General Discussion and Theories #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Hi all, just a reminder for those that may not know or have forgotten, SS is off limits.

Sorry that was me, I haven't been around for a while so I didnt know he was off limit! Thanks

Nor did I..sorry I would not have brought it up.
Is there a "master" list of those off limits? So we don't accidentally do it again. Its hard to know if we miss a post.

Here is an article related to the most recent farm search, with some quotes I had not seen before

Bob Brown, a retired fraud officer with Waterloo Regional Police, said the material pulled from the barn is likely going to a lab in Toronto to be analyzed.

“They may have found evidence, or there is evidence they may not have yet found,” said Brown, a police officer for 31 years. “They took them for a reason.”

Brown said officers using lights in the barn are likely looking for DNA samples.

At the Millard farm on Wednesday, police erected a blue tent at the rear of the barn. Brown suggested the tent was put up to protect something officers found.

“It was there for a specific reason,” he said.

My apologies if this has already been posted and I missed it. Also, not able to post in the farm search thread as it is locked.
I just found this site this morning and looking through the gallery pictures made me cry. Why do terrible things have to happen to wonderful people. It's horrific enough to lose a loved one to disease, old age or accidentally. Tim's loss was none of these. His life was taken in such a cold, calculated, unnecessary and evil manner. Now his loved ones must go on and try to rebuild their lives, everyday having to live with the nightmarish thoughts of how Tim's life played out in the end. I pray he did not suffer, that the monsters who took his life had enough compassion to at least allow that much. This cruel and unnecessary crime just goes to show just how precious life really is. Sad but true, evil lurks everywhere and as much as we would like to have trust in our fellow man, this case is a great example of why we cannot and should not trust others and be very cautious of those around us.

Tim was a hard working, great man with a loving family. His future looked bright and promising and he was so full of fun and love. A new daddy with a loving wife, family and friends who adored him. He had so much to look forward to but as Sharlene said, "On May 6th our lives changed forever. The devil led the vilest form of evil down my driveway, and it smiled at me before taking Tim away."

Dellen as it appears had everything going for him; money, looks, love, a legacy created by his grandfather and father and something he should have been proud of; an honour, a gift. He had a bright and promising future and career if he so desired and had put his heart and soul into it. But instead he decide he wanted more. We don't know for certain, at this time what the more was, but I can assure you it wasn't out of need; it was out of greed. And for his greed he will pay dearly and rightfully so, hopefully spending the rest of his life confined to a tiny prison cell if found guilty. That is the small price he will have to pay for his greed and taking the life of a too trusting, kind and wonderful person.

Mark we do not know much about him other then it seems like he came from a loving home. And for whatever reason he decided life was worth going against the grain, committing crimes and dancing to the beat of a different drum. He obviously learnt crime doesn't pay from his past criminal choices. It is probably realized a little too late because his involvement if guilty in Tim's murder will also find him sitting in prison for IMHO hopefully the rest of his life. This is all JMHO as I pray and wait for justice to be served in a court of law.

RIP Tim. Nothing will bring you back except for cherished memories. May your loved ones find some comfort in knowing our judicial system will see to it justice is served against the greedy monsters who took you away from them. ALL JMHO.


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I just found this site this morning and looking through the gallery pictures made me cry. Why do terrible things have to happen to wonderful people. It's horrific enough to lose a loved one to disease, old age or accidentally. Tim's loss was none of these. His life was taken in such a cold, calculated, unnecessary and evil manner. Now his loved ones must go on and try to rebuild their lives, everyday having to live with the nightmarish thoughts of how Tim's life played out in the end. I pray he did not suffer, that the monsters who took his life had enough compassion to at least allow that much. This cruel and unnecessary crime just goes to show just how precious life really is. Sad but true, evil lurks everywhere and as much as we would like to have trust in our fellow man, this case is a great example of why we cannot and should not trust others and be very cautious of those around us.

