GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #9

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I don't want to sound like I'm defending him because I find the guy disgusting at best, but here I go again... Is it possible that he had planned to send those pictures to get the others in exchange, and was working on getting "ready" for the photo shoot between strapping Cooper in and getting to work? If he was really into it, he could have forgotten within a minute or so. If his mind was on that most of the morning (both the photos he sent and those he received) it's possible, but not very probable, that even seeing the car seat wouldn't remind him since he'd assume he had dropped him off.

I may not be great at coming up with useful theories these days, but wouldn't I be a great help to a defense attorney? :blushing:

I wouldn't be surprised if this is his defense strategy. Even if that were the God's-honest truth of what happened, it wouldn't change how I feel about him one iota. When you bring a tiny human being into the world, they deserve nothing less than your utmost.
I wouldn't be surprised if this is his defense strategy. Even if that were the God's-honest truth of what happened, it wouldn't change how I feel about him one iota. When you bring a tiny human being into the world, they deserve nothing less than your utmost.
meh, it doesn't negate those damning searches and watching the vet video TWICE, the last time June 13 2014.

here it is if anyone hasn't seen it.

How Hot Does it Get in a Parked Car Dr Ernie Ward:
I wouldn't be surprised if this is his defense strategy. Even if that were the God's-honest truth of what happened, it wouldn't change how I feel about him one iota. When you bring a tiny human being into the world, they deserve nothing less than your utmost.

This is why the charges are BRILLIANT. Yesterday the Defense Attorney kept trying to suggest that they "downgraded the charges" and Stoddard kept saying he didn't agree with that statement.

That's because they DO NOT HAVE TO PROVE INTENT! Nope not at all. He said the original charges were because they thought Cooper had died of dehydration but now it's based on hyperthermia. Not abuse but neglect.

All they have to proven is that the father should not have forgotten him within the short drive from Chik-fila to work. And that his return to the car during the afternoon gave him the opportunity to remember his son. They aren't charging him with premeditated murder. They are charging him with what they can prove. That's why it took the judge two seconds to decide to continue with the prosecution.

There's simply no way out. Even if RH was sexting in the car and this is what made him forget his child, it's neglect. Confusion during work schedules, fatigue from no sleep, medication, illness, all these things are reasonable excuses for forgetting your kid.

Sexting is not. That's why the attorney brought up the case about the mother who let her kids drown in the pool because she was on the internet.

It's neglect in the basic responsibilities as a parent, willfull neglect.

The case is closed. :drumroll:
This is why the charges are BRILLIANT. Yesterday the Defense Attorney kept trying to suggest that they "downgraded the charges" and Stoddard kept saying he didn't agree with that statement.

That's because they DO NOT HAVE TO PROVE INTENT! Nope not at all. He said the original charges were because they thought Cooper had died of dehydration but now it's based on hyperthermia. Not abuse but neglect.

All they have to proven is that the father should not have forgotten him within the short drive from Chik-fila to work. And that his return to the car during the afternoon gave him the opportunity to remember his son. They aren't charging him with premeditated murder. They are charging him with what they can prove. That's why it took the judge two seconds to decide to continue with the prosecution.

There's simply no way out. Even if RH was sexting in the car and this is what made him forget his child, it's neglect. Confusion during work schedules, fatigue from no sleep, medication, illness, all these things are reasonable excuses for forgetting your kid.

Sexting is not. That's why the attorney brought up the case about the mother who let her kids drown in the pool because she was on the internet.

It's neglect in the basic responsibilities as a parent, willfull neglect.

The case is closed. :drumroll:
Do you think there will be a trial?
Yes and no. I think he's going to try to push a head with his plan. His mindset from the beginning was that he wasn't going to be charged. He can't see how transparent he is to others Most Narcissists I've seen are so used to manipulating people they think that people will believe him. It's why Jodie Arias took the stand. They think they can convince people. In the Blagg family murder trial, the father made a point of looking at the jury every day and smiling at them. He was "trying to establish a connection" He figured he could work his magic there as well.

But some Jury members said they felt creeped out by him staring at them and they found him guilty.

I think these types are very good at pretending during "Happy Times" and "Good Days' but they don't know how to act when issues are dark and sad and upsetting. They still try to go for what they know and they don't know how to "act" sad or upset because they always hide all their negative feelings. They can't access them like a regular person.

When you are around someone like this during a tragedy their behavior is often transparent and horrifying but they don't realize how it comes across. So I think he's stupid enough to think he can sway the jury. Notice how the DA referred to the sexting as "fantasy" Um no it's frickin illegal moron.

