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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Esah, I pray that new light will be shed on Tara's where abouts and who took her.

Did the paper do a "remember/look back" on her case?
If not, could we see if we could get them to?

A old case in my hometown was solved after many many years because of a "look back" at the case in the local paper.

(I am new to the site and I am still trying to catch up all the cases and info so please forgive me if this question has been answered or seems :silenced: dumb.)
Welcome Proud Country Gal. I don't know of any look backs this year but there was news this summer with the 48 Hours episode. You will find it here. The most significant thing is that male DNA was found on the glove and the glove was tied to Tara. GBI hypothesized that the glove contained third party DNA but nothing else has been said since that time.This would mean that they think Tara's abductor had involvement with someone she knew.

Since it is a mystery to us, all the findings, it would be nice to have a new perspective.

Also, Tara's mother died this summer prior to the showing and I imagine the family has been grieving the loss and not able to actively seek a retrospective from the media. LE, typically, doesn't do that but maybe it is in order.
Thank you for the info.
I didn't get to watch the 48 Hours episode I will have to go and watch it.
I promise I will try not to ask to many stupid questions.
I dont know where you guys got your info about the third party dna and that its inconclusive...if you go to on the record with greta you can watch that interview he the policeman does not say that at all he says they found dna and fingerprints .the fingerprints arent in great shape so they cant be put in the computer data base they have to be done manually but the dna is fine there has just not been a hit yet he also says they got well over 150 people to give a dna sample before they released the info that they had dna from that glove so theres no way even in 3 years that they have tested all 150 samples ..Id also like to say something else I have no idea what its like there but i do think its alot of woods surrounding that town and i dont think the poi could be gone long with out attracting attention to himself/herself so my point is im not sure why i have this feeling but i do ..i think its a place where there are alot of deer which would mean alot of hunters and they usually find something .which leads me to think she is somewhere the hunters arent .which is private property and i know or i heard that one poi weather it was his place or his parents place was all private property..thats just some of my thoughts could be way off for all i know there may be no deer for miles ..but anyone go to greta van sustren and her site on the record scroll down and listen for yourselves about the glove...
Who said it was inconclusive CanManEh? I don't see where anyone said that. And I may not know much about dna and testing, but I would think they could have gone through 150 samples by now. Especially with this case being so important to the GBI. I've only watched CSI!! but it seems to me that they have a sample, they pop it in their machine and whaalaa they have an answer. Again, I don't know much about this, but I am thinking they have tested it all.

Don't forget that they have had this glove and its dna since they picked it up in Tara's front yard, 3 years ago. Not just since the 48 hours show aired. They were pretty clear that they have a man's dna, they just don't have a match.

I like your thinking about the hunting and not putting Tara's body in a place that hunters would find it. This would also mean that her killer would be local to know where NOT to leave her body. Private property is still something LE would want to search, as long as they feel there is a connection to the case. A smart man might know the area and put Tara in a place that he knows about but is in no way connected to!
I never even seen the 48 hours show as i said 3 times in my post go to ON THE RECORD and you can listen to the gbi lead detective talk for 4 minutes on the glove alone go there and listen for for it being inconclusive i was the one saying it was not inconclusive i was agreeing with you that they did get a full profile but i did read somewhere on this thread someone saying the glove or the dna came back inconclusive maybe thats just what they thought i dont know i know what i know go to gretta and listen ...and theres a reason that alot of cold cases dont get solved for a few extra years even when they have a dna slide ...its because of money its not free ya know and it cost a hell of alot so no they would not have all 150 done yet they would do there top say 30 poi.s and then they would more then likelu slow down some .....just take some free advice go to gretta and listen to the interview can ya do that for me maybe then you will understand what iam saying....
I found this tidbit on another forum. I haven't been able to verify but it seems totally reasonable. I hope we do get new info on all the cases mentioned as it is past time to get resolve.

