General Discussion and Theories #3

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For those not watching the farm search thread today, there is a LOT going on, including not one but three hazardous materials trucks.

Thanks for bringing LB uncle post back here again..I did read it all and saw it on video...never thought maybe that NEW INFO was DM photos or films...I AGREE....

Something went on at DM barn ...Obvious..Le are on a hunt from that "NEW INFO" as said SEARCH WARRANT has no time LIMIT.... until we find what is needed...IMO they are tearing that barn apart using High TECH equipment like that Lamp I posted about early today...

I am hoping that " NEW INFO" leads to evidence! :facepalm:...I agree again with SWEDE 100 percent...JIMHO..robynhood!

I have always thought that the disappearance of LB, WM suicide and TB are linked... What if...

LB was at barn or hangar, did videos or photo's, was killed... WM saw videos or photos, he's dead now... TB saw something at hangar and now he is dead too... Seems to me that this all can't just be random murders.. I believe it all started with LB and someone or someone's saw something, and now they are dead too.
Agreeing with you..LoyalSleuth!..I do not feel LB , WM case or TB are isolated cases ..same players are involved IMO DM & SM and probably MORE...I have not figured out how TB selling his truck fits in tho..I do feel they wanted TB Truck and it was TARGETED for their evil deeds..JMHO...I feel the Le are hot in their trail ...look at what is going on at that farm TODAY too..IMO...thanks to ArianeEmory for post # 201...I believe Police know something and will HUNt till they find it...JMHO >>that there is lots of evil that shall be uncovered at the trial ...long way off unfortunately....I feel for all the victims FAMILIES...robynhood.
I still like the possibility of snuff film(s) for this case. The thought first came up in early to mid-May when single threads were moving fast and furious.

For me, it's the only way to answer 'why that truck?' I fear for LB with this possibility.

How does the truck tie in to a snuff film theory?
I for one have no idea....<modsnip>:facepalm:

I can only assume what Woodland might mean, I think he subscribes to my theory... LB did photos / video (snuff films) was killed, WM saw something he is dead, TB some how saw or had info about LB or suspicious activity, and he was targeted, not the truck... therefore the answer to the "why that truck" question.
I can only assume what Woodland might mean, I think he subscribes to my theory... LB did photos / video (snuff films) was killed, WM saw something he is dead, TB some how saw or had info about LB or suspicious activity, and he was targeted, not the truck... therefore the answer to the "why that truck" question.

If you are looking for your next victim for a snuff film, why not kill two birds with one stone. ( nothing untoward meant by that comment )They seem to like Dodge Rams, why not grab the truck you want as well.
And yes, WM may have taken a drive out to the farm and found something that didn't sit well with him. He confronted DM and this confrontation didn't work out too well for WM.
If you are looking for your next victim for a snuff film, why not kill two birds with one stone. ( nothing untoward meant by that comment )They seem to like Dodge Rams, why not grab the truck you want as well.
And yes, WM may have taken a drive out to the farm and found something that didn't sit well with him. He confronted DM and this confrontation didn't work out too well for WM.

So is your theory or assumption that who ever they ended up with through posing as truck buyers, would be their next snuff film star?

So maybe it wasn't TB specific, but just a man in general... Hmmmm.
So is your theory or assumption that who ever they ended up with through posing as truck buyers, would be their next snuff film star?

So maybe it wasn't TB specific, but just a man in general... Hmmmm.

And not just any man in general, someone they could subdue easily. I need to hear more, before I commit to any theory. At this point, I believe anything is possible when dealing with drug addled minds.
I for one have no idea...<modsnip>

Back at 'cha OC set-up dude!

Glad I waited to answer the question addressed to myself - saw it earlier but hands were full, literally. Eldee post #207 is the closest to my thought but sans WM - pretty sure he was not clued in to the activities of his one and only offspring. Jmo.

If the early reports of 'thrill kill' are accurate and if the reports of other or multiple attempts at taking a certain truck for a test drive are true along with a penchant for photography, there had to be some connection imo. Not to be confused with all accused killers have a reason for doing what they do.

