GA - Tara Grinstead, 29, Ocilla, 22 Oct 2005 #2 *Arrests*

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I'm thrilled to see progress on Tara's case. Her disappearance first led me to Web Sleuths (actually back then to that other site that's no longer around... Can't remember the name.. What was it???)
I'm thrilled to see progress on Tara's case. Her disappearance first led me to Web Sleuths (actually back then to that other site that's no longer around... Can't remember the name.. What was it???)

YES! Could NOT remember that! (In sessions!) You've saved me going crazy!
alexwood said:
Gee, Niner . . . even I can understand those directions! Thank you very much!
You should be writing manuals for "The Dummie's" series. (cuffem, no offense intended!)

I try to keep it simple! Otherwise I'd need that book! No offense toward cuffem either! :)

So anything about one of these being in court? If I recall April 12 Grand Jury for RD, right? Anything on BD?
yes, in the Tim Bosma case in Ontario, Canada the murderer used a wood chipper to dispose of victim(s)

The in the Tim Bosma case actually used a large incinerator named ‘The Eliminator’ to dispose of his victims. Just as gruesome, but not a wood chipper.
OMG. So much more new info to read! Just trying to catch up is imposing! A second arrest!?! Yes that's how far behind I am! But for good reason! My daughter and granddaughter has come back to the nest and I got to keep "my precious" until Sat evening! And she's not about to let me look at anything BESIDES her!! Which is absolutely what I did all week. Look at her and love on her and kiss that sweet little face the whole time! BUT imagine my surprise when last night while visiting with my grandmother and catching her up on recent news, including the first arrest in Tara's case I found out another had been arrested! So I've been trying all day to catch up and still do not even know if her body has been found yet.... still catching up on here to find out! Anyway! I have gotten to where they are searching a pecan orchard still. I just have to say, as a pecan farmer and my family owning two orchards, you HAVE to keep it up. otherwise the grass will take over everything. This pecan orchard from the photos I've seen, looks well kept up.
Someone had to have noticed at some point while keeping it up, something being off. Not saying the owner had anything at all to do with this crime. Just that someone wasn't paying much attention to the finer things going on.
A few things to point out (that has probably been clarified and I haven't reached that part yet so ignore these statements if they have been):
Many farmer's own land in several surrounding counties. But all of the property is under the same company name. A good friend of mine has a tonnnnnnn of land and always has different crops going on. From olives to blueberries to tobacco to cotton to pecans. All require different levels of care.
Most larger orchards do use tree shakers to shake the pecans loose and use machines to pick up and sort out the pecans. We used to do that. Now we just let them fall and spend the majority of the harvest time either picking up on hands and knees and pecan picker uppers and a small push pecan picker upper.
It's dirty work. Some also hire people to pick up for them and get paid by the day. Then you have to always be on guard to thieves trying to steal your pecans too. In a good night, they can clean you completely out. Seriously.
So back to my original statement... after this many years, someone had to have ignored a lot of clues. Down here, coyotes are horrid too. They will kill anything and dig up everything. So nothing stays buried for long. Fences don't keep the coyotes out either.
If they picked up like we did and do, you would eventually come across something.
Kids partying in someone's orchard??? ONLY if there were NO other homes or farms around for miles and miles. Cause farmer's watch out for each other's land.
We will shoot first and ask questions later. Seriously. My papa always said there were 3 things you don't mess with, a person's family, their dogs and their land. Those three things will get you killed.
So if someone WAS partying out there... it was known by the owner and ignored.
My family's land is KNOWN to be very protected and people know we will shoot them if we catch them on it. Catching them can be hard though honestly if you aren't there the majority of the time. We have cops they drive through our property a few times a day due to some recent incidents and if they see our vehicles they will quickly announce themselves just to be safe.
I can't tell you how often my papa and daddy and now we grandchildren notice even the smallest things. We investigate smoke ALWAYS. You could loose 20 yrs worth of pecans and pines if a fire gets out. Another reason why neighbor farmer's watch out for anything out of the ordinary. It's their land that can go up too. If the dog barks we investigate it. If there's a smell in the air we investigate it. If there are a bunch of tire tracks we investigate it and put up cameras. People get arrested.
I have personally escorted people off our property with a gun that was fishing in our pond and attempting to hunt. Locals know the farms that are watched closely and only the idiots and dangerous people decide to intrude. So you have to take those things seriously.
Now mind you.... there are many many many over grown unkept pecan orchards covered in spanish moss down here and it breaks my heart. This orchard doesn't look like one of those kinds.
When you personally mow and crawl over the ground of a pecan orchard.... you know the ground. Right now we have 3 trees lost to lightning and it will take 20 years to get those trees replaced properly. You tend to love your trees. EVERY one of them when it is your income including the ground under them. Past two years have been extremely terrible for many pecan farmers as well as us. Nothing worth a crap falling or nothing falling at all. You tend to hate a heavy fall as much as no fall honestly.
But it all goes back to the orchard itself. You know your orchard. But I wouldn't care if they searched mine at all.
To be completely honest, years back when we cut all our timber we were all worried that they might unearth something from a crime or anything like that! Because people are dirty and back then it was THICK in the pines. And dangerous too. Thankfully the only thing found was my prized buck that had crawled away into a thicket and until then was just a "Big Fish" story! Worst part was one of the guys on the crew took the big rack home with them. BUT HEY at least there was finally evidence of my big buck!
