General Discussion Thread No. 18

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Madeleine McCann: First drawing of 'abductor'

What happened the blanket?

I have carried a few sleeping children in my day (well, only one, but I carried him hundreds of times), and I never carried him in that position. It's always head on the shoulder, feet dangling down. Surely Jane would have thought that an odd sight. I wonder what Martin Smith saw when he saw his bundleman?

Bolding is mine. While understanding that Kate might wish that Madeleine is being held by someone who just wanted a child, she has met with child exploitation professionals and knows the odds. So her statement is just too ridiculous to believe.

Since when do pedophiles murder their victims according to their looks? Murder and disposal of a victim is entirely dependent on several factors such as getting rid of evidence and thwarting any possibility of identification.

Kate's words are kind of like telling her mother the world is judging her for her breast-size. It is such a narcissistic statement but totally within the scope of the McCanns' thinking, however strange. "Oh, nobody would kill Madeleine because she's so pretty!"

Why didn't she just say, "I don't understand how anyone can harm a small, innocent little girl like Madeleine. If you took her, please let her come home."

Why didn't she?

Because she worded it another way, thats why the English language is so complex otherwise we'd all use the same words and end up all sounding the same.

No matter what Kate says or does, it won't be right because she made a poor parenting decision.
As you know, what Kate actually said was, beautiful..."I don't mean her appearance." She said Madeleine was a beautiful soul or person on the inside. I think she was too. I think everybody finds her to be a beautiful soul.
The Times of London reports in the article accompanying bundleman's picture that it is a child's pink blanket in his arms over the child. But when I asked some time back whether there was any bedding missing from Madeleine's bed, the information that came back was that none was missing. I don't remember where I asked the q. I think this is the same pink blanket Gerry McCann describes as "her bright pink comfort blanket". So this would probably be considered separately from any Ocean Club bedding, being that it is the property of the McCann's and wasn't part of the inventory taken when she went missing.
To be honest the drawing in the Telegraph of the 'abductor' i would say is almost useless. It really does not help to identify anyone...the details in the face are entirely missing. Also somehow....inevitably, the drawing shows the man (or woman it could really be either) carrying what is quite obviously supposed to be Madeleine.

This just seems like more PR to me.

Also the article discusses the possibility that some of the translations carried out during the police interview may be flawed in some carefully setting things up for if / when their stories no longer match what they said then to what they may say now. More PR.

This is something i just don't get about this case, why the McCann's PR feel it is needed to try use the media to spin a version of events. I am sure this is not actually helping them from a PR point of view, many people see straight through this kind of obvious media manipulation and spin.

The vote on Spanish TV should give them a big clue as to how their PR machine is affecting public opinion in many places.
The Times of London reports in the article accompanying bundleman's picture that it is a child's pink blanket in his arms over the child. But when I asked some time back whether there was any bedding missing from Madeleine's bed, the information that came back was that none was missing. I don't remember where I asked the q. I think this is the same pink blanket Gerry McCann describes as "her bright pink comfort blanket". So this would probably be considered separately from any Ocean Club bedding, being that it is the property of the McCann's and wasn't part of the inventory taken when she went missing.
They have never come out & said that her pink blanket was also taken, one would think they would have said that from the beginning.
I didn't find anything unusual about Kate's statement, but Gerry's certainly caught my attention.

Okay, I'm a little confused: Did he not warn Kate to not say anything, did he ask her if she wanted to say something else?
I agree, PJ or the McCanns might have given us this detail but PJ did not even release Jane Tanner's deposition on the subject until government pressure was applied three weeks after she made it. So, all of this fell under Portuguese secrecy laws regarding ongoing investigations.
I didn't find anything unusual about Kate's statement, but Gerry's certainly caught my attention.

Okay, I'm a little confused: Did he not warn Kate to not say anything, did he ask her if she wanted to say something else?

