General Discussion Thread #1 -Bail Hearing

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16:40 - Pistorius's bail has been set at R250 000 with conditions.
Pistorius's bail has been set at R250 000 with conditions.

Converts to

28,200.75 U.S. according to google conversions
Yes, that would be my fear....there was quite a bit of reporting, on the first day, one of his exes saying he had a dark side etc.......
and further reporting that RS said he was becoming very controlling and possessive...

After day one I didnt hear another word from these sources which seemed strange..........

There has been a lot of bad reporting early on. I wouldn't take what tabloids said as any sort of fact.
Not a lot for shooting his girlfriend .
That's bail confirmed at an amount of £18,500.
Whoo-hoo... he's off alcohol for the duration. Blooming death-sentence, IMHO.
Using a currency converter, 1m Rand = 112,803 dollars or little over 85,000 Euros.

Still pretty cheap.
There has been a lot of bad reporting early on. I wouldn't take what tabloids said as any sort of fact.

I agree, some very messy reports came out, but still wondered why it was suddenly all very pro OP ........ maybe just me being overly cynical

Upon payment of the 100,000 rand he must be released with the following conditions:

• He appears in court on 4 June at 8.30am.

• He surrenders all passports.

• He refrains from applying for any passports.

• He refrains from entering any airport.

• He surrenders all firearms.

• He refrains from possessing any firearms.

• He refrains from talking to any witnesses for the prosecution.

• He will have a probation officer and correctional official from the date of release until the conclusion of the case.

• He shall inform the official all his movements and ask for permission for any journeys outside Pretoria.

• He shall give them a phone number and must be contactable day and night.

• He must not be charged with an offence of violence against women.

• He must not use drugs or alcohol.

• He must not return to his home and not make contact with any residents of his estate except the Stander family.

Bail is fixed at 1m rand: a cash amount of 100,000 rand to be deposited where the accused will be detained, plus a further 900,000 rand as a gurantee and surety.
Bail has been increased now to...

So the magistrate has raised the bail amount. One million Rand is about £74,000.
Why are there conflicting amounts already for his bail???? Making me crazy.
I agree, some very messy reports came out, but still wondered why it was suddenly all very pro OP ........ maybe just me being overly cynical

Wasn't TOTALLY pro... but certainly a lot of very shoddy and hurried reporting... and some overkill that ultimately played into the hands of the defence, e.g. the cricket bat stuff. A poisoned chalice if ever there was one.
Yes, my opinion. However, I would be mortified, ashamed, and angry if anyone from my family did the whole, "Yessss!" thing in court. How incredibly tacky.
Sorry, it was me who started this...I would like to state that it was NOT his family, they remained silent and just hugged. It was other spectators in the room.
Sorry, it was me who started this...I would like to state that it was NOT his family, they remained silent and just hugged. It was other spectators in the room.

Did I understand correctly that the person was part of the entourage of someone who is not quite kosher ... Nightclub owner or something... D-list celeb?
Hmmmm. 4th June... Does this mean the trial has been fast-tracked?
Nope, it will just be remanded and remanded etc for the next few months....the case will only formally start trial more than likely next year!!
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