Prime News
The will be a segment on CNN's "Prime News" about Tara Grinstead, Stacy Peterson and Jennifer Kesse. The story will air on Dec 24 and Dec 31 at 5 PM.
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Thanks, Zorro for the heads up. Maybe keeping these cases in the news will bring resolve just like in Caylee Anthony's case. Could be a hero meter reader out there who needs a nudge.
Who didn't provide a sample of DNA that we would be interested in? And it's not as if it couldn't be retrieved...I watched The Cold Case Squad on WE last night and they followed the prime suspect around waiting for him to toss a cigarette butt somewhere...and I mean they followed him for days. These are actual LE who are filmed. It was fascinating.
Maybe the glove was a red herring, placed there by the killer. Possibly taken from the trash of a hospital, doctor's office and or ambulance worker on the sly. For example if the killer/abductor was a cop, he would have access to ER, ect. to grab a glove and throw it out in the yard.
I seen Tara's Case last night on CNN . I think they were doing a semi documentry on some of the high proffile cases that are still unsolved . I just happend to catch it while they were talking to her i beleive aunt maybe her sister not really sure someone in Tara's Immed familly 1 thing i really didnt understand is even if the power did go out and thats why her clock was 6 hours back wouldn't u just have to ask the imediate neibhour on either side of the house surely if Tara's went out then so would a neibhour's a does anyone know if they even asked the next door neibhour's ? . Rgardless weather or not her power went out i do not know one person that keeps there bedroom clock i assume the clock she would use to get up for school so u know its important no one keeps it under the dam bed ..I also think the guy on CNN said something he shouldn;t have when he talked about a stalker but even woarse this crime just being random because of the location of this town to the highway a purp could come in pick a target and just get on the whatever highway it is and be gone. This case has been hard enough without this guy stating nationally on tv that it could be random and shows the route to the hwy showing why it could be random . I just think it was dumb taking even one mind off of the people in that town not to get them shinking about a stranger even mike brooks spoke up when he tated that saying it was someone she new..
Maybe the glove was a red herring, placed there by the killer. Possibly taken from the trash of a hospital, doctor's office and or ambulance worker on the sly. For example if the killer/abductor was a cop, he would have access to ER, ect. to grab a glove and throw it out in the yard.

IIRC the glove was matched back to the senior center that was used as a command post at one time. The lot matched a box of gloves from there.

In regards to spec on a perp, I do not have a favorite candidate by any stretch. It amazes me that this case which the GBI states is solvable (am I remembering correctly) still is hanging out there.
IIRC the glove was matched back to the senior center that was used as a command post at one time. The lot matched a box of gloves from there.

In regards to spec on a perp, I do not have a favorite candidate by any stretch. It amazes me that this case which the GBI states is solvable (am I remembering correctly) still is hanging out there.

The problem with this case is speculation and hearsay and misinformation. I know it was speculated that the glove could be from the senior citizen center but that has not been verified by GBI. What has been said by GBI is that the glove ties into Tara's disappearance vs. a plant. Many of us were on the planted evidence aspect for awhile until July 2008 when Rothwell said the DNA was unknown and that it did tie in to Tara's disappearance. That is when he said the possibility of third party involvement was something they were looking at and no one was eliminated.

I am pretty sure it wasn't blood of Tara's found on the glove unless someone lied to me so it has to be other DNA of Tara's. Saliva or hair comes to mind but I don't know for sure.

It looks like to me that someone was hired/requested/beseeched to kidnap Tara and then the chips fell where they did. Wherever that is.

There is a loose factor and if the male DNA was known then the rest would be history.

This is an extremely frustrating case with more peripheral elements than I have ever run across in other cases.
The problem with this case is speculation and hearsay and misinformation. I know it was speculated that the glove could be from the senior citizen center but that has not been verified by GBI. What has been said by GBI is that the glove ties into Tara's disappearance vs. a plant. Many of us were on the planted evidence aspect for awhile until July 2008 when Rothwell said the DNA was unknown and that it did tie in to Tara's disappearance. That is when he said the possibility of third party involvement was something they were looking at and no one was eliminated.

I am pretty sure it wasn't blood of Tara's found on the glove unless someone lied to me so it has to be other DNA of Tara's. Saliva or hair comes to mind but I don't know for sure.

It looks like to me that someone was hired/requested/beseeched to kidnap Tara and then the chips fell where they did. Wherever that is.

There is a loose factor and if the male DNA was known then the rest would be history.

This is an extremely frustrating case with more peripheral elements than I have ever run across in other cases.

I am looking madly for the link to a statement regarding the senior citizen center and the glove, so while I dig it up I did find this interesting article on lifting evidence from a latex glove...enjoy!
I am looking madly for the link to a statement regarding the senior citizen center and the glove, so while I dig it up I did find this interesting article on lifting evidence from a latex glove...enjoy!

Good article and it explains the whys a print can't always be lifted. It truly depends on the method. It also explains GBI saying they have a partial degraded print that would have to be analyzed manually vs. a data base.