I don't like for deer to get away and me and daddy had drove on the back hoe all through that thicket looking for him until like 3 am. We had literally drove right by him and didn't even know till later.
So to say a pecan orchard is possibly where she has been found is beyond shocking. A thicket or something would have made more sense.
I have to wonder if either of the suspects worked at that farm at some point as a young teen looking for some extra cash for the weekend. Or if they knew someone who did.
I dunno..... Just happy but shocked! Still got to catch up but wanted to put down my observations before I forgot them! Back to reading!! Only on page 29!
Okay CRAP. No body yet????? :tantrum: Finally reached the last post which was me lol!
How in the absolute hell did that get out on bail????? OMG SPEECHLESS.
Something STINKS.
Two best buddies commit a crime... a horrible crime. One is dying and the other isn't. There is a podcast out there asking questions and getting them jumpy. Too many people possibly know. Shut everyone up and one takes the full fall for them both.
They would BOTH know the location in this case too. Both would know critical info.
One decides to take the bullet basically for the other one to practically WALK. JMOO
One pins it on the other by getting someone to "turn them in" and without the one taking the fall knowledge, plants all the incriminating evidence in places that would point to the main suspect. I'd be interested to know if their friendship stayed tight all these years or the secret tore them apart. If it did tear them apart.... did BD recently visit RD before everything came out possibly planting ALL the evidence needed? I'm sure they HAVE discussed it before the arrests were even on the horizon due to the new publicity from the podcast. I'm sure they were getting nervous and squirrelly.
I have a feeling what a previous poster brought up was a good possibility. She was moved to the Snapdragon home until they were clear to move her again and then disposed of her on the property that BD family owned. That would explain why no one would question a bonfire. Or many bonfires. Then the snapdragon home was burned to cover that locations secret.
Is there any family ties to that snapdragon property?
The cadaver dogs hit on that home. She had to have been there at some point or maybe items were kept there that were part of her murder that were later destroyed and the house burned?
IDK something isn't setting right with me now.
BD getting out like he did is VERY bothersome to me. Not to mention he had spent previous time in jail. Wouldn't that somehow mess with his probation or something? Wouldn't that be a reason to make his bail even higher at least??
Also.... I'm sorry but ANYONE who had knowledge of this crime and the aftermath should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Charge them with the exact same things BD was charged with. In my eyes there is no difference!
I don't care if it was a drunken admission, someone SHOULD have spoken immediately regarding it.
What about all the time that has passed without an answer for her loved ones? The money spent by LE to work this crime for this long? Everyone with knowledge should be held accountable. Period.
There has to be a tipping point where enough is enough and people are held accountable for keeping these horrid secrets!
Let this case be the one that sets the wheel in motion.
People need to be MORE SCARED of NOT telling than for telling and pissing someone off in the local community.
If you aren't guilty of anything but overhearing a confession, you have absolutely NOTHING to keep you from coming forward.
Too much time has passed now. People need to be held accountable. Small town BS is what it is. I live in one I should know.
What the hell did this guy have over EVERYONE who supposedly heard his drunk confession at a party for no one to come forward?
JMOO :gaah:
Listening to Levi's podcast now. Something I can add to what he is saying... in this area the dirt is brown/black. Very fertile. It can dry on a vehicle anywhere from a light sand color to a dark black color. Living close to Atlanta, that is red clay. Can't grow crap in it. Seriously.
Small detail of course but if there WAS red clay on her car then that might point to a more specific location or one more North in Georgia. IDK though maybe there is some clayish areas in Ocilla/Fitzgerald.
Clay + those seed/flower debris might help to point more in a certain direction?
Tricia you need to be on the radio! Great speaking voice!
Very interesting listening to the podcast!
Okay so now the questions that STILL remain for me are:
Who owned the black truck?
Why did the house on Snapdragon burn along with a vehicle and dogs hit on the house (More than one dog)?
Why is MH alibi still not adding up? There was never any contact with the individual that they said they spoke to, no records of it, nothing. Why was he lying? It doesn't make sense to me. The only thing I can think of is that they weren't patrolling as they were supposed to be and was up to something else and used the town drunk as an excuse. (Not saying they had anything to do with her death but I think they should finally tell the truth regarding that night.) It had to be something that posed to be a career
ending confession to keep it quiet for this long. Bless them though for being under suspicion for so long. I do hope they tell what really happened that night and clear their name once and for all.
Who was she stopping by in Fitzgerald to see?
Why did HD not investigate further considering her car WAS at the house yet she wasn't answering the door. Then only leave his card.
Why did the neighbor wash her car?
Still so many questions and shotty LE work.
Listening to Levi's podcast now. Something I can add to what he is saying... in this area the dirt is brown/black. Very fertile. It can dry on a vehicle anywhere from a light sand color to a dark black color. Living close to Atlanta, that is red clay. Can't grow crap in it. Seriously.
Small detail of course but if there WAS red clay on her car then that might point to a more specific location or one more North in Georgia. IDK though maybe there is some clayish areas in Ocilla/Fitzgerald.
Clay + those seed/flower debris might help to point more in a certain direction?
Tricia you need to be on the radio! Great speaking voice!
Very interesting listening to the podcast!

