General Discussion Thread #4

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These background information on "uncle Arnold" gives a short glimpse at the influence of OP's family in South Africa

Also the Pistorius family owns 55 firearms between them

According to public company records, Hendrik and his sons, Theo (67), Arnold (62) and Leo (51) own about 120 companies that are actively doing business.[_id]=96515

The police have built a case against Oscar Pistorius as a trigger-happy gunman prone to violent outbursts.

The Sunday Times has learnt that ballistic tests have shown Pistorius was, in fact, on his stumps when he pumped bullets through the toilet door in the early hours of Valentine's Day, killing his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp.

This is a crucial aspect of the case against Pistorius.

Now, by adding more gun-related charges, the prosecution has shown its hand by adopting a strategy whereby it will home in on Pistorius's "aggressive" behaviour to try to show he was prone to violent outbursts, which, it will say, was why he killed Steenkamp.

A copy of the police's docket was handed over to the defence team on Thursday - and will now be scrutinised by the team of experts, including top forensic pathologist Dr Reggie Perumal and ballistic expert Tom "Wollie" Wolmarans, who are part of the crack team in Pistorius's corner.

Jannie van der Westhuizen, an expert in the field of blood spatter, has been appointed by the defence.

A person with inside knowledge of the strategy against Pistorius said: "The defence will try to show that his actions were reasonable for a person with a disability. Such a person would feel more vulnerable than an able-bodied person and react differently when their life is in danger.

"That is why his past behaviour, like shooting a gun in a restaurant and boasting of being such a good shot on Twitter, will be used to show here is a person who knows exactly how to use a firearm and is not afraid to use it."

The witness list has more than 100 names, including those of former investigating officer Hilton Botha, state pathologist Dr Gert Saayman and former soccer player Marc Batchelor.

Earlier speculation claimed Pistorius and Steenkamp were involved in a love triangle with Springbok Francois Hougaard, whom she dated before her romance with Pistorius. The rugby player's name, however, is not on the witness list.
City Press today reveals the state will argue that Reeva Steenkamp was crouching behind the toilet door in Oscar Pistorius’ bathroom when she was shot dead on Valentine’s Day.

It seems I wasn't so wrong in my "analysis" regarding the blood stains in the toilet :D

So, to me it looks like Reeva was slumped - but not lying - directly behind the door with her feet left side and the right side of her hip and head were where the pool of blood ends (toward the door) when OP opened the toilet door. It is striking that this area seems very clean, no blood stains/blood drops like in the back of the toilet. That's why I guess Reeva's body could have covered this area of the floor.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Oscar Pistorius charged with murdering his girlfriend #4
Oscar Pistorius says 'forgotten' password of 'encrypted' WhatsApp messages on iPhone

Sunday, Aug 18, 2013
A source at South Africa's National Prosecuting Authority said that although Pistorius told the detectives how to access his iPhone after months of pressure, he could not help them access the WhatsApp application on his phone, which had several encrypted messages of possible interest to the case.

The source further said that the Blade Runner claimed that he cannot remember a password for the messages or can translate them, adding that even WhatsApp's servers cannot identify the messages.

The report further said that detectives are keen to find out who Pistorius was in contact with before and on the night of Steenkamp's death, adding that they have established that the model's phone was switched off for most of the evening and that she had not been drinking.

Meanwhile, the report added that the detectives have also traced a possible witness living close to the scene of the shooting, who claimed that she heard a woman screaming in the hours before Steenkamp was shot.
South African Government (Pretoria)

South Africa: Murder Accused Oscar Pistorius Appearance


The case of the murder accused, Oscar Pistorius will again be back in the Pretoria Magistrate Court C on 19 August 2013.

The following is for your attention: We do confirm that the indictment will be served to the accused on his appearance on the day as afore mentioned. We also expect to have the trial starting early 2014 but we cannot at this stage confirm the exact date because this has to be agreed upon in court by all parties concerned.

It will therefore be inappropriate for NPA to comment about the charges beforehand.

