General Discussions #6

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NCBanker said:
I want to touch on a couple of items:

A. Raven continues to have a defense attorney because he has an upcoming embezzlement case. When all this started, he simply reached out to this attorney who was representing him in order to get advice from counsel. I'm not defending him in any way. I'm just clearing that up.
NCBanker--where did you see that he only has a lawyer for his embezzlement charges? I thought that we have discussed here that he also retained counsel after Janet's murder. Bringing up the count of lawyers to 2.

Just curious to see if you are privy to some new information.

Here's one of the articles from the Media Thread that says he retained counsel sometime in the week after Janet's murder.
I could be wrong on this, but my local information tells me he only has one (1) attorney. Think about it... If you already had an attorney representing you, would you go out and get another attorney?!? I wouldn't. I'd call the guy I know, with whom I've already been working. I'm 99% certain they're one in the same.

Jenifred said:
NCBanker--where did you see that he only has a lawyer for his embezzlement charges? I thought that we have discussed here that he also retained counsel after Janet's murder. Bringing up the count of lawyers to 2.

Just curious to see if you are privy to some new information.

Here's one of the articles from the Media Thread that says he retained counsel sometime in the week after Janet's murder.
NCBanker said:
I could be wrong on this, but my local information tells me he only has one (1) attorney. Think about it... If you already had an attorney representing you, would you go out and get another attorney?!? I wouldn't. I'd call the guy I know, with whom I've already been working. I'm 99% certain they're one in the same.
Good morning! I was of the understanding that Raven had an attorney for the embezzlement charges who is female, and that his attorney for the (not sure what to call it - let's go with pending murder investigation, possible murder charges?) is Julian Mack.

Hope this helps. Thanks!
Hey everybody! I have been watching the WS news, crimeblogs since the week of Janet's murder. I received a phone call that week from a good friend. My screen name is Annandale for a reason. I and 2 of my brothers graduated from Annandale HS. One of my brothers dated Janet the last 2 years of her HS. When I found out I was sick to my stomach. I have several friends who know and mourn Janet. Some of them even attended her wake at The Churchof Latter Day Saints. There were also a lot of parents there. Most were representing for their children who could not come in on the short notice. I thought you might find it interesting that Raven DID NOT attend the second memorial.That is confirmed on several witnesses. Janet was everything you say she is. When we all found out it was sickening. My mother out of all was devastated. We have 6 in our family. And every significant other becomes another branch. I am very sad to say that none of us has actually been in contact since we moved from Annandale in 1998. I moved to Raleigh,NC with my family. so when I received phone calls saying she was killed in Durham I was shocked. I was never great friends with Janet but I just wished some one would have told us she moved so close by. I had just been in the area a few days before her murder delivering flowers for a neighbors company. It made me literally ill to know I drove by the main road the house is off from and had no idea it even exsisted.
Any how, enough rambling. what finally made me come and join the WS was the speculation on Samiha. Again I do not know her but a very, very close friend does. She has been in contact with her a couple times since the murder. samiha was a good friend of Janet's and didn't want to taint any articles with it. First and foremost she wanted the story to be told. Also she was nice enough to let us know that the autopsy is not being released to the reporters or any body. Her family does know the results.You can request it yourself as it is public knowldege. But as I have requested it several weeks ago and have no response I am sure they will stall for a very long time. But I am just an average Joe. I will be reading the posts and news everyday to see justice come forward.NCBanker I give great credit to you for going to the house to take pictures. My mother and I wanted to just to see the oplace but we did chicken out. The thought alone made my stomach lurch. i am a mother of three now and my heart goes out to Kaiden. I can't even imagine what went on in the house that night. But thank goodness he was too small to remember so we hope.
Moxie said:
Good morning! I was of the understanding that Raven had an attorney for the embezzlement charges who is female, and that his attorney for the (not sure what to call it - let's go with pending murder investigation, possible murder charges?) is Julian Mack.

Hope this helps. Thanks!

