General Discussions #4

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golfmom said:
A family member would be in the best position, but if you were ordering soccer equipment wouldn't it be a good idea to have a team to place the orders. Especially if you were trying to get a lot of gear at once. You know those $200 golden shoes add up fast.

You know that's interesting actually. Certainly a family member would have an emotional interest in helping Raven out in anyway possible maybe? I mean sure, helping out with criminal activity is a little on the EXTREME side, but who knows, maybe there are people who would truly do anything, albeit criminal, to help another family member.... In that vein though, don't I remember reading on these boards that all of the family members were outside of NC, mostly in Utah or somewhere? That might complicate using someone like that as an accomplice I suppose???? Who knows... But a theory worth exploring I think...
SouthEastSleuth said:
You know that's interesting actually. Certainly a family member would have an emotional interest in helping Raven out in anyway possible maybe? I mean sure, helping out with criminal activity is a little on the EXTREME side, but who knows, maybe there are people who would truly do anything, albeit criminal, to help another family member.... In that vein though, don't I remember reading on these boards that all of the family members were outside of NC, mostly in Utah or somewhere? That might complicate using someone like that as an accomplice I suppose???? Who knows... But a theory worth exploring I think...

Lots of shipping costs involved there.

But seriously, who exactly is paying for Raven's defense attorney on the embezzlement issues. I would think that his ability to secure a loan very questionable.
golfmom said:
Lots of shipping costs involved there.

But seriously, who exactly is paying for Raven's defense attorney on the embezzlement issues. I would think that his ability to secure a loan very questionable.
That is exactly what I was thinking! Who is paying for his attorney? And, I thought someone posted he pleaded guilty and was going to pay for damages and a fine? Who would pay for this? Surely it would be family member.

Another tidbit: A trust fund account for Janet Abaroa (not Kaiden) was set up at an Electrician Credit Union in Utah......imo, maybe this is how his family is helping him pay for his defense?????
golfmom said:
Lots of shipping costs involved there.

But seriously, who exactly is paying for Raven's defense attorney on the embezzlement issues. I would think that his ability to secure a loan very questionable.
Now THAT is an excellent point, on two fronts actually.

We know he has to have a lawyer for the embezzlement charges (at least as referenced by the ADA comment about meeting with Raven's lawyer)...AND, it was reported early on that Raven had hired any attorney, after Janet's murder (as I recall we even have the attorney's name somewhere).

So unless Raven somehow secured a court appointed attorney (is that possible for something like these embezzlement charges?), then who's paying the bills here? I mean presumably at that point, with selling off possessions, losing a job, etc.,etc., you would not think there was any spare money lying around anywhere to use to hire a lawyer.....

And if someone else IS indeed paying his legal bills, then WHO? and WHY? A friend? Again, a family member? A former lover? I would SPECULATE that a family member is again most likely, simply if for no other reason, he's family.
SouthEastSleuth said:
I would SPECULATE that a family member is again most likely, simply if for no other reason, he's family.
And didn't we read somewhere his step-father was an electrician, which would make it him or his wife (raven's mother) that set up the trust fund....hmmmm.....
ewwwinteresting said:
That is exactly what I was thinking! Who is paying for his attorney? And, I thought someone posted he pleaded guilty and was going to pay for damages and a fine? Who would pay for this? Surely it would be family member.

Another tidbit: A trust fund account for Janet Abaroa (not Kaiden) was set up at an Electrician Credit Union in Utah......imo, maybe this is how his family is helping him pay for his defense?????

I think the whole I've plead guilty and I've moved on with my life is a bunch of smoke and mirrors garbage. I confirmed that the case for the embezzlement is still active.

hmmmm the Credit Union info is interesting. This trust fund stuff for a baby with a father who is capable of working confuses me. Look I can understand if both parents were killed somehow, but otherwise ... why the trust fund?
golfmom said:
hmmmm the Credit Union info is interesting. This trust fund stuff for a baby with a father who is capable of working confuses me. Look I can understand if both parents were killed somehow, but otherwise ... why the trust fund?
I agree. I almost understand a trust fund set up for Kaiden by Janet's parents, if they are thinking Raven won't be around to support him or can't make good financial decisions. Maybe, keeping the money for Kaiden's college fund or something like that. BUT asking for money in the name of Janet for Raven......imo, absurd!
Just jumping in and throwing out a new idea I haven't seen anywhere yet. I have a friend on another message board who works in NC doing auxilary office type stuff for LE. Anyway a week or two ago, this friend mentioned that they (LE) were looking into the possiblity that Janet's murder was drug related. This is just stuff overheard at the office and may mean that they may think one or both Abaroas had some sort of involvement with drugs or that maybe someone (the murderer?) thought they had drugs. Being a rental, the house may have had some drug involvement in the past.
If someone was looking for drugs, I'd expect the entire place to be ransacked and we don't have any indication that it was.
And if we were talking about drug addicts I would think there would be a lot of stuff missing. And if there were a lot of stuff missing, LE wouldn't have popped off so quick that this wasn't a random crime.

