General Discussions #5

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curious1 said:
See that is what bothers me about focusing on that statement from LE. We should look at ALL possibilities, non random AND random. How do we know what guidlines this group is using to determine random or not. And I always thought the abduction statment in Jessica's case was dumb.

This is the point Ive been making. Yes, I think Raven is a valid suspect...but to only focus on him is a mistake IMO...given how very little we actually know about this case. The problem is..he is the only one we can focus on, as we know nothing else about who may or may not have had contact with Janet.
SouthEastSleuth said:
However, would it not be EQUALLY as suspicious if the police arrived, and find Raven absolutely clean and spotless, no blood whatsoever??
I don't know about this. I think it would completely depend on the person involved. I can't even imagine what a scene like this would look like in real life, with your real loved one's blood all over the place. I just can't imagine. It could be that he didn't want to touch her and risk hurting her more or it could be that it freaked him out so badly that he ran downstairs. I honestly don't know if I could cradle my husband's dead or dying bloody body while waiting for LE to arrive. I think that it would freak me out too much.
JerseyGirl said:
I don't know about this. I think it would completely depend on the person involved. I can't even imagine what a scene like this would look like in real life, with your real loved one's blood all over the place. I just can't imagine. It could be that he didn't want to touch her and risk hurting her more or it could be that it freaked him out so badly that he ran downstairs. I honestly don't know if I could cradle my husband's dead or dying bloody body while waiting for LE to arrive. I think that it would freak me out too much.
I can definitely see your point Jersey. And as you say, it might just depend on the person, etc. I know one thing for absolute CERTAIN though, I walked in and saw that, I would at LEAST have to check to see if the person was still alive or not...I know I would. But, you're 100% right, it all depends on the person...
Timex said:
This is the point Ive been making. Yes, I think Raven is a valid suspect...but to only focus on him is a mistake IMO...given how very little we actually know about this case. The problem is..he is the only one we can focus on, as we know nothing else about who may or may not have had contact with Janet.
I know! Ugh! How frustrating! Does anyone want to count how many times this :banghead: has been used in these 5 threads? :crazy:
SouthEastSleuth said:
I absolutely agree.

However, would it not be EQUALLY as suspicious if the police arrived, and find Raven absolutely clean and spotless, no blood whatsoever??

I mean what husband would come home, find his wife, with "large amounts of blood" on and around her, and not REACH FOR HER??? To see if she was still alive? Basic human nature: this is YOUR WIFE. The woman with you're in love. The mother of your child. Speculation sure, but, I dare say that MOST husbands would be right there with their wife...touching her, holding her, etc.
............i agree on early media report stated that when LE arrived the husband told them his wife was upstairs hurt...

...hurt ??? if he truly believed at that point that she was hurt, ( and not dead), i would definitely expect him to be holding her....and therefore covered in blood...
lauriej said:
............i agree on early media report stated that when LE arrived the husband told them his wife was upstairs hurt...

...hurt ??? if he truly believed at that point that she was hurt, ( and not dead), i would definitely expect him to be holding her....and therefore covered in blood...
That's a good point ... if I believed my spouse to be hurt and not dead, I would definitely be in the room with him, talking to him until paramedics arrived. It's only if I thought he was dead that I'd probably run screaming.

Could it be that Raven was up and down the steps waiting on LE's arrival? Maybe told Janet to hold on, they'll be here any minute, and then run down to check the driveway? Maybe he didn't get too close because he was scared but he could have been in the doorway talking to her?
"Nothing in the investigation so far indicates that the homicide was a random act," Durham Police Department spokeswoman Kammie Michael said in a statement

No charges have been filed in the case, and investigators are still looking into several possibilities, Michael said.

So what are the "several possibilities"?
JerseyGirl said:
That's a good point ... if I believed my spouse to be hurt and not dead, I would definitely be in the room with him, talking to him until paramedics arrived. It's only if I thought he was dead that I'd probably run screaming.

Could it be that Raven was up and down the steps waiting on LE's arrival? Maybe told Janet to hold on, they'll be here any minute, and then run down to check the driveway? Maybe he didn't get too close because he was scared but he could have been in the doorway talking to her?
And there is still that UNCONFIRMED report that 911 was not his first call. Rather he called one of Janet's teammates first.
juliagoulia said:
And there is still that UNCONFIRMED report that 911 was not his first call. Rather he called one of Janet's teammates first.

Where is this report? And why would he call them if the co-workers were already at the house when he got there?
Timex said:
Where is this report? And why would he call them if the co-workers were already at the house when he got there?

