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hmmmmmmm............interesting. Wonder if Craig is getting a little {{nervous}}..............Wonder what LE sees that we don't know about?

LOL, wouldn't it be something if they arrested Craig and DP around the same time? :behindbar Two high profile cases at once.

Just a thought. ;)

Judge: Craig Stebic can get car back

April 2, 2008

The Associated Press

JOLIET, Ill. (AP) -- A judge has ruled that Craig Stebic, the husband of a missing suburban Chicago woman can get his car back.

But Craig Stebic, whose wife Lisa has been missing nearly a year, must wait until later this month to hear whether he can reclaim his pickup truck and 24 guns.

Investigators want to keep those items, which were seized as possible evidence
This was posted in the media thread today.

hmmmmmmmmm..............this is interesting. Wonder what's up with the car?:confused:

IMHO, must be somethin' we haven't heard about. Hopefully a news organization will be interested enough to get a copy. LOL, I'm assuming by the way the judged worded his order, he means it will be accessable to the public. Now my curiousity is peeked. :eek:

Stebic will get his car

April 7, 2008


The judge spoke to Stebic briefly, and the Plainfield man agreed not to object to the possible use of 23 digital photographs instead of the car.

Then Fitzgerald and Lenard asked the judge to impound and seal the court order returning the car to keep it from the public. Lenard asked for a private hearing with the judge to explain the request.

Later in the morning, Schoenstedt announced his decision.

"I’m not going to give my reasons for the ruling on the record," Schoenstedt "I am not going to order the order impounded."

Lenard and Stebic then left the building and walked to the lawyer’s office on Chicago Street. Neither one of them would talk about the case.
According to a media link he got is car back, but not a blanket that was in the back and he seems very concerned about that.

Hmmmm he got the $20 - $40K car back (don't know the asking price on those things), but he is concerned about not getting the $10 - $20 blankie that was in it back? hmmmmm why would he be sooooo concerned about that blanket, why oh why? :waitasec: I can't think of a reason, can you guys? :rolleyes:
According to a media link he got is car back, but not a blanket that was in the back and he seems very concerned about that.

Hmmmm he got the $20 - $40K car back (don't know the asking price on those things), but he is concerned about not getting the $10 - $20 blankie that was in it back? hmmmmm why would he be sooooo concerned about that blanket, why oh why? :waitasec: I can't think of a reason, can you guys? :rolleyes:

curious1 said, "hmmmmm why would he be sooooo concerned about that blanket, why oh why? :waitasec:I can't think of a reason, can you guys? ":rolleyes:

LOL, me, me, me, :) Pick me!!

I can think of 'WHY' but CS wouldn't like it! :D

He's letting his guard down.......:bang:

Are police 'harassing' Stebic?

PLAINFIELD -- Police on patrol have been cruising around Nature's Crossing subdivision more than usual -- particularly on the 13200 block of Red Star Lane, some residents say.
That's where Craig Stebic lives. And his family, as well as his neighbors, have noticed a more prominent police presence lately.
» Click to enlarge image
Family members and neighbors say they have noticed increased police activity around the Plainfield home of Craig Stebic (right). Craig's wife, Lisa, has been missing since April 2007.

(Herald News File Photos)

"It just seems like they're around more, which we really like because it's tense over there," said one resident who did not want her name printed. "There's no question they're around more. Why? I have no idea."
Police Chief Don Bennett declined to comment.
Recently police stopped Craig's father, Joe Stebic, near the house and cited him for driving a vehicle with a cracked windshield.
Craig was cited in January for the same reason, while driving the same vehicle. The charge was later dropped, according to court records.
"It just seems like (police are) harassing them," said Craig's brother, Scott Stebic, who has been staying at the house. "I feel safe now, the neighborhood is being well-patrolled."
curious1 said, "hmmmmm why would he be sooooo concerned about that blanket, why oh why? :waitasec:I can't think of a reason, can you guys? ":rolleyes:

LOL, me, me, me, :) Pick me!!

I can think of 'WHY' but CS wouldn't like it! :D

He's letting his guard down.......:bang:


LOL! Yes, the one with her hand up...Fran is it? Do share with the class any ideas you may have.
I just returned from the Lisa Stebic Walk....It was very emotional. The families of other missing area people were also there.
Lisa's family released doves with a prayer that they will lead to Lisa......
Thank you very much, Ocean! Someday all of our prayers will lead to Lisa. I am happy you got to help in trying to find her.
I've just spent a lot of time reading through all the threads on heart breaks for her and her family, particularly the children.

I recently wrote to Sandra Belanger about Lisa, and got a brief reply. I believe she is planning on trying to help in Lisa's case, after she puts in some more time on her current focus (I believe the Peterson case).

For anyone who might not know, SB is not a psychic, rather she works with EVP, Electronic Voice Phenomena. Whether one believes in such things or not, it certainly can't hurt. The more Lisa is talked about and remembered, the better.

I personally think there could be something to it. SB seems to have obtained correct info on where Lacey Peterson's body was before she and Conner were found. I'm praying she can help find Lisa.
Lots of information about Craig Stebic in the most recent news article posted.