Tim was a hard working, great man with a loving family. His future looked bright and promising and he was so full of fun and love. A new daddy with a loving wife, family and friends who adored him. He had so much to look forward to but as Sharlene said, "On May 6th our lives changed forever. The devil led the vilest form of evil down my driveway, and it smiled at me before taking Tim away."

Dellen as it appears had everything going for him; money, looks, love, a legacy created by his grandfather and father and something he should have been proud of; an honour, a gift. He had a bright and promising future and career if he so desired and had put his heart and soul into it. But instead he decide he wanted more. We don't know for certain, at this time what the more was, but I can assure you it wasn't out of need; it was out of greed. And for his greed he will pay dearly and rightfully so, hopefully spending the rest of his life confined to a tiny prison cell if found guilty. That is the small price he will have to pay for his greed and taking the life of a too trusting, kind and wonderful person.

Mark we do not know much about him other then it seems like he came from a loving home. And for whatever reason he decided life was worth going against the grain, committing crimes and dancing to the beat of a different drum. He obviously learnt crime doesn't pay from his past criminal choices. It is probably realized a little too late because his involvement if guilty in Tim's murder will also find him sitting in prison for IMHO hopefully the rest of his life. This is all JMHO as I pray and wait for justice to be served in a court of law.

RIP Tim. Nothing will bring you back except for cherished memories. May your loved ones find some comfort in knowing our judicial system will see to it justice is served against the greedy monsters who took you away from them. ALL JMHO.

I had to post ...when I read your beautiful post! this case has grieved me far as the story we have heard ....this could have been ANY CITZEN in ONT....JMO I believe all TIM Bosma did was put a RAM diesel truck up for sale has been CLEARLY STATED that the TRUCK was the target...IMO I was amazed when I first read he was missing and than found died and his bodied had that "INDIGNITY done.."....ALL of ONT knows this story from what I have seen ...........I live far away from Ancaster it becomes more and more silent here ...I become more and more PUZZLED as to " WHY" this happened....

JMHO ...I must agree with you swede...greed and EVIL ...even selling a 'Darn truck as his wife has commented cannot be done today without ...extreme caution ! IMO darn sad as I also looked at the pics ...Swede posted....I hope SB realizes how much ppl grieve her loss.....RIP Tim and I pray too that he did not suffer in his final hours here too....SWEDE...thanks for the caring post...robynhood..::facepalm:
This reporter claims around 1:20 LE believe TB was murdered in a car jacking and when his truck was found ALL of the seats had been removed in an apparent attempt to conceal evidence.

Then at around 3:25 a retired TO police detective said pathologists will go over his body with a fine tooth comb".

This video along with others seem to indicate TB was murdered inside his truck, the seats were removed and although his body was burned beyond recognition, pathologists were still able to work with it to hopefully determine cause of death and any other information they could glean from his remains. JMO.

Article titled: More questions than answers on Tim Bosma case. To view this video, you may have to click on the main video and once it is selected, a selection of other videos show up underneath, that is where you will then find the one I am referring to. HTH.

This reporter claims around 1:20 LE believe TB was murdered in a car jacking and when his truck was found ALL of the seats had been removed in an apparent attempt to conceal evidence.

Then at around 3:25 a retired TO police detective said pathologists will go over his body with a fine tooth comb".

This video along with others seem to indicate TB was murdered inside his truck, the seats were removed and although his body was burned beyond recognition, pathologists were still able to work with it to hopefully determine cause of death and any other information they could glean from his remains. JMO.

Article titled: More questions than answers on Tim Bosma case. To view this video, you may have to click on the main video and once it is selected, a selection of other videos show up underneath, that is where you will then find the one I am referring to. HTH.


