General theory thread and motives rehashed #2

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I agree with you and tho Granny Hollars does seem to possibly exaggerate on somethings, I know there are quite a few here that do believe alot of what she has to say.... And in the audio released last week she states that not only did Joe's atty, refuse to have Joe answer any of the questions but he was drunker than BLEEP when he went for interview... this Grandma lives within miles of this man(JOe her grandson), his mom(her daughter), and more importantly still speaks with his recent(very recent ex) that is refusing to be around Joe. So, if anyone would know what happened in those short 45 mins and if he was or wasn't intoxicated, I believe Granny Hollars could quite possibly have knowledge of such... Him refusing answers by way of his atty makes a heckuva alot more sense as to why LE would only interview for a very short period of 45mins AFTER LE making an extremely LONG TRIP, AT THAT HOUR OF NIGHT(11pm)for a tiny/quick meaningless, just following up cuz they have to, interview.. Of course MHO.

I must have missed the "ex" part somewhere which isn't that unusual for me. Was this on a tape or in a news article? TIA
I agree with you and tho Granny Hollars does seem to possibly exaggerate on somethings, I know there are quite a few here that do believe alot of what she has to say.... And in the audio released last week she states that not only did Joe's atty, refuse to have Joe answer any of the questions but he was drunker than BLEEP when he went for interview... this Grandma lives within miles of this man(JOe her grandson), his mom(her daughter), and more importantly still speaks with his recent(very recent ex) that is refusing to be around Joe. So, if anyone would know what happened in those short 45 mins and if he was or wasn't intoxicated, I believe Granny Hollars could quite possibly have knowledge of such... Him refusing answers by way of his atty makes a heckuva alot more sense as to why LE would only interview for a very short period of 45mins AFTER LE making an extremely LONG TRIP, AT THAT HOUR OF NIGHT(11pm)for a tiny/quick meaningless, just following up cuz they have to, interview.. Of course MHO.

When someone lawyers up, and that lawyer is present during questioning, LE is not going to waste time trying to get answers, because the lawyer will squelch anything the person has to say. I'm surprised the interview lasted 45 minutes... it could have been over in 5 min. as soon as the lawyer told Joe to keep his lip zipped. Maybe LE was not aware that he had an attorney until they got there.
Jessigirl do you have a link re:

"and more importantly still speaks with his recent(very recent ex) that is refusing to be around Joe."

Could you please provide it?
I can't recall much, but I think the info that Joe had an ex came from the conversation Tommy and Hank had about how crazy he was, in and out of the crazy house, even his ex wouldn't talk to him, etc etc. Does that ring a bell for anyone?

here are 2 reports that LE flew to Tenn.

Last week, authorities from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement flew to Tennessee and interviewed Joe Overstreet.

Putnam County investigators flew to Antioch, Tenn., last week to question Joe Overstreet, a cousin of Misty Cummings. When Haleigh vanished from her father's Florida mobile home 14 months ago, Overstreet said he was in Satsuma on vacation. Investigators have since flown back to Flori

So I wonder who actually flew to Tennessee to interview Joe. Was it FDLE or Putnam County investigators? There is a difference.
And when he dropped to the ground on his knees (I heard it is a southern thing,) and when he was trying so hard to squeze out those tears, I almost wanted to slap the TV.


I've never seen this in southern men and have lived here all my life. If anything, most men will try to be brave and not show their emotions. When they cry, they will look away from the camera, wipe away the tears (not let one lonely tear dangle from their nose until it evaporates), or maybe they will ask the camera person to turn away until they can compose themselves. They also don't whine and throw their voice to a high pitch like a child or woman.

If a camera happens to be around when a father finds out his child has been brutally killed, that's a different story, but even then, most men try to keep their composure and especially if there is another child in the family to consider.

It was a ridiculous display by Ronald Cummings.
Well, if Joe really was drunker than bleep when he was interviewed, then IMO it explains why his atty refused to have him answer any questions. It was his duty to do so, IMO, because who knows what an intoxicated client could say. I think LE normally wouldn't want to sit and interrogate any drunken idiots for very long either, for it's so hard to get anything coherent out of them and if it ever goes to a trial the defense attorney can quote some other idiotic statements their client made while drunk and use the intoxicated state to create reasonable doubt that whatever incriminating they said while drunk was worth a dime.

