GBC Trial General Discussion Thread #4

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Did GBC ever have a lie detector test?

While polygraph results are not used in courts in Australia, demand from individuals, corporations and police forces has seen steady growth for truth testers over the past decade.

Great question. I have read that Narcissists and Sociopaths can pass lie detector tests. So if G does have a psych pathology it may not help the Prosecution.
I've down it less than 10 times ever so hope I'm ok :)
Didn't want to stretch my bra out of shape.
I think they tried to infer by use of their time lapse video that leaves and debris from somewhere else could have got to where she was - clutching at straws I believe [emoji41]

That time lapse photography shown by the defence was totally s**thouse. The guy who did it got up on the stand and when questioned by Fuller (aka supersmartstonecoldfox) couldn't do the math involved in his own time lapse set up - it was hideous. The photography was very very amateur as there were shadows all over the place which made it difficult to see actual levels of the tide. (According to Gerry from AC - the phtographer should have known how to do the photography to reduce the shadows.)There was not enough resolution, in terms of being to far away from the shoreline, to see leaves and material deposit. (But take a look at the muddy shoreline and see how much residue of stuff there is - zilch unless there is a bump then its not leaf litter its larger material!) My take would be that if Allison had been subjected to that tidal influence she would have attracted more large stuff like tree branches and collected sticks with dead leaf attached litter so a few leaves tangled in her hair would not have been at all in keeping with the type of litter that came down the creek.

Also cats claw creeper becomes brittle and easily broken when it dries out. My thinking would be that this cats claw creeper would have been alive and green as it tangled in Allisons hair at the car port and died out and dried there in-situ. Unless a long branch of it came down as a long vine of leaves there is no way it would have lasted floating on the top of the creek and no way it could have become tangled in her hair. (wasn't her jumper over her head anyway?)

Also Todd Fuller (supersmartstonecoldfox) asked the guy if he had done any images inline with the body , parallel to the creek -that it would have been useful to see the tide as it 'washed' over the spot where Allison's body was found, to provide a real comparison the traffic of debris. He had not done this. It was a case of too little too late. I don't really think it impressed anyone of anything.
Excellent. Good girl. Lol. *advertiser censored*:loveyou:
Whoops. To Tootsie.
Probably not, but my thoughts were that the phone carrying by mum on her walks may have been "mentioned" to the kids to fit in with the story. Just my opinion.

Agree, I bet there was plenty of tutoring happening prior to the police arriving.
I think they tried to infer by use of their time lapse video that leaves and debris from somewhere else could have got to where she was - clutching at straws I believe [emoji41]


Thank you! That's really good to know that's the best they could come up with. If I were on the jury, I'd want to know a botanist for the defence had searched the immediate area around Kholo creek and identified at least three or four of the plant species found in her hair, before I would agree there's reasonable doubt she was killed at her home.

I really must make time this afternoon to catch up on those last witnesses. It was all so fast and furious at the end there! :pullhair:
I have been thinking about NBC and his innocence and a few things that don't add up.
NBC appears to be behind his son in so much.

He advised G to contact the Insurance company, as soon as a body was found. Not necessarily Allison's body. A body. Formal Identification did not occur until the following day. How did they both know it was Allison's body? To say they heard through the internet is a complete furphy. Had they identified the body, they might have known the body was Allison's. Why contact Insurance company?

Well it is the right and proper thing to do, contact the Insurance. A course of events. Procedure. Etc.

And whilst on the subject to procedures:

NBC refused to help the police in any way. I stand to be corrected there, but isn't that obstructing the course of justice?
NBC did not assist in the search for Allison.
And then, NBC went out of his way recently to portray Allison in a very poor light. A fabricated light. An evil light.

In reality, I think Allison was a light that shone in a very dark place.
Thank you possumheart. What a lovely photo of Allison. To use the Australian vernacular, Allison seems to have been a 'top chick'. What a shame. May the 'Todd-ster' bring it home well this week, and all power to his arm and justice for Allison and all who loved her.:jail:
(I did try to post this as a direct reply but did not work?)
Such a gorgeous happy smiling face, thanks poss.
They couldn't very well argue she was murdered by a third person due to no robbery and no sexual assault. And I suspect a serial killer on the loose with a pillow rather than a gun in his car would have been stretching it a bit far.

