposed to smell when he entered it after 4pm with his dead son in the back. He apparently drove for 2-3 minutes before pulling into a shopping center and then acting totally freaked out, although LE reported he never shed any real tears. Like the Casey Anthony case, it is extremely difficult to quantify decaying smells in a parked car or trunk, but it was a reason cited by the judge to take the case to trial. How important will the first police officers testimony be in that regard? Could the officer be granted an expert witness in terms of detecting unusual smells?

And what was he on the phone with the daycare center for almost 6 minutes when police arrived? I want to hear the daycare worker tell us what was said.

We have had people with medical experience on WS say there would be no smell until Cooper was moved, so you can be sure the defense will have someone on the stand who will say that.
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