Found Deceased GA - Timothy Cunningham, 35, Chamblee, 12 Feb 2018 #2

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LE said TC reportedly lives alone.

That left a big question mark for me because IMO, he lives alone and he reportedly lives alone are 2 different statements. To me it implies from the perspective of the parents, as far as we know he lives alone.
That left a big question mark for me because IMO, he lives alone and he reportedly lives alone are 2 different statements. To me it implies from the perspective of the parents, as far as we know he lives alone.
I thought it was worded strangely too. That's why I remember LE saying it.

<modnsip> I know many people assume he was single, based on his social media, but I don't. I am madly in love with my partner, and I don't have one picture of him, or any mention of him on my social media accounts. In fact, we aren't even Facebook friends. Haha. I've not really thought about it until now. But we are always together, and have been pretty much inseparable since we met, so I guess we've never felt the need to be connected in that way. One of my dearest friends is the same. She didn't post until her wedding day.

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Just me here again, catching up with today&#8217;s postings.
I mentioned this last night, and it&#8217;s still eating away at me:
TC called our sick on Thursday and Friday.
So what did he do that weekend?
Was he in bed with the shades down? Did he call family or friends? I feel like he must have been in touch with his family over the weekend, because otherwise I think LE would have mentioned that. For all intents and purposes TC was in and around his home that weekend. He even spoke with his neighbor. But was that his only outing? Did he walk Bo, his beloved dog?

If I&#8217;m calling in sick for two days, then I&#8217;m actually sick and most likely in bed. I certainly wouldn&#8217;t want to interact with any acquaintances lest I give my illness to them.
Did he go to any super markets? Walk his dog? Grab a bite to eat at a restaurant? What did he do those three nights and two days?
I still wonder about foul play too. Yet, I keep coming back to his father's words when Timothy initially went missing. At that time his father stated that Timothy had recently seemed confused with bits of anger in his voice.

Confused? First time I heard that. Any possibility of drugs or alcohol involved?
I would like to listen to the parent's interviews again but I can't find them. There were two.
When you get promoted in the USPHS you do not move to a new job title/position within the cdc. It is just a new rank. When he became a Commander in July 2017, he was in the same position as “team lead” and still working with the same people.

I wasn't talking about the promotion from last year - I meant the position that he'd apparently hoped to get the week before he disappeared. If he had gotten it, would he have been working from a different office or with different people? I can't help wondering if he wanted to get the other job as a way of getting away from someone? (If he'd been secretly seeing a co-worker and they broke up, things might have been awkward - or he could have had a conflict with someone.)
This is JMO, but I thought the latest statement from the CDC was a bit vague. It seemed like they were writing it with two goals in mind.

First, as a concerned company remembering that today was the one month disappearance since their employee had been heard from.

Second, reaching out to Tim if he was alive and staying connected to what was going on in his case. However, I feel this second part was a failure on their, the company’s part! If Tim had gone to the meeting on Monday, he was already aware of why he was not chosen for the position. The manner in which it was explained in the letter read like a jumble of words trying to give an excuse that the writer could not find the right words to use. Trying to candy coat a reason without giving too much away.

Also, telling him they gave him the July 2017 promotion early due to his good work, is an excuse after the fact! That is a cheap shot and certainly not an encouraging statement to an employee who has asked for this meeting. S/he knew why Tim called for the meeting - to find out why he was passed up.

Perhaps it is maturity that teaches one the way to handle management inquiries. If this letter is representative to what was said in the meeting, it was handled improperly and Tim was hotter than a firecracker when he left that office.

Just my opinions after a career in management.
I wasn't talking about the promotion from last year - I meant the position that he'd apparently hoped to get the week before he disappeared. If he had gotten it, would he have been working from a different office or with different people? I can't help wondering if he wanted to get the other job as a way of getting away from someone? (If he'd been secretly seeing a co-worker and they broke up, things might have been awkward - or he could have had a conflict with someone.)

No, the position he applied to is in the same division where he is a team lead
Just want to say thankyou to HelloThere for all the useful facts you give us.
LE and Timothy’s parents keeping his personal issues so quiet, while being somewhat open about his professional life, makes me think his disappearance is more likely related to his personal life.
LE and Timothy&#8217;s parents keeping his personal issues so quiet, while being somewhat open about his professional life, makes me think his disappearance is more likely related to his personal life.

His professional life is already pretty public, but from what everyone here has been able to find (or not find), he seems pretty private with his personal life. I think they&#8217;re doing their best to protect it on his behalf. They obviously knew something was wrong in the days leading up to his appearance, but if he was really struggling and had been for awhile, I have to wonder if he was private about that as well &#8212; even with them.
Confused? First time I heard that. Any possibility of drugs or alcohol involved?

I would like to listen to the parent's interviews again but I can't find them. There were two.

I can't find those prior interviews either. I posted on Feb. 24th ( # 78 in the first thread ) quoting a link to a video interview of Timothy's father. In that post I transcribed his words to the best of my understanding.

When I click on that link now, it is only an update. The original story and video are no longer there.

Since it was in the prior thread I can't bring that post over here. If you do want to know what Timothy's father said, his words are in my post there.

As for why his father thought Timothy might be confused or angry, he did not speculate.

As I said, his words were the main reason I became so concerned about Timothy being in the midst of a mental health crisis...

I can't find those prior interviews either. I posted on Feb. 24th ( # 78 in the first thread ) quoting a link to a video interview of Timothy's father. In that post I transcribed his words to the best of my understanding.

When I click on that link now, it is only an update. The original story and video are no longer there.

Since it was in the prior thread I can't bring that post over here. If you do want to know what Timothy's father said, his words are in my post there.

As for why his father thought Timothy might be confused or angry, he did not speculate.

As I said, his words were the main reason I became so concerned about Timothy being in the midst of a mental health crisis...

You're so sweet, JazzTune. You didn't "mislead" anyone, and I certainly did not mean to lay my now less-than-optimistic stance on you...

You have experience, and it adds to out knowledge base. TBH, I have a family friend who is bipolar, and he is okay now, but he went off his medication and "off the grid" for awhile, and it got really dangerous -- he ended up calling me, when he was hardly making sense/so incredibly confused (but had still hung onto his cellphone and was able to dial me)... I was so blessed that he called me, and I was honored to be someone he trusted like that. I walked him through getting a cab in Chicago and to an ER in time. Later, he confided that he was not sure he was going to "stay alive" much longer. It had such an impact on me. He is doing well today!

So I am influenced by my own experiences too.

All that said, I am often the last person on a case to give up hope. There is ALWAYS a chance. So I do still have hope...I am just very worried for Timothy right now.

Thanks so much, for your expertise AND compassion.

Thank you TTT, for your kind words! Thank you too for explaining so well the horrors of Bipolar illness. YOUR expertise and compassion are the reasons your friend is alive. I have no doubt you saved his life. You were his lifeline!

Most importantly you cared about him. You weren't judging or blaming him. You understood his behavior was a symptom of his illness. I wish we could clone you a million times over.

Thank you again for your very uplifting and inspiring post!
Do you have an idea why he would have the neighbor remove the cell number?
I am not thinking that happened....but if it did, the conversation would have went you getting a new number? Lost your phone or switching plans? No response to that request seems very strange..

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