General discussion regarding trial - The Week in Review

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DNA Solves
These faked threats have also struck me as such...

"I know Chris' schedule."
Why not "I know YOUR schedule"?

"I will kill his wife and kids .. in their sleep."
Why not "I will kill YOUR wife and kids .. in their sleep."?

"Your family is done!"
And then he realizes - "DOH"...that doesn't sound right...

Good catch Lanie!
Thanks - the linguistics testimony on tap today
got me a thinkin'....

I would also like to read all of the threats in sequential order....
Ah yes...and this particular bit

>>"I will kill his wife and kids .. in their sleep."<<

First of all, was that "ellipsis" included in that threat? Or was there text in that position and someone else inserted the ellipsis there? So...there is a dot missing in the ellipsis. Was that how Chris did these?

And about the threat... Did the Phantom murderer state he was going to do what he did while Chris was in the home laying next to the sleeping wife? Or did they know that he didn't sleep next to her, he slept in the basement? If he knew that he slept in the basement, then he could have guessed Chris wasn't attached to the wife. In fact, if he knew Chris because he was watching him (as he said, "I know Chris' schedule), OH MY GOSH...a thought here...

A. IF the phantom had been watching Chris, could he be assured that when Chris left for the gym that the wife didn't wake up at the same time, and would thus not be sleeping when he entered the house through a window that was never entered?

B. BUT AND BUT... IF the Phantom could figure out how to remotely access Chris' computer, then he was also smart enough to read the little blips about how Tara changed Chris' life and her bra size, right? IF he had been watching Chris, he knew that Chris had been sleeping with a mistress. IF he had been watching Chris, he knew that it wasn't Chris' family that was important to him, it was the mistress. SHE would have been the Phantom's target, and a threat letter would have noted that. Right? Wouldn't Chris have gotten a threat like "Hey Chris, I know about your girlie. When you are away from Florida, I'm going to take her out, buy her some bling, take her on a cruise and party with her and then well, you know BOOM BOOM."

A Phantom murderer who could access Chris' computer remotely (even to the point of knowing how to "power it on" somehow), would certainly have been clever enough to open some of Chris' most recent documents. That murderer would have realized that it was NOT killing Chris' family that would hurt him. He would have gone for the gold -- the girlie.
Hiya Lanie!

Um...what is the FI? (I'm a bit of a dodo)

I'm with you, I want to see the texts from the phantom, just as they were created, i.e. exact copies of the texts AND in sequential order. Perhaps these will be exhibits today in court and reporters will get their hands on them and post them on the web. what does this mean?

>>Defense attorney John O'Gara Jr. fought hard, getting the witness to admit that viruses and computer remote control programs could enable someone to access coleman's laptop. He even suggested Tara Lintz as a potential perpetrator, mentioning she had duplicate items on her blackberry.<<

So what were these duplicate items? Suggested Tara as perp? So where was she the evening of the murders? Wasn't she far away in Florida receiving texts from Coleman? Oh, was it her that remotely accessed the computer, to the tune of knowing how to "power it on?" Man if you are smart enough to know how to do that, you are smart enough to not leave tracks.

Good grief, this defense has really got me shaking my head so far.
@ Wrinkles... is it too late to get you on the jury? I like the way you're thinking with who was more important to Chris and should have been the target.... Tara. Another flub in Chris setting up the ruse of the mysterious phantom killer who doesn't exist since there has never been another threat ever.

One more thing I heard on the news this a.m. was Tara had some of the threats on her blackberry? I haven't read that anywhere, so I'll see if I can find a link. I think she's in this more than up to her eyeballs. what does this mean?

>>Defense attorney John O'Gara Jr. fought hard, getting the witness to admit that viruses and computer remote control programs could enable someone to access coleman's laptop. He even suggested Tara Lintz as a potential perpetrator, mentioning she had duplicate items on her blackberry.<<

We just posted that at the same time!!! I'm assuming she had a forwarded email of the threats... or he is suggesting she wrote the threats. Even so, she wasn't in STL at the time of the murders, so she's not responsible for the murders themselves. CC was. She cannot remotely power on a computer, you have to be at the computer to turn it on. I firmly believe she knew he was the one threatening Sheri, she may have even helped devise the plan of threats to make Sheri want to leave Chris. I'm not sure if she knew it would lead to murder.
I can't help but wonder how long the jury will be out. Juries tend to be very deliberate and methodical and take their time when it is a death penalty case, but man, in this case, CC did everything but yell "I did it!" It would not take me 10 minutes to convict this guy, and I could do it with a clear conscience.
Hi Robin,

I could not, with a clear conscious and knowing all that I know, permit this man even an instance of "reasonable doubt." It doesn't exist. I would have to be playing games with my own mind to go any other direction but guilty.
Hey Stella...