Levi's podcast? What's that? I want to listen!

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Okay so now the questions that STILL remain for me are:
Who owned the black truck?
Why did the house on Snapdragon burn along with a vehicle and dogs hit on the house (More than one dog)?
Why is MH alibi still not adding up? There was never any contact with the individual that they said they spoke to, no records of it, nothing. Why was he lying? It doesn't make sense to me. The only thing I can think of is that they weren't patrolling as they were supposed to be and was up to something else and used the town drunk as an excuse. (Not saying they had anything to do with her death but I think they should finally tell the truth regarding that night.) It had to be something that posed to be a career
ending confession to keep it quiet for this long. Bless them though for being under suspicion for so long. I do hope they tell what really happened that night and clear their name once and for all.
Who was she stopping by in Fitzgerald to see?
Why did HD not investigate further considering her car WAS at the house yet she wasn't answering the door. Then only leave his card.
Why did the neighbor wash her car?
Still so many questions and shotty LE work.
MH and HD are cleared, innocent

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MH and HD are cleared, innocent

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Oh I know they are totally innocent in her murder. I would just like to know why MH lied about that night's events. There wasn't any arrest of the man they said they spoke with several times (BM). No paperwork done on it. They could have just been sitting chatting all night and didn't want to get his friend he was riding around with in trouble. Probably a silly reason but I'd still like to know to clear in my mind of it. Make sense? Not at all implying they had anything to do with it. Just left over questions in my mind. I wish HD had got the cops involved immediately when she wouldn't answer the door. But I'm sure he beats himself up everyday over not doing more bless his heart.
ETA: HD was in LE. They local cops would have taken his observance seriously I would think. I feel sorry for him because I know he wishes he had done things differently. But hindsight is 20/20 unfortunately. :(
So much movement (chatter among the towns people) in this case even since Friday. My head hurts. I just hope and pray the whole truth comes out. I know how it works in small towns, you might be in jail for murder or out on bond for "being an accessory" but you still try to save face and mostly, save the family name. I really pray that the facts and nothing but the facts are put out on the table when it's all said and done.

