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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I'm watching 48 hrs now. I have heard the name but didn't follow this case so it is all new to me.

They just had the ex-boy on and he has already hit my hinky meter. He said that he last saw her a week before she disappeared, and she was irrational. Very often in DV the abuser/stalker or whatever will say the other is irrational.
She was so beautiful.........jealousy.....boy friend???
piece of evidence that was secret coming up next........commercial
CBI tight lipped about evidence now telling about a latex glove.........
DNA male on glove and a match to any boy friends
or on data base nationally...........3rd party??? accident and covered up?
looking for audience to come forward if they know anything..........
now similiar to Jennifer Kesse......another state.............
I'm watching 48 hrs now. I have heard the name but didn't follow this case so it is all new to me.

They just had the ex-boy on and he has already hit my hinky meter. He said that he last saw her a week before she disappeared, and she was irrational. Very often in DV the abuser/stalker or whatever will say the other is irrational.

I always trust your hinky meter. You are one of the ones that call it straight. There was nothing new on the episode still looking at the "obvious" ones. The third person DNA is butt stumping. There is a correlation which we don't know. Obviously, not a felon in the prison system but someone who has knowledge of the "obvious" one.
where is Jennifer Kesse thread, I could swear there used to be one........48 hours talking about her now.......
I remember both these cases just like it was sad.........never thought they would be connected........very short man...........???
DVD in back stealing..........just interested in Jennifer...........
Jennifer complained about workers at her apt. building staring at her........stayed at the building......147 units.......only 1/2 occupied.......transit workers.........dogs tracked back to her apartment............reminds me of a book I read.....THE GIFT OF FEAR.......
she may of been feeling unsafe by the construction workers............
but how do the LE think this is linked to Tara???/
Jennifer complained about workers at her apt. building staring at her........stayed at the building......147 units.......only 1/2 occupied.......transit workers.........dogs tracked back to her apartment............reminds me of a book I read.....THE GIFT OF FEAR.......
she may of been feeling unsafe by the construction workers............
but how do the LE think this is linked to Tara???/

Its not connected. LE looked at it for the time frame. And, the show. Jennifer, IMO, was abducted by a worker at the condos who has fled to another state or back to Mexico.

Tara was abducted and killed by someone local. IMO. Someone who knew her and had reason to rid himself of her.

The connection is that they vanished and haven't been found.
I read somewhere, and I think here at WS, that the latex glove was traced to a lot from a nursing home. If that is true, does anyone know where this nursing home was? Ocilla - there's four in town - or Fitzgerald, GA, or - Hawkinsville GA? Would be interesting to know also if any of these had any construction/rehab being done at the time Tara went missing. Transient construction workers, especially trades like painters/drywall, travel in groups. Possible that a group traveled south to Orlando to work at Jennifer Kesse's condo complex. Wouldn't be too much for such workers to maybe pick up latex gloves at a nursing home to use on the job?:waitasec:
I read somewhere, and I think here at WS, that the latex glove was traced to a lot from a nursing home. If that is true, does anyone know where this nursing home was? Ocilla - there's four in town - or Fitzgerald, GA, or - Hawkinsville GA? Would be interesting to know also if any of these had any construction/rehab being done at the time Tara went missing. Transient construction workers, especially trades like painters/drywall, travel in groups. Possible that a group traveled south to Orlando to work at Jennifer Kesse's condo complex. Wouldn't be too much for such workers to maybe pick up latex gloves at a nursing home to use on the job?:waitasec:

Not likely given how much we know about Tara's case. Home grown variety IMO.
Does anyone remember the name of the software salesman that called on Tara - what about a photo of Mike Lankford - anyone have one? Oh, also, can anyone provide details on who was hosting the BBQ and on what street in Ocilla it was on?
Does anyone remember the name of the software salesman that called on Tara - what about a photo of Mike Lankford - anyone have one? Oh, also, can anyone provide details on who was hosting the BBQ and on what street in Ocilla it was on?

Can do but I have to go to bed as work comes early. I can assure you that none of the aforementioned killed Tara.
Can do but I have to go to bed as work comes early. I can assure you that none of the aforementioned killed Tara.

Thanks! You seem to be "in the know" on who is responsible for Tara's disappearance - can you share your thoughts? Give me a name and I believe I can give you a location to search.
Yikes-she sure inspired some interesting behaviors in the people around her...I remember reading this, and I have to believe that this kid was pretty well vetted by GBI...I have no proof of that, lol.