Gerry asked her did she not want to say something to whoever had madeleine. I cannot understand why the Press are pushing the wrong version, it is very clear if you listen!
I agree, PJ or the McCanns might have given us this detail but PJ did not even release Jane Tanner's deposition on the subject until government pressure was applied three weeks after she made it. So, all of this fell under Portuguese secrecy laws regarding ongoing investigations.
I just don't buy it Tuba, they said about Cuddle Cat being on the shelf, they would have said/could have said if her blanket was missing at the very beginning.
I really welcome the artist's rendition of bundleman even though some important features are missing. I would rather not have a guess substitution for a face. The picture corrects some aspects of this man's looks that I had misapprehended. Also, in words, we're told the hair was straggly and greasy and I had not known that. Nor had it been spelled out that he was Southern European or Mediterranean, instead only that he didn't look like a tourist. The artist captured the man's stride pretty well too, made that clear. Apparently there was an early drawing of this man that looked much sketchier. An egg with hair on it. That one I never saw but I've been waiting for something like this.
Would it not be usual to issue a "photofit" in the early days, why wait until now, 6 months down the line? A bit crazy imo! I would have had that done immediately! People were on holidays for a short time in that resort, then was the time not now!
Would it not be usual to issue a "photofit" in the early days, why wait until now, 6 months down the line? A bit crazy imo! I would have had that done immediately! People were on holidays for a short time in that resort, then was the time not now!


There's a reason sketches are done immediately, even when victims are still in the hospital, before memory blurs. And disseminated immediately, as well.

There's a reason sketches are done immediately, even when victims are still in the hospital, before memory blurs. And disseminated immediately, as well.
Yip, methinks they are on a media roll right now!
At least the judiciary police had a drawing made up back in May and it was distributed in the Algarve but the PJ refused to release it to the public. This was the egg with hair graphic composite. The drawing and the verbal description should have gone out in May and without any external pressure.
Gerry asked her did she not want to say something to whoever had madeleine. I cannot understand why the Press are pushing the wrong version, it is very clear if you listen!

I listened, and I heard him say "wait til the mic is turned off".

But that's not necessarily sinister. I saw him becoming increasingly annoyed as the interview went on, and maybe Kate was too.

Maybe she was about to blurt out something like "I hate all you stupid media people with your endless questions about sedating our children!" or something like. He was advising her to keep a lid on it at least until the mic was turned off.

I find nothing odd or even remarkable about that statement. Why do the McCann watchers all have their panties in a wad over it?

I find nothing odd or even remarkable about that statement. Why do the McCann watchers all have their panties in a wad over it?

I thought the same thing. It didn't sound to me like he meant-shut the h^ll up or you'll blow our cover. I took it as simply wait until the mikes are off and we'll talk. If you've followed any other disappearances that comment is not uncommon when an interview is finished.
I listened, and I heard him say "wait til the mic is turned off".

But that's not necessarily sinister. I saw him becoming increasingly annoyed as the interview went on, and maybe Kate was too.

Maybe she was about to blurt out something like "I hate all you stupid media people with your endless questions about sedating our children!" or something like. He was advising her to keep a lid on it at least until the mic was turned off.

I find nothing odd or even remarkable about that statement. Why do the McCann watchers all have their panties in a wad over it?

I thought the same thing. It didn't sound to me like he meant-shut the h^ll up or you'll blow our cover. I took it as simply wait until the mikes are off and we'll talk. If you've followed any other disappearances that comment is not uncommon when an interview is finished.'s+'fake'+TV+tears/

"Correio da Manha also claims that Gerry's warning to Kate to wait until the microphone was switched off before saying anything was a clear indication that the interview had been carefully stage-managed."

Perhaps this article will offer some insight into why so many felt suspicious.
it is interesting why they put themselves out there - time after time - only to get shot down in pieces - savaged by press and onlookers

why do they do it - there can only be two posibilities -

1. They genuinely think that there is still a chance that Maddeline is alive and out there somewhere - so they will brave the onslaught to get whatever coverage they can get - keep the name in the news

2. They are still following a calculated lie , orchestrated by " team Mccaan" - ie keep the lie going and it will become accepted .

I just cant see why if they are guilty they still insist on this ongoing media blitz even now - At teh beginning maybe - but now when they are back home - the police seem to be stalled , well I would just sit tight and keep my mouth firmly shut
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