GA - Tara Grinstead, 29, Ocilla, 22 Oct 2005 #1 *Arrests*

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RememberTara, you may over-complicating it a bit. I bet a person could cruise through Ocilla this weekend, going from garbage can to garbage can behind many businesses, and find a used latex glove. Cleaning ladies, janitors, etc. throw them out all the time and don't think twice about it. Now, in the cases of lab techs, their gloves are considered hazardous waste due to blood contamination, so getting one of theirs might be a little tougher.

But everyone else's would be in a regular big metal trash can waiting to be picked up with all the other trash. By the way, the criminal wouldn't have to plant a fingerprint--latex gloves save the user's prints on the inside and on the outside due to their chemical makeup. And 80-some percent of people aren't in any DNA or fingerprint database, so the odds are quite good the criminal could pick a glove out of a garbage can and be quite sure the print and DNA would not be able to be identified. You also must be remember: Nothing says the criminal picked up the glove that night--he could've picked it up in the days prior to Tara's disappearance in preparation for his crime.

I know, I know, it seems like a stretch. But we have to look at the only other possibility:

In a town of 3,200 people, 100 of Tara's friends who knew her best have been interviewed, tested, and excluded. All of the known men in Tara's life--ex-bf's, cops, etc.--were interviewed, tested, and excluded. So the only choice is a stranger--maybe not to Tara but to all of those people most embedded in Tara's life. So somehow in this tiny little town where everyone knows everyone (I grew up in a town that size so I know) a stranger slipped under the radar of everyone who knew Tara best and committed this crime. Just my opinion but . . . that seems like more of a stretch than my glove theory. Once again, my opinion.

As I've stated elsewhere: If a woman meets some kind of harm, it is usually done by a man she knows. And it's usually at night. And it's usually a man who wants something from her and she won't give it (if you know what I mean). Random acts of violence are rare, no matter what the news may say. And they become rarer and rarer as you get farther and farther from major population areas.

So, RememberTara, I guess you believe Tara was harmed by a stranger, unless you're saying after all these years that there was some man in Tara's life who nobody knew about, and still nobody knows about almost 9 years later. If it was a stranger, was it random? Did Tara ever complain about being followed or stalked by some mysterious man? Did she get any anonymous letters? Any secret notes on her car? I'm willing to listen to anything you have to say about that side of the argument.
sundrop, if you know about it, do the police know about it? Was the person left out by mistake or accident? Who is it--if you can't say the name her feel free to send me a message. Are the police that incompetent or have they not checked the person for some other reason?
Yes gbi knows the person who gave a red flag to someone in 2006 and then again two weeks ago, sorry can't mention name
I saw activity on this thread and hoped there was news. Tara has been gone so long and her family deserves to have her home.
sundrop, if I did my own Google search would I find out about what happened two weeks ago?
sundrop, hmmmmmm, in your opinion, do you think this could break the case? You know a lot about it so what's your feeling?
It needs to be thoroughly investigated, but will it, not sure
I thought I posted this already but don't see it. What do you mean by "personal visit"?
Has this thread seriously been revived by someone playing "I know a secret game"? Charming. Mature.
I think sundrop is just making a comment about a clue that might have been overlooked.
Yes gbi knows the person who gave a red flag to someone in 2006 and then again two weeks ago, sorry can't mention name

If these were valid clues or leads, wouldn't the GBI be interested and following them? It's hard to imagine that something only two weeks old wouldn't peak their interest. Tara's family certainly deserves to have this case solved.
It's been so long: I pray someone's messed up, admitted something, revealed something. Anything, no matter how small...I love progress on this thread.

Via Kindle, like a true Amazon junkie
Fasteddy, no because it was a personal visit

While none of us here know what you are truly telling us sundrop by a "personal visit", I would hope and PRAY that GBI is well aware of this person and all the movements also while on this personal visit, I would love to know what reason you have to say this person made a statement in 2006 and then again 2014??? and WHY was they he/she not called in immediately and questioned??? Could it be age??? are they or was they too young at the time for anyone to take them serious as a POI in this case, in my thinking, I almost get the clue that you may be talking about the young gentlemen that Tara was dog sitting for since you stated he got very upset right before Tara went missing and then went over to get this dog and you stated before the anger was expressed by this person right before she did go missing and then again in 2014 also.....and by what you have said this person's Mother and Tara were acquaintances through cheerleading I believe you stated.....What would have made this young man so mad at Tara about her dog sitting his dog???...Wondering if she took the pet someplace maybe the family felt it should not have been taken, did they feel she was not caring for it properly, so many things would fit into this description, would it have made this person so mad they just decided they would do something horrible to Tara to make sure they got even for what they felt she had done???........I will say you have really peaked a new interest in my mind about this one person that you state went to Tara's home to retrieve their dog, had to be a reason for them doing so, and sure had to be a reason why they were by your words really upset with her, but about what???
I truly hope by all you have stated above and on some other pages, you are holding the key that might bust this case wide open and that this family will get some answers that have been years overdue in my mind
Yes, that is correct, it was his family who left the dog with Tara
Dropping in to join the thread, by request. Have a lot of catching up to do, so forgive me if/when I stumble.

DnD - the doggie person is Jared Lamar Luke - believe he was only about the age of 18 at the time of Tara's demise. I don't have his data.

Thank You for posting this...Well Well, age 18.........I don't call that a child in my book, at 18 I feel he would be considered an adult...kinda makes me go huuuummmmmmmm on all that has been posted above and now and may I end this with a big WOW!!!

Anyone know WHY there was never any further discussion on this POI back when he was 1st brought up??? and does anyone know why he was upset with Tara at this time???
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