Found Deceased GA - Timothy Cunningham, 35, Chamblee, 12 Feb 2018 #2

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Another thing my cousin from Atlanta mentioned is the family keeps using the word “returned” which implies or could be interpreted as a kidnapping, but there has been no mentions of a ransom note. Everything is so open ended about this case and I don’t think it’s helping at all.

I only really heard them say “returned” (in an abduction sense) on don lemon’s show. The rest of the time it seems like they’re saying “when he returns” like “when he comes back”. I think it sounds normal.

But maybe there was some kind of random note and maybe his dad slipped up. That was their media/interview day and that was the last one they did (really late at night).
The dog!
Did TC leave extra food and water for the dog? (if he knew the dog may be alone until it was 'discovered' home alone)
The dog would have relieved itself, once, twice, many times giving clues as to how long it was alone.
Was there a pet door?
I heard someone mention on a radio show last night in passing two windows were left open, maybe upstairs.
What was the weather? Was it open window weather, would the dog have barked for attention once it realized he was alone too long?

I always leave extra food and water for my dog even if I'm going out for a short time just in case I break-down, or worse. I feel TC would have made extra provisions for his dog had he intended to leave for good.

Just questions I have based on my observations as a dog owner.

You're a good person! Obviously very loving and caring about your dog.

It's my belief that if Timothy had been of sound mind, he too would have left extra food and water for his dog. But that's the crux. I don't believe he would have ever left voluntarily if he was of sound mind.

Just some thoughts... A mental health crisis is often a full blown, life-threatening emergency. Forget purposeful behavior. The person is not even capable or rational thought or reality testing.

The closest we can imagine, ( those of us fortunate enough to have the appropriate balance of chemicals in our brain ) would likely be similar to a spiraling nightmare from which we could never awaken.

The brain is an organ, and when it is ill, 'reality' becomes what the ill brain says it is.

Therefore, on our unit some of our paranoid patients truly believed the FBI had inserted cameras in their teeth, and nostrils. One woman told me the FBI had placed a recording device in her uterus which was recording our conversation that very minute.

There is no talking them out of these delusions. When you try, they quickly decide that you too are part of the conspiracy. Therefore, you can't be trusted. These were intelligent people with college degrees. They were not stupid, bad, or weak.

They were sick. Very sick.

Many things can go wrong with the brain that cause these illnesses. Our patients all had a medical work-up within 24 hours of admission to look for a medical cause for their behavior. Several new brain tumors were discovered in some of our patients.

We had more than a few transferred to our unit after open heart surgery. Their doctors are not sure what caused a new onset of psychosis in them, but wondered if the improved blood flow had possibly created some vascular changes in the brain.

These were normal, rational people before the surgery.

In short, there's so many reasons, medical and otherwise, any of us could wake up in the midst of this type of nightmare. None of us can control the functioning of the chemicals in our brain. We don't have that power.

As I posted earlier, I'm not saying that Timothy was dealing with mental illness. I don't know what happened. Just trying to explain some possible reasons for his disappearance.

From the way his family have described him though, I can not believe that he would voluntarily ( rationally ) take off on his own and leave them and his dog.

If he did leave on his own I believe it would be due to a mental health crisis, ( suicidal with or without psychosis ) and his actions would then be anything but voluntary. Though many suicidal people are not psychotic, their thought processes are very deeply disturbed.

Normal rational behavior is out the window for any of them.

These are just my thoughts. There's many other valid opinions of what could have happened to him. Foul play is still possible.

Truly though if it turns out that he just chucked his job and life here, and is off somewhere else, I would be completely stunned. Though I'd be very relieved he was safe and unharmed...

You're a good person! Obviously very loving and caring about your dog.

It's my belief that if Timothy had been of sound mind, he too would have left extra food and water for his dog. But that's the crux. I don't believe he would have ever left voluntarily if he was of sound mind.

Just some thoughts... A mental health crisis is often a full blown, life-threatening emergency. Forget purposeful behavior. The person is not even capable or rational thought or reality testing.

The closest we can imagine, ( those of us fortunate enough to have the appropriate balance of chemicals in our brain ) would likely be similar to a spiraling nightmare from which we could never awaken.

The brain is an organ, and when it is ill, 'reality' becomes what the ill brain says it is.

Therefore, on our unit some of our paranoid patients truly believed the FBI had inserted cameras in their teeth, and nostrils. One woman told me the FBI had placed a recording device in her uterus which was recording our conversation that very minute.

