Gas gouging

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$3.65 here in Southern California. That's the lowest in my town but a penny less than yesterday. I filled up just to be safe.
its 3.79 here and going up .40 in a few weeks i guess (wisconsin)
I saw this thread yesterday and went out and filled up. Paid $3.89 for regular. So far there doesn't look like any shortages. But the price had increased, it was $3.79 last week.

Does anyone know if any refineries were actually damaged?
Federal and state officials will make sure consumers don't get gouged by gas price increases in the wake of Hurricane Ike, President Bush said Saturday.

President Bush makes remarks Saturday about Hurricane Ike at the White House.

A large number of refineries shut down on the Gulf Coast ahead of the storm, pushing prices up in some regions.

Hey GW! Take a trip to your local gas station!
On the MD side of DC we haven't seen any gas issues. But then again, we are use to being gouged when it comes to gas... LoL
I'm in TX and haven't seen an increase in the gas prices.

My friend in GA said it was almost $5 a gallon,they were limiting how many gallons you could get, people were waiting 1.5 hours for gas and they were running out at the stations.

Hello................the hurricane is over here................

But I did get gas last night just incase :laugh:
On the news today they were saying that some people in Arkansas were reporting prices as high as $8!!!

Someone needs to step in there. That's really out of hand.
that's what they did here too and i live in a small town near Altus, Oklahoma. in soutwest Okla. Wednesday morning it was 3.52 Wed. night it was 3.49 now today Friday its up to 3.69 you're going to tell me that in less than 48hours the gas prices "had" to change 3x. Its ridiculous. It gets very frustrating

OT: indallas2 we (my kids and I) are going to be in your area Mon-Wed we are going back to Great Wolf Lodge ( we went there in April as well)

Today (Sunday) : now mind you we arent as high as some of yalls but we jumped up in price again since Friday now its 3.82
Thank God just by chance I filled up Thursday when it was like 3.80 a gallon because it went up a dollar pretty much overnight! If this keeps up I am going to have to homeschool my kids because the majority of gas is used getting them to school and school activities and back. The schools system does not bus here.
North Carolina activates anti-gouging law as gas prices spike

RALEIGH, N.C.-- Gov. Mike Easley has declared a state of "abnormal market disruption" and signed an order allowing the attorney general to enforce North Carolina's anti-gouging law.
link shows entire article....

Early yesterday morning there was a gas station who had $4.79 posted, when I came back thru a few hours later it was $3.79. Last night on the news it had a statement from AG Roy Cooper stating over a thousand calls had come in about gouging and he encouraged everyone to call who knew or had it done to them.

IMO, Easley signing this order has many stations reconsidering gouging and the ones that did retracted theirs quickly.
snip...Bush said the government will keep close watch to make sure that gas stations are not gouging customers.

snip...Houston is also home to more than a fifth of the nation's fuel-refining operations and 25 percent of crude oil production, and there were concerns that a disruption to oil supplies, or damage to the rigs or refineries, could lead to a spike in oil prices.

Preliminary indications were that the combination of Hurricane Gustav on Sept. 1 and Ike 12 days later delivered a much weaker blow than the one-two punch of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, which landed within 22 days in 2005 and cut U.S. energy production for months.

During a morning conference call, pipeline operators reported that Louisiana refiners expected to be able to make deliveries "in the pretty near future," said Kevin P. Kolevar, assistant secretary of energy for electricity delivery and energy reliability. "We're starting to get good news in from these refineries. . . . It does not appear Ike impeded the recovery in the lower Louisiana area," he said.

"We're going to have to see about Texas," he added.
Gas shortage are occurring around the metro Atlanta area. I went to 3 gas stations before I found a pump with gas in it. Price is up to 4.20 gallon and 4.39 in the perimeter mall area.
When a gas station gouges on fuel prices, what happens? If we're lucky, the station pays a fine, but that doesn't affect the consumer who had to pay more (usually much more) for the gas. We're still out the money.

I think station owners who gouge customers should be forced to sell gas for less than the average price until the gouged profits are reversed. It might make them think twice.
I'm in TX and haven't seen an increase in the gas prices.

My friend in GA said it was almost $5 a gallon,they were limiting how many gallons you could get, people were waiting 1.5 hours for gas and they were running out at the stations.

Hello................the hurricane is over here................

But I did get gas last night just incase :laugh:

I am just south of Dallas and we say a $.20 increase from Friday Morning until just after noon time. Now that station is out of gas and saying that they do not know when they will be getting more....
Today (Sunday) : now mind you we arent as high as some of yalls but we jumped up in price again since Friday now its 3.82

$3.82 now!? You're right, that's low.:eek:

Thank God just by chance I filled up Thursday when it was like 3.80 a gallon because it went up a dollar pretty much overnight! If this keeps up I am going to have to homeschool my kids because the majority of gas is used getting them to school and school activities and back. The schools system does not bus here.

So it's $4.80 there? The price here is $4.19 almost everywhere. :mad: I filled up Friday for $4.09.
Regular unleaded (where you can find it) is $3.99 a gallon here tonight. I think it's shameful to jack up prices BEFORE a hurricane even hits! I have been working from home since May and our kids are homeschooled, so we shouldn't need to do much driving this week. We did make a trip today to pick up our newest family member-a puppy!
At least the AG in NC is not going to tolerate this gouging....I bet some wished they hadn't tried to do it now...:waitasec:

Gas stations to be subpoenaed in price gouging investigation

Raleigh, N.C. — State Attorney General Roy Cooper said starting Monday subpoenas will be sent to certain gas stations in the state – the first step in the state investigating price gouging claims....
I am in VA close to d.c. Gas here went up friday by .30 a gallon .I ran my truck out of gas in my drive way friday afternoon ,Sat I took my half gallon of lawn mower gas and dumped it in my truck and drove to the nearest gas station. In their rush to raise their price to get a jump on the extra money for the gas (that they got at the pre -gas hike rate) they programmed thier computer wrong and I paid .40 cents a gallon on an empty ,out of gas truck which I filled up high test (they only had high test priced @.40). I feel like I hit the gas lotto .I told no one about it on sat. I checked today and it was still .40 cents a gallon I filled up my other car ,went back and filled up my friends car. It cost me 12.47 to fll my 4x4 truck up. Now I felt bad about this for all of 12 hours (in between fill up 1 and fill up 2) but the reality of it is they Are making there money off the .30 cent gallon price hike off the other two grades And the gas fairies have blesed me today! Oh and then when I got done pumping gas for me ,I called other people to spread the joy . I rode past the gas station later and the police had come to ask that ppl not line up in the road. Lots of happy people in my area today .:woohoo:
My son goes to Florida State in Tallahassee ( mind you-it's Florida's capitol) He said gas was up .60cents this morning to $4.50 and that the people at the station told him it might be $5.50 tomorrow morning.
I guess no one inside the capitol up there is personally feeling the crunch. I am in West Central FL on the coast and the stations are running out of fuel as we speak...bread lines noted at most stations.

Wow--that is insane! We are in the panhandle and gas sations are still between 3.55 (what I paid) and 3.85 or so. Many have run out but they say it is because people stocked up on gas anticipating raised prices (filling 55 gallon drums with it) and not because supply is short...
Feeling grateful. . .$3.49 here--no gouging. I filled up on Friday just in case, but I guess I didn't need to. . . .
I'm in Louisiana... where Gustav made a DIRECT hit.. and paid 3.49/gallon yesterday for gas... no gouging here!!!

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