General Discussion Thread #1 -Bail Hearing

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Note that I am not convinced that he intentionally killed Reeva, but I am heartbroken for her family.
I wonder who the "YESSSER!" was... Perhaps we'll hear. But it's only the end of the beginning. He's still up to his armpits in it.
someone as wealthy and well-connected as OP is *not* likely to stay put, imo. I pray there will be justice for Reeva & her family, may she rest in peace. this is an outrage (predictable, but still an outrage).
I hope this jerk spends his free time out on bail looking over his shoulder at all times.
He'll be gone like the wind, he's not going to hang around waiting to spend years in jail, he has nothing to lose by getting out fast, he has the money, nothing stands in his way.
I would imagine his brother/family...

Who should be slapped, and hard, for being so freaking insensitive. If I shot someone and killed someone I loved on accident, I'd want to be in jail. I'd be too miserable to do anything else. And I'd hate anyone who was happy that I got out on bail, especially with the deceased's family right there.
If he stands for his trial and doesn't flee, I don't think he's going to walk from this. This isn't a self defense case, he can never prove that. On top of that, he's basically damaged goods as far as his career is concerned IMO.
Who should be slapped, and hard, for being so freaking insensitive. If I shot someone and killed someone I loved on accident, I'd want to be in jail. I'd be too miserable to do anything else. And I'd hate anyone who was happy that I got out on bail, especially with the deceased's family right there.
Sorry, just saw it wasn't , his family just hugged...apparently it was a member of Kenny Kunune's entourage....practically a nobody who thinks he is he has managed to get into court every day is beyond me.
I would imagine his brother/family...

Well, you know what they say.. you can't choose your relatives!

To those who feel hurt and disappointed... don't. This guy's life is blighted. He's mental toast, and he's almost certainly going to get hard time sooner or later. He is washed up.

He has two futures... either life as the man who killed his woman inadvertently... and has to live with that...
or as the bloke who got away with deliberately killing his lover but whom everybody thinks done it anyway... the smell will be pervasive.

Not much of a life for someone of 26. It's a long time he'll have to bear that.
Who should be slapped, and hard, for being so freaking insensitive. If I shot someone and killed someone I loved on accident, I'd want to be in jail. I'd be too miserable to do anything else. And I'd hate anyone who was happy that I got out on bail, especially with the deceased's family right there.

That may be your opinion, but I think a vast majority of people would fight for their innocence if they really were innocent (an accident). Why should I do any time for something that I know was an accident?

I don't know what really happened here, but I don't blame the guy for wanting to go for bail. Most others would do the same.
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