But on the other hand it's amazing to me how many of these people aren't willing to face the death penalty and fight for their lives. So if they take the death penalty off the table maybe.

I also think if LH flips on him he'll flip right back on her. And I think Stoddard was very careful to let LH know from the witness stand that he's coming for her next.
I also think if LH flips on him he'll flip right back on her. And I think Stoddard was very careful to let LH know from the witness stand that he's coming for her next.

Yeah and I have to say I dread seeing people "defend her and paint her out as a victim" and I think that will happen.

Her statement to Ross: Did you say too much?

To me that says it ALL! She was a co-conspirator, an abused and manipulated wife would NOT say something like that! She was obviously questioning his judgement and she wasn't worried about it because she likely does it frequently.
Dang! I finally got to see the entire hearing on YouTube. I haven't begun to finish the thread from the hearing or even the previous thread here. I did see the first half, but that thread just ran so far ahead, I couldn't keep up.

Up at 3 AM, considering the changeover is coming soon, and reading all I can. Darn thunder-boomers keep interrupting my ability to keep up, along with a visit from the hair-dresser and demands to go to the basement to discuss the placement of electric outlets and switches.

Prior to the hearing, I only posted twice. I was leaning towards the "he did it column" based solely on the fact that he'd been charged so soon. LE usually doesn't do that in such cases as these. I also couldn't imagine how JRH didn't see his son in a car seat just inches from his head. At his height, he'd be looking down on the child any time he turned to the right. Learning that the seat was too small for the 22-month-old Cooper cinched it for me.

My mouth was agape listening to the sexting information. I notice that the defense didn't object until the prosecution uttered "17-year-old". He immediately jumped up to say he objected as irrelevant.

Just thinking that the State of Georgia hasn't had all that much time to develop this case, I have a feeling that much more will be coming to light.

Whether or not he is represented by the same attorneys in the future, I'm thinking that there will be mental evaluations. Unfortunately, diagnoses such as narcissistic personality disorder or being diagnosed a sociopath won't help him. Even at this point, it is very obvious that JRH knew what he was doing was wrong.

I'm expecting a plea deal. I wouldn't be too upset if he got a hard 30. When he would be released, he wouldn't be the man he was.

I'm hoping I'm mistaken in this. His self-admitted lack of a conscience needs never see light of day.

I came off the fence with a lout "thud"!
When is the site going off line? I thought it was by 6 am or is that another time zone?
and another statement:

It was also revealed that the couple had both a $2,000 and a $25,000 life insurance policy on their son in November 2012 and that Harris’ wife 'was complaining about his purchasing, sporadic purchasing or overcharging credit cards.'

Women that are abused and controlled don't dare complain about their abuser spending too much on frivolous things, they wouldn't DARE tell the abuser (or head of the household) how he can spend HIS money.
6-8am pacific?
9-11am Eastern?

I can't find a link.
Yeah and I have to say I dread seeing people "defend her and paint her out as a victim" and I think that will happen.

Her statement to Ross: Did you say too much?

To me that says it ALL! She was a co-conspirator, an abused and manipulated wife would NOT say something like that! She was obviously questioning his judgement and she wasn't worried about it because she likely does it frequently.
I've been sitting on my hands about LH until today. Nothing about Cooper's funeral service seemed like genuine grief. Her words seemed very scripted and, at times, downright inappropriate.

Now we hear that she expressed no grief at the time of Cooper's death. Inconceivable. I'm expecting them to press charges against her any day now.
Interesting "personal share" When I first started discussing this story, someone asked if there were not passionate advocates against forgetting kids in cars. I mentioned that on another site I was basically banned for being so outspoken about how allowing this to go on without prosecution in essence paved the way for parents to get away with murder.

I've been outspoken about this since 2011. Every time another case was in the news it flipped me out and I would insist that if we didn't start paying much closer attention to this that we were basically legalizing murder out of sympathy. Eventually a parent would just "forget an unwanted baby in the car."

And people told me I was cruel to suggest this, that it was a ridiculous idea, that no parent would do this to a baby and that the baby had barely suffered but the parents were suffering for a life time.

I would say "I don't want innocent parents to suffer more, (but I still can't really call a parent who forgets a baby innocent) I want to set a precedent to prevent children from being killed this way.

I just went to the site to look up my old post to see how long ago I've been writing about this, and what do you know, suddenly I'm no longer banned on the site and they are discussing this topic in shock.

