GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #9

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That's a bunch of baloney. They would shank him not perform surgery on his scrotum. Someone pulling your leg.

It is my son's uncle... Dude is alive and well, minus his balls and most of his penis. He is only alive because he was found quickly and saved. Seriously!
I'm guessing he still has a tongue and all 10 fingers?
The guy from jail...
He can still "molest" moo
It is my son's uncle... Dude is alive and well, minus his balls and most of his penis. He is only alive because he was found quickly and saved. Seriously!

Sorry, I don't buy it. Those guys in the pen kill people for being a molester. They don't perform surgery on them.
Sorry, I don't buy it.

You don't have to. Makes no difference in my world one bit.

I heard the doctors tell his mother what happened to him when she told them not to save him. I was her caregiver then as I am now.

Things happen in jail that the general public never hear. Good thing/bad thing?
And even if it has happened in the past, what's the odds that JRH will get away with a "jailhouse castration"? I say zero. He will get shanked and killed before that happens.

Maybe these people who claim to know JRH really don't. Who's to know?

This case makes me feel better about my own relationship. NO SECRETS. We all have access to each others e-mails, phones, etc. It's just the way it is -- mainly in part of my disability - my husband has all my passwords, and vice-versa.

As a helicopter mom, I also have access to my sons phone, and all his e-mails are forwarded to my account. When he turns 18 and starts paying for his own phone and internet, then the mom switches off.

Think that's a bit much? We don't. We hold ourselves accountable and in check with reality.

I can't imagine that Harris's wife didn't pick up his phone on occasion, and if not, why? If not the phone, it's so easy to access activity on line via your phone bill. Personally, I think she was well aware of his sexual activity (unless he was using a corporate phone -- in which case, she couldn't see his on line use/billing).

Just my opinion.

And even if it has happened in the past, what's the odds that JRH will get away with a "jailhouse castration"? I say zero. He will get shanked and killed before that happens.


Probably. Even if it isn't right. It still happens.

JH deserves to wake up behind bars for the rest of his life remembering he is there because he killed a child he was in charge of raising and loving and PROTECTING!

Let's be honest though, he probably won't ever have a second thought about Cooper other then to think about how he could have been more clever in killing him so that he wasn't caught.

I have a very hard time NOT wish for your scenario.

Instagram is very popular. IMO, the time wasted is around one second.

Ughhh...I just don't get it (but I'm old). What is the need for an Instragram, or Pintrest, or any of those other accounts. I have g-mail, Facebook, and WS. I can't believe people have time to update those (IMHO) ridiculous accounts.


So it's a waste of time to click on the links in your post? I don't like to click on unknown sites.

Unless you have an Instagram account (which I don't), there's nothing to see. I see zero posts, so I assume they have been taken down. Not sure though.


You don't have to. Makes no difference in my world one bit.

I heard the doctors tell his mother what happened to him when she told them not to save him. I was her caregiver then as I am now.

Things happen in jail that the general public never hear. Good thing/bad thing?
I believe that! I have never been convinced about some "suicides" unfortunately that includes a child of a friend. She was 23. No way the truth would be told. One way to avoid it. Stay out of jail.
I have always been too scared to break the law.
Not that I wanted to, just seeing a picture in a magazine of a cruiser with it's lights on in the rearview mirror of a vehicle scares me. Call it a phobia.
What happens in jail stays in jail...

Nice to know Ross Harris will be residing there for quite some time.
If he pleads guilty and is able to plea bargain to a reduced sentence would justice be served?

Only if everyone who was responsible for Cooper's death is held accountable. IMO
I am waaay behind here. I apologize if this has been said a million times.

Was it just me, or did the defense seem genuinely surprised to learn most of the information? He seemed surprised also that LE recorded everything and took so many pictures. Or maybe he was just hoping they hadn't?

I think the defense was shocked over the sexting revelations.

The attorney kept stuttering when he had to address it and seemed quite flustered by it.