Okay CRAP. No body yet????? :tantrum: Finally reached the last post which was me lol!
How in the absolute hell did that get out on bail????? OMG SPEECHLESS.
Something STINKS.
Two best buddies commit a crime... a horrible crime. One is dying and the other isn't. There is a podcast out there asking questions and getting them jumpy. Too many people possibly know. Shut everyone up and one takes the full fall for them both.
They would BOTH know the location in this case too. Both would know critical info.
One decides to take the bullet basically for the other one to practically WALK. JMOO
One pins it on the other by getting someone to "turn them in" and without the one taking the fall knowledge, plants all the incriminating evidence in places that would point to the main suspect. I'd be interested to know if their friendship stayed tight all these years or the secret tore them apart. If it did tear them apart.... did BD recently visit RD before everything came out possibly planting ALL the evidence needed? I'm sure they HAVE discussed it before the arrests were even on the horizon due to the new publicity from the podcast. I'm sure they were getting nervous and squirrelly.
I have a feeling what a previous poster brought up was a good possibility. She was moved to the Snapdragon home until they were clear to move her again and then disposed of her on the property that BD family owned. That would explain why no one would question a bonfire. Or many bonfires. Then the snapdragon home was burned to cover that locations secret.
Is there any family ties to that snapdragon property?
The cadaver dogs hit on that home. She had to have been there at some point or maybe items were kept there that were part of her murder that were later destroyed and the house burned?
IDK something isn't setting right with me now.
BD getting out like he did is VERY bothersome to me. Not to mention he had spent previous time in jail. Wouldn't that somehow mess with his probation or something? Wouldn't that be a reason to make his bail even higher at least??
Also.... I'm sorry but ANYONE who had knowledge of this crime and the aftermath should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Charge them with the exact same things BD was charged with. In my eyes there is no difference!
I don't care if it was a drunken admission, someone SHOULD have spoken immediately regarding it.
What about all the time that has passed without an answer for her loved ones? The money spent by LE to work this crime for this long? Everyone with knowledge should be held accountable. Period.
There has to be a tipping point where enough is enough and people are held accountable for keeping these horrid secrets!
Let this case be the one that sets the wheel in motion.
People need to be MORE SCARED of NOT telling than for telling and pissing someone off in the local community.
If you aren't guilty of anything but overhearing a confession, you have absolutely NOTHING to keep you from coming forward.
Too much time has passed now. People need to be held accountable. Small town BS is what it is. I live in one I should know.
What the hell did this guy have over EVERYONE who supposedly heard his drunk confession at a party for no one to come forward?
JMOO :gaah:

thanks for the last 2 posts, very good information from someone who lives it...............I had mentinoed "scapegoat" very early on, except for his mouth running about doing it, why if he hadnot done it..............but i see RD in the courtroom with his head down the whole time, its like, like he's thinking about how he's been framed and he's dying, better to go to jail and get free meals than confess all he knows cause whoever is involved is going to kill him if he talks and is set free.....I just really think BD is up to something or being the puppet to something we dont know about, otherwise, WHY would they let him bail out? ML's car was teh one that burned behind snapdragon, they burned the car and house separate and got rid of whatever forensics there was................I dont know something wreaks and I cant figure it out
Okay so now the questions that STILL remain for me are:
Who owned the black truck?
Why did the house on Snapdragon burn along with a vehicle and dogs hit on the house (More than one dog)?
Why is MH alibi still not adding up? There was never any contact with the individual that they said they spoke to, no records of it, nothing. Why was he lying? It doesn't make sense to me. The only thing I can think of is that they weren't patrolling as they were supposed to be and was up to something else and used the town drunk as an excuse. (Not saying they had anything to do with her death but I think they should finally tell the truth regarding that night.) It had to be something that posed to be a career
ending confession to keep it quiet for this long. Bless them though for being under suspicion for so long. I do hope they tell what really happened that night and clear their name once and for all.
Who was she stopping by in Fitzgerald to see?
Why did HD not investigate further considering her car WAS at the house yet she wasn't answering the door. Then only leave his card.
Why did the neighbor wash her car?
Still so many questions and shotty LE work.
I cant remember but I know RD lived in ocilla and not far from tara's house, with his mother maybe? But did RD live in Fitzgerald during the time of the murder, I know it was discussed, .........anyway another thought, maybe it was RD she met in Fitzgerald and maybe the murder happened there or in the orchard, being harvest season they had to move the body, maybe to snapradragon til they could take her back out there? Som many questions still, will be glad when the podcast is updated!!

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