This is interesting. Like NCBanker, I was under the impression, locally, if you will, that Raven hired Julian Mack for the the embezzlement charges, and then retained his services "again" the week after Janet's murder, in the event he needed legal advice in regards to Janet's death.

If there is another lawyer Moxie, I do know for a fact that Julian Mack is the one that met with the ADA in Orange County last month, re., the embezzlement charges. Now that said, it's certainly possible that Raven could have retained Mack initially, but has now hired someone new, I don't know that at all..
NCBanker said:
I could be wrong on this, but my local information tells me he only has one (1) attorney. Think about it... If you already had an attorney representing you, would you go out and get another attorney?!? I wouldn't. I'd call the guy I know, with whom I've already been working. I'm 99% certain they're one in the same.
I'm kind of dumb to the whole courts and lawyers, but don't they specialize? And wouldn't "pending murder invesigation" (thanks, Moxie) be different than embezzlement? I mean does Mark Garagos do real estate law too?--just trying to be humorous.
SouthEastSleuth said:
This is interesting. Like NCBanker, I was under the impression, locally, if you will, that Raven hired Julian Mack for the the embezzlement charges, and then retained his services "again" the week after Janet's murder, in the event he needed legal advice in regards to Janet's death.

If there is another lawyer Moxie, I do know for a fact that Julian Mack is the one that met with the ADA in Orange County last month, re., the embezzlement charges. Now that said, it's certainly possible that Raven could have retained Mack initially, but has now hired someone new, I don't know that at all..
Okay - then I will defer to you all on that one!!;)
Maybe someone in the area can pull out the yellow pages and see if Julian Mack has a little ad about himself.
Annandale1998 said:
Hey everybody! I have been watching the WS news, crimeblogs since the week of Janet's murder. I received a phone call that week from a good friend. My screen name is Annandale for a reason. I and 2 of my brothers graduated from Annandale HS. One of my brothers dated Janet the last 2 years of her HS. When I found out I was sick to my stomach. I have several friends who know and mourn Janet. Some of them even attended her wake at The Churchof Latter Day Saints. There were also a lot of parents there. Most were representing for their children who could not come in on the short notice. I thought you might find it interesting that Raven DID NOT attend the second memorial.That is confirmed on several witnesses. Janet was everything you say she is. When we all found out it was sickening. My mother out of all was devastated. We have 6 in our family. And every significant other becomes another branch. I am very sad to say that none of us has actually been in contact since we moved from Annandale in 1998. I moved to Raleigh,NC with my family. so when I received phone calls saying she was killed in Durham I was shocked. I was never great friends with Janet but I just wished some one would have told us she moved so close by. I had just been in the area a few days before her murder delivering flowers for a neighbors company. It made me literally ill to know I drove by the main road the house is off from and had no idea it even exsisted.
Any how, enough rambling. what finally made me come and join the WS was the speculation on Samiha. Again I do not know her but a very, very close friend does. She has been in contact with her a couple times since the murder. samiha was a good friend of Janet's and didn't want to taint any articles with it. First and foremost she wanted the story to be told. Also she was nice enough to let us know that the autopsy is not being released to the reporters or any body. Her family does know the results.You can request it yourself as it is public knowldege. But as I have requested it several weeks ago and have no response I am sure they will stall for a very long time. But I am just an average Joe. I will be reading the posts and news everyday to see justice come forward.NCBanker I give great credit to you for going to the house to take pictures. My mother and I wanted to just to see the oplace but we did chicken out. The thought alone made my stomach lurch. i am a mother of three now and my heart goes out to Kaiden. I can't even imagine what went on in the house that night. But thank goodness he was too small to remember so we hope.
Hi Annandale,

Welcome to WS! It is always nice to hear from someone from Annandale!! :)We appreciate your insight and thoughts on Janet. Would your brother be comfortable with posting or saying anything? I'm sure this is a hard time for him now.

