General Discussion #7

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
You are very welcome here. Raven is most certainly LDS..... when it suits his mood, or he needs something, IMO. He's a liar, manipulator, embezzler, manwh@*e, and very deceitful, he's also a wussy who only thinks of himself... these are all just my humble opinions based on all I've read and heard from people who know him. And I've met face to face a lot of people who know him well! Like I said.... all of this is just my little humble opinion and when/if Raven ever comes out and stands up like a MAN and demands attention to his wife and baby's murder, then I might change my tune and apologize to him. But he won't/can't he's not a MAN he's a wussy! And IMHO, a natural born killer. The longer he thinks he got away with this the more likely he will charm (yuck) another innocent woman and she could easily be his next victim.

Ok... I'm leaving to go shopping. Sorry for rant.... I am just so sick of waiting for news and sick of knowing that while Janet lays under the ground he's walking around free. Free to steal from another employer... and that's just one example.

Ohhhh, the thought of him just makes me
Amen! I will never change my opinion that Raven is a cold blooded murder. No matter what he says or does in the future. His past actions, or lack there of, over the last two and a half years says it all. SuziQ you have no idea what a favor you would be doing to warn the female population of Utah.
Investigators with Durham P.D. now clarify that Mr. Abaroa had, in fact, told them he returned to his Durham home at 10:40p.m.
The autopsy report specifies Janet Abaroa sustained injuries at about 10:50p.m., and her time of death was about 10:55p.m.
Phone records show Mr. Abaroa placed his 911 call at 10:58p.m.

15 minutes to kill.........

UPDATED timeline 11-26-07
Investigators with Durham P.D. now clarify that Mr. Abaroa had, in fact, told them he returned to his Durham home at 10:40p.m.
The autopsy report specifies Janet Abaroa sustained injuries at about 10:50p.m., and her time of death was about 10:55p.m.
Phone records show Mr. Abaroa placed his 911 call at 10:58p.m.

15 minutes to kill.........

UPDATED timeline 11-26-07

I just posted the following on one of the other threads in this forum, but I'll include it here as well...

WOW - all I can say is WOW. They've got more motive not to mention circumstantial and physical evidence in this case than the feds had on Lee Harvey Oswald. What in the hell are they waiting for, a confession?
I just posted the following on one of the other threads in this forum, but I'll include it here as well...

WOW - all I can say is WOW. They've got more motive not to mention circumstantial and physical evidence in this case than the feds had on Lee Harvey Oswald. What in the hell are they waiting for, a confession?

He is more of a SOCIOPATH than Scott Peterson...that is say'n a lot
Investigators with Durham P.D. now clarify that Mr. Abaroa had, in fact, told them he returned to his Durham home at 10:40p.m.
The autopsy report specifies Janet Abaroa sustained injuries at about 10:50p.m., and her time of death was about 10:55p.m.

Phone records show Mr. Abaroa placed his 911 call at 10:58p.m., we clearly have TOD occurrring AFTER raven arrived home.....

..therefore, in the 18 minutes between his arriving home,(10:40) and his 911 call-( 10:58)-----------SOMEONE murdered janet( 10:55 )---------and yet he has never ever claimed to have seen anyone there....

..hmmmm..logical conclusion: raven, ( scum of the earth that you are ) murdered your cold blood...........sneaking up from behind----------did you tell her you had a surprise for her ? and to close her eyes ? or did you just stab her in the back like the loser that you are ?

..sleep well tonight raven, i hope that you dream of her begging you not to kill her........way too late.......she did/you didn't.
You know, after all this time, to me anyway, it still comes back to timing -

10:40 pm Raven gets home from soccer (I assume this is based on what Raven told LE)
10:50 pm Janet sustains injuries (ME report)
10:55 pm Janet's TOD (ME report)
10:58 pm Raven calls 911

Now as we discussed at length at the time, perhaps the times reported on the ME report are more approximations than exact times. Even so, it still doesn't add up.

Fact - Raven leaves the Morrisville soccer game around 10pm (per witness accounts)
Fact - Raven calls 911 at 10:58pm

So - 58 minutes.

