General theory thread and motives rehashed #2

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Both of these work for me until I think "what about jr. or the male child misty was seen back handing just before Haleigh got off the bus?" imo niether one of these two would think about him that quickly that he would'nt have realized his sister was hurt badly. But then again i know how easy it is to pursuade the mind of a child that young. iykwim? That's why I keep going back to them making it to magnolia and the whole croslin clan there and all the kids were out back or something and things got heated w/ the "adults" either defending their kin, cousin jo or misty and words and guns flung about carelessly and someone hurt Haleigh. Again would show misty's loyalty to her family and to ron.

What if Tommys child did see what happened?
Both of these work for me until I think "what about jr. or the male child misty was seen back handing just before Haleigh got off the bus?" imo niether one of these two would think about him that quickly that he would'nt have realized his sister was hurt badly. But then again i know how easy it is to pursuade the mind of a child that young. iykwim? That's why I keep going back to them making it to magnolia and the whole croslin clan there and all the kids were out back or something and things got heated w/ the "adults" either defending their kin, cousin jo or misty and words and guns flung about carelessly and someone hurt Haleigh. Again would show misty's loyalty to her family and to ron.

I now believe the incident did happen at the Magnolia residence, but we didn't learn anything about that residence until just recently.. Before that information became available I thought perhaps the incident took place IF Misty was enroute to Timmy's house in Crescent City...or at Timmy's house since it was revealed she drove off in the opposite direction of the MH...JMO
For some reason they want us all the believe Misty went back home Sunday, and her and Ronald talked it out and were up all night working out their issues, but this isn't right. So why is it important for them to try to make us all believe that?
Didn't Lindsey tell Tommy Austin will start counselling?
Perhaps she found out her son was indeed there...

Poor kid was afraid of his Dad when LE was called when Tommy was fighting with Hank. He had a friend/new cousin disappear, taken out of her house, missing, now dead...His Aunt and Uncle and Cousins moved to Ma... His Dad, Aunt, Grandma, Grampa, and Uncle in law all in jail - visits the jail...Just moved to a new home... I sure hope he does get some help. I may even need some help before this darned case hit the court.
For some reason they want us all the believe Misty went back home Sunday, and her and Ronald talked it out and were up all night working out their issues, but this isn't right. So why is it important for them to try to make us all believe that?

Chablis, has there been news showing that Misty did not return to Ron's house Sunday night, as Teresa said?

As to your last question, wondering why it would be important to them (and I concentrate on Ron, Teresa, and Misty, in this instance) for us to believe that all was fine between Ron and Misty by Monday morning: This was put out there, I believe, to deflect anyone's thoughts away from the nature of the crime, and who was the perpetrator.

IF the crime against HaLeigh was, as I suspect, an injury by Ron due to being upset with Misty or even HaLeigh, herself, then they would want to nix any idea that there was anger between them, that could have boiled over onto the children.

I think this would explain Ron's nonchalance with Cobra regarding Misty sleeping with another man. Ron knew that he could not fully trust Cobra, and he would steer him away from anything that looked like there could have been violence in the home that spilled onto HaLeigh.

Just my opinions

For some reason they want us all the believe Misty went back home Sunday, and her and Ronald talked it out and were up all night working out their issues, but this isn't right. So why is it important for them to try to make us all believe that?

MO it looks better to have had a day of love between the feuding couple, than to have them not even seeing each other and tn "getting" misty to sit for ron and ron not happy about that (actaually i doubt he cared who had the kids, he was just mad at misty's three days away imo). They go further w/ the Haleigh on ron's lap driving, the kisses and love goodbye before work, the kids being fed by misty, the 8 p.m cause it was a school night bedtime, to misty sound alseep and just so happening to wake up as ron is getting home. imo All for show. Because as we are slowly finding out "they" did not do things in a loving family would. again imo.
Didn't Lindsey tell Tommy Austin will start counselling?
Perhaps she found out her son was indeed there...

I think so, and Tommy is very worried about someone getting to his kids, from what I have heard in some of the tapes.

I also think Tommy is afraid because, yeah Ronald is locked up, but he has a few pretty shady family members who are on the outside, you know the ones shooting off guns in bar parking lots, theres an uncle who beat the crap out of someone hes in trouble for causing bodily harm, I mean the list goes on.

Gonna weigh in here on ToC's kids possibly being "there". I don't think so -what I do think is that in the days, nights, weeks, etc that followed Haleigh going missing, there was "talk" amongst certain "people". When you have kids - they are with you - they usually "go play" while the adults sit, watch, and "talk".

