GBC Trial General Discussion Thread #3

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No woman would put their hair in a ponytail until AFTER the first wash after a visit to the hairdresser! You just can't get it as nice at home, so you'd never waste a good hair do by popping it in a pony.., MOO

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Dr Watson, correct me if i'm wrong but it would be noted in autopsy report if Allison was wearing a hairband, (or other hair accessory) wouldn't it?
I didn't mind the crazed rambling convoluted dribble today, from either Mr Byrne or Gerard... it was extremely informative, gem after gem after gem... Mr Byrne is paid to do it but Gerard does it for free, so I paid more attention because this is his choice.. he chose to do this, out of desperation, which I doubt, but out of a deep and profound need to re-paint and re-establish the former invention of himself that had been second nature to him..

Every day, he got up and did this story to himself, and to whatever audience was silly enough to indulge him..

The unintentional comedy of it was exquisite, and it may go on for some time.. I relish this.

I was intrigued by Doc Watsons question, why the Kholo Creek?? I know nothing about the topography of the area.. in the beginning, the location of her body was too close to home and not far enough away from home for it not to be a local. A very local local. I don't think it was chosen at random, either.. there is significance in the burying place of Alison.. possibly significance even unknown to the killer, possibly glaringly obvious to the killer, but it , by the very virtue of it being exactly where it was , a practiced and rehearsed run at it makes more sense to me than a panicked hurl in the dark...

I think kholo because it's far enough to give time for DNA evidence to disperse but close enough to be be found so he could claim insurance.

You know what? I'm done with this.

I recall seeing this on the 20th April on the news that she'd disappeared. At that point I just hoped she'd be found. I saw his interview soon after, and thought that was odd, but not much more.

As it went on, I got more invested. Then I found this place. I kept an open mind and swayed from innocent to guilty. After the committal, I was leaning more to guilty.

As this trial commenced, I decided to look with fresh eyes. And I have. I have kept an open mind, but been frustrated with both sides and their casual approach (but I guess this is not law and order)

I haven't read all of today's proceedings, as I've been flat out at work. But I have read enough to completely change my view. After the defence banging on and now GBC banging on about how effing awesome he is, whilst tarnishing the image of the woman he supposedly loved and adored, i'd be voting guilty. It's a classic case of glossing over the details and turning up the volume on the positives. You don't do that if you've nothing to hide. My kids do it all it all the time.

IMO this was a massive error in judgement. He is contradicting himself all over the place. I don't believe him and I don't trust him. He has not told the truth to his wife, his mistress, his friends, his own family, so why would he tell total strangers the truth?

I really hope the prosecution are sharpening their pencils over the next few days, it's game on guys.

He is acting disgracefully and I am gobsmacked he has no concept of this. Unbelievable.

Now... What on earth will the defence witnesses have to say? Aside from completely contradict what the prosecution witnesses have to say? Come on PT, it's time to channel poirot and nail someone to the wall. Enough of the wallflower act.

ETA: forgot to say I'm completely nauseated by this whole thing and I just can't stomach any more of his lies. I'm tuning out. I hope that the verdict reflects the truth of the circumstances and justice is delivered where it is deserved.
I hope things end up more Jodi Arias than Casey Anthony.
It's a very quiet dark road 9pm-4am there are no street lights near the bridge nor houses that look directly on to the area there are bends in the road before and after the bridge so if you were to park in the bush area at the time of Allison's disappearance you would see the car lights before they saw you if they would see you at all. The location of her body under the bridge would not have been visable from traffic or from any helicopters, she would be simply stuck there where she was placed to decompose. Who ever put her there probably throught she would never be found. I travel over the bridge twice daily during the week on the school run to & from the grammar school. I feel terrible that I drove over the bridge while Allison was under there. I also remember someone on WS saying they got a creepy feeling while driving over the bridge, I was almost tempted to go and look. I wish I had!

I think her body needed to be found for insurance purposes. Far enough away from the search area so that her body would decompose by time she was found.

GBC & NBC would have known that entire area via real estate.
He is the most boring man. God how did people put up
With him?
“To be perfectly candid with you it came to a point where I was doing 80, to 90 nearly 100 per cent of the parenting, I couldn’t breastfeed, but…"

There is much about GBC's words and actions that is offensive, but this particularly so from his diatribe today. I wondered if he might have even had a little chuckle - a joke with his audience - in making this statement.
He is a misogynist IMO.

Someone mentioned this earlier today (sorry I forget who - it was a bit of a blur but I'll repost for this thread)
but GBC did this blog post where he was whining about how tough it was doing Allison's family work for a week.

"Mr Mum!

I'm sure I read on one of these threads that he was studying law......perhaps his soliloquy is work experience for being a lawyer.....

I know you can study in 'real jail ' but what about on remand?

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snipped from other thread~

I'm pretty sure GBC said Allison had 2 walking outfits and he checked which one was gone. While looking it up found the outfit used on mannequin when Allison disappeared. The jumper isn't there though.

Good pickup. Why didn't the police put the hoodie on the mannequin? Unless he told them about that later?
Dr Watson, correct me if i'm wrong but it would be noted in autopsy report if Allison was wearing a hairband, (or other hair accessory) wouldn't it?

Excellent point! Yes I'd say so!

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Wouldn't that be the right year to be when TM spent the night at the house on the guest bed with G while A was away?

Eeeeew! Yeah could be!

Addit - looking in TMH's statements atm - relationship started Aug 2008

Addit 2 - she says she stayed over twice - "at the start of the relationship years ago. On both occasions A and the children were not at home. I think they were down the coast with A's parents".
So yeah it would have been around that time but I guess not that particular week since the kids were there.
Folks copy/paste from blogs or social media isn't allowed.

You can link to the page & say something like "check out such & such" but you can't then discuss anything posted on the page.
Good morning,

Thanks to all who have been posting tweets and links. I'm attempting to wear yellow for Allison again today, because last time I tried I got lots of compliments on my lovely "orange" shirt. :facepalm:

Every time I check the "evidence photos" link and see her handwritten note "why so mean afterwards?" I :stormingmad:. Seriously yesterday I saw it while I was taking a break from work and i got so sad and disgusted and angry I had to go walk around campus before I could focus again. i just don't understand.
Wouldn't that be the right year to be when TM spent the night at the house on the guest bed with G while A was away?

Do a google search on "husband jealous of wife breastfeeding" "husband jealous of pregnancy" "husband jealous of wife's childbirth" etc. Lets just say it's an "attention seeking" jealousy pattern that forms. They want it to be all about them. They want to be the centre of attention, a bit like today's court proceedings. MOO
I don't think he did either or he would have left a google trail re dosages. It's not the sort of thing you'd want to do without checking it's safe first.

For those who know the area, what's your thought about where 'you' would leave Allison's body? Are there better places? Somewhere to the west? Gold creek? That reservoir? Off Gap Creek Rd? All of those places are near where there are houses or recreational facilities aren't they? Maybe Kholo Creek is the closest place that fits the bill.

Hi Batwoman. If it was me I would have taken her miles away, the other side of Brisbane. Logan, Manly, Gold Coast. Somewhere that would make it look more like a kidnapping, robbery gone wrong. Not so close to my own backyard. Kholo is very close in the middle of the night, and I would never have gone anywhere near a scout den if I had ties to that arena.
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