IMHO, Stebic is a typical batterer.:chicken: also appears LE is closing in on him as well. Taking his license to carry a gun is a very good start! Also IMHO, this guy is VERY dangerous and needs to be locked up!:mad:


Lisa Stebic's parents, Lawrence and Judith Ruttenberg, and her grandparents, Milton and Charlotte Ruttenberg, say Craig Stebic has on separate occasions threatened to kill them, his wife and their children, and has abused drugs and alcohol, the documents said.


According to the court documents filed Friday, the Stebics were in the midst of divorce proceedings for a second time when she disappeared. Shortly before the couple's daughter was born in 1995, Lisa Stebic filed for divorce on grounds of "extreme and repeated mental cruelty," the documents say.


"Mr. Stebic called Lawrence Ruttenberg and said that, if he or Judith Ruttenberg ever came onto Mr. Stebic's property again, Mr. Stebic would cut Lisa up into a million pieces, no one would find her, and he would kill both Lawrence Ruttenberg and Judith Ruttenberg as well," the documents said.


The documents also say that in 2002, Craig Stebic became angry with his children after they hugged Judith Ruttenberg at a family event. In 2004, he forbade his children to speak to their maternal grandparents, and by the time their mother disappeared, the children were forbidden to look at them, the documents claim.


The documents say Craig Stebic has been intoxicated while supervising the children's use of his weapons, and of making his own "moonshine" and allowing the kids to taste it. The documents allege he frequently mixes drugs and alcohol.

Craig finally agreed to let Lisa's family visit with her children.

About time.

Happy day,
I'm sure that Craig's lawyer must have told him that there was no chance that he would win in court and that trying tostop them from seeing the kids would be a waste of their time and his money.

No way he did this out of concern for the kids. The only thing that remains to be seen is how long it will take before the children can feel safe enough to tell what they know. It may never be safe for them, as long as they have to continue to live at the mercy of their mother's killer.

I'm sure that Craig's lawyer must have told him that there was no chance that he would win in court and that trying tostop them from seeing the kids would be a waste of their time and his money.

No way he did this out of concern for the kids. The only thing that remains to be seen is how long it will take before the children can feel safe enough to tell what they know. It may never be safe for them, as long as they have to continue to live at the mercy of their mother's killer.


I personally think Craig DID read the documents and knew if this came before a judge, he stood a chance of loosing more than just having to allow visitation. His 'custody' of the kids may have been in jeoprady.

There's no way this guy is allowing visitation out of the goodness of his heart, or because of Lisa, or because he gives a fig what happens to Lisa's family nor his own kids. He's lost a little bit of control here and I'm willing to bet he's pizzed!

Too bad, so sad,:mad:

Where is Lisa? :(


Stebic offers Lisa's family time with kids

Lawyers hope to reach compromise


As part of their court filing Friday, Lisa's family claims Craig has "uncontrollable anger issues" and that he not only threatened to kill Lisa and her parents - saying he would "cut Lisa up into a million pieces, no one would find her" - but told his children if they do not obey him "they should dig a hole for themselves, their mother and the dog."

Craig has not read the document, Davi said.

"Anybody can allege anything in these matters, especially in this case where Lisa isn't here to (confirm) what decisions they had made in the past," Davi said.

The terms of the visitation agreement Stebic offered are confidential, Davi said. If an agreement is reached, the terms may remain private, Daw said.
I'm glade to see ppl here haven't forgotten about this ongoing case.
The court is in Will County, if I remember correctly. Not wild about that county court..

OT...What puzzles me thou, Lisa's reward is 78,000.00 which didn't, hasn't gotten the attention that Stacy P case has.
Plus Stacy P reward is 25,000.
Now what's wrong with this picture......:waitasec:
I'm glade to see ppl here haven't forgotten about this ongoing case.
The court is in Will County, if I remember correctly. Not wild about that county court..

OT...What puzzles me thou, Lisa's reward is 78,000.00 which didn't, hasn't gotten the attention that Stacy P case has.
Plus Stacy P reward is 25,000.
Now what's wrong with this picture......:waitasec:
Good point, Pharlap. You hardly ever hear anything about Lisa in the media at all. Its like the she as well as the case have dropped off the face of the earth. You still hear about DP, I guess because he is or was a police officer as well as all the ex wives and his conduct in front of cameras. But even with that reward money, poor Lisa just isn't considered newsworthy. So sad!
So now Craig has proved what a liar he is. IMO, he didn't mean it at all when he said he'd let the grandparents visit the kids. He was just trying to detract attention from what the grandparents were proclaiming about his being an unfit parent.

IMO, he's an unfit human. He belongs in :behindbar


Wonder if Craig is starting to feel like Scott Peterson just before he was arrested? They put a camera by SP's house too. ;)


Peterson believes the police are watching him, just as they have been watching Plainfield's Craig Stebic, whose wife, Lisa, has been missing six months longer than Stacy.

"I hear the State Police have them on Stebic's house," he said. "Why should I be any different?"

Plainfield police Chief Donald Bennett said last summer that the surveillance camera was installed on a light pole near Stebic's home as part of a village-wide enforcement project based on neighborhood concern about criminal activity.
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