General Discussion #7

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JerseyGirl said:

Family awaits answers in death

By BriAnne Dopart : The Herald-Sun
Apr 26, 2006 : 12:01 am ET

...Although police have not released any updates on the case, Durham police spokeswoman Kammie Michael described the investigation as "still very active" and said that investigators are following several leads. She did not elaborate.

However, Michael said, investigators are still looking for a laptop computer that was missing from the home.

That's the best news I've heard all month. I hope and pray that these leads are solid ones and that combined with the vigil might force something to break in this case very, very soon.

THANK YOU, Jersey Girl. This is wonderful!! I thought they had all forgotten about Janet.
God bless her sweet sister for speaking up as well. :)

I just sent an Email to Ms. Dopart thanking her for writing the update and telling her how many people all over the country are seeking clues and desiring to see successful justice for Janet and her unborn baby.
I also encouraged her to please remember Janet's case and to know that her updates mean a lot.
All of you who have continued to post on this thread are great! This case appeared to have gone cold, but you have all stood your ground.

Isn't this what some of these cases are all about. A voice silenced by someone who thought they weren't important enough to be missed. A voice heard silently my many who didn't even know them in life, yet feel compelled to be sure justice is served.

Sometimes lady justice moves a little slow, but with the help of those behind the blue line, some of these murdering bast#@ds don't stand a chance.

fran said:
A voice heard silently my many who didn't even know them in life, yet feel compelled to be sure justice is served.

Sometimes lady justice moves a little slow, but with the help of those behind the blue line, some of these murdering bast#@ds don't stand a chance.

Fran that is so beautifully stated.
Sorry, I haven't posted in a while but I do still read all of the updates.

I wanted to mention that I went to Janet's website and found the program for the candlelight vigil. WOW! It is very telling IMO.

No mention of Raven as a member of the family (although it lists MANY names) and then on one of the latter pages it states that she was a mother, sister, friend, etc but NOT wife. Isn't that interesting?

Anyway, as posted on another thread---I haven't forgotten Janet and appreciate all of you that keep posting here.
texasgirl said:
Sorry, I haven't posted in a while but I do still read all of the updates.

I wanted to mention that I went to Janet's website and found the program for the candlelight vigil. WOW! It is very telling IMO.

No mention of Raven as a member of the family (although it lists MANY names) and then on one of the latter pages it states that she was a mother, sister, friend, etc but NOT wife. Isn't that interesting?

Anyway, as posted on another thread---I haven't forgotten Janet and appreciate all of you that keep posting here.
It was very very telling IMO too, but we all know what my opinion is The Bird.......
belongs here.
Drove through Durham, got to see a few different places, went to Ferrand, got to see in person where the Vigil was, drove past the Durham Police Station and the Courthouse (have to case the place out for when I come back out here for the trial.)

Durham Marriott - the Plaza is very pretty with a waterfall and I cannot wait to see pictures of the vigil itself. I hope they put them up online. I bet it was pretty with the waterfall.

Time to check out and get to the airport. See you on the other side of the US.
wow....i'm glad that you got to do the drive through durham, just hearing of the courthouse has me thinking of the trial------------of course there will be a trial---------i'm sure LE has been building a case against him, raven is big on the ego thing--but i seriously doubt that he's that smart..

too bad that you couldn't have been in NC during the vigil.....sounds like it was beautiful.........i'm very glad that her family and friends were able to celebrate her life as well on the one year anniversary------------------

unbeilevable , that neither raven ( or any of his family members ) were there---------time now, to focus on prosecuting the guilty.
There's always hope:

... this week, Raisch was convicted in the coldest murder case in Olathe. Twenty-three years ago, her first husband, David Harmon, was bludgeoned to death in his bed.

Raisch claimed two intruders had attacked Harmon looking for the keys to the bank where he worked. She claimed the intruders also hit her, and when she regained consciousness an hour later, she fled to her neighbors to report the crime.

Police soon found holes in the story and began to suspect she might know more. But they were unable to make any progress, and with few additional leads, the case went cold.

