General discussion #3

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....the metallic shoes, they are more often worn by women...(most men I know who are comfortable with themselves as decent soccer players would not want to wear "glittery" soccer shoes...)...In looking at the pic, I also think they are Raven's because of the length of the shoe...(using the bottle of 409 as a reference point), as Janet was not a big person...

NCBanker, you did a fabulous job with the pictures - thanks so much!
Sorry guys, I just got some new information that convinces me that these were in fact Janet's soccer shoes. This source would KNOW.
JerseyGirl said:
Wasn't Raven responsible for ordering for at least one other company as well? If so, I wonder if this is the first time he's embezzled or the first time he's been caught.

I also want to mention that we've all been working under the assumption that Raven was playing soccer that night. Have any of us received credible information that that's the case?
I have credible information that raven wasplaying a "pick up" game that night. Sorry, I cannot reveal my source but I trust it. No deep throat here!
Thinkoflaura said:
Good grief!! $175 shoes left out on the porch? Not at my house.
And how utterly sad that her empty shoes are left there, for all who do come by to see.

I would give anything to be within driving distance of Durham NC. I'd love to see inside the house.. I keep wondering if he left her clothes in the house?

I KNOW he took his top name brand stuff with him.
I believe Raven most likely bought... er "embezzled" those silver soccer shoes for Janet as a birthday present or anniversary present when he was stealing from eurosport. He's too cheap to spend $175 on his own wife.... he only buys himself the nice things.

Also those shoes aretoo narrow to be a man's soccer shoe. I have narrow feet andam built much like Janet ... I'm sure those shoes are.... :( were hers
golfmom said:
Doesn't dc refer to a soccer team that he was a fan of?
Baltimore Ravens are also a football team... just wondering if there was a connection there, too? Know he liked soccer and soccer is called football in other countries so maybe there is no connection... i'm referring to his former futbalrguy ebay id.
Thinkoflaura said:
I wonder if that is a mostly rental district. I only see one pool.
I've always read that rental areas have higher violent crimes.. not sure why though.
i know that raven took kaiden to the indoor pool. pictures are on page 2, i believe, of

edited... can't type this morning!
PrayersForMaura said:
I believe Raven most likely bought... er "embezzled" those silver soccer shoes for Janet as a birthday present or anniversary present when he was stealing from eurosport. He's too cheap to spend $175 on his own wife.... he only buys himself the nice things.

Also those shoes aretoo narrow to be a man's soccer shoe. I have narrow feet andam built much like Janet ... I'm sure those shoes are.... :( were hers

I'm getting the sense that Raven acquired Janet as a designer label to fit the life-style he wanted to portray. Pretty blond, soccer star . . .
well great, sources say shoes are janet's, sources say shoes are raven's. I'm feeling like this is a Magic 8 ball. Signs point to .... yes ... er, no...

Personally, i don't see how raven's fatf oot could fit in those little narrow shoes, but they do say P. NESS sizes are reflective of the male's foot size...
heee hee
golfmom said:
Sorry guys, I just got some new information that convinces me that these were in fact Janet's soccer shoes. This source would KNOW.

Jenifred said:
Yes, I had it from a source too that they were Raven's shoes, I was just second-guessing because of the images that were posted on the website. And, I too, believe my source.

Raven's shoes, not Janet's.

I'm so confused :confused: ... Raven's or Janet's?
Correspondence from Raven in 1999 when he worked in sales.
(i can't remember if i posted this yet or if anyone else did).
I believe there are references to this Erin person, too, (see Erin in the forwarded message coding) on the archives.
(PS, he is not a great speller, but I am a horrible typist, so I am one to talk! ;) )

message inbox:3033)
Forwarded: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 23:37:58 -0600
Forwarded: "erin "
Replied: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 23:37:28 -0600
Replied: """ me"
Received: from ([])
by (8.9.1a/8.9.1) with ESMTP id PAA24386
for ; Wed, 21 Jul 1999 15:37:44 -0600 (MDT)
Received: from ravena [] by
with Novonyx SMTP Server $Revision: 1.76 $; Wed, 21 Jul 1999 15:40:59 -0600 (MDT)
Received: by localhost with Microsoft MAPI; Wed, 21 Jul 1999 15:41:06 -0600
Message-ID: <>
From: ravena
Reply-To: ""
To: "''"
Subject: FW: Quote on 3Com parts
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 15:41:04 -0600
Return-Receipt-To: ravena
X-Mailer: Microsoft Internet E-mail/MAPI -
Encoding: 68 TEXT, 46 UUENCODE
X-MS-Attachment: Q82832.TXT 0 00-00-1980 00:00
Content-Length: 4444


I saved the earlier document I sent as a .txt file so I am not sure why it
isn't going through as a regular text document. Anyway, I was able to save
you some money on the switch and you should be ready to go. I did add a
price for a service warrenty. If you are wanting to manage the switch
through a remote location, you can purchase the Transcend Enterprise
Manager "97 software. But I would need to know the OS you are using:

Part Number Description Qty Price

1) 3C16980-US 3COM - NETWORKING Superstack Ii
Switch 330024 Port 10/100 1 1,750.53

2) 3C16970 3COM - NETWORKING Superstack Ii
Switch 1100/3300100bfx Module 1 395.79

