General Discussions #6

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Annandale1998 said:
Again I do not want to post anything untrue. I was given a link weeks ago by a friend to request the autopsy report. From what I was told the family did get info from the autosy report. I am nat saying the whole report but info from the report. I do not know the whole legalities as you do. I am just a curious and concerned person. But i did request the autopsy report and I have not heard hide nor hair since then. I was told it could take several weeks and may not get a reply due the circumstance. This was from pass along when samiha and my friend emailed back to eachother.
Welcome Annandale and thanks for posting. Here is what I think. The family has a copy of the death certificate, not the autopsy report, which is very different. Anybody can order a copy of the death certificate as you say and this is something that would be released even if it is a homicide.
Moxie said:
Hi Annandale,

First of all, I am so sorry for your brother. That has to be hard. Janet was a very kind and genuine person. That is why this is so sad. That and the fact that Kaiden is without a mother. The hardest thing is that so far nothing has surfaced that takes the focus off of Raven. At the very least, Raven was a VERY BAD husband.

In regards to the memorial service in Annandale, yes, he was there the whole time. After the actual service ended, the families went into the back. Raven's family was in one room and Janet's was in the other. Raven only came into the room with Janet's family once, and it was for a brief moment, to show the video. After that he left. The two families did not interact. So, it is possible that if folks were in the back room with Janet's family after the service, they would not have seen him.

Hope this helps...

Take care,
Hmmm.....wonder if a guilty conscience was a factor?
That was my impression at the Buena Vista memorial as well--the families did not interact much, if at all.
ewwwinteresting said:
Hmmm.....wonder if a guilty conscience was a factor?
You know, it might have been. It was very awkward. He seemed very uncomfortable when he was in the room with Janet's family. Not grieving or sad, but like he wanted to get the heck out of there.
Moxie said:
You know, it might have been. It was very awkward. He seemed very uncomfortable when he was in the room with Janet's family. Not grieving or sad, but like he wanted to get the heck out of there.
I can't even imagine Moxie, how did you do it? How did you keep your mouth shut? I don't know if I could have kept all those feelings to myself and pretended I liked him.
ewwwinteresting said:
I can't even imagine Moxie, how did you do it? How did you keep your mouth shut? I don't know if I could have kept all those feelings to myself and pretended I liked him.
I didn't have to do anything - I did my best to avoid him. His eyes were empty - vacant. I felt sick to my stomach. Have you ever had one of those strong gut feelings that something wasn't right? That is how I felt, and it stayed with me all day, long after the service ended.

I think it says a lot about the class and faith of Janet's family that they were able to get through it.

They were honestly grieving.
Moxie said:
You know, it might have been. It was very awkward. He seemed very uncomfortable when he was in the room with Janet's family. Not grieving or sad, but like he wanted to get the heck out of there.
I'm sure he knew that the family didn't appreciate his extra-curricular activities--if you know what I mean.
Jenifred said:
I'm sure he knew that the family didn't appreciate his extra-curricular activities--if you know what I mean.
Maybe - my guess is that he thought he could just lie his way around that and not be held accountable for his proven actions. He seems to lie a lot.
Hey, just logged on and saw Golfmom here. Welcome back! Did you get enough R&R?
Jenifred said:
Hey, just logged on and saw Golfmom here. Welcome back! Did you get enough R&R?

Heya Jen!

It's my season, so I'm here, but I'm not. I can only really poke my head in every so often and try to catch up. Unfortunately, catching up isn't tough because it doesn't look like much has been going on. :(

Miss you all!

I'll be back (eventually)
Moxie said:
I didn't have to do anything - I did my best to avoid him. His eyes were empty - vacant. I felt sick to my stomach. Have you ever had one of those strong gut feelings that something wasn't right? That is how I felt, and it stayed with me all day, long after the service ended.

I think it says a lot about the class and faith of Janet's family that they were able to get through it.

They were honestly grieving.

I too was there. I felt exactly the same way Moxie. His eyes were vacant and empty. You said just how I felt.
I've learned that Raven is now back on the east coast in either Maine or New Hampshire visiting family. I imagine he'll be heading this way again towards mid July as his court date approaches.
NCBanker said:
I've learned that Raven is now back on the east coast in either Maine or New Hampshire visiting family. I imagine he'll be heading this way again towards mid July as his court date approaches.
Wonder if he emptied out a trust fund while he was in UT. Seriously though, when is this guy going to find a place, find a job and start supporting his child?
I doubt that's going to happen for a while, unless his IT Director uncle gives him a job in Maine. That would probably be a good place for him to go to start over. No one knows about him up there.

Jenifred said:
Wonder if he emptied out a trust fund while he was in UT. Seriously though, when is this guy going to find a place, find a job and start supporting his child?
NCBanker said:
I doubt that's going to happen for a while, unless his IT Director uncle gives him a job in Maine. That would probably be a good place for him to go to start over. No one knows about him up there.

I think he's hanging out on the east coast to attend a meeting in which his attendance was requested.

My understanding is that he intends to make Utah his home.
Jenifred said:
Just a question, maybe NCBanker can help out with this one. I've always thought that if you needed money and you were looking to get it from the LDS church you first had to ask family to help, then look into government programs (food stamps, welfare, Section 8), and then if all of those were exhausted and there were still unmet needs then the church would step in. Am I wrong?

Not likely the church would just give money...I'm mormon and I know that the church doesn't just hand out money. There is a process that you go through. The bishop also talks with your previous bishop or bishop's. You can't just get money if you haven't been living the standards. There also has to be a plan in place to get you off welfare. It's not unlimited money.
Jenifred said:
Wonder if he emptied out a trust fund while he was in UT. Seriously though, when is this guy going to find a place, find a job and start supporting his child?
No kidding! But why would he have to get a job when he has news articles out there soliciting monies for the "Help Me Buy my Toys, Keep up my Image, Travel Coast to Coast, Keep Me out of Jail" Fund...AKA The (Utah) Janet Memorial Fund.
Let's be accurate about this. The local Bishop is responsible for not only the welfare of the members in his ward, but also the nonmembers as well. You don't have to be a worthy member in order to receive assistance. However, if you are a member and not living the commandments, a plan would be put in place to get you where you need to be. I've personally seen the Church give money to individuals who aren't even members. There was a local church of another denomination that was destroyed by fire, and our Stake President donated a considerable amount of money to them to assist in rebuilding. This isn't done frequently, but it does happen. The Church DOES encourage you to go to your family first for assistance.

bluegirl said:
Not likely the church would just give money...I'm mormon and I know that the church doesn't just hand out money. There is a process that you go through. The bishop also talks with your previous bishop or bishop's. You can't just get money if you haven't been living the standards. There also has to be a plan in place to get you off welfare. It's not unlimited money.
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