Chris Hayes responded to you in Facebook... I think he had the Blackberry answer somehow...

He wrote:

>>Yes, there were eight e-mails retrieved by the police computer forensic expert. The officer found evidence 5 were sent. These were on 11-14 & 11-15-08, just more than a week after Coleman allegedly wrote a computer note saying "the day Tara changed my life (11-5-08)."<<

Perhaps three of those threats were sent from the Blackberry and 5 were sent from Chris' laptop?
Hmmm...thinking about the possibility of threats coming from the Blackberry... Did Chris and his girlie have matching Blackberries? What would happen if a card was switched from one Blackberry to another, assuming there was a card in them. Can't wait to see how this gets pickled and then diffused.
Hiya Lanie!

Um...what is the FI? (I'm a bit of a dodo)

I'm with you, I want to see the texts from the phantom, just as they were created, i.e. exact copies of the texts AND in sequential order. Perhaps these will be exhibits today in court and reporters will get their hands on them and post them on the web.

Hiya wrinkles :seeya:

Just a play on my last name....

stever126 said on: May 3, 2011, 1:37 pm
How pitiful.... O'Gara questioming Lenoard about his use of acid during his years with the band ShNaNa.... The crowd erupted in laughter !! Did anyone ever ask O'Scary about his acid use when the vision of God appears before him ??

I guess this is how the references to acid and Woodstock got into the trial. It was on the SLP website.
I guess this is how the references to acid and Woodstock got into the trial. It was on the SLP website.

that makes alot more sense--jury might not think he's an oddball vs if he brought it up himself.
Questions for Chris:

Why did the "Real Killer" think that the death of a mid-level manager&#8217;s wife and children would shut down a multi-million dollar world-wide ministry?

Since he was settling for an employee outside of Meyer&#8217;s family circle...why not choose one whose husband would be so protective, so terrified, that he would go public and embarrass the Ministry if his family was not the priority?

When the real killer was stalking the family&#8217;s every move, and taking control of Chris&#8217; computer...did he not realize that Chris was more concerned with keeping notes on his mistress&#8217;s bra and panty sizes, than on ways to safeguard his family? Didn&#8217;t he uncover the fact that Chris priority was naming his future child with Tara, not protecting the two little boys he fathered with Sheri?

Didn&#8217;t he realize that over six months, no one at the Ministry seemed the least bit affected by his choice of victims? So what did he think he could accomplish by killing this young wife and her boys that no one seemed to care much about? How would this stop Meyer&#8217;s ministry?

Chris&#8217; Fantasy Killer just does not pass the smell test. Chris was just not that important to the ministry and sadly, any Killer Stalker would have soon realized that Sheri and her boys were just not important AT ALL to Chris.

Furthermore, since their is no non-family DNA associated with the crime...the next question is...which member of the Coleman family was willing to kill Sheri and her boys to shut down Joyce Meyers? If the brother in Arkansas has an alibi, will Chris point to his Father? His other brother?

This should be a very interesting day.

Chris has been left with very few opportunities to spin the evidence.
You know, CC took SIX MONTHS to plan the murders, and THIS was the best he could do? What an absolute idiot he is, makes me wonder if he could walk and carry on a conversation at the same time. He is just plain stupid, in addition to being amoral and a sociopath.
Hmmm...thinking about the possibility of threats coming from the Blackberry... Did Chris and his girlie have matching Blackberries? What would happen if a card was switched from one Blackberry to another, assuming there was a card in them. Can't wait to see how this gets pickled and then diffused.

You can switch the SIM card between like phones, but IMO if they thought a threat had originated from one of the phones they would have presented that already. I think the threats on TL's phone were CC forwarding her the threatening emails he received from the phantom killer... another step in him trying to set up his alibi.
I just found something interesting about the document examiner, Steven McKasson.

Quote from article:
Steven McKasson, a document examiner with the Southern Illinois forensic science lab, falsely told the jury that lip prints are an accepted form of identification. In fact, the Davis case apparently is the only reported case in which a lip print was introduced into evidence.
I am fascinated by the demeanor of Coleman's family. They simply cannot be dumb enough to believe their son is innocent! So how can they justify putting Sheri's family through a trial?

This is not like encouraging your unprepared child to take a test or try out for a team! This is about justice for their two grandsons, their own flesh and blood! What does Pastor-Daddy say on Sunday, "Well, we thought he might as well "go for it." You know, take a shot at getting away with killing the we had to support him in that effort?"

It's too bad THEY cannot be sued.

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