I mean if you lived in that area wouldn't you then be worried about someone breaking into your house murdering you or your loved ones?
ewwwinteresting said:
That is exactly what I was thinking! Who is paying for his attorney? And, I thought someone posted he pleaded guilty and was going to pay for damages and a fine? Who would pay for this? Surely it would be family member.

Another tidbit: A trust fund account for Janet Abaroa (not Kaiden) was set up at an Electrician Credit Union in Utah......imo, maybe this is how his family is helping him pay for his defense?????
I'm in UT and haven't heard a peep in the news here about the case or a trust fund. Do you have any other information on the trust fund in Janet's name? Is it posted on here somewhere else and I missed it? Thanks
newkid said:
Just jumping in and throwing out a new idea I haven't seen anywhere yet. I have a friend on another message board who works in NC doing auxilary office type stuff for LE. Anyway a week or two ago, this friend mentioned that they (LE) were looking into the possiblity that Janet's murder was drug related. This is just stuff overheard at the office and may mean that they may think one or both Abaroas had some sort of involvement with drugs or that maybe someone (the murderer?) thought they had drugs. Being a rental, the house may have had some drug involvement in the past.
Maybe Raven (it seems unlikely that Janet was on drugs) was using and owed this supplier? The supplier stated pay me or I'll hurt your family. That would make it not random. Have I been watching too many crime shows????
newkid said:
I'm in UT and haven't heard a peep in the news here about the case or a trust fund. Do you have any other information on the trust fund in Janet's name? Is it posted on here somewhere else and I missed it? Thanks

On the funeral tacky, in my opinion! No mention of the trust fund for Kaiden on the program. Was posted by MissYouJanet that Janet's parents were accepting donations on behalf of him.
ewwwinteresting said:
Maybe Raven (it seems unlikely that Janet was on drugs) was using and owed this supplier? The supplier stated pay me or I'll hurt your family. That would make it not random. Have I been watching too many crime shows????

Then why was Kaiden left unharmed and no property of value to Raven was destroyed or taken?
golfmom said:
Then why was Kaiden left unharmed and nothing of value to Raven was destroyed or taken?
Oh, don't get me wrong, I wasn't buying into it, just wanted to throw another very unlikely possiblity out there :D
Interesting about the drug aspect. If drugs do play a role in this, it might not be that it was someone looking for drugs at all, thus no ransack. It very well could be a money owed situation, either as a user or supplier, and when monies weren't coughed up, someone was looking for something -- maybe cash/valuables and it wasn't known someone would be there, or murder actually was the intent as punishment or a message. It could have been the intent to harm Janet as a message to Raven, or it could have been the intent to harm Raven himself, or both if no witnesses wanted, as punishment but he wasn't there. If there was someone he owed money to, whether it be drugs or something else, LE may have a good idea of who and it would explain why it wasn't "random" and also why they are being tight-lipped about it.
golfmom said:
Then why was Kaiden left unharmed and no property of value to Raven was destroyed or taken?

Because Kaiden is too young to bear witness, and they didn't have anything of value worth taking? Just playing devils advocate!
LvsAMystry said:
It could have been the intent to harm Janet as a message to Raven, or it could have been the intent to harm Raven himself, or both if no witnesses wanted, as punishment but he wasn't there. If there was someone he owed money to, whether it be drugs or something else, LE may have a good idea of who and it would explain why it wasn't "random" and also why they are being tight-lipped about it.

If I wanted to send a message I would have grabbed a baseball bat and headed for his VX.
LvsAMystry said:
Because Kaiden is too young to bear witness, and they didn't have anything of value worth taking? Just playing devils advocate!

Just look at the big boy toys, they had some cash sunk into stuff. There had to be stuff lying around to grab or destroy.
golfmom said:
If I wanted to send a message I would have grabbed a baseball bat and headed for his VX.

Well, that's the rational way of sending a message. Or something like that! :crazy:
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