We have so much to learn on all these cases.
They're talking about this case in great detail on Prime news now (Nancy Grace station). It's almost 7 PM est. Tara's sister is on.
This case frustrates me so much. I have looked in every corner. Many corners. I know GBI has looked too. It points but doesn't clarify. It is like Tara disappeared and all the people that loved her weren't viable anymore. The fingers pointed and the defamation appeared. Many trying to make her something less than she was and others, trying to make her more than she was.

The only thing I know for sure is that she is missing. She has been missing since October 2005. I really want justice for Tara. Her mom died in June of this year and I know that part of the acceleration of her death was looking for Tara.

Just a few of us left that look for Tara. But, I made a promise to her mom when I learned of her death to keep trying. I will. But, this isn't easy.
This case frustrates me so much. I have looked in every corner. Many corners. I know GBI has looked too. It points but doesn't clarify. It is like Tara disappeared and all the people that loved her weren't viable anymore. The fingers pointed and the defamation appeared. Many trying to make her something less than she was and others, trying to make her more than she was.

The only thing I know for sure is that she is missing. She has been missing since October 2005. I really want justice for Tara. Her mom died in June of this year and I know that part of the acceleration of her death was looking for Tara.

Just a few of us left that look for Tara. But, I made a promise to her mom when I learned of her death to keep trying. I will. But, this isn't easy.

Depending on your beliefs, or anyone's beliefs, CP-Tara's mom knows where she is now.

What if we throw out everything we know about the interior of the house simply because there were people tramping in and out of it who likely dug through things looking for clues to where she might be...

What if we throw out anything alleged to be found inside of the car because the individual who processed the vehicle should have recused himself and any defense attorney worth their salt will get any information regarding the car thrown out....JMO.

What do we have?

We have a glove that has been stated, at least lately, to be definitive evidence of foul play and a key piece to the puzzle.

We have a number of players-some who have been allegedly cleared and some who seem to be considered people of interest.

We have specific pieces of property that have NOT been searched, at least to my knowlege, which would give us and the world an opportunity to focus on different locations, ie the Harper property. IIRC there are some wells there as well as on other pieces of property....

We have the fire on Snapdragon Rd where dogs hit on accelerant and some kind of human something-I remember reading statements about diapers vs actual decomp.
Depending on your beliefs, or anyone's beliefs, CP-Tara's mom knows where she is now.

What if we throw out everything we know about the interior of the house simply because there were people tramping in and out of it who likely dug through things looking for clues to where she might be...

What if we throw out anything alleged to be found inside of the car because the individual who processed the vehicle should have recused himself and any defense attorney worth their salt will get any information regarding the car thrown out....JMO.

What do we have?

We have a glove that has been stated, at least lately, to be definitive evidence of foul play and a key piece to the puzzle.

We have a number of players-some who have been allegedly cleared and some who seem to be considered people of interest.

We have specific pieces of property that have NOT been searched, at least to my knowlege, which would give us and the world an opportunity to focus on different locations, ie the Harper property. IIRC there are some wells there as well as on other pieces of property....

We have the fire on Snapdragon Rd where dogs hit on accelerant and some kind of human something-I remember reading statements about diapers vs actual decomp.

Good post and you are on target. Yes, Faye and Tara are together now but justice still needs to be served for crimes done to both of them.

Availability to searchers of some Harper property was denied. LE has to have probable cause so the independent searches were left to those property owners who allowed their property to be searched. I don't believe at this point that any remains would be found on Harper property.

Snapdragon Rd. fire had evidence of human decomposition. The taped off area was tagged by GBI not the arson investigator. The arson investigator's report was prepared from his standpoint of the fire. The baby urine "Hit" was almost immediate from the time of the fire as in don't talk about cadaver hits this was baby urine. Yeah! right.This ridiculous comment made the rounds and then cadaver dogs were discounted as not credible.

Alibis were set up IMO. The third party DNA is the crux of the matter. The possibilities are endless given the connections of some of the parties. Layer upon layer.
It's so good that you are still trying to sort through Tara's case. I have been absent lately, for many reasons but I wish I could come back in to it all and see something that I just missed all of those others times. I feel dry when it comes to new ideas. But I am always open.

There just has to be someone besides the man who took Tara that knows about it all. I agree with you Believe09, when you threw out the areas that could be compromised in a court case. The glove and the fire seem to be the only areas that we could build on.

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