IMHO the suicide scenario is just as implausible. My line of thought is if you're clutching at straws, why just clutch at one? Even GBC said in his testimony on the stand there are 'innumerate' possibilities as to what happened. Maybe the defence thinks it would dilute their case to present more than one theory, or perhaps they thought it gave them more shades of grey to play with. Or perhaps the clan liked the suicide theory the best as it allowed them to trash-talk Allison.
I'd love to know how recent that photo is. What a delightful freshness and honesty reflected.
All other photos showed her front tooth quite crooked but this is a beautiful capture of Allison's beauty, inside and out.
Yes, I agree Ladybird 1 well said.
NBC seems to be a strong influence on GBC and that gradually the negativity about Allison increased as the positive affirmations on GBC increased. They did portray her in poor light, but she was the light. (Hey guys, should I be using reply with quote?)
That time lapse photography shown by the defence was totally s**thouse. The guy who did it got up on the stand and when questioned by Fuller (aka supersmartstonecoldfox) couldn't do the math involved in his own time lapse set up - it was hideous. The photography was very very amateur as there were shadows all over the place which made it difficult to see actual levels of the tide. (According to Gerry from AC - the phtographer should have known how to do the photography to reduce the shadows.)There was not enough resolution, in terms of being to far away from the shoreline, to see leaves and material deposit. (But take a look at the muddy shoreline and see how much residue of stuff there is - zilch unless there is a bump then its not leaf litter its larger material!) My take would be that if Allison had been subjected to that tidal influence she would have attracted more large stuff like tree branches and collected sticks with dead leaf attached litter so a few leaves tangled in her hair would not have been at all in keeping with the type of litter that came down the creek.

Also cats claw creeper becomes brittle and easily broken when it dries out. My thinking would be that this cats claw creeper would have been alive and green as it tangled in Allisons hair at the car port and died out and dried there in-situ. Unless a long branch of it came down as a long vine of leaves there is no way it would have lasted floating on the top of the creek and no way it could have become tangled in her hair. (wasn't her jumper over her head anyway?)

Also Todd Fuller (supersmartstonecoldfox) asked the guy if he had done any images inline with the body , parallel to the creek -that it would have been useful to see the tide as it 'washed' over the spot where Allison's body was found, to provide a real comparison the traffic of debris. He had not done this. It was a case of too little too late. I don't really think it impressed anyone of anything.

Oh, excellent! Sounds like he didn't manage to cast any doubt on the prosecution's case at all. I know when Dr Guymer was giving his evidence about the leaves we were hoping he would have done DNA testing to show the plants actually came from the the BC property, but it's sounding like that wasn't even necessary.

Yes her jumper was over her head, so my thinking is there would have had to be a heck of a lot of leaf litter containing at least some of those particular plant species floating down for them to have got into her hair. Otherwise it looks like the crime scene had to be the BC property.

Not looking good for GBC here, is it!
Suicide theory
Allison would not have taken or hidden her pj's.

Random stranger theory
Why no pj's in the bedroom/house.

Yes Allison taking her phone on an early morning walk sounds reasonable.
But, seriously how many walkers take or hide the pj's.

Assuming the pj's have not been located as they were not produced as evidence.

Goes a long way to dismissing the above theories and draws the attention smack bang to GBC and his crap about how he knew what Allison was wearing even though he was snoring loudly.
I am so impressed with what appears to be a flawless upgrade WS team!

Thank you for providing such a great venue for discussion, and thank you for consideration of your timing in relation to this trial.
I've been going back and rereading original statements and something just jumped out at me from Jocelyn Frost's -
47. I believe Gerard had a bad temper with his children. I remember on a couple of times that he had told me he had belted the children."
That's quite odd and a worry to me, as I don't think many fathers would be 'belting' their young daughters - let alone admitting it in the office.

She also makes quite a few references to TM's explosive nature under stress, and this was in her capacity as a friend and support person for TM as she seemed to feel sorry for her.
37. ... On my last day at the office I confronted Toni about what she had told Gerard and she flew into a rage.
38. I'm not sure how I found out but I became aware that Allison found out about the affair. I was worried about Toni that she might do something with her life. Unfortunately she can't manage without him. I was a support to her at that time and she was screaming and crying and had her two sons with her.
40. ... Toni has a terrible temper and with the things that were being text and emailed I thought she was over it.
41. ... She found out that Allison and Kate were going to a property management course on Friday. Toni went right off because Gerard had not mentioned it before. Toni was going to the conference and Toni told Gerard to make sure that Allison wasn't there. ... I was thinking that Toni and Gerard had a fight at five o'clock and a few hours later Allison is missing.

Maybe there was some conspiring going on after all - or at least enormous pressure to act. If Allison had then put on a bold front that evening he could have lost the plot?
WARNING KNUCKLEHEAD ALERT !! Sorry guys, I am having a knucklehead morning....I love the new format...but where does one now find the listing of their own posts that I used to find through the menus for CP user? It is probably waving at me saying.." hello Hooly I am HERE " :seeya:but I cannot locate it. I just have to get used to the new way (and where) things are set out in the new look WS ......:scared:
UPDATE:- I found iiit !...just clicked on my member name...sometimes it is the simplest things....Perhaps I was dazzled by the new 'look'
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