GA - Tara Grinstead, 29, Ocilla, 22 Oct 2005 #1 *Arrests*

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The dog information was in the news

Well I thought I had read everything possible in this case, but never heard of another's person's dog being there, I do know the concern came when they found Tara's own dog was still locked outside but her dog was said to have been in the fenced area of her home
On the Charley Project website (am I allowed to name another website on here), they have the details of her disappearance and all it says is her cat and dog were there. It doesn't say anything about somebody else's dog. And the C.P. usually gets their facts pretty straight. So, what's the deal? Sundrop, I'd really like a link that piece of info regarding Tara watching someone else's dog since the details of her case say otherwise.
Tara was looking after a friend's dog so she and her kids attended a ball game out of town
sundrop, I don't mean to be anal but I wanna make sure I get this right. You're saying there were actually two dogs and a cat at Tara's house when people finally went to her place to see what happened to her?

Or, Tara was responsible for going over to somebody else's house to feed a dog and let it outside--thus the single dog and cat at Tara's house?

Or, Tara was watching somebody else's dog at her own house but the owner came over to get the dog in the time between Tara disappearing and people discovering she disappeared--thus when others showed up only Tara's dog and cat were there at the house?
Yes two dogs at her house and owner came over and got the dog
Yes two dogs at her house and owner came over and got the dog

I think I am safe in saying I believe this would be new evidence to most that have followed this case, wondering if they have interviewed this person
whom Tara was taking care of her dog while she was at a ballgame???.....Do we have a time she came to Tara's home to get this dog???
Was she angry with Tara for some reason??...Do we know or has it been released what type of car/truck this person was known to be in
when she picked up the dog???...Was she married and perhaps had an angry husband or boyfriend sitting outside the home in a black-very dark
colored truck??? and WHY has this never been released to the public???....If this has been released, it had to be to only local stations, I know and can
state very clear it has nor has it ever been released to any big time news or news show.....and one last question...Was this an inside type of dog or
an outside bigger dog that may have been outside perhaps in the fenced in yard with Tara's dog???
Good points but the question should be was HE mad and /or involved with Tara?
As far as the dog owner being angry witnessed it in 2006 and something in 2014

As far as the black truck, the witness was never interviewed by any law enforcement

sundrop, I so wish you would provide some links to us for these 2 things you posts about, I can get it in my mind that perhaps the witness that saw the truck
was never interviewed by LE and only because I have talked to LE official in Ocilla and they truly seemed they were not truly interested in any new or old information!!!

I feel this dog owner needs to come forth or that LE needs to bring this person in and get down to business on the why's, how's and etc. ...You state it was witnessed in 2006
of their anger and then again in 2014....WHY would this person still be running around talking about anger over this dog still in 2014???.......Something just "AIN'T" right about this person
and it sounds like this person is really harboring some deep deep anger issues with Tara over this dog sitting you state that was happening when Tara went missing......Makes me think this might be the very person that got so angry over ??? her dog??? that she perhaps harmed Tara

If you are a local I can understand small towns, believe me I live in one but if you or this person knows something it should be reported now, it don't have to be public, get an attorney and report what you know if it will help solve or give new information to Tara's disappearence!!!!....Her family deserves some answers and they have suffered now for several years, they need some type of closure so they can perhaps find a way to get some peace about what truly happened
dang i am just as confused as you all... i never knew about the 2nd dog. Did anyone else in Tara's family know that she was "babysitting" this person's dog? Did they know who the dog owner was? I hate to believe that Tara was so naive to watch someone's dog especially if she didn't know them that well? That leads me to believe she knew this person very well, whether it was a neighbor or friend? I think the black truck and the glove are the major keys in this case. With all the new technology offered now, hopefully this person's prints are in the system- whether they were the culprit, accomplice, or someone else.
sundrop, I'm confused by a couple things:

1. In the "Known Timeline" section that started this thread going way, way back, it says Tara received phone calls at the BBQ. It doesn't say anything about her receiving any phone calls at home. Is that wrong? If so, could you please get Websleuths to change it.

2. In the "Who's Who" section that started this thread going way, way back, there is a LONG list of people given who are involved in the case but I don't see the dog owner who picked up his pet on there. Did Websleuths forget to put the person on there? If so, could you please get the website to do so since you have information that Websleuths doesn't seem to have. I mean, somebody who went over to Tara's house the night she disappeared is fairly relevant, even if Tara wasn't there at the time.
Jared Luke and his family had their dog at Tara's house.
sundrop, that's a great piece of info. But a couple things bother me about it.

1. I did a Google search for "jared luke" and "tara grinstead" combined. How many hits did I get? 4. On the entire Internet their names only come together 4 times and two of those have absolutely nothing to do with her disappearance. The third one is a link to a tarot card reader. The last is to a link to a thread on here. However, there have been no replies on that thread despite it being posted on May 11, 2008. Plenty of people have viewed it but not one person has commented. That seems strange to me since it seems to me like a mind-blowing piece of info. By comparison, a couple of other threads regarding POI's in Tara's case have several responses.

2. The person who started that thread is a frequent contributor on websleuths but hasn't commented once in this thread and my post will be #575. That seems strange since way back in 2008 the person had a piece of info privy to very few people. By the way, in that same Jared Luke thread, the comment is made about Tara and Jared having some kind of late night phone conversation--another fact that can't be found anywhere else on the Internet and isn't supported by websleuths own timeline nor several other reputable websites regarding missing people.

3. I did a search for "Jared" on the 3 most popular threads in Tara's section of websleuths. It didn't come up once until you mentioned it in comment #574.

So, given how these alleged facts would be game-changers if true but seemingly everyone has blown them off, it makes me suspicious. Can I say that without offending anyone? Call me a doubting Thomas, I guess. If this other contributor and you have some kind of inside knowledge then awesome for both of you and I defer to your superior fact-gathering skills. But I'd like links and corrorboration before I add those above alleged facts to the stack in this case. Since none of us know each other on here we can't start taking people's word on things.
How did Jared know Tara? Was he a friend? Former student of hers? That also makes me wonder why he wasnt explored further like Fasteddy stated.
Jared was just a kid, I think his mom and Tara knew each other through cheerleader
Techwriter797, thank you for that link. I don't have time to read everything on that site at this second but I did read the part you quoted. So, at least according to that website, the dog owner came by not the night Tara disappeared Oct. 22, Friday, but Oct. 24, Sunday, which is well after everyone believes Tara disappeared. So, the dog owner didn't come over Friday night to get the dog while Tara was at the BBQ. Am I reading that right?
Tara went missing on Saturday night not Friday. The bowl was picked up Sunday and no exact time dog was picked up
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