I think they expected me to participate again. But nope. Maybe with this case Cooper's death will prevent further deaths like this. I'm so utterly grateful that this man was caught and prosecuted. Because NOW every time a case like this happens the police are going to think of JRH and how he almost got away with it. They will remember the public outpouring of support and money and how bad the situation really is. And I think they will carefully investigate all future cases. So this case is saving innocent children from horrifying deaths.

I've felt like the child in the Emperor's New Clothes for so long in discussing stories like these. It's an absolute passion of mine and so I apologize for getting so worked up over it.

To me it is nothing short of a miracle that a detective FINALLY decided to prosecute and draw attention to this case. NEGLECT. That's what this case is going to be about.

Just wanted to share. :)
Interesting "personal share" When I first started discussing this story, someone asked if there were not passionate advocates against forgetting kids in cars. I mentioned that on another site I was basically banned for being so outspoken about how allowing this to go on without prosecution in essence paved the way for parents to get away with murder.

I've been outspoken about this since 2011. Every time another case was in the news it flipped me out and I would insist that if we didn't start paying much closer attention to this that we were basically legalizing murder out of sympathy. Eventually a parent would just "forget an unwanted baby in the car."

And people told me I was cruel to suggest this, that it was a ridiculous idea, that no parent would do this to a baby and that the baby had barely suffered but the parents were suffering for a life time.

I would say "I don't want innocent parents to suffer more, (but I still can't really call a parent who forgets a baby innocent) I want to set a precedent to prevent children from being killed this way.

I just went to the site to look up my old post to see how long ago I've been writing about this, and what do you know, suddenly I'm no longer banned on the site and they are discussing this topic in shock.

I think they expected me to participate again. But nope. Maybe with this case Cooper's death will prevent further deaths like this. I'm so utterly grateful that this man was caught and prosecuted. Because NOW every time a case like this happens the police are going to think of JRH and how he almost got away with it. They will remember the public outpouring of support and money and how bad the situation really is. And I think they will carefully investigate all future cases. So this case is saving innocent children from horrifying deaths.

I've felt like the child in the Emperor's New Clothes for so long in discussing stories like these. It's an absolute passion of mine and so I apologize for getting so worked up over it.

To me it is nothing short of a miracle that a detective FINALLY decided to prosecute and draw attention to this case. NEGLECT. That's what this case is going to be about.

Just wanted to share. :)
I really wonder how many children were killed by their parents now.
In 1990 there were 5 hot car deaths. NOT an average of 38 per year!
Leanna loved this... and pinned it... yeah 2 years ago but still.


This is truth!

If you look at those charts you will see an interesting pattern. The number JUMPS every other year. To me this says that one year a lot of cases make the headlines and the emotional outpouring of sympathy makes them realize they can get away with it. So several people do it the following year. That's why it spikes every other year.

You can look at that chart in a really creepy was and figure that anything over 40 is probably a murder. IMO.

Note:! I'm pretty sure that they mandated car seats being moved to the back of the car in 1994. So that's what the first spikes are supposedly about. Now consider the reality of forgetfulness. You would think the numbers would spike once cell phones became very popular. Parent distracted by a phone call just totally forgets the baby. But the numbers don't show this. It's increased EVER SINCE THE FIRST HUGE NUMBER it's just gone UP and not DOWN.

Wouldn't you think that once the horrific details of such a thing happening came out, the numbers would drop drastically because parents would freak out? They didn't. It just doesn't make any sense at all.
If you look at those charts you will see an interesting pattern. The number JUMPS every other year. To me this says that one year a lot of cases make the headlines and the emotional outpouring of sympathy makes them realize they can get away with it. So several people do it the following year. That's why it spikes every other year.

You can look at that chart in a really creepy was and figure that anything over 40 is probably a murder. IMO.
Anything over 20 is suspicious to me! That's still 5x what it was in the early 90's.
I knew some really bad stuff was coming but even I am shocked!
There are many fathers who don't want the responsibility of children but are at the mercy of their wives or girlfriends getting pregnant. It's an unfair double standard in this country. A woman can decide she's not ready to be a mother and have an abortion. She can make that decision on her own. But a father is at the mercy of a woman's decision to have a baby. He's economically liable for the next 18 years of that child's life even if he doesn't want the child.

This puts a man in a desperate corner at times. If they know that they can just "forget" the child, how hard is it really to commit this crime. All you need to do is chance it once and close the car door and walk away. Done. Then freak out upon discovery. Shut down after and lock yourself in a room for a week straight in depression. Then leave the relationship because "I can't go on with you, I need a new start, I'm so guilty"

Done. It's TOO easy. That's what makes me mad.
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