I have a feeling that attorney probably does NOT want to represent RH at the trial, if there is one, and I doubt there will be. Attorneys don't like to be lied by their clients and then look like unprepared fools in court.
I doubt we will hear anything about it, but does anyone think there was some hanky panky going on between RH and any of his co-workers or do you think it was just people he met online.
I saw they mentioned Rope Mill Park in Woodstock Ga. Just made me wonder.

I just can't believe that this same stuff was going on in 1992, 1993 with people I knew that worked at corporate. I guess it still goes on everywhere. I was shocked at how many people were allegedly cheating on their spouses with co workers and I know of 2 divorces because of it.

What I don't get is how can people get away with doing that stuff on company time today?
Seems like there would be a checks and balances system to make sure everyone was pulling their load.
I have been out of the work loop too long.
A jail house castration? What's that? My best friend worked years at Folsom Prison and he never told my that one. JMO.
That say's "may have". I'm sure if people keep looking they will find an example of it happening. It's not a regular occurrence though.
A more regular occurrence is to shank the molester.
The one person I knew that was involved in something like that didn't shank the guy (as far as I know he's still alive, but it was more than 30 years ago), but I think the guy may have wished he had. He found out the guy was in for raping a girl the same age as his own (6 at the time), and he beat him bad enough to break several vertebra and both legs in several places. Even after several surgeries, the guy could never walk normally again, or even stand up straight for that matter.

I believe that! I have never been convinced about some "suicides" unfortunately that includes a child of a friend. She was 23. No way the truth would be told. One way to avoid it. Stay out of jail.
I have always been too scared to break the law.
Not that I wanted to, just seeing a picture in a magazine of a cruiser with it's lights on in the rearview mirror of a vehicle scares me. Call it a phobia.
What happens in jail stays in jail...

Nice to know Ross Harris will be residing there for quite some time.

I've always said that it doesn't matter if I have a conscience or not because I have a very healthy fear of getting caught. I've had very little to feel guilty about in my life because I'm too chicken to do most things that would cause it.
I want to throw this in before the site goes off line. So I haven't read this thread yet.

I've been thinking of Detective Phil Stoddard a lot and I really just am so impressed with him and how much confidence he displayed on the stand. Even when the smarmy Defense Attorney tried to make it seem like he was biased or that others thought RH was emotional etc. Stoddard didn't get ruffled or defensive. He just plodded ahead in tenacity and was very convincing.

One thing that I was thinking about was when he said he was present during the autopsy for Cooper. And I think he decided in that autopsy room to get justice for Cooper. Even the way he said his name during testimony, he said with a sense of protectiveness. And was pointed during Tricia's radio show yesterday, neither RH or LH referred to the boy by name during his funeral. They objectified him and distanced him.

But Stoddard's way of speaking of Cooper was very protective. I really think Stoddard is making it his mission to get justice for this little boy based on the trauma he went through.
On the last thread, someone speculated that he took the sexting photos near his car during lunch. I think that is possible. Where else could it be? Either the bathroom or near the car. It is sick but I think knowing what Cooper was going through gave him the erection. Maybe he was getting "excited" because he thought he would be living out his fantasy life soon enough.

This post is close, no cigar, but very close to what I think. I'm thinking the fact of his child's death/dying while he was sexting, gave him a sexual thrill, hence erection and erotic pics? Can we say sexual sadist that gets off on death? Can it be his child's suffering aroused him sexually?

My thoughts/opinion only
My mind goes back to Ryan Brunn and Jorelys Rivera. Ryan pled guilty to avoid the death penalty. He showed up in court wearing jumpsuit orange and a bulletproof vest. With a week he had committed suicide with his sweatshirt. Are they even allowed to wear sweat shirts? I always thought the guys on the inside got him.
I hope Ross Harris is watching his back, but he is a tall bigger guy so maybe less likely to be attacked.
Brunn died once he got to prison IIRC.
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