The court session will start exactly at 09h00.
Revealed: The police case against 'trigger-happy' Oscar
WERNER SWART | 18 August, 2013

The police have built a case against Oscar Pistorius and here are the highlights of this article:

1. OP is a trigger-happy gunman prone to violent outbursts.

2. OP's past boasting of being a crack shot and threats to "break people's legs" could come back to haunt him because the prosecution will now rely on former girlfriends and associates in an attempt to expose his "aggressive character".

3. The prosecution intends adding two other charges of reckless and negligent discharge of a firearm but defence intends making representations before an official decision is made to add these charges.

4. By adding more gun-related charges, the prosecution has shown its hand by adopting a strategy whereby it will home in on Pistorius's "aggressive" behaviour to try to show he was prone to violent outbursts, which, it will say, was why he killed Steenkamp.

5. That is why his past behaviour, like shooting a gun in a restaurant and boasting of being such a good shot on Twitter, will be used to show that he is a person who knows exactly how to use a firearm and not afraid to use it.

6. Ballistic tests have shown Pistorius was, in fact, on his stumps when he pumped bullets through the toilet door. The prosecution had earlier argued that he put on his prosthetic legs before walking to the bathroom, where he fired the shots - the inference being that he had more than enough time to check whether his girlfriend was still in bed with him.

7. Professor Stephen Tuson, a criminal law expert at the University of the Witwatersrand, said even if it was shown Pistorius was telling the truth about being on his stumps, he still had serious questions to answer because he shot through a door unsighted, thinking there was a person behind it. He says he walked back to the bed on his stumps and shouted to Reeva to call the police but at this time she could have been screaming in pain. He said the defence strategy that Pistorius would have felt more vulnerable than an able-bodied person could work in his favour. The defence will definitely argue for the court to lower the bar for Oscar to show his actions were reasonable for a person with a disability and that such a person would feel more vulnerable than an able-bodied person and react differently when their life is in danger.

8. It is understood that police are still waiting for experts to unlock Pistorius's iPhone 5, found on the scene. The phone's password is needed to access deleted items. A police source said: "Three times now Oscar has claimed he can't remember the password. We are just waiting for Apple computer experts to unlock it for us. We think there may be something interesting on this phone."

9. The witness list has more than 100 names, including:
a) Hilton Botha
b) State pathologist Dr Gert Saayman
c) Former soccer player Marc Batchelor who is expected to testify about an altercation between him and Pistorius during which the athlete threatened to "break his legs"
d) Samantha Taylor will be called by the prosecution and her testimony could bolster the state's case of a "trigger-happy" Pistorius.

10. Earlier speculation claimed Pistorius and Steenkamp were involved in a love triangle with Springbok Francois Hougaard, whom she dated before her romance with Pistorius but his name is not on the witness list.

11. The police docket will be scrutinised by the Defence team of experts:
a) forensic pathologist Dr Reggie Perumal
b) ballistic expert Tom "Wollie" Wolmarans
c) Jannie van der Westhuizen, an expert in the field of blood spatter
Pisto_lius posted this earlier

Of concern to investigators was that Pistorius's car, which had been parked in his driveway that night, had not been examined, he said. "The keys were apparently in the ignition, but no reason could be given as to why they were not removed or why it was left standing there and not parked in one of the three garages. The car has been given back to the family so any potential forensic [evidence] could be lost."

I have often wondered about this.

Initially I used to think that he could have parked his car in the garage when he came home. But later moved it out leaving the keys in the ignition ready to flee with Reeva's body to dump it somewhere.

Another view would be he was going to take her to the hospital himself but as I believe he wanted her to die, I do not really think he had any intention of doing that but may have wanted others to think that that was what he was going to do.

Otherwise, could he have left it like that in case he decided to flee himself but was persuaded not to when he phoned someone?

If he came home and did not garage it then, it makes me think he did not plan to stay home for long as if he planned to go out later after dinner.

The worst scenario is that he planned to end her life that night so left his car out ready to go.

I wonder how he would answer the question, "Why did you leave your car out of the garage that night?"

BTW he was not very security conscious of his car being stolen that night either!

I don't think that the car would have had any forensic evidence worth noting.
Pisto_lius also posted this earlier:

Another officer said investigators had retrieved evidence of sexual activity from Pistorius's bedroom. "They are being analysed for DNA to determine who they belong to and whether they originate from the night of the killing.