"This case was sort of an open wound to this community of Olathe," said Johnson County District Attorney Paul Morrison.

"It was a very, very brutal homicide, it was a senseless murder of a young man that had a lot going for him. Very religious, responsible good guy..."

Police hunted for clues — and time and again they found themselves turning to Melinda and (family "friend") Mangelsdorf as the only two people with any possible link or motive. But they could never find any physical evidence to support their suspicions.

Followed by a cloud of suspicion, both eventually left town...

(Continued at link)

ABC News: Cold Case Pinned on Soccer Mom

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - Cold Case Pinned on Ohio Soccer Mom
Another interesting case:

Son charged in Porco murder -- Page 1 --

November 4, 2005

Christopher Porco was charged today with murdering his father and attempting to kill his mother, nearly a year after authorities say he staged a break-in at his parents Delmar home and beat them..

The murder charge was part of an indictment handed up this afternoon by a grand jury that began reviewing evidence in the case last year.

The grand jury's decision came following a sprawling investigation involving more than two dozen law enforcement agencies...

Christopher Porco became an immediate suspect, authorities said, after his mother identified him as the assailant when police and paramedics found her badly bludgeoned in her bed. The murder weapon ... was left behind, but fingerprints or other incriminating forensic clues to the suspect were never found.

Instead, detectives have spent the last year piecing together what they have admitted is a largely circumstantial case that alleges Christopher Porco drove home from his dormitory at the University of Rochester and attacked his parents, returning to school early that morning and attempting to make it appear he'd never left school...

Before losing consciousness and lapsing into a coma, Christopher's mother identified him as the attacker, and four paramedics have backed this up. (Interestingly, when Christopher was interrogated shortly after the attack, he was calm and asked if his mother was able to speak.) When his mother came out of the coma, she had no recollection. However, Christopher was a suspect from the beginning. None of his dorm mates saw him during the time in question, his vehicle was seen on campus footage leaving campus late at night the night of the murders. His car was also reported using EZ Pass during the early hours of the morning of his parents' attack (conveniently, it was after all of his dorm mates had gone to sleep), and a toll booth operator identified him as having passed through the toll that night. A neighbor of his parents reported seeing his Jeep in their driveway on the night of the murders. Christopher had forged his father's signature to obtain a $32,000 loan without his parents' knowledge to pay his college tuition and buy himself that Jeep. LE had e-mails that were sent back and forth between Chris and his father, and in one of them, the father stated that he was going to turn Chris in for forging his signature. There was a burgular alarm in the house that was deactivated with a passcode on the night of the murders. Some computers that had been stolen from the Porco home years before were traced and found to have been sold on e-bay by Christopher Porco. Even the murder weapon was left at the scene - that murder weapon being a tool that belonged to the Porcos and was apparently in the garage at the home (the killer broke into this home with brutal murder on his mind yet didn't bring his own weapon; was counting on this couple having a suitable weapon in their garage)? Yet with all of this, it took a year to get an indictment. A snippet from another article:

WTEN, Albany, NY: New Porco Information

... Law enforcement sources say that the intruder who murdered Peter Porco ... and horribly mutilated his wife, Joan ... was able to gain entry by entering the family's own security code and disable the alarm system.

Later, the intruder smashed the alarm's LCD display to make it look like a burglary. But the intruder left behind a computer chip in the basement containing information on how entry actually was gained...

And finally:

(Albany District Attorney) David Soares said, "We want to make sure everything, all our i's are dotted, our t's are crossed before we takes steps of presenting a case to a grand jury and ask them to vote."

A new development in the murder of a Delmar law clerk

I believe that Janet's case will be solved. Like the Porco case, I believe that it already has been solved. It's just a matter of time before the perp is charged. Dotting the i's and crossing the t's ...
..very interesting cases jersey..................thankyou..

..quite a reminder that LE can not simply arrest and prosecute a "suspect" on a hunch.........

..i'm sure that LE knows exactly who murdered janet............and they are taking their time getting the case together............which is excellent............we wouldn't want this case to fall into the 'double jeopardy' OJ thing and have raven......(i mean the guilty party)............go free.