Wanted to let you know that Raven was at the second memorial service at the church in Annandale. I know that because I was there and sat right behind him. It was very uncomfortable!

Please know that you are very welcome here and that anything you can contribute will be appreciated. Please send our best to your brother and family.

Take care,
Jenifred said:
I'm kind of dumb to the whole courts and lawyers, but don't they specialize? And wouldn't "pending murder invesigation" (thanks, Moxie) be different than embezzlement? I mean does Mark Garagos do real estate law too?--just trying to be humorous.
Hi JF,

You are funny!

I don't think Mark Garagos does real estate, although if a TV camera were to cover it, I'm sure he might take an interest....:cool:
Annandale1998 said:
Also she was nice enough to let us know that the autopsy is not being released to the reporters or any body. Her family does know the results.You can request it yourself as it is public knowldege. But as I have requested it several weeks ago and have no response I am sure they will stall for a very long time. But I am just an average Joe.
Hey Annandale -

Welcome! It's always good to have new members/posters - which often leads to all sorts of new ideas, opinions, and insights!!

I'm very curious about your comments regarding the ME report. Several weeks ago I called over to the MEs office in Chapel Hill. They told me that the ME report (and autopsy report, which I learned are two different things) are never released as public documents in an on-going homicide investigation, only to LE. I don't know if this is the case in other states, but apparantly that is NC state law. My call was prompted by going to the state ME website, and seeing an online form where one can request reports, etc. But the caveat, at least with regards to Janet, is that the case is a homicide, etc.

I've since heard some legal thoughts on the whole ME report issue, and received some good feedback. Often LE will NOT release the report, especially prior to an arrest, as the report could contain info that only the perp would know (exact info about any wounds, placement, number, etc)..also could contain pertinent evidentiary info...also could go into TOD... all things which LE I would think would want to keep close to their vest, at least until an arrest is made... To that end, I'm not being argumentative with you in the least, as I don't know, and maybe you do, I would actually be surprised if even family members have been made privvy to the those reports, at least not until an arrest has been made. But, that is pure speculation on my part, for sure....

was he there the whole time? because really I had more than a few people tell me he was not there. Maybe I was mistaken. I am sorry I really do not want to post anything wrong.

As far as my brother he is very quiet. He has not said much at all about the situation. Just that it made him sad and didn't understand how any one could go through with it. He says sincerely that she is the sweetest and purest person that he has come across. And it is genuine. How could any one close to her do that to her. I imagine it is hard for him to talk about it. He is very sensative.
Again I do not want to post anything untrue. I was given a link weeks ago by a friend to request the autopsy report. From what I was told the family did get info from the autosy report. I am nat saying the whole report but info from the report. I do not know the whole legalities as you do. I am just a curious and concerned person. But i did request the autopsy report and I have not heard hide nor hair since then. I was told it could take several weeks and may not get a reply due the circumstance. This was from pass along when samiha and my friend emailed back to eachother.
We're assuming that Raven immediately retained counsel from a defense attorney who specializes in defending murderers. If I didn't kill my wife but wanted advice, I'd simply ask my general counsel. The press may have asked if he had an attorney and simply put 2 + 2 together that he retained counsel for THIS incident. Well that's well and good, but it skews things slightly. It leads us to think that Raven immediately went out and hired a defense attorney, which would then lead us to think he did it. Simply using an existing attorney for advice is another story all together. Whether you're innocent or not, you NEED an attorney present for questioning from LE. There have been too many times where an innocent man/woman has been questioned without counsel and been held in custody as a result. I don't have to elaborate. You guys know what I'm talking about.

SES is right that Julian Mack represented Raven on the embezzlement charges and met with the DA. He was also quoted in the news about the murder as being Raven's attorney. Remember, he either couldn't be reached for comment, or had no comment. I can't remember which, but Julian Mack is the ONLY attorney that has been referenced and has been tied to both the murder AND the embezzlement.