A script existed? The question mark goes with my first post with this thought. If a script existed, why not use a similar truck the photographer and or star of the film has? I agree with Eldee, if this was not the first time why not use something closer to home? Just for fun? I don't know, have never killed anyone let alone filmed it.

If snuff films were bringing in mega $, which I'm assuming they do, who was writing the script(s)? The buyer? Or are snuff film scripts based on spec - like building a house on spec that one wants to sell?

Maybe the OC set-up is much more accurate? Someone has more inside info than others? :floorlaugh: I shouldn't laugh though, I don't know the answer to those questions.

Btw BQ - still waiting for your link in the LB thread - for your post #198. See you there?
I for one have no idea....<modsnip>

Odd. I often leave the site here heartbroken for Mrs. Bosma and her fatherless daughter. You see, I have a loving family too and have listened as LE as the victims speak of night terrors that visit them after a horrific murder like this.


respectfully speaking of course.:facepalm:
I still like the possibility of snuff film(s) for this case. The thought first came up in early to mid-May when single threads were moving fast and furious.

For me, it's the only way to answer 'why that truck?' I fear for LB with this possibility.

I have always thought that the disappearance of LB, WM suicide and TB are linked... What if...

LB was at barn or hangar, did videos or photo's, was killed... WM saw videos or photos, he's dead now... TB saw something at hangar and now he is dead too... Seems to me that this all can't just be random murders.. I believe it all started with LB and someone or someone's saw something, and now they are dead too.

You guys may very well be correct.

If the truth ever comes out I would not be surprised if the seeds were planted years ago ..... a few raves in a hangar .... a few drugs .... a few *advertiser censored* movies in aircraft and hangars .... a few self produced gory slasher murder movies ... leading to common thoughts and discussion among the participants to doing it "for real" .... prostitute out LB a bit (I believe she was doing some escort work) .... LB maybe not performing well .... too dependent on drugs ... use her as a victim in a "real" snuff movie ....

Many of these (killings) (killers) start out in such a fashion and then progress .... when two or more sociopaths become associated it can accelerate ... those people have no conscience .... stuff like that doesn't bother them one bit .... they enjoy it .... they get thrills from it .... eliminating a truck owner is just a few hours work to them .... then off for pizza and rest .... it is a mental condition that can be found in rich and poor alike .... and they relish in the fact it is their very own project (accomplishment) .... not something from dad or grandpa or anyone

I publicly bet my dollar we will see some of those underlying motives in this whole situation.

It is a mental defect , a psychiatric condition , and it resides in the realms of pure evil. Listen to the lyrics in the music they play , it is the gospel to them and it comes right from the pit.

Has nothing to do with stolen trucks , that is just a minor thing (to them)
If snuff films were bringing in mega $, which I'm assuming they do, who was writing the script(s)? The buyer? Or are snuff film scripts based on spec - like building a house on spec that one wants to sell?

Even as far back as the 1970's there were snuff movies coming into the country.

LE and customs officials who had to watch them were violently ill afterwards

But what bothered them most was who was purchasing them.

It was not the "poor and unknown" in our society

Quite the opposite.
I have always thought that the disappearance of LB, WM suicide and TB are linked... What if...

LB was at barn or hangar, did videos or photo's, was killed... WM saw videos or photos, he's dead now... TB saw something at hangar and now he is dead too... Seems to me that this all can't just be random murders.. I believe it all started with LB and someone or someone's saw something, and now they are dead too.

So if a neighbour in Ayr ends up in the local creek it will all be connected somehow??? because maybe they saw something ??
And not just any man in general, someone they could subdue easily. I need to hear more, before I commit to any theory. At this point, I believe anything is possible when dealing with drug addled minds.

How was TB easy to subdue? He worked in construction or similar I believe , hardly sounds like a rag doll type to me...JMO
IMo ...DM killed his father because his dad wanted his hangar cleaned up...that interfered with his PLAY TIME and chop chop on those vehicles and all the crazy things that went on there.

...2. Imo ...Le gave hints that TB crime made the hair on the back of their necks stand burn a Body beyond recoginition...I agree DM & MS are very sickos to do this and that they did ....