Using Google maps/directions, it's approximately 29 minutes to drive from the Carolina Sportsplex in Morrisville to 2606 Ferrand in Durham.

Using that info, if Raven left at 10 and drove straight home, that would put him at Ferrand Drive around 10:30. Perhaps he left a little later than 10, perhaps there was traffic, who knows. But HE says he arrived home around 10:40.

Even if the ME times are off 10 minutes (time of injury then 10:40) - how is it possible that Raven arrived home - and the perp was not still in the house?

But back to Raven's story. He says he arrived home at 10:40. Months ago there was a discussion here involving poster "Rooster" about the bloodstains that LE noticed inside the backdoor, on the window of the Durango, etc. "Rooster" who seemingly had some first hand knowledge explained that blood as follows:


"The blood is from Raven Running to get his phone out of the durango...After he found Janet...tried to save her...ran outside (getting blood on the door) to get his phone from the Durango. The door was locked...back inside to get Janets phone or keys to the Durango."........

Ok - so Raven gets home at 10:40. Goes in the house, upstairs so kiss Kaiden, finds Janet (tries to "save her"??) - keep in mind, the clocking is ticking now - then does all this drama about running to the Durango, etc. And ultimately calls 911 at 10:58. (And presumably has gone back in and gotten Kaiden at some point?)

And even with the onset of injury time, even give or take 10 minutes - sees no one in the house, or around, that he's ever mentioned anyway.

18 minutes - to arrive home and find your murdered wife - with no one around. If we believe the ME times, IT JUST SEEMS SO UNLIKELY, IMPOSSIBLE EVEN.

18 minutes - to arrive home, murder your wife, call 911. Here, the timing works. Raven gets home - go upstairs - stabs Janet - and perhaps he DID have to go find his phone, still work with the timing - he runs to the Durango, perhaps it's locked, back inside - ultimately finds a phone to use, and calls 911. To me anyway, this could all easily have happened in that timeframe.

15 minutes to kill. 18 minutes to kill and call 911. Indeed.
We could certainly use some of that. It's been a LONG time since any actual sleuthing went on around here.

... every so often I check for any web presence, or archiving. We uncovered so many lies early on, that until LE moves, I feel like all I can do is continue to remember Janet and her loved ones in my prayers.
And he's such a smart cookie. Great sleuthing SES!

Hey GM (and JG) - Glad you guys are still around! I'd hardly call what I posted "great sleuthing" really....more just rehashing some things we talked about a loooooong time ago. We never had concrete times on a few things, ie, when Raven actually left the soccer game, when he arrived home from soccer (or when he says he got home anyway). So with those pieces of the puzzle, I just come back to the timeline, more and more. I just wish it really was as simple as that...but at least with these latest developments the case is in the spotlight again!
ya know I was watching Greta the other day and jotted down this quote from her:

"Any prosecutor that sends the police out to make an arrest
before there is a case proved beyond a reasonable doubt
is making a enormous mistake."

It's gave me some comfort knowing that as frustrating as the wait is for resolution, more importantly is making sure that the case is beyond reasonable doubt.
ya know I was watching Greta the other day and jotted down this quote from her:

"Any prosecutor that sends the police out to make an arrest
before there is a case proved beyond a reasonable doubt
is making a enormous mistake."

It's gave me some comfort knowing that as frustrating as the wait is for resolution, more importantly is making sure that the case is beyond reasonable doubt.

Golfmom & SES great to see you and I agree with you Golf. With Janet's case, there has not been much in the way of a District Attorney in Durham since the day Janet was murdered.

Harding out, Nifong in, the turmoil of the campaign, then the first news reports of the Duke Rape Case, Nifong all over the news, a race between Freda Black and Nifong, that was heated, the election, the fall of the Durham District Attorney, Jim Harding coming back temporarily, Jim Harding leaving. Now we have another temporary DA. Next spring starts the primaries all over again for a new DA. Freda Black is running again, and a few that are in the DA's office now are running, including a woman that was supposedly Nifong's right hand man.

There has been a lot of shake-ups in the Durham Police Department. We have gone through how many Lead Homicide Detectives on this case?