There is no talking them out of these delusions. When you try, they quickly decide that you too are part of the conspiracy. Therefore, you can't be trusted. These were intelligent people with college degrees. They were not stupid, bad, or weak.

They were sick. Very sick.

Many things can go wrong with the brain that cause these illnesses. Our patients all had a medical work-up within 24 hours of admission to look for a medical cause for their behavior. Several new brain tumors were discovered in some of our patients.

We had more than a few transferred to our unit after open heart surgery. Their doctors are not sure what caused a new onset of psychosis in them, but wondered if the improved blood flow had possibly created some vascular changes in the brain.

These were normal, rational people before the surgery.

In short, there's so many reasons, medical and otherwise, any of us could wake up in the midst of this type of nightmare. None of us can control the functioning of the chemicals in our brain. We don't have that power.

As I posted earlier, I'm not saying that Timothy was dealing with mental illness. I don't know what happened. Just trying to explain some possible reasons for his disappearance.

From the way his family have described him though, I can not believe that he would voluntarily ( rationally ) take off on his own and leave them and his dog.

If he did leave on his own I believe it would be due to a mental health crisis, ( suicidal with or without psychosis ) and his actions would then be anything but voluntary. Though many suicidal people are not psychotic, their thought processes are very deeply disturbed.

Normal rational behavior is out the window for any of them.

These are just my thoughts. There's many other valid opinions of what could have happened to him. Foul play is still possible.

Truly though if it turns out that he just chucked his job and life here, and is off somewhere else, I would be completely stunned. Though I'd be very relieved he was safe and unharmed...


Wow. Society at-large really needs to hear these words about mental health issues. Thank you, JazzTune. I will remember them, and I will try my best to speak these insights from you, whenever it becomes necessary. I hate that there is still so much shame surrounding mental health illnesses. Again, I thank you.
I only really heard them say “returned” (in an abduction sense) on don lemon’s show. The rest of the time it seems like they’re saying “when he returns” like “when he comes back”. I think it sounds normal.

But maybe there was some kind of random note and maybe his dad slipped up. That was their media/interview day and that was the last one they did (really late at night).

**Ransom note

The CDC says its missing researcher wasn’t denied a promotion. Police say otherwise.

March 13 at 2:11 PM

The Atlanta Police Department was clear: A researcher at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had disappeared the same day he learned why he was passed over for a promotion.

But exactly one month after Timothy Cunningham vanished, abandoning everything he would need to survive and leaving no clues about his whereabouts, the CDC issued an unusual rebuke of that police finding.
The CDC did not respond to multiple requests for comment about the discrepancy between their statement and information released by the police, or how the promotion Cunningham received over the summer was relevant.

After taking heed of good advice from folks on this thread, did some searching Saturday afternoon with a friend and my dog in tow. For some reason Crestlawn Cemetery stuck out in my mind as it is an easy walk from Tim’s home. I anticipated a neglected, somewhat abandoned place, as it is old. Not at all. Newly purchased, everything was well kept and a nice new rock wall being built. Saw folks walking around with kids in strollers and their dogs. Went to the far left of property and kinda stopped the car, surprised. Saw an African American man sat in a portable chair (the kind you carry to sporting events/outdoor concerts). He was slumped down and had on a hoodie covering most of his face. Because he appeared dark skinned and from what I could surmise had a longer, narrower face than photos I have seen of Tim, I did not aporoach him nor did I call 911. My friend read the situation as someone mourning a loved one and felt we should leave him alone out of respect. I just watched the youtube from a week ago with O’Connor of the APD reviewing the knowns and unknowns of the case. He did mention that they had searched Crestlawn Cemetery. Because I really could not clearly see enough of the man, I just called this evening and passed this info along to Zone 2 of the APD. They are sending an officer over just in case. After driving by his home and in the area around it, it is interesting in that in one direction there is a craft brewery with lots of activity and surrounding streets with nice homes but all of this interspersed with vacant homes, abandoned industrial sites and so on.
Popping in for updates as I have been following since the beginning... so sad he has not been located yet.
Interesting article above about CDC releasing he was NOT passed over for promotion even though police reports state that Tim did NOT get promotion.
After taking heed of good advice from folks on this thread, did some searching Saturday afternoon with a friend and my dog in tow. For some reason Crestlawn Cemetery stuck out in my mind as it is an easy walk from Tim’s home. I anticipated a neglected, somewhat abandoned place, as it is old. Not at all. Newly purchased, everything was well kept and a nice new rock wall being built. Saw folks walking around with kids in strollers and their dogs. Went to the far left of property and kinda stopped the car, surprised. Saw an African American man sat in a portable chair (the kind you carry to sporting events/outdoor concerts). He was slumped down and had on a hoodie covering most of his face. Because he appeared dark skinned and from what I could surmise had a longer, narrower face than photos I have seen of Tim, I did not aporoach him nor did I call 911. My friend read the situation as someone mourning a loved one and felt we should leave him alone out of respect. I just watched the youtube from a week ago with O’Connor of the APD reviewing the knowns and unknowns of the case. He did mention that they had searched Crestlawn Cemetery. Because I really could not clearly see enough of the man, I just called this evening and passed this info along to Zone 2 of the APD. They are sending an officer over just in case. After driving by his home and in the area around it, it is interesting in that in one direction there is a craft brewery with lots of activity and surrounding streets with nice homes but all of this interspersed with vacant homes, abandoned industrial sites and so on.