Jenifred said:
Maybe someone in the area can pull out the yellow pages and see if Julian Mack has a little ad about himself.
Be sure to check out my new thread, "For love or money" that was posted this morning. An article from a San Diego newspaper covering the murder was forwarded to me, so I took the liberty of posting it.
Annandale1998 said:

was he there the whole time? because really I had more than a few people tell me he was not there. Maybe I was mistaken. I am sorry I really do not want to post anything wrong.

As far as my brother he is very quiet. He has not said much at all about the situation. Just that it made him sad and didn't understand how any one could go through with it. He says sincerely that she is the sweetest and purest person that he has come across. And it is genuine. How could any one close to her do that to her. I imagine it is hard for him to talk about it. He is very sensative.
Hi Annandale,

First of all, I am so sorry for your brother. That has to be hard. Janet was a very kind and genuine person. That is why this is so sad. That and the fact that Kaiden is without a mother. The hardest thing is that so far nothing has surfaced that takes the focus off of Raven. At the very least, Raven was a VERY BAD husband.

In regards to the memorial service in Annandale, yes, he was there the whole time. After the actual service ended, the families went into the back. Raven's family was in one room and Janet's was in the other. Raven only came into the room with Janet's family once, and it was for a brief moment, to show the video. After that he left. The two families did not interact. So, it is possible that if folks were in the back room with Janet's family after the service, they would not have seen him.

Hope this helps...

Take care,
Annandale1998 said:
Again I do not want to post anything untrue. I was given a link weeks ago by a friend to request the autopsy report. From what I was told the family did get info from the autosy report. I am nat saying the whole report but info from the report. I do not know the whole legalities as you do. I am just a curious and concerned person. But i did request the autopsy report and I have not heard hide nor hair since then. I was told it could take several weeks and may not get a reply due the circumstance. This was from pass along when samiha and my friend emailed back to eachother.


You are not posting anything untrue, just what you think. Please do not worry about that. We are all in this together to bring Justice for Janet. Everything that you contribute is valued.

NCBanker said:
We're assuming that Raven immediately retained counsel from a defense attorney who specializes in defending murderers. If I didn't kill my wife but wanted advice, I'd simply ask my general counsel. The press may have asked if he had an attorney and simply put 2 + 2 together that he retained counsel for THIS incident. Well that's well and good, but it skews things slightly. It leads us to think that Raven immediately went out and hired a defense attorney, which would then lead us to think he did it. Simply using an existing attorney for advice is another story all together. Whether you're innocent or not, you NEED an attorney present for questioning from LE. There have been too many times where an innocent man/woman has been questioned without counsel and been held in custody as a result. I don't have to elaborate. You guys know what I'm talking about.

SES is right that Julian Mack represented Raven on the embezzlement charges and met with the DA. He was also quoted in the news about the murder as being Raven's attorney. Remember, he either couldn't be reached for comment, or had no comment. I can't remember which, but Julian Mack is the ONLY attorney that has been referenced and has been tied to both the murder AND the embezzlement.
Hi - it is possible that after Janet was murdered, Raven retained Julian Mack and stopped using his first attorney. Either way, it doesn't matter, as Julian Mack is his attorney of record now. If anyone has time and can go through the early stories, I believe his attorney situation was mentioned early on that he did have two.
Moxie said:

You are not posting anything untrue, just what you think. Please do not worry about that. We are all in this together to bring Justice for Janet. Everything that you contribute is valued.


Yes Annandale - and again, I was not meaning to "attack" your thoughts, etc. I was just so frustrated several weeks ago about no news at all, that I spent a lot (too much! lol) time on the ME report, etc, that ended up with me calling them, etc.

All of that said, trust me, I for one, hope they DO send you that report!!!!! It could possibly answer any number of questions!!!!! And surely if the family doesn't know about the report, I have no doubt they would LIKE to know about it, at least in some regards...

And again, sorry if it sounded like I was just posting to contradict you, as that was truly not the case. The frustrations just continue to build I guess - as we all wait and hope for the same thing - justice, and ,an arrest!!
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