The question for me is what would get Tara out of her bed after having apparently retired to it, where if a struggle ensued it seems to barely have disturbed anything in her house...or at least if things were disturbed it is hard to attribute it to anyone other than her cat, or people searching through her clothing....she didn't cry out, since she was 15 feet from the nearest house and had a big strong voice....It wasn't a call on her cell phone or least not one that has been discussed in the press. If someone came to her door, they risked being viewed by at least the Poirer's...something caused her to take her purse and keys, but not her cell phone. To possibly lock the front door, but to unlock her car-did she take something out of her car? I wonder if she didn't take her phone because the battery needed to be charged....this is assuming she went voluntarily with whomever might have stopped by.

So maddening!!!
I just watched the re-run on TV tonight and started looking up info. What you say here gave me an idea. Tara took her purse and keys but not her cell phone. It's possible that after going to bed, she realized that she accidently left her purse in her car and went out to retrieve it. She wouldn't take her cell phone if that was all she was going outside for. And someone was out there waiting for her. Could be.
I always trust your hinky meter. You are one of the ones that call it straight. There was nothing new on the episode still looking at the "obvious" ones. The third person DNA is butt stumping. There is a correlation which we don't know. Obviously, not a felon in the prison system but someone who has knowledge of the "obvious" one.

Yeah, but then they got to discussing the similarity with the Kesse case and now I am not sure. DV cases are about rage and/or control. They won't give the control over to someone else to carryout unless they are incarcerated usually. Esp. if it is the stalker type.

With the Kesse tie in, that could be a serial tie in. But if so there would probably be some cases before those two. Because those two cases were clean, this guy has practice- yet no DNA match says he has never been caught. Could be an LE type person or imitating an LE. It would explain why no one heard the girls scream, no sign of a struggle. Or they could have caught them unlocking their car doors and shoved them in or held a gun on them. Kind of like a mall kidnapping.

But being from two different cities, where did he take them then and where did he dump them? Was he out of his safety zone in one of them? Or was he familiar with both cities? Could he live in one city, had gone to college in the other? This guy picked high class neighborhoods, but didn't burglarize. He didn't want what they had, he wanted what they were. My guess is that he is young, late 20's maybe.

Wasn't something found in one of the vehicles that hadn't been there before? I wonder if they found prints on that?
Since I've seen this before, I looked at different things this time and I'm surprised at what I noticed that I missed all of the other times.

!. I was told in the very beginning that there was a pageant video of the Sweet Potato Pageant. Then I was told that there never was one. Then how did they show footage from it last night??

2. I have always been told that Tara's clothes were found on the divan beside her bed and yet this footage clearly shows Tara's clothes and shoes on the floor. What's interesting about this is the fact that if Tara had the time, she was meticulous about putting her shoes away in their boxes. She bought expensive shoes and took good care of them. Also, we were told that her earrings were missing. This whole scene looks like Tara was right in the middle of getting changed when someone changed her mind, either by phone or in person. Earrings might be the last thing I would take off if I were changing too. I feel that her clothes changing was interrupted by someone. With her phone and keys being gone, it also points to a sudden change in plans. JMO

3. When I looked at both Maria H. and Oshja A. I felt how lost they looked without Tara being here. If Tara left on her on accord, she would most likely have hinted something to them. Not necessarily, just likely. They both said without saying that they felt MH was respsonsible.

4. They never said HD's name even though they danced around the whole issue. I thought that odd. Why not bring every thing to the surface? We've been told that no one has a solid alibi for the 36 hours that Tara was not accounted for.

5. I would still like to know what JDA's alibi is. That still doesn't sit right with me. He should have recused him self in the search for Tara's car IMO. I still get the heebie Jeebie's when I look at his photo. Can't explain it but it won't go away. I think he knows something. JMO

All of this is just my opinion.
Thanks! You seem to be "in the know" on who is responsible for Tara's disappearance - can you share your thoughts? Give me a name and I believe I can give you a location to search.

How is this possible and don't you think you should contact LE?? :waitasec:
I just watched the re-run on TV tonight and started looking up info. What you say here gave me an idea. Tara took her purse and keys but not her cell phone. It's possible that after going to bed, she realized that she accidently left her purse in her car and went out to retrieve it. She wouldn't take her cell phone if that was all she was going outside for. And someone was out there waiting for her. Could be.

My bold and italics...I like this idea, and not just because you quoted my post, lol!!!

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