Don't know why they wouldn't reschedule when sober.

That could be true. I have always heard that when people get drunk the truth will spill out. So maybe Joe's attorney was afraid that would happen.

But it is the timing of the last interview that is more telling to me. It seemed like LE rushed there that day and no matter how late it was they wanted to speak to JO.

From my own perspective Joe's attorney seemed very guarded and watched JO like a hawk. It was like he was afraid he wouldn't get his lines right and seemed a little tense at first until about 45 seconds later when the lawyer did all the talking after then.


I've never seen this in southern men and have lived here all my life. If anything, most men will try to be brave and not show their emotions. When they cry, they will look away from the camera, wipe away the tears (not let one lonely tear dangle from their nose until it evaporates), or maybe they will ask the camera person to turn away until they can compose themselves. They also don't whine and throw their voice to a high pitch like a child or woman.

If a camera happens to be around when a father finds out his child has been brutally killed, that's a different story, but even then, most men try to keep their composure and especially if there is another child in the family to consider.

It was a ridiculous display by Ronald Cummings.

Well I was born, raised and have lived in the south all of my life and I have to say I have seen many southern men become very emotional and drop to the ground in grief. So when Ron dropped on the ground it wasnt new for me to see that happen.

All men are not alike.......even in the South. Some can be very strong but some simply aren't and can show much more emotional outbursts.

And younger men of today aren't taught to hold everything inside anymore. For so long it seemed the men were taught to hold everything inside and never show emotions. I am glad that is changing.


"5-Year-Old Vanishes From Bedroom; Father Says She Was 'Stolen'
Detective: 'Whoever Has The Child Is Not Supposed To Have The Child'

POSTED: Tuesday, February 10, 2009
UPDATED: 5:53 pm EST February 10, 2009

While deputies and state officers from at least five agencies searched the area and the nearby St. Johns River, Haleigh's grieving father told Channel 4 there is no doubt in his mind that she was abducted and he'll do anything to get her back.

Ronald Cummings said Haleigh is afraid of the dark and there's no way she would have gone out in the middle of the night by herself.

'I came home this morning to find that I didn't have a child," Cummings. "Somebody stole my child.' "

"I came home this morning to find that I didn't have a child," Cummings. "Somebody stole my child."

How could ANYONE have NO DOUBT IN THEIR MIND about a crime they have not witnessed or been made aware of? What arrogance, what a "tell" this is. Already Ronald Cummings was shutting doors into the investigation ~ or attempting to.

The quote by Ron I highlighted in green points to what I believe is this man's narcissism and the view that HaLeigh is a possession that was "stolen."

In no way do I believe what he was saying, only that his choice of words give him away.

These are some of my opinions and thoughts about the case as it was being released to the media on February 10, 2009, less than 24 hours after the 911 call.

I think Ron had it in his mind what everyone would and should believe about Haleigh being taken. Any deviation from it and he nixed it right away.

Just as Ron immediately told the press that someone had used a crowbar to get into the back door, it's obvious to me at least, he didn't think his story would be questioned as much as it has been.

Likewise, when Ron strolls into the Kangaroo to purchase beer, peanuts and cigarettes, so he would be seen on camera, he didn't count on anyone getting his phone records, which showed frantic calls throughout the night. Once the telephone records were obtained, he stopped cooperating with LE.

My point is, although Mr. Cummings thought out the storyline, he failed on checks and balances, and there are many that fail the test.

That could be true. I have always heard that when people get drunk the truth will spill out. So maybe Joe's attorney was afraid that would happen.

But it is the timing of the last interview that is more telling to me. It seemed like LE rushed there that day and no matter how late it was they wanted to speak to JO.

From my own perspective Joe's attorney seemed very guarded and watched JO like a hawk. It was like he was afraid he wouldn't get his lines right and seemed a little tense at first until about 45 seconds later when the lawyer did all the talking after then.