It is definitely a strange little area of town. I believe some of its crime issues were discussed in the first thread, and those are partly why I left.

(You’re kind for going out to search, and I hope you had a moment to take in the view of the city from the top of Crestlawn.)
Thankyou arta for doing something productive to look for Tim, im sure his family are grateful, good that you followed up on the man you saw.
I did indeed see the view of Atlanta; it’s lovely and I had never been there before so it was a nice surprise. I’m going to go search some more. Reading about Tim has touched my heart.
I can't find those prior interviews either. I posted on Feb. 24th ( # 78 in the first thread ) quoting a link to a video interview of Timothy's father. In that post I transcribed his words to the best of my understanding.

When I click on that link now, it is only an update. The original story and video are no longer there.

Since it was in the prior thread I can't bring that post over here. If you do want to know what Timothy's father said, his words are in my post there.

As for why his father thought Timothy might be confused or angry, he did not speculate.

As I said, his words were the main reason I became so concerned about Timothy being in the midst of a mental health crisis...


I "think" this link will take you to the news report (from Feb 19) you transcribed for us in the previous thread

At approx 1:20 (the reporter states the part about TC being "confused")
Too bad our furry friends can't speak.

Okay, so I realize this may have nothing to do with anything... but I was just thinking about Timothy asking the neighbor to delete his number off her phone (unusual) -- and then the windows being left open at Timothy's house (unusual).

Could it be that Timothy wanted his neighbor NOT to call/leave a voicemail on his phone about his dog barking -- but wanted his neighbor to come on over to his house instead, to be alerted to the fact that the dog was left unattended in a quicker fashion? Anyone think that is possible?

This is a good thought. I’ve thought through this and I can’t see that asking to delete his number would change their behavior or the end result by enough to make any difference and could actually have the opposite effect of “stay out of my business” so to speak.

I’m still convinced this interaction with deleting the number is a major clue though.

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Let's say the convo with the neighbor did not happen...that leaves upstairs windows open and his dog alone in the house. Since there is a family member in Atlanta he could have dropped the dog off and saying it was a last minute business trip. I don't believe that this man left on his own...either he met with some random foul play or he is being detained. Also, I have asked this does a CDC employee have a second to use on official business?
Let's say the convo with the neighbor did not happen...that leaves upstairs windows open and his dog alone in the house. Since there is a family member in Atlanta he could have dropped the dog off and saying it was a last minute business trip. I don't believe that this man left on his own...either he met with some random foul play or he is being detained. Also, I have asked this does a CDC employee have a second to use on official business?

Agree, it doesn’t seem like he left on his own. I noticed when reporters asked LE during one press conference if this took place with the neighbor, LE seemed almost annoyed that reporters knew about it but he did confirm.

Do you think the neighbors made it up? I always wondered what the context was and why there’s not more information from the neighbors on this.

My husband is a retired federal agent and he confirmed they a lot of federal employees have a separate business passport.

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Agree, it doesn’t seem like he left on his own. I noticed when reporters asked LE during one press conference if this took place with the neighbor, LE seemed almost annoyed that reporters knew about it but he did confirm.

Do you think the neighbors made it up? I always wondered what the context was and why there’s not more information from the neighbors on this.

My husband is a retired federal agent and he confirmed they a lot of federal employees have a separate business passport.

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I believe someone (family or police) specifically said in an interview that he does have a passport for work and it is accounted for but I can’t find the interview.