..i'd rather see the DA and LE take months to put together a tight case, than rush to prosecute and risk losing it all.........
lauriej said:
..quite a reminder that LE can not simply arrest and prosecute a "suspect" on a hunch.........
Exactly. And quite a reminder to the murderer and his family and friends that just because a year has passed without an arrest does NOT mean that they're not looking at you or your loved one. Every piece of evidence and every lead has to be painstakingly investigated. Even in the case I posted last night, the mother identified her son as her attacker on the night of the attack but even with all of the other damning evidence, it took a year for an arrest.

If I were the murderer, I'd be paranoid as hell after reading about the Christopher Porco case. Porco probably thought he got away with it too. But that whole time, they were building their case against him, watching him every step of the way. I'd definitely be looking over my shoulder if I were the perp.
We are quite near the amount of time that often passes before many criminal investigations result in an arrest. If I were someone close to the victim - parent, sibling, spouse, etc. - and I haven't been getting regular, thorough updates from the police, this is about the time that I'd start to get really nervous. If they aren't corresponding with you, it's probably because they're building a case against you. It could be any day now.
Please know I am not posting this to bash family members, only to add to the record. There is a 1992 divorce record between a Karen S[ue] Abaroa and a Michael James Whisler in San Diego, CA... fits the timeline and Raven would have been about 11 [?]. Seems like he filed for the divorce, his name is not Peters... so is this another husband? I'm not sure.,128294&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL

View Case Detail - WHISLER vs ABAROA
Case Number: DN69367 Case Site: North County
Case Type: Domestic Date Filed: 03/10/1992
Category: A55201 Dissolution of Marriage

Last Name or Business Name First Name Primary (P)

Last Name or Business Name First Name Primary (P)

Microfilm ID Location Reel Number Frame Number
This case has not been microfilmed.


I search the board but didn't see anything about Whisler or this divorce, so am posting here. Feedback please!

Regards, Kitkat
Wow, great information, Raven's real father is Peters. Karen divorced Sherman Peters on June 10, 1986. She married Michael James Whisler and got divorced March 10, 1992. She moved to Utah and met and married James F. Bolton, in 1993

Karen is from San Diego, and was born Karen Sue Abaroa in 1958.

San Diego is divided into sections. Proceedings are conducted at the San Diego Courthouse, Hall of Justice, North County Regional Center, East County Regional Center, South County Regional Center, branch courts in Kearny Mesa and Ramona and Juvenile Courts in Kearny Mesa, North County, South County and East County.

After the divorce from Whisler, she moved soon thereafter to Utah, where I believe she met and married Jim Bolton in 1993.
terminatrixator said:
Wow, great information, Raven's real father is Peters. Karen divorced Sherman Peters on June 10, 1986. She married Michael James Whisler and got divorced March 10, 1992. She moved to Utah and met and married James F. Bolton, in 1993

Karen is from San Diego, and was born Karen Sue Abaroa in 1958.

San Diego is divided into sections. Proceedings are conducted at the San Diego Courthouse, Hall of Justice, North County Regional Center, East County Regional Center, South County Regional Center, branch courts in Kearny Mesa and Ramona and Juvenile Courts in Kearny Mesa, North County, South County and East County.

After the divorce from Whisler, she moved soon thereafter to Utah, where I believe she met and married Jim Bolton in 1993.

Hi terminatrixator... thanks for the clarification. I couldn't find who Peters was on the WS board here. I'm from San Diego, North County... so now I'm even more curious!

Best, Kitkat
terminatrixator said:
Curiouser and Curiouser, I'm close by.

I was a transplant from MN in the 70s. Clairemont for a year, then Los Penasquitos and later Rancho Bernardo until I left for college.


PS- there's a heck-a-lot of stuff on 2 Sherman Peters in the SD area. Including a criminal charge for a Sherman Kai Peters in 1986... undisclosed category, though.
Oh my, oh my, seems Karen did the right thing by divorcing him, but.....what was he in for?

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