IMO ToC's kids probably DID hear quite a bit of "talk" about Haleigh and who and why and such. ToC probably knows his child overheard some things - might have turned around and "there he (A.) was" standing, waiting to "ask daddy a question".

So, that's my :twocents: on ToC's kid(s) knowing anything.
Poor kid was afraid of his Dad when LE was called when Tommy was fighting with Hank. He had a friend/new cousin disappear, taken out of her house, missing, now dead...His Aunt and Uncle and Cousins moved to Ma... His Dad, Aunt, Grandma, Grampa, and Uncle in law all in jail - visits the jail...Just moved to a new home... I sure hope he does get some help. I may even need some help before this darned case hit the court.

I agree all these things do warrant counselling for a child, however most of the things you have mentioned happened quite awhile ago and Lindsey has never mentioned getting any help for Austin... I suspect something has been revealed that in someway involves her son and the events of that afternoon/evening when she was attending classes..Coud be one of the reasons she is so angry with Tommy too...JMO
Chablis, has there been news showing that Misty did not return to Ron's house Sunday night, as Teresa said?

As to your last question, wondering why it would be important to them (and I concentrate on Ron, Teresa, and Misty, in this instance) for us to believe that all was fine between Ron and Misty by Monday morning: This was put out there, I believe, to deflect anyone's thoughts away from the nature of the crime, and who was the perpetrator.

IF the crime against HaLeigh was, as I suspect, an injury by Ron due to being upset with Misty or even HaLeigh, herself, then they would want to nix any idea that there was anger between them, that could have boiled over onto the children.

I think this would explain Ron's nonchalance with Cobra regarding Misty sleeping with another man. Ron knew that he could not fully trust Cobra, and he would steer him away from anything that looked like there could have been violence in the home that spilled onto HaLeigh.

Just my opinions

There is something out there that refutes her coming home on Sunday, I will dig it up.

What I think happened is Ronald had driven to Annettes that day for whatever reason when he almost hit a bunch of people at the bus stop, and he dropped off Junior with Annette before he took HaLeigh to school. I think some time during the day, Teresa finally got Misty to watch the kids, we have Misty saying, if its ok with Ronald, I dont think they had seen each other at all after that fight until this point.

Basically I think Misty was ambushed by Ronald after she picked up HaLeigh from the bus stop, thats my new theory and I am sticking to it, they are lying about things that happened when the child was still alive and that really sticks out like a sore foot to me, why are they doing that? I do think its because when they finally did see each other it was a mess, there is no way Ronald was going to be composed and nonchalant about Mistys indiscretions.
I think so, and Tommy is very worried about someone getting to his kids, from what I have heard in some of the tapes.

I also think Tommy is afraid because, yeah Ronald is locked up, but he has a few pretty shady family members who are on the outside, you know the ones shooting off guns in bar parking lots, theres an uncle who beat the crap out of someone hes in trouble for causing bodily harm, I mean the list goes on.


BBM...And on and on and on...JMO
I think so, and Tommy is very worried about someone getting to his kids, from what I have heard in some of the tapes.

I also think Tommy is afraid because, yeah Ronald is locked up, but he has a few pretty shady family members who are on the outside, you know the ones shooting off guns in bar parking lots, theres an uncle who beat the crap out of someone hes in trouble for causing bodily harm, I mean the list goes on.


BBM. I don't have a solid theory of what I think happened to Haleigh..way too much covering up going on. But when I start to wonder about Rons possible involvement, I can't help but think were dealing with a lot more 'shade' than just the family members. IMO, it's a lot bigger than that.

"5-Year-Old Vanishes From Bedroom; Father Says She Was 'Stolen'
Detective: 'Whoever Has The Child Is Not Supposed To Have The Child'

POSTED: Tuesday, February 10, 2009
UPDATED: 5:53 pm EST February 10, 2009

While deputies and state officers from at least five agencies searched the area and the nearby St. Johns River, Haleigh's grieving father told Channel 4 there is no doubt in his mind that she was abducted and he'll do anything to get her back.

Ronald Cummings said Haleigh is afraid of the dark and there's no way she would have gone out in the middle of the night by herself.

'I came home this morning to find that I didn't have a child," Cummings. "Somebody stole my child.' "

"I came home this morning to find that I didn't have a child," Cummings. "Somebody stole my child."