In the 2/27 APD press conference, they said his passports (notice the S) were at his house which I assume means his personal & work passports (since we haven’t heard that he has dual nationality).

“The most unusual factor in this case is that every single belonging that we are aware of was located in the residence," O'Connor told reporters on Tuesday [2/27]. "His keys, his cellphone, credit cards, debit cards, wallet, all of his identification, passports. Anything you could think of, we've been able to locate. None of those items are missing."

The CDC says its missing researcher wasn’t denied a promotion. Police say otherwise.

There's something I wondered about, but didn't want to mention earlier... is there any chance he actually was not up for this promotion? I have known people in my life going through mental health issues who have told their families untrue stories about jobs they were up for or had even gotten, courses they had taken in school, etc. Over time, it became unclear whether they grasped the separation between these stories and reality. When things reached a point that the story was going to collapse, it triggered an even more intense mental health crisis. I initially wondered if that could have happened here, and be contributing to the confusion about whether or not he had applied for and/or been denied a promotion or a new position. However, HelloThere seems to be providing inside information that Tim had indeed been up for this promotion, so I assumed I was just being fanciful. With the publication of this newspaper article that calls out the CDC and law-enforcement for putting out conflicting stories, I do feel comfortable putting that suggestion forward. It will likely be easily refuted, but it's something that has crossed my mind multiple times.
This is a good thought. I’ve thought through this and I can’t see that asking to delete his number would change their behavior or the end result by enough to make any difference and could actually have the opposite effect of “stay out of my business” so to speak.

I’m still convinced this interaction with deleting the number is a major clue though.

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I also think what he said to the neighbor has some significance, but I don't know how to read it (one way, which could go along with some "confusion" his Dad cited, is that Timothy felt some paranoia)...I see that some on the thread question the credibility of the neighbor, but I'm rather confused by that. I just can't imagine a neighbor falsely interjecting themselves into a case of someone disappearing. I mean, they would have to know LE would then fully question them, right? Of course, I can only go with the fact that I'd never in a million years make up stuff about my previous interactions with a missing person, so I can't quite grasp why someone would do that -- it would not only be wrong, but dumb of them! But I guess it happens. I may also be missing what WSers are referring to.

You make a good point, regarding the phone number/neighbor exchange... it could go in the totally opposite way -- with Timothy asking his number be deleted having a "mind your own business" effect on the neighbors.
Do you think LE and the family is withholding information that could help find him? What would be their motivation?

That's what's puzzling to me. I can't catch the why, unless as I mentioned before, the media opps aren't meant to inform the public but rather to reach out to Tim to plead with him to come home. Maybe the intention is not for us to help find him at all. Even if they don't know his whereabouts, his family seems to suggest he can return. Maybe it's denial, maybe it's reality.
Let’s play out the possibility LE and his family have reason to believe he’s alive. That we def do not know everything. My guess is that they want to reassure him he’s loved no matter what and that he can always come home with no judgement or shaming. If I were Tim, as more time passed I would worry that my life as I knew it could never return and that I had disappointed my family by “disappearing”. But as a dog owner, I could swallow a lot of shame for the chance to be reunited with my dog. He apparently loves Mr Bojangles like we all love our pets and it must be awful to be separated from him.
I've been following this from the beginning. Socioeconomic status is in his favor to show up on the news and for people to volunteer for searches. However, something isn't adding up. I understand if his family wants to keep certain things private. In the long run though not being completely forthcoming when pleading with society to find their loved one... it's not going to help them. I followed a couple cases in my area and the family kept saying certain things but I knew of family members. I realized what the family was saying to the media wasn't the truth. At the end of the day I would rather be honest and do whatever it takes to find my son/daughter etc However though in my profession I've learned that sometimes family is naive about the real world. Families do not want to accept behavior that they didn't raise their child to live "like that". They don't want to believe their child would feel a certain way or suffer from mental illness. Not all people believe in pharmaceutical medicine to help someone dealing with an issue like depression or anxiety. Some parents believe that you just toughen up or pray on it. Based on what I've seen in the media with his father and his comments I believe he has certain expectations of his children. Someone out there that is close enough to the family knows something to shed a different light. It's not necessarily an expectation that they spill secrets but family dynamics information can help to think of ways people react and why they vanish. If it's not foul play and he's not listed as endangered...then what is it? I would rather put my pride to the side and do whatever it takes to find my child. I would've hired a private investigator weeks ago.

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