I agree with Archangel7...IMO....You will NOT be the only one "loving to hear Guilty Guilty Guilty and off you go back to JAil free card where you belong...I feel for those families too...No conscious is correct ...IMO ..none what so ever...GLAD TO TWEET COURT decision in here again...Twitter is all ready to go again..robynhood...RIP Tim Bosma ..this should NEVER EVER have Happened...Go get'em OPP....and that song is ringing in my head from COPS SHOw...BAD BOYS BAD BOYS....JMHO again ...robynhood!
I am no more presumptuous than anyone else on here...and a lot less than some !!! kwim.
The focus was on finding a body or why on earth would they not search the barn??? Give me one good reason why not TIA

A request for a warrant for a cursory search for a body is slightly different to a Judge than a request with probable cause for forensic searching for cellular sized biological evidence.

The point that they have left the 'crime scene' unattended for months allowing opportunity for anyone to roam over and contaminate any potential evidence has been totally missed... even though even your good self is a witness to this !!!!!!!. I happen to find this unacceptable and if I were LB's parents I would have a few questions for the TPS....just sayin'...

YES, and Mark Furhman put OJ's blood on his (OJ's) car door.
Let me understand, someone, you don't know who, has a blood and DNA bank with all the involved players and can sneak in and plant evidence that will magically implicate them along with all the legitimate evidence that already has them in jail for murder and has caused them to be without bail??

Even your post suggests about 'someone' going to the property to destroy or remove evidence,... so obviously it isnt just me that sees this as a possibility that just about anyone could have been there, as you say, to destroy or remove evidence !!!!

I just happen to think that if this did happen...DM is not the instigator...jmo

AD and you both I believe, stated that LE searched and searched and didn't see or couldn't see any evidence previously or looked several times but saw nothing. Yet others can covertly enter and "find" it and "destroy" it without LEAVING evidence? Or remove it, without leaving evidence?
AD and you both I believe, stated that LE searched and searched and didn't see or couldn't see any evidence previously or looked several times but saw nothing. Yet others can covertly enter and "find" it and "destroy" it without LEAVING evidence? Or remove it, without leaving evidence?

Could you please provide a link to where I said that LE searched and searched and couldn't find anything or that others can find or remove evidence?

I questioned why the barn wouldn't have been searched more thoroughly when they were looking for a body and, at one time, questioned that important evidence might be destroyed by someone's wandering over a crime scene area.

And I still don't understand why a warrant for a "cursory search for a body" on a farm wouldn't include the barn.

I am no more presumptuous than anyone else on here...and a lot less than some !!! kwim.

The focus was on finding a body or why on earth would they not search the barn??? Give me one good reason why not TIA

The point that they have left the 'crime scene' unattended for months allowing opportunity for anyone to roam over and contaminate any potential evidence has been totally missed... even though even your good self is a witness to this !!!!!!!. I happen to find this unacceptable and if I were LB's parents I would have a few questions for the TPS....just sayin'...

Even your post suggests about 'someone' going to the property to destroy or remove evidence,... so obviously it isnt just me that sees this as a possibility that just about anyone could have been there, as you say, to destroy or remove evidence !!!!

I just happen to think that if this did happen...DM is not the instigator...jmo

Could you please provide a link to where I said that LE searched and searched and couldn't find anything or that others can find or remove evidence?

I questioned why the barn wouldn't have been searched more thoroughly when they were looking for a body and, at one time, questioned that important evidence might be destroyed by someone's wandering over a crime scene area.

And I still don't understand why a warrant for a "cursory search for a body" on a farm wouldn't include the barn.


AD, You referenced the link of yours.

<modsnip> a difference between a barn and a farm?
A search warrant is a document with specific items looked for in a certain area based on sworn testimony and signed under oath considering probable cause.

<modsnip> why they didn't excavate the whole farm? They had a warrant for a defined area.

<modsnip> the difference in "seeing a body" and what is going on there the last 5 days? Obviously there was no recognizable body as they are searching for small evidence and a warrant approved for looking for a body isn't necessarily like one spelling out permission for semen, blood, hair.

<modsnip> That in order to infringe on the security of person, to search for a body, is vastly different than a warrant for miniscule evidence and is spelled out as such.

<modsnip> you can see the specificity a search warrant would need between a body and a drop of blood wrt LE's legal parameters to search?
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