How could ANYONE have NO DOUBT IN THEIR MIND about a crime they have not witnessed or been made aware of? What arrogance, what a "tell" this is. Already Ronald Cummings was shutting doors into the investigation ~ or attempting to.

The quote by Ron I highlighted in green points to what I believe is this man's narcissism and the view that HaLeigh is a possession that was "stolen."

In no way do I believe what he was saying, only that his choice of words give him away.

These are some of my opinions and thoughts about the case as it was being released to the media on February 10, 2009, less than 24 hours after the 911 call.

6 momths later, Ron was still trying to control the investigation.

Aug. 9, 2009 - Haleigh's family remains divided 6 months later

(Just part of story where Ron is interviewed.)

Cummings said he and former girlfriend Misty Croslin — who he has since married and is now Misty Cummings — have been unfairly targeted.

“There should have been more attention to Crystal’s family,” he said. “I think they should have paid more attention to everyone rather than just me and Misty.”

He said questioning should have been broader.

“They didn’t have the big picture,” he said. “Why do they not question everybody?”

In recent interviews at Sykes’ Welaka home where Ronald Cummings, 25, and his wife live, he told the Times-Union the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office focus was shortsighted.

Standing outside wearing T-shirts with Haleigh’s likeness, Ronald and Misty Cummings said they gave dozens of hours of interviews in February and March, including her longest, which she said occurred just before the couple were married.

“I think the longest time I was in there was eight hours,” she said.

Ronald Cummings said the investigation went in the wrong direction.

“They took a child-abduction investigation and made it a personal investigation,” he said. “Instead of keeping the focus on finding Haleigh, they made the focus on Misty and what she was doing one weekend and what happened six months ago and what happened seven years ago. It was tunnel vision.”

Cummings has cut off interviews with investigators.

“Besides ‘No I didn’t have nothing to do with my child being missing,’ what do you say?” he asked.

Maj. Gary Bowling, director of law enforcement for the department, said detectives would like to interview Cummings again but have been resisted.

IMO, on one hand Ron says that LE should be focusing on finding Haleigh, not on Misty and him. But the other hand he says that LE should have broadened their focus and looked at Crystal's side of the family or anyone other than Misty and him.

IMO, if Ron's work alibi was so solid, why according to Ron was he the focus of LE? Why did LE interview him dozen of times? Why did he stop cooperating and refuse to talk to LE? Ron said he stopped talking to police because he had "nothing do with his child being missing" not because he was at work when she disappeared. But if he had nothing to do with it, why is he afraid to talk to LE?

IMO, Ron is at the top of the suspect list because of his own controlling actions.
If I had to guess, LE interviewed JO at the time of HaLeigh's "disappearance" (and took his clothes and whatever else) because Teresa and Misty were on TV accusing JO of fights with Ron, a gun involved, and JO having "messed" with Misty. Who knows what was said to LE in private. I would guess all kinds of interviews of people surrounding HaLeigh were going on in those first 24-48 hours.

Aren't officers of the law required to follow all leads, especially when main "players" accuse someone of the crime they are investigating? If LE was told by ToC and/or Misty or Flora Hollars that JO had murdered HaLeigh they would have to go and interview him, wherever he was.

JO has not been arrested. He has been accused of vile things from the time HaLeigh "disappeared." Too bad none of the stories told about him are consistent or believable, as the stories are ever changing. In fact, the one person who would seem to want JO put away for this murder of HaLeigh would be her father, Ron Cummings. But, as Misty and Teresa spoke to the media in those first hours about JO, Ron denied JO and he had ever been in a fight and there wasn't any gun.

My belief is that JO is not considered a suspect by LE. They had to respond to all the things being thrown out there in the media, on the phone calls between family members, and also any tips that led LE in his direction, whether or not they thought them to be credible. With it out there, they had to go and interview him. They followed through and JO has not been arrested.


The fact that it was a 45 minute interview that started at 11 pm at night, IMO says he was not being questioned as a suspect. Joe did not have to talk to LE even with his attorney. Je could have refused to talk to them. Joe came in voluntarily. Yes, Sheriff Hardy said Joe "lawyered up" but he NEVER said that Joe was refusing to cooperate.

IMO, no attorney is going to agree to meet for an interview at 11 pm at night unless they know ahead of time that their client is just needed to clarify a few things and it will be a short interview. The attorney would have scheduled the interview during the day without assurance from LE.

IMO, LE needed to interview Joe to clarify/confirm statements by Tommy and/or Misty about their actions. An example would be if Tommy said Joe was at his house when Ron called looking for Misty. LE would question Joe if he knew about the call, if he heard Tommy's side of the call, and what Tommy said or did after the call.