You mean, like Ron was in that early interview when he cast several glances at her, whispering under his breath and out of the corner of his mouth at her, and going so far as to tell her to look at the camera, to which she replied "I am!" mean, watching him like a hawk like that? Like she wouldn't get HER lines straight? Like when he did all the talking for her, even going so far as to answer the questions that were directed TO her? You mean like that?
Well I was born, raised and have lived in the south all of my life and I have to say I have seen many southern men become very emotional and drop to the ground in grief. So when Ron dropped on the ground it wasnt new for me to see that happen.

All men are not alike.......even in the South. Some can be very strong but some simply aren't and can show much more emotional outbursts.

And younger men of today aren't taught to hold everything inside anymore. For so long it seemed the men were taught to hold everything inside and never show emotions. I am glad that is changing.


Many? I can honestly say, I have never seen a single one do this, not even in the privacy of their own home, much less on camera. Do you have any case examples? I'd really like to see them. Who knows, maybe I'll change my mind.

I agree, it's changing, as I think it should. Crying is not exclusive to women or children and I have seen grown men cry many times. I've just never seen them hurl themselves to the ground like a two year old.
absolutely. I didn't have the sense God gave me then, but I can assure you, Princess PeePee rides in her car seat, and that's where she's at. I just don't think we should assume this story is the story of Haleigh's last day because MILLIONS of parents have done this for the distance Ron had to travel, a virtual straight shot, two turns. One left, one right, no obstructions. It's just what happens in rural communities.

I think Haleigh's story was told by Ron's neighbor: There's a dent in Ron's car. Why.

Ok, this just made me think. What if Misty was out driving in the van with those kids, and lets say HaLeigh wasn't in a belt, what if Ronald somehow found her on the road, and was getting behind her and bumping the car, didn't he do this to that Charlie Jones guy? What if something like this occurred, and maybe HaLeigh didnt get killed as a result of this, but maybe Misty pulled over and there was an altercation between her and Ron and HaLeigh got hurt?

But then we really dont know if Misty drove the van, but people did see her, and if so, then the whole happy family time driving the car home never happened, and why are they lying about this time frame? Did Ron know that Misty was picking up HaLeigh from the bus? Was he somewhere near by watching Misty pick her up and then he followed her and all heck broke lose?
Ok, this just made me think. What if Misty was out driving in the van with those kids, and lets say HaLeigh wasn't in a belt, what if Ronald somehow found her on the road, and was getting behind her and bumping the car, didn't he do this to that Charlie Jones guy? What if something like this occurred, and maybe HaLeigh didnt get killed as a result of this, but maybe Misty pulled over and there was an altercation between her and Ron and HaLeigh got hurt?

But then we really dont know if Misty drove the van, but people did see her, and if so, then the whole happy family time driving the car home never happened, and why are they lying about this time frame? Did Ron know that Misty was picking up HaLeigh from the bus? Was he somewhere near by watching Misty pick her up and then he followed her and all heck broke lose?

Those scratches on the van look to me like another vehicle side swiped it or the person driving the van side swiped something. I've had both happen in a vehicle and the scratches looked pretty much identical.

Does anyone know where the dent on Ron's vehicle was damaged?
Ok, this just made me think. What if Misty was out driving in the van with those kids, and lets say HaLeigh wasn't in a belt, what if Ronald somehow found her on the road, and was getting behind her and bumping the car, didn't he do this to that Charlie Jones guy? What if something like this occurred, and maybe HaLeigh didnt get killed as a result of this, but maybe Misty pulled over and there was an altercation between her and Ron and HaLeigh got hurt?

But then we really dont know if Misty drove the van, but people did see her, and if so, then the whole happy family time driving the car home never happened, and why are they lying about this time frame? Did Ron know that Misty was picking up HaLeigh from the bus? Was he somewhere near by watching Misty pick her up and then he followed her and all heck broke lose?

IMHO..Thats a very good theory..And I have entertained something similiar to what you have stated..
Mine involved Ron catching up with Misty, threatening her with a gun, Misty trying to excape and Ron fired the gun and hit Haleigh.. Another scenario..Ron tried to grab Haleigh out of a moving van and she fell under the wheel of the van.. I'm more inclined to believe he had a gun, was threatening someone and the gun went off accidentally...JMO
Many? I can honestly say, I have never seen a single one do this, not even in the privacy of their own home, much less on camera. Do you have any case examples? I'd really like to see them. Who knows, maybe I'll change my mind.