My guess is he did call 9-1-1 based on what was released in the request for the search warrant. I think the co-workers arrived after he did ... maybe after the police arrived.
Got My Mojo Back, and Notes From All Over...

A new 'blog entry -- I touch on the Abaroa case as well as several others, like the Groene murders & abduction in Idaho.

I post this here because in an earlier discussion thread others made note of the video "scoop" by Durham station WTVD from June 3rd, their highlighting of the longer Abaroa Xmas video -- you know, the one that I had a link to on The Dark Side around May 20th?

I addressed that in the segment of my blog entry about Janet's murder.

Mr. A.
:laugh: I'll stay on this one till the man has a cellmate who thinks he looks purty in orange.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Timex said:
"Nothing in the investigation so far indicates that the homicide was a random act," Durham Police Department spokeswoman Kammie Michael said in a statement

No charges have been filed in the case, and investigators are still looking into several possibilities, Michael said.

So what are the "several possibilities"?
This statement was as of June 3, 2005:
"The 25-year-old mother was found stabbed to death inside her Ferrand Drive home on April 26. Investigators have not revealed any suspects. They say it was not a random crime and the public is not in any danger."

It seems that nobody wants to get off the merry go round. The police have stated numerous times IT IS NOT A RANDOM CRIME! The crime was murder. The murder was not random. The public is not in danger, which means they must know who did it and where that person is...otherwise we would be in danger if a murderer is on the run!

I guess I have to say imo but it appears to be the opinion of LE also.
ewwwinteresting said:
This statement was as of June 3, 2005:
"The 25-year-old mother was found stabbed to death inside her Ferrand Drive home on April 26. Investigators have not revealed any suspects. They say it was not a random crime and the public is not in any danger."

It seems that nobody wants to get off the merry go round. The police have stated numerous times IT IS NOT A RANDOM CRIME! The crime was murder. The murder was not random. The public is not in danger, which means they must know who did it and where that person is...otherwise we would be in danger if a murderer is on the run!

I guess I have to say imo but it appears to be the opinion of LE also.

Yes, and Jessica was not abducted from her home either, right? Since LE said they had no signs of an abduction.

The same article also says they are investigating SEVERAL possibilities, yet no one seems to want to mention that part.
Timex said:
The same article also says they are investigating SEVERAL possibilities, yet no one seems to want to mention that part.
Sorry, I don't see that statement in the June 3, 2005 article.
Timex said:
Yes, and Jessica was not abducted from her home either, right? Since LE said they had no signs of an abduction.

The same article also says they are investigating SEVERAL possibilities, yet no one seems to want to mention that part.

I am at the point now that I believe Raven Abaroa murdered Janet. And previously we have had many discussions regarding the several possibilities. I've gone around in circles so many times on this case that I have really caught my tail.

I never jumped on accusing Jessica's family, I never jumped on accusing the runaway bride's fiance, I haven't jumped on the Fox case.

I'm jumping here ... I feel I have enough to satisfy myself to make that leap. If you're not, I'm good with that. I am always open to discussing other ideas.
golfmom said:
Timex, I hope that we've been able to help you by answering your questions today. I'm sorry, if it's a problem, but ... yes, I am at the point now that I believe Raven Abaroa murdered Janet. And previously we have had many discussions regarding the several possibilities. I've gone around in circles so many times on this case that I have really caught my tail.

I never jumped on accusing Jessica's family, I never jumped on accusing the runaway bride's fiance, I haven't jumped on the Fox case.

I'm jumping here ... I feel I have enough to satisfy myself to make that leap. If you're not, I'm good with that. I am always open to discussing other ideas.

Yes, but you have information the rest of us arent privy too, so perhaps we cant make that leap. I can olny go by what Law Enforcement has said...and that is they are following several different theories. IMO, I would be remiss just to accept anothers opinion without bothering to check things out for myself. I have no problem with you thinking Raven did this. That of course, is your right. However, it is also my opinion that we simply do not have enough information to know just who else knew Janet...who else may have had an interest in Janet...who else LE may have their eyes on. I am not ready to say there is absolutley no other possible suspect other than Raven. Perhaps that time will come, but right now...I just dont know enough to say that every other person in Durham has been eliminated as a suspect.
Timex said:
Perhaps that time will come, but right now...I just dont know enough to say that every other person in Durham has been eliminated as a suspect.


I just get worried because I feel like I'm walking a tight-rope. I would be more than willing to share the other information, but I've been told that it is against board policy. I would have been better off doing the whole I know something you don't know, rather than freely sharing the information I've been given, and I now find myself in a pickle here.
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