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OT? Tricia's radio show. I enjoy it immensely, and last Sunday was incredible, listening to Dylans story and hearing his Moms voice weep as she spoke was very touching. As well as KCL on JA - it was just a great program. My question is -

How do I register for the chat ? Is it via FB, or talk blog? I'd like to do this before it airs.
Did they check the engine of the car JA first rented in Redding to see if there were any signs of a 25c gun being strapped to the engine of that car? I wonder if they would have been able to tell. Wow! I didn't realize where they had found the 2nd gun.
has any one heard that jodi name was on the cancun trip in april and he switched it to marie hall. i am new on here tell what i am doing wrong o.k. love the sight. thanks
I don't think they've ever been able to determine that the unknown purchases at Walmart were for hair dye. Has anyone found this out? Is there still an issue of what color her hair was when she rented the car. It seems to me that the color issue has been dropped.

she was blond....according to the rental company guy....under oath.

....interesting.....isn't it!!!
has any one heard that jodi name was on the cancun trip in april and he switched it to marie hall. i am new on here tell what i am doing wrong o.k. love the sight. thanks
I heard that last night for the first time on HLN! I was floored,That (for me )explains a lot about her motive,I would love to know about the conversation when Travis told her that she would not be going to Cancun.I have always kind of thought that her original intended victim was Mimi but Travis wouldn't tell her who he was taking instead of her so she decided to kill him instead.Either way still premeditated .
Hi All :newhere:

Does anyone know if because this psychologist has done so much damage if this could be grounds for appeal if she is found guilty?

Maybe under poor representation, being that her lawyers are the one to put this guy on the stand.
This is a silly question, but I know big trials usallly bring out some strange things... Anyways, has any psychic come forward with their version of what happened? I know Travis' friend Julie (?) can "read" people, but I haven't heard if she is true a "psychic." Once again, I know this sounds silly, but it could be interesting, right?

I haven't heard of any coming forward. You can search on google, I've found some kind of psychic astrology type things on people going missing, maybe you'll find something along those lines about this case.

Not that I believe in those things, but they were an interesting read. moo
Does anybody else think there's a possibility that JA has a duel personality? She's way way beyond strange. The recent clips of how she acted in the interrogation room at the police station were creepy and so unsettling. It's almost like another personality(s) is within her. Eeeek!

there is no such thing as "duel personality"
I heard somewhere that Alyce LaViolette has been in the courtroom almost the entire trial... all through JA testimony and everything. Can someone tell me , is this true? I didnt think that was allowed?
I heard somewhere that Alyce LaViolette has been in the courtroom almost the entire trial... all through JA testimony and everything. Can someone tell me , is this true? I didnt think that was allowed?

since witnesses are not allowed to watch the trial (even at home on TV), no.
My first post and I think I'm in the right thread- so sorry if I'm not....

Question- were there any texts or other proof as to what Travis and JA talked about AFTER the ones he had sent at the end of May? The ones where he told her basically to get lost until she could tell him the truth. (nobody had ever hurt him that bad, that talked invisible friends, contradicting stories etc)

I've seen it assumed that there's phone records after those texts proving they had again made up and were back to business as usual. They seemed to text a lot when together or " as friends" so if those were his last texts I tend to think they were entirely JA instigated- her offering up an explanation and him telling her to get lost -her claiming to have left something at his house - leaving a message forcing him to respond example : you can either stop ignoring me or I will send your little sex tape to your bishop-

Question 2 - a while back I ran across JA's YouTube account, it was pointed out that the channel was made less than 2 weeks before his murder, with one Travis motivational speaking video added a few days after he was found. Was that channel ever considered part of what JA did to Travis at the end of May? Could she have possibly uploaded the phone sex tape, hacked Travis's FB and linked it there?
Hi is there a thread on "our thoughts of her motive" with links and evidence submitted in the case? I'm curious to read everyones thoughts on her motive. Directly is there a link to the email or text messages from TA to JA breaking it off with her or discussing the slashed tires? TY

Joyceandjay, your wonderful question prompted my very first post! I am new to the site, so it never occurred to me that I could actually find Travis's and Jodi's emails & texts on here. I have been looking all over the Internet for them, to no avail. When Alyce LaViolette testified today that there was an email thread missing, as I'm assuming the defense purposely omitted that thread, I became even more curious to see the texts & emails. And today Sky & Chris Hughes were mentioned as being part of those emails. Now I'm REALLY curious to read them all! So I am hoping your question, and now mine, will prompt a poster to provide us with a link on here or an idea of where to find them on the net. Thank you, posters and trial watchers, for all the updates on the trial!!!
Can anyone tell me if the two things circled in this pic have been identified?


  • What Is This.jpg
    What Is This.jpg
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Can anyone tell me if the two things circled in this pic have been identified?

This is a screenshot from video of an image on an overhead projector.
Image quality is very poor. The thing on the bottom is JM's pen.
I have no idea what the upper thing is, could be the result of glare on the glossy photo paper.
Question- were there any texts or other proof as to what Travis and JA talked about AFTER the ones he had sent at the end of May?

None that I've seen. Nothing has been shown in court or released to the media. According to:

The last time Travis Alexander called Arias was on June 2, 2008 - twice during the 3 a.m. hour:

The first call was just under 18 minutes, the second about 41 minutes.
Arias called Travis at 4:03 a.m. The call lasted 2 minutes, 48 seconds.

Question 2 - a while back I ran across JA's YouTube account, it was pointed out that the channel was made less than 2 weeks before his murder, with one Travis motivational speaking video added a few days after he was found. Was that channel ever considered part of what JA did to Travis at the end of May? Could she have possibly uploaded the phone sex tape, hacked Travis's FB and linked it there?

I do not think the youtube channel was mentioned, but JM asked JA something like, "You were in control of the recording, right? If you wanted to post the recording on the internet you could have done that, right?" JA said she never figured out how to get the recording off the phone - which I believe since her tech knowledge is not impressive.

ETA helpful links...

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #110
Please forgive me if this has been discussed, you all know it's so hard to keep up with the threads in this forum, and I'm still somewhat new to the case.

I believe Jodi has said that she never met Travis' family, is that correct? The sisters and brother who are always in court, Tanisha, Samantha, the brother who's name I don't know but is in constant agony (as is written on his face), and the precious little one with the face of a porcelain doll, I don't know her name either - none of them ever met Jodi? If not, did they ever know about Jodi before the murder? Has there been discussion of how they found out the friends all suspected Jodi? Did any of them approach her at the memorial services or speak to her, or did they not know about her then? If they did know about what the friends suspected, how did they not blow out when they saw Jodi at the services?

Thanks for any insight. I'm just torn to pieces when I see that image of the young sister with the orange flower in her hair. The despair in her eyes is about the saddest thing I've ever seen.
Aloha! I am new here and just learning my way around here, but thought I would take a moment to ask if there is a special thread or "sticky" where people can post strictly videos? More specifically: Comedic/spoofs and snippets of the Arias trial? There are so many funny, clever & interesting ones on YouTube (I have created a few as well), and it would be handy to have a place where they can be neatly filed together in one location.
Hi again,

I posted a few posts up, looking for a specific text message. I'm not sure where they would be posted - but I did find what I was looking for and did screencaps.

Here are the links (a few people above also are looking for them) Thanks State Vs Arias/text2.jpg State Vs Arias/text0003.jpg State Vs Arias/text0004.jpg

Do we know what incident had transpired to cause Travis to send those texts stating that he found her to be a sociopath and wanted nothing more to do with her? Was it the tire slashing incidents and letter to the girl he was dating?

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