This is a surprise to me as I would have predicted that on that night there would not have been any sexual activity between them unless it was much earlier in the night or on the previous night. However, I would not be at all surprised if Erin Stear had made a visit that week even though she would have denied it!

The police have built a case against Oscar Pistorius as a trigger-happy gunman prone to violent outbursts.

The Sunday Times has learnt that ballistic tests have shown Pistorius was, in fact, on his stumps when he pumped bullets through the toilet door in the early hours of Valentine's Day, killing his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp.
This is a crucial aspect of the case against Pistorius.

There is also the possibility that he might have put off his prosthetic legs between the two sets of shots after making phone calls...Just a theory..

Meanwhile in Port Elizabeth, the seaside town where Miss Steenkamp grew up, her parents and close family will gather to celebrate what would have been her 30th birthday.
“We will be doing something casual, baking a cake for her, being together as a family,” Miss Steenkamp’s uncle Mike told The Daily Telegraph. “We certainly won’t be watching the trial. We will be thinking about her.” Desi Myers, with whom Miss Steenkamp lived in Johannesburg along with her daughters Gina and Kim, tweeted that she was sending “love, strength and prayers” to Miss Steenkamp’s parents.
“Six months ago our lives changed We became a different family with a different history, a different future,” she wrote. “We are blessed to have known you Reeves. Oh how your beautiful soul is missed.”
If he came home and did not garage it then, it makes me think he did not plan to stay home for long as if he planned to go out later after dinner.

Look at these different statements

An estate agent who attended a party with Pistorius on the evening of Feb 13 — hours before the shooting said he was “delightful, charming and happy”.

Affidavit Justin Divaris

On 13 February 2013 Oscar and I had a late lunch in Johannesburg. I tried to convince Oscar to stay in Johannesburg that night and come for a boy’s dinner with myself and a mutual friend.

I knew my girlfriend Sam had invited Reeva to movies that night so Oscar could join us.

When OP phoned Reeva to concern whether or not she was going to join Sam for movies Reeva told Oscar that she was in Pretoria and that she wanted Oscar to come back and spend the night with her.

Oscar said as much as he would have loved to join the boys for dinner he would rather spend the evening with Reeva.

Affidavit Samantha Greyvenstien

On Wednesday 13 February 2012 [error] I sent a text message to Reeva and asked her to please come and watch a movie with me that night, Reeva said she was in Pretoria doing some “admin” but that she would get back to me. Later this afternoon I went to Justin’s offices and I saw Oscar there.

Oscar phoned Reeva and asked her if she would be coming to Johannesburg and joining me for movies as he wanted to have a boys dinner with Justin and another friend.

Reeva said she would rather just cook something at home and asked Oscar to please come home to Pretoria and spend the evening with her. Oscar than decided he would rather spend the evening with Reeva and left Johannesburg to return to Pretoria.

Affidavit OP

On the 13th of February 2013 Reeva would have gone out with her friends and I with my friends. Reeva then called me and asked that we rather spend the evening at home. I agreed and we were content to have a quiet dinner together at home.

IMO these statements demonstrate that OP actually did not want to spend this evening with Reeva.

[Isn't there a different between "evening" and "night"? Sorry, but I'm not so familiar with English language :blushing:]

Did Reeva just want quickly bring her Valentine's gift and then go away again?

After all, OP apparently had left a party with friends, to meet with Reeva.
- For what?
- For how long?

Did OP want to return to the party as soon as possible?

Possible his friends called and asked: "What took you so long?"

I wonder how he would answer the question, "Why did you leave your car out of the garage that night?"

BTW he was not very security conscious of his car being stolen that night either!

Yes, strange, for he was very security conscious of the car of his friend, who wanted to visit him that night.

Affidavit Graham Binge

At around 20:10, on the 13th Feb 2013 Oscar Pistorius and I exchanges various messages on the cell phone based messaging system WhatsApp.

Oscar than phoned me at 20:25 on 13 February 2013.