We have an unnamed person of interest, which most of believe we know who that is, and that person hasn't lived in the area since right after the murder.

The man that killed Janet and her unborn child can't walk at trial, he cannot be given a light sentence and released, this person needs the stiffest punishment allowable for what he has done and if that means we wait, I'm willing to wait.

If there's not much to talk about, then I'm willing to just come on and let my presence be known and keep praying for a break or an arrest in the case.

It's sad because everyone thought since Michelle Young's husband was named a suspect pretty quick that it actually works in the favor of the victim. Yet, there is no such thing as working int he favor of any victim. It's been a year and no arrest there in that case. A crime where a woman is murdered in her own home like Michelle & Janet's is VERY tough to try even with all the circumstantial evidence in the world, if there is no witness or murder weapon.

I pray that both cases sees a resolution and there is justice for Michelle & Janet in the near future.
Hey GM (and JG) - Glad you guys are still around! I'd hardly call what I posted "great sleuthing" really....more just rehashing some things we talked about a loooooong time ago.
Well, I've missed your logic and your objectivity nonetheless. I hope you'll be posting more often. Your posts always gave me something to think about.
i certainly 2nd that glad to see SES and GM back !

..excellent timeline SES......surely it HAS to come back to the timeline.

..since raven himself has stated that he was at home, PRIOR to TOD, who on earth else could have killed her ?? he doesn't even bother to say that he heard "noises" etc elsewhere in the house to give himself an "out"..

..logic dictates that he and he alone is responsible------LE of course has to come up with a bit more in the line of proof.
..perhaps i missed this "back when"....but, raven sold drugs online ??

Executive Design

1512 Washington Blvd, Ogden, UT 84404-5749, United States (Map) (Add Company Info)
Phone: (801) 394-5293
SIC:Drugs, Drug Proprietaries, and Druggists' Sundries
Line of Business:Whol Drugs/Sundries

Year Started:1997
State of Incorporation:N/A
Location Type:Single Location
Stock Symbol:N/A
Stock Exchange:N/A
Also Does Business As:N/A
SIC #Code:5122
Est. Annual Sales:$210,000
Est. Employees:2
Est. Employees at Location:2
Contact Name:Raven Abaroa
Contact Title:principal

and worked for Monette's "Ultracare". ( after leaving HP)

"A westerner, Raven moved to Virginia to attend SVU".

"Raven is married and his family contains two dogs and two cats.In his free time he enjoys riding the backroads of Virginia and playing soccer."'s interesting looking at what raven was doing prior to Murdering his wife and unborn child........ certainly looks like he was restless in his work life also, ( i recall there was a LIST of jobs that he had held) he didn't appear to hold onto a particular job for long.......
..perhaps i missed this "back when"....but, raven sold drugs online ??

Executive Design

1512 Washington Blvd, Ogden, UT 84404-5749, United States (Map) (Add Company Info)
Phone: (801) 394-5293
SIC:Drugs, Drug Proprietaries, and Druggists' Sundries
Line of Business:Whol Drugs/Sundries

Year Started:1997
State of Incorporation:N/A
Location Type:Single Location
Stock Symbol:N/A
Stock Exchange:N/A
Also Does Business As:N/A
SIC #Code:5122
Est. Annual Sales:$210,000
Est. Employees:2
Est. Employees at Location:2
Contact Name:Raven Abaroa
Contact Title:principal

and worked for Monette's "Ultracare". ( after leaving HP)

"A westerner, Raven moved to Virginia to attend SVU".

"Raven is married and his family contains two dogs and two cats.In his free time he enjoys riding the backroads of Virginia and playing soccer."'s interesting looking at what raven was doing prior to Murdering his wife and unborn child........ certainly looks like he was restless in his work life also, ( i recall there was a LIST of jobs that he had held) he didn't appear to hold onto a particular job for long.......

From what I have heard he goes through women that way too.
From what I have heard he goes through women that way too.

If only he'd been put on medication at an early age... His behavior is symptomatic of several disorders (though I'm not sure which one he specifically has...):

Let's see... ADD, Bipolar disorder, Mild Autism, Depression - which one?

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