IMO, after clearing Joe as having any involvement in March 2009, they did not talk to Joe again until April 2010 for 45 minutes late at night.

IMO, Hardy saying Joe "lawyered up" was a joke because Joe is the only person who cooperates with LE without being pressured into talking. Yet the media had Joe tried and convicted when he was the only one not using his lawyer as an excuse for not cooperating.
I just listened to the tape of Ron and the reporter who interviewed him. I will say this. If I were, Misty and heard what Ron said about killing who ever took his daughter no matter what the reason was, even if it was just because they wanted a child. I sure would not talk and tell them if I had anything to do with her disappearance or death. I know that sounds callous and self centered, but I would be more afraid of Ron then LE or the fear of going to prison for the rest of my life.
I just listened to the tape of Ron and the reporter who interviewed him. I will say this. If I were, Misty and heard what Ron said about killing who ever took his daughter no matter what the reason was, even if it was just because they wanted a child. I sure would not talk and tell them I had anything to do with her disappearance or death. I know that sounds callous and self centered, but I would be more afraid of Ron then LE or the fear of going to prison for the rest of my life.

Honestly, imo, Misty knows this is all an act. I have no doubt Ronald had said to her, I have to say this stuff, I dont mean it, you know, and I am sure shes like, no prob baby! She knows his threats are empty because she knows the real fate of the child. Its all been one dumb scheme, starting with the wildly dramatic, bricked open door, that the scary kidnapper did to let everyone know they took the child.
Well I was born, raised and have lived in the south all of my life and I have to say I have seen many southern men become very emotional and drop to the ground in grief. So when Ron dropped on the ground it wasnt new for me to see that happen.

All men are not alike.......even in the South. Some can be very strong but some simply aren't and can show much more emotional outbursts.

And younger men of today aren't taught to hold everything inside anymore. For so long it seemed the men were taught to hold everything inside and never show emotions. I am glad that is changing.

I've also lived in the South & around Southern men of all ages, & I've never seen one act like this. I've seen a few shed tears, but they were private tears & there was no drama involved. They leave the dramatics & histrionics to the women. I have seen young boys throw fits, but I'Ve never known one, who didn't outgrow them.
On April 14, 2010, Joe's attorney spoke to reporters:

Overstreet and his attorney said family members are the ones who keep putting Overstreet back on the hot seat.

"At his age, to be accused of such a horrendous act and to be given no support, it's disgusting," said Overstreet's attorney, Shawn Sirgo.

Sirgo and Overstreet said they are confident the facts will prove the man's innocence. They both drove to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation on Tuesday night to meet with investigators, who flew in from Florida. They stayed with them for about 40 minutes, Sirgo said.

"It was obviously a short interview, which means that there was no substantial change," said Sirgo. "I have a good idea of what they're going to do next."

Another article:

"I can say this, I've known Joseph for 3 years. And I believe in him. He's a neat guy and he has a lot of integrity. And if I didn't think that he was the right person, I wouldn't be here right now," said Sirgo

Sirgo said he and his client will cooperate with investigators. And if they're called back in for questioning, they'll go. However, he says investigators won't find the answers they're looking for in Nashville.

Sirgo said the next move does not involve any action against his client, who he said has already suffered more than he should.

"I lost a lot of family," said Overstreet.

IMO, neither LE nor Joe's attorney have said anything but Joe is agreeing to be interviewed when requested. Joe can legally refuse to cooperate in any way. But Joe has been and according to his attorney will continue to cooperate.

That means that all the Croslin relations - Tommy, Misty and Joe - are agreeing to be interviewed by LE. We may not know what they are or are not saying but they at least are meeting with LE.

I've never seen this in southern men and have lived here all my life. If anything, most men will try to be brave and not show their emotions. When they cry, they will look away from the camera, wipe away the tears (not let one lonely tear dangle from their nose until it evaporates), or maybe they will ask the camera person to turn away until they can compose themselves. They also don't whine and throw their voice to a high pitch like a child or woman.

If a camera happens to be around when a father finds out his child has been brutally killed, that's a different story, but even then, most men try to keep their composure and especially if there is another child in the family to consider.

It was a ridiculous display by Ronald Cummings.

Thanks for your post. You are correct in that Southern men are more apt to not show their emotion. Ron falling on the ground whinning and crying like a school girl is definitely NOT A SOUTHERN THING.
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