General discussion #3

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So, do we know if Janet was still playing soccer? She looked great for having a six month old....didn't take her long to get back in shape!
ewwwinteresting said:
So, do we know if Janet was still playing soccer? She looked great for having a six month old....didn't take her long to get back in shape!

Oh, that's a good question. We've heard that Raven played in leagues, I wonder if Janet did too?
golfmom said:
Oh, that's a good question. We've heard that Raven played in leagues, I wonder if Janet did too?
From what I've read, it appears she was one heck of a player!
ewwwinteresting said:
So, do we know if Janet was still playing soccer? She looked great for having a six month old....didn't take her long to get back in shape!
You didn't see her when she was pregnant. If you were behind her you could not tell that she was pregnant. The only weight that she put on was all baby. Kaiden was a cute little basketball right on her belly. She literally looked like she had stuffed a basketball up under her shirt.
ewwwinteresting said:
From what I've read, it appears she was one heck of a player!
She was an incredible player. She could have gone pro if she wanted to but she decided thtat she wanted to make familiy a priority
I was posting to you and the thread got locked right in the midst of my post!

I wanted to tell you that I have so much empathy for what you and the other friends of Janet, Raven and their families are going through, and that I care very much about each one of you.

Please share your memories and thoughts of Janet as you see fit. It is totally your private decision. I can tell you that if there had been a " sounding board" for Laura when she died, it would have helped me so very much.
I hope we can offer a safe haven, a refuge and a place to remember Janet.

MissYouJanet said:
She was an incredible player. She could have gone pro if she wanted to but she decided thtat she wanted to make familiy a priority
Wow, she sounds like someone that had it together...priorities straight...willing to sacrifice something she loves! I bet you feel blessed to have known her for as long as you did.
ThinkofLaura Thank you four your support. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it
ewwwinteresting said:
Wow, she sounds like someone that had it together...priorities straight...willing to sacrifice something she loves! I bet you feel blessed to have known her for as long as you did.
Unbelievably blessed. I wish you all could have known her.
MYJ and TOL - I just want to express my heartfelt appreciation to the both of you for being so open and honest . . . I get goosebumps when reading your posts . . . I can't even begin to imagine what both of you have gone through/are going through.
God bless both of you, and a BIG thank you!
MissYouJanet said:
Unbelievably blessed. I wish you all could have known her.
I'm wanting to know her through your eyes. Tell us what you can about the living Janet- was she a practical joker, did she laugh easily, did she talk about her family often? Was she homesick for her parents and Virginia?
Did she make Kaiden's birth announcements?

We know so little about what made her Janet. If you can, please tell us about her music, the books you may have discussed together, did she like to drive fast cars? What was her favorite food? Was she a picky eater or thin because of good genes, :)? Did she like to decorate her home and was she a crafts type person?

Maybe this is a starting place for us to get to know her.. please don't feel obligated to answer anything, these were just questions that I can see someone asking about Laura, and I know the answers to almost all of them.. She was the sister I never had. Maybe it was like that for you and Janet as well.

Janet was such a boy! Ii guess that's why we worked. We both hated to dress up on Sunday. If it were up to us, we would be iin shorts and sandals and covered in dirt! She was very outgoing in sports. That was her comfort zone. Other than that she was a homebody. She like to spend time with her family.

She had an incrediible work ethic that was instilled in her very young. While the rest of us were sleeping, she would be up at like 4am on her paper route.

She loved kids. she was a great babysitter. Her nieces could not get enough of her.
Janet ate everything and anything and never gained a pound. We were all envious of her.

She was a team player. It was always obvious who the best player on every team was. It was Janet. She was always the last to take credit she would say things like "if Lisa didn't sett me up with the perfect pass I wouldn't have made the shot." Very humble
Janet's older brother used to tease her and say he was sad when their mom said they were having another girl but was happy once he found out that she was more boy than girl. They used to play soccer in the back yard together and have so much fun.

Janet never played any sport she wasn't great in. Basketball, soccer, baseball were no match for her. I'm sure she could have been the first pro football player if she wanted to.
MYJ, thank you so much for sharing with all of us!

Frankly, I'm worn out. I look forward to catching up in the a.m.

Hugs Everyone! GM
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