My favourite quote from this video:

"smart individuals don't make smart criminals"
Authorities found Bosma’s charred remains buried on Millard’s farm.
I notice the article says "buried" ... first time I've heard that

I wonder why they used a farm picture that is not DM's farm ??? .... and the reporter in the video is one of those computer generated animated voices ..... Maybe the inquisitor is an "enquirer" type news outlet .... anyone know ?? thanks

perhaps off topic but I found this article in todays paper an interesting read,

For years, businesses have been paying “pizzo” (slang for protection payments or street tax) to the Mob, the police source said.

If pizzo payments continue — and cash from the construction industry has dried up — what is the source of the money?

“There are many things a lot of people haven’t considered,” the source said. “What other industries are paying the pizzo? No one is asking that. No one asks about the other industries.

“Think like him,” the police source challenged.

Salvatore Calautti

A Mob enforcer prolific in inflicting pain and committing murder, he was shot to death as he sat in his car in Vaughan in July 2013. Many in the Mob world described him as being “a hot head.”
perhaps off topic but I found this article in todays paper an interesting read,

For years, businesses have been paying “pizzo” (slang for protection payments or street tax) to the Mob, the police source said.

If pizzo payments continue — and cash from the construction industry has dried up — what is the source of the money?

“There are many things a lot of people haven’t considered,” the source said. “What other industries are paying the pizzo? No one is asking that. No one asks about the other industries.

“Think like him,” the police source challenged.

Salvatore Calautti

A Mob enforcer prolific in inflicting pain and committing murder, he was shot to death as he sat in his car in Vaughan in July 2013. Many in the Mob world described him as being “a hot head.”

May be off topic, but it is definitely interesting. An exposé came out about this in 2010, but it seems to be back in the spotlight since the return of VR last year with two main purposes.

The purported exposé, penned by La Presse journalists André Noël and André Cédilot, says more than 600 businesses pay Mafia protection money in Montreal alone, handing organized crime leaders an unprecedented degree of control of Quebec's economy.


All kinds of businesses are targeted, from hotels and restaurants to grocery stores and auto dealers. Construction businesses make up the bulk, notes the veteran journalist.

And then there were the two Canadian associates killed in Sicily last May, one from Quebec and one from Ontario. I have a feeling it's far from over.

Mr. Fernandez and an associate from Mississauga, Ont., Fernando Pimentel, 36, were lured to a countryside meeting outside Palermo and shot dead in an ambush on April 9. Their bodies were burned and left in the brush beside a dirt road.
:seeya: FRIENDLY REMINDER for ALL: Whenever possible, please link back to the original source. Sometimes it means taking a few extra minutes to search. Better to do it in the beginning than have your source challenged later.

I notice the article says "buried" ... first time I've heard that

I wonder why they used a farm picture that is not DM's farm ??? .... and the reporter in the video is one of those computer generated animated voices ..... Maybe the inquisitor is an "enquirer" type news outlet .... anyone know ?? thanks


It's more of a "blog" type news source. The website was purchased by an Israeli buyer in 2011.

I notice the article says "buried" ... first time I've heard that

I wonder why they used a farm picture that is not DM's farm ??? .... and the reporter in the video is one of those computer generated animated voices ..... Maybe the inquisitor is an "enquirer" type news outlet .... anyone know ?? thanks


Hi Arnie! Is it nearer to the end of the video you heard "buried"? I listened twice and I heard "burned beyond recognition". Hmmm, but you never know, maybe he was buried after burning. Issues with the incinerator or barrel burning, however he was burned? They couldn't get rid of all of him therefore decided to bury him? It's definitely possible. Maybe that is why they decided to start digging in other areas, figuring if TB was buried other victims may have been also. MOO.
Back inn court on Tuesday. Let's hope the Crown and DP are ready to get started on preliminary hearing.

My prayers are with Tim's family, friends and Sharlene. It's going to be a long, heartbreaking and difficult road ahead for them. I know they will stay strong and united in their fight for justice in Tim's honour. MOO.
Dellen Millard, Mark Smich go to court

Both Dellen Millard and Mark Smich are slated to show up in person at the Hamilton Court House Tuesday for a judicial pre-trial conference. This is a meeting of the Crown, the defence and the judge to map out the trial plan. It is not open to the public.