Oscar was looking at buying his sister Aimee a new car and was seeking some advice from me, we talked for a while, eventually the conversation turned to me coming to visit him in Pretoria.

I had let Oscar know earlier that day that I had just got a new GOLF GTI and that I wanted to drive it up to Pretoria to see him. Oscar immediately said I should not drive up in it to Gauteng. He told me that a car theft had been found in one of the complexes near his and that they had stolen mostly GTI’s and if that I drove my car up it could be targeted for a highjacking.

It seems OP wanted to avoid at all costs that Graham visited him.

But why he not said: "Sorry, but Reeva is there and we want to spend the evening/night together - let us meet another day"?

Once more: Did OP want to return to the party as soon as possible?

And was that the reason for the argument?

Only my thoughts: Reeva canceled her appointment with Samantha because she wanted to spend some hours (but not the whole night) with OP but he ignored her - phoned with several friends - and right afterwards he wanted to leave her to return to the party with his friends.
Steenkamp's uncle: I forgive Oscar Pistorius

Six months after the death of his beloved niece, Reeva Steenkamp’s uncle says his faith has helped him forgive Olympic star Oscar Pistorius for killing her.

“If I can't forgive him, and I have been forgiven then that is our sin. And I very much asked the lord to guide me before I got to Port Elizabeth when the tragedy happened… that took a lot of pressure off my shoulders,” said Michael Steenkamp on the phone in Cape Town, South Africa.

Michael Steenkamp says the model's family isn't focusing on Pistorius' guilt or innocence, and they will not attend any of the related court proceedings. While the hearing is going on Monday, the Steenkamp family will be spending time together remembering Reeva.

Michael Steenkamp says his thoughts of Reeva still bring him joy, and his favorite memory of her is when she used to ride horses with his daughters when they were children.

“You know, whenever we spoke we never ended off without saying 'I love you,'” he says. “She was very compassionate, and I think we just lost a person that could have done much more for society.”

R.I.P. Reeva - and my greatest respect for this strong family.

But I wish they would have the strength to go to court so that OP must look into their sad eyes....
It is Reeva's day

Reeva Steenkamp's day today.

Her 30th birthday.

"Because it's her day," the model's uncle, Michael Steenkamp said. "We want to remember her, celebrate her birthday, quiet and private."

He and his wife were at Reeva's parents, Barry and June Steenkamp, ​​in Port Elizabeth to come together as family for Reeva's birthday would be.

"Maybe we just do something small, maybe bake a cake," the uncle said.
Some supplementary information for the today's court hearing:

1. In the charge sheet will be detailed step by step how the state claims the incident occurred.

2. A witness list will be attached to the deed.

3. The National Prosecuting Authority has confirmed that the deed will be ready today.

4. Nobody wanted the exact charges expand, as a deed only to an accused in a court must be served before the document can be made public.

5. The state has not decided the two additional charges of discharging a firearm at Pistorius's charge sheet adds.

6. Many journalists have already applied for accreditation last week in hope of a spot in the crowded courtroom C. Pistorius's case is expected to commence at 09:00.

7. Desmond Nair, chief magistrate of Pretoria, said that he has received several applications of the media directly to broadcast or record the proceedings. These applications will be heard at 08:30.
The Sunday Times has learnt that ballistic tests have shown Pistorius was, in fact, on his stumps when he pumped bullets through the toilet door in the early hours of Valentine's Day, killing his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp.

This is a crucial aspect of the case against Pistorius.

There is also the possibility that he might have put off his prosthetic legs between the two sets of shots after making phone calls...Just a theory..

Another possibility is that he decided to pretend he was on his prosthetic legs and kneeled while shooting through the door to give the impression he was on his stumps.
LIVE UPDATES: Oscar Pistorius back in court

08.02 - Jo Munnik
Gina Myers and sister Kim as well as Carl Pistorius have just arrived at court for the #OscarPictorius court appearance. @eNCAnews

07.58 - Barry Bateman
#OscarPistorius apparently the police want to do a dog sweep of the courtroom. Seriously. BB

07.50 - Karyn Maughan
#OscarPistorius's brother Carl enters and quickly exits Court GA. @eNCAnews
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