3) 3CS-EX7N-15 3COM - SERVICES 1 310.53


Raven Abaroa
State Sales Rep.
Capital Associates Technology Group
Connecting Point
Salt Lake City, UT 84101

Phone: (801) 531-3887
Fax: (801) 359-5544

-----Original Message-----
From: ravena []
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 1999 11:56 AM
To: ''
Cc: ''
Subject: Quote on 3Com parts


Please note that I added a new part number to the quote. It is the
Superstack II Switch 1100. The price point is a lot better and it still has
10/100-TX ports:


Raven Abaroa
State Sales Rep.
Capital Associates Technology Group
Connecting Point
Salt Lake City, UT 84101

Phone: (801) 531-3887
Fax: (801) 359-5544
I don't think it ultimately matters. We don't want to do anything to identify sources.
golfmom said:
Sorry guys, I just got some new information that convinces me that these were in fact Janet's soccer shoes. This source would KNOW.

My mother, who is very small boned and is tall and slender, wears a size 9 AAAA shoe. Her shoes look like planks of wood, they are so long and narrow. Janet's shoes look the exact same way. Those are very narrow width shoes.
Long, like planks.
It's not a rental district. I was surprised at how nice a surrounding it is. There were no visible signs of it being a rental area.

PrayersForMaura said:
i know that raven took kaiden to the indoor pool. pictures are on page 2, i believe, of

edited... can't type this morning!
Just a thought on the shoes, it could be possible that both Raven and Janet had shiny soccer shoes ...
JerseyGirl said:
This buyer made a purchase on Feb. 24, and then not again until April 28th, (books). Then on May 6th and May 19th, purchased computer parts. Interesting find. (Sorry if you've already discussed this too but I' still lagging behind, and now I've got to go out again! You'll all probably have another four pages when I get back!!! LOL!)

JerseyGirl, there is nothing to suggest that anyone other than lostmyjobsales is Raven. Golfmom posted the ID history for that one account and it included FootBallerGuy. ( however he spelled it).
Even had a name going back to

The SamuelPeters and SamuelPeter accounts all looked to be very out of Raven's world. One was a guy who trades in vintage Mustang parts, the other had little activity as a seller.

I don't think Raven bought, I think Raven SOLD. These people didn't have the money for rent... I can't see him buying books in Feb. JMHO.
golfmom said:
Just a thought on the shoes, it could be possible that both Raven and Janet had shiny soccer shoes ...

Yep, if Eurosport was handling a lot of metallic silver shoes, then that's probably what Raven stole. Since they are all on sale now, it appears, I would say they are last year's merchandise. If he could pilfer them for free, I guess they could both look at their reflections in their shoes.
I think the shoes are just plain weird, no matter who wore them.

Still think they look like my mother's size 9 AAAA shoes though. Hers look HUGE because they are so long.. kind of like these ( I'm sorry, Janet).
golfmom said:
Just a thought on the shoes, it could be possible that both Raven and Janet had shiny soccer shoes ...
Plus the differences between the women's and men's shoes are hard to notice, unless you are looking closely.

$400 for two pairs of shoes, ouch! Oh wait, they weren't paid for!
Thinkoflaura said:
JerseyGirl, there is nothing to suggest that anyone other than lostmyjobsales is Raven. Golfmom posted the ID history for that one account and it included FootBallerGuy. ( however he spelled it).
Even had a name going back to

The SamuelPeters and SamuelPeter accounts all looked to be very out of Raven's world. One was a guy who trades in vintage Mustang parts, the other had little activity as a seller.

I don't think Raven bought, I think Raven SOLD. These people didn't have the money for rent... I can't see him buying books in Feb. JMHO.

ThinkofLaura, could you recheck the samuel_peter ebay stuff for us? You seem to know how to pull that info out better than I do. I thought I saw mountain bike stuff in there, which really fits with Raven. As well as electronic gear.
Thinkoflaura said:
JerseyGirl, there is nothing to suggest that anyone other than lostmyjobsales is Raven. Golfmom posted the ID history for that one account and it included FootBallerGuy. ( however he spelled it).
Even had a name going back to

The SamuelPeters and SamuelPeter accounts all looked to be very out of Raven's world. One was a guy who trades in vintage Mustang parts, the other had little activity as a seller.

I don't think Raven bought, I think Raven SOLD. These people didn't have the money for rent... I can't see him buying books in Feb. JMHO.
Just to clarify.... having no money does not stop people in debt from spending ... in fact, many people who have no money rack up over $20,000 in credit card expenditures.

I'm not saying SamuelPeter is Raven, but I'm not saying he isn't either.
Raven did live in utah around that period so who knows.
i definitely know the person you found IS raven because as you noted, the previous ids for that person go back to
Good find!!!
I can't find where it is, or else I would post there. But, here's a little something that I noticed. If you look at the pictures that Tiffany posted at graduation, you can tell that Raven's shirt has been professionally pressed. I know that look very well. It's not just out of the bag, nor just pressed by wifey, but it's been taken to the cleaners to have cleaned and pressed. That is so typical of a man who is concerned about how he looks--as a metrosexual would.

However there is one question that I've got. Usually these metrosexual tendancies spill over into all aspects of their living. Was their home decorated nicely? Would someone walk into it and think, wow there is some nice stuff in here? Because from the pictures I see, it was kind of kind of minimalist--not very extravagant.
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