According to sources, Dellen Millard&#8217;s parents were concerned about his path in life for several years and tried to push, or perhaps steer, him into more steady work.
Hi Arnie! Is it nearer to the end of the video you heard "buried"? I listened twice and I heard "burned beyond recognition". Hmmm, but you never know, maybe he was buried after burning. Issues with the incinerator or barrel burning, however he was burned? They couldn't get rid of all of him therefore decided to bury him? It's definitely possible. Maybe that is why they decided to start digging in other areas, figuring if TB was buried other victims may have been also. MOO.

Hi swedie .... it is second paragraph down just under the old barn picture and I quote ....

Millard and his friend Mark Smich are currently charged in the murder of 32-year-old Tim Bosma. Authorities found Bosma’s charred remains buried on Millard’s farm.

A new article in the Globe, not much new, but I wasn't aware of the involvement of the 'serial predator crime investigator co-ordinator' being involved.
The joint police investigation into three linked cases, including the killing of Tim Bosma, has triggered the involvement of Ontario&#8217;s serial predator crime investigations co-ordinator.

Veteran officer Sergeant Vicki MacDonald was brought onto the team in the summer, said Ontario Provincial Police Detective Inspector Dave Hillman.

Toronto lawyer Tim Danson, who represented the families of two of Mr. Bernardo&#8217;s victims, said the &#8220;only reasonable inference&#8221; to draw from Sgt. MacDonald&#8217;s involvement is that police suspect a serial predator was involved. &#8220;If they&#8217;re bringing in this individual, who has this specific role, then how can it be anything else?&#8221; he said.!/
Wow, another AB article with unnamed sources supposedly providing vague ideas with no information to back it up. For those who don't want to provide her blog with a money making hit, let me give you a brief rundown: DM and MS have a court appearance today that is closed to the public. She is continuing her search to try to find out more about him but has come up pretty empty so far, with nothing we haven't found here on WS months ago. She uses a lot of words like 'basically' and 'appears to' to differentiate that these statements are not facts, but merely her suppositions. She vaguely guesses at what he may have done since the Toronto French School, so clearly she has no more idea than the rest of us. She claims to have a source whom it seems might have been friends with someone who might have known one of his parents, since a contemporary would not likely be privy to information about DM's parent's apparent concerns. I personally have no faith in the use of 'unnamed sources', to me that is the same as saying it could have been made up out of thin air with no one to verify. And whose parents are never concerned about their children's paths in life and try to encourage them into the things that they want them to do? That is not news, in my opinion. She should have added perhaps that as a child, they wanted him to eat more vegetables or clean his room more frequently, that would have been as newsworthy as this blog submission.

This current AB entry is the same as all her other 'articles'; there is no new information, even less than in the MSM articles of the day, and there is no verification of her sources or information. She is still using her non mainstream media blog to fish for information, why don't I see that tagline at the end of real MSM articles? Perhaps because they have real, identifiable sources. I wonder why she is not doing any 'articles' on MS? I realize that without the looks, finances and legacy, MS seems to be less interesting, but unless the articles are all just a showcase of DM the celebrity and have nothing to do with the tragic death of TB, there should be equal consideration given to both accused of his murder. <modsnip>

Also, in regards to the 'inquisitor' piece, why would we believe and trust a news source for accurate information when they cannot even obtain a photo of the right barn to open the piece with? A lot of these so-called articles are not really articles at all, but a mishmash of things that have been reported in other articles, so again, we are not hearing anything new, and the authors of these cut and paste pieces (if they are even credited as having authors, which many are not) are not verifying their rehashed stories, so we cannot expect them to give us accurate information about the state of TB's remains when they were found, in my opinion.
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