I agree, it's changing, as I think it should. Crying is not exclusive to women or children and I have seen grown men cry many times. I've just never seen them hurl themselves to the ground like a two year old.

I am in Louisiana and that is South, LOL! I have never seen a man fall to his knees or even to the ground in grief either. And I am practically 60 years old.

I am in Louisiana and that is South, LOL! I have never seen a man fall to his knees or even to the ground in grief either. And I am practically 60 years old.


I was born in Louisiana and lived there until I was transplanted to Tennessee and have never seen any man anywhere make a spectacle of himself like that...And I just had my 66th birthday a little over a week ago..

However IMHO... Ron C falling to the ground was his moment of truth.. Perhaps the ONLY one he has ever experienced .. It came right after he stated.. He would give his life to have his child's life back..He fully realized she was gone and he was the one responsible...IIRC.. It didn't last too long.. He immediately went into defense and CYA mode for the rest of the interview...And topped it off at the end with.. .. "I'm done" and walked away.. JMO
Those scratches on the van look to me like another vehicle side swiped it or the person driving the van side swiped something. I've had both happen in a vehicle and the scratches looked pretty much identical.

Does anyone know where the dent on Ron's vehicle was damaged?

Even if he didn't have any damage, he hit Charlies car, I believe and they didn't find a dent. Ronald is very meticulous, he probably knows how to do stuff and not leave a mark. jmo
Ok, this just made me think. What if Misty was out driving in the van with those kids, and lets say HaLeigh wasn't in a belt, what if Ronald somehow found her on the road, and was getting behind her and bumping the car, didn't he do this to that Charlie Jones guy? What if something like this occurred, and maybe HaLeigh didnt get killed as a result of this, but maybe Misty pulled over and there was an altercation between her and Ron and HaLeigh got hurt?

But then we really dont know if Misty drove the van, but people did see her, and if so, then the whole happy family time driving the car home never happened, and why are they lying about this time frame? Did Ron know that Misty was picking up HaLeigh from the bus? Was he somewhere near by watching Misty pick her up and then he followed her and all heck broke lose?

Though my number of theories increases, one of my first ones involves this scenario. And that would be on the way to magnolia where the rest of misty's family was. JAT imo

But you have entertained a new thought for me, that maybe misty never made it to the magnolia house and this all went down w/ only ron and misty hurting Haleigh. Hence misty's loyalty. Maybe all the other croslin's are aware of what happened and only want to protect misty.? To me misty doesn't seem to bothered or worried about Haleigh, like it wasn't her fault so she doesn't feel guilt. Only pride in not snitching out ron. ron seems tortured by guilt. As evident to me, in the falling down video. Bad acting and he knew it. imo

I wish we could learn just a tiny bit of solid info so we could solidify some points of all these theories. Every new scenario one of us puts up can make me change the whole way i had been thinking. Someone pointed out that ron stopped co-operating when the phone records came out, sounds right to me. He only had the sketchiest of outline for the story but didn't think it all through. And then got defiant when smarter people started questioning him about his story. imo
IMHO..Thats a very good theory..And I have entertained something similiar to what you have stated..
Mine involved Ron catching up with Misty, threatening her with a gun, Misty trying to excape and Ron fired the gun and hit Haleigh.. Another scenario..Ron tried to grab Haleigh out of a moving van and she fell under the wheel of the van.. I'm more inclined to believe he had a gun, was threatening someone and the gun went off accidentally...JMO

Both of these work for me until I think "what about jr. or the male child misty was seen back handing just before Haleigh got off the bus?" imo niether one of these two would think about him that quickly that he would'nt have realized his sister was hurt badly. But then again i know how easy it is to pursuade the mind of a child that young. iykwim? That's why I keep going back to them making it to magnolia and the whole croslin clan there and all the kids were out back or something and things got heated w/ the "adults" either defending their kin, cousin jo or misty and words and guns flung about carelessly and someone hurt Haleigh. Again would show misty's loyalty to her family and to ron.
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