General theory thread and motives rehashed #2

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Statistically, it would be a natural thing to suspect the closest male to the victim i.e., the father but it doesn't take very long to see whether or not these are sincere human beings in my opinion. There's just no comparison between the two.

I'm proud to say, I was not one of those that held Mark under suspicion and I'll just leave it at that. Bear in mind, it's only my honest opinion.

There are no favorable comparisons for Ronald Cummings to Mark Lunsford. The following are excerpts from a CNN story after John Couey confessed to Jessica's murder. The differences between the two men are glaringly obvious:

Mark Lunsford Speaks to Press After Suspect Confesses to Murder:

(From CNN News)

LUNSFORD: I just want to say to everybody, to my community, to everyone that seen Jesse's picture, that everyone heard me say time after time that she would be home. She's home now. And it's over. And now we have a new struggle.

HARRIS: Mark Lunsford has been a rock through this. He never really gave up hope, did he?

DORSEY: He really didn't. And I'll tell you, this is a man we all got to know. This was not a family that stayed in their home throughout this. They were out doing searches, out every day talking to the media, fulfilling all of our requests for information about Jessica, information about their family. And this is also a family that never got out from under that umbrella of suspicion, because there were no real leads in this case until Couey confessed. This family was continuously being looked at, scrutinized by the media, looked at by investigators the entire time, never cleared. But throughout all of that, they kept a positive attitude. Mark, as I said, was very gracious to all of us that stood outside of his home for three weeks asking for information about his little girl.

Gracious is not a word that any media outlet is likely to use in regards to Mr. Cummings. What were his words to the ABC reporter at the tattoo shop 3 weeks after his daughter vanished? "Man, get out of my face."
BBM in red - Until.......he said the words "I'd give my life to have my daughter's life "back". (past tense).

Then......he fell to his knees realizing what he had just said and hoped no one picked up on it. Unfortunately, my antennae went up at that time.
And, then his phone rang, and he didn't even flinch. Just let it go on ringing.
I don't automatically think the spouse/parent/boyfriend/girlfriend is responsible in any missing person case. I base it on instinct or behavior. I'm keeping up on a number of cases right now and some I think the spouse/boyfriend/parent is responsible, some not and some I'm on the fence. I don't want to think a parent would hurt his or her child although it does happen. In this case, I believe RC has knowledge of what happened to Haleigh.
I'm another who never suspected Mark Lunsford or thought that he did anything inappropiate after the abduction or before by leaving Jessica well cared for that evening in their home with Grandparents. I don't think Ron is all that inappropriate given his personality and lifestyle either, but to leave his children with an angry teen girlfriend on drugs plus all the questionable people they knew was extremely inappropriate.
I'm only going to say that everyone should at least look at the bookings and court dockets in Putnam. Look for big bonds or no bonds on charges involving drugs.

Check the people out. Amazing the court dockets on them. Just amazing. Some you find connections by address, connections by tapes or partial bad tapes released, or blogs, or even NG. But Docs don't usually lie. The peices fall in place easier.

Scanners are so very helpful. Thanks scanners I love ya!

ETA, woops forgot to add check for the latest big bond drug deals from yesterday. Am I allowed to say that? xxxooo

One of my theories involves the drugs, the potential other stuff the next but almost always involves drugs somehow, someway. Guns are prominent too. I am not a gun hater. Nor a liker. But do believe in the right to protect yourself. Heck, I'm in the wild west out here but they need locked and out of sight of children, (and visitors). Hope that's in the law.
Statistically, it would be a natural thing to suspect the closest male to the victim i.e., the father but it doesn't take very long to see whether or not these are sincere human beings in my opinion. There's just no comparison between the two.

I'm proud to say, I was not one of those that held Mark under suspicion and I'll just leave it at that. Bear in mind, it's only my honest opinion.

And I am very proud of you too Baznme. At times back then it was hard being in the minority but for those who believed in Mark and Steve held fast and supported these fathers even though the majority didn't at the time.

The sad thing about it though I often wonder if the false accusations would have continued if John Couey and Joesph Duncan had never been found to be the real killers of these precious children.

Mark nor Steve where perfect fathers nor perfect men. They wouldn't even make that claim themselves, imo.

I am so glad that Couey and Duncan were caught. I remember one time long ago Mark commenting how what he read being said about him and his family hurt him deeply.

I wish all family members who have lost their children could grow from such a tragedy like Mark has done but then all people aren't alike. Some will go onto being a better person and then many will spiral downward and turn toward drugs and alcohol and wind up worse off than before they lost their child or children.

I'm only going to say that everyone should at least look at the bookings and court dockets in Putnam. Look for big bonds or no bonds on charges involving drugs.

Check the people out. Amazing the court dockets on them. Just amazing. Some you find connections by address, connections by tapes or partial bad tapes released, or blogs, or even NG. But Docs don't usually lie. The peices fall in place easier.

Scanners are so very helpful. Thanks scanners I love ya!

ETA, woops forgot to add check for the latest big bond drug deals from yesterday. Am I allowed to say that? xxxooo

One of my theories involves the drugs, the potential other stuff the next but almost always involves drugs somehow, someway. Guns are prominent too. I am not a gun hater. Nor a liker. But do believe in the right to protect yourself. Heck, I'm in the wild west out here but they need locked and out of sight of children, (and visitors). Hope that's in the law.

I would also like to add look at the six degrees of separation in this case..from Chris Middleton...John Merchant...Rob Middleton....etc. etc.
People can be wrong about Mr Lunsford and others, but that doesn't mean they're wrong about Ron Cummings. The cases ARE and SHOULD be treated differently. I am sure no one would choose to be compared constantly to someone else; no less so than these other men for whom JUSTICE determined were innocent. Until ALL facts can be known, continuing to argue against the position of others by demonstrating one's "correct feelings" about someone else unrelated to THIS case, is fruitless.

The facts of this case point to the people who lived in the home with Haleigh, and have eliminated a "stranger abduction" theory, and could possibly involve those who knew her parents. Those are words from LE, and that's just the way it is.
OK...the "gun" I believe is important, not as a weapon, but as the motivator. Do we know where Ron got this prized gun?? Could it be a stolen gun? Maybe stolen from the wrong person, perhaps from someone with a military background (remember the rope makeshift chair) when Joe stole the piece and was bragging about it, perhaps the rightful owner found out, and Joe gave in to him telling him where he got it. Maybe that gun was someone's "baby", and Haleigh was taken in retaliation to a theft. Mods please remove if this is too much speculation/gossip, just trying to connect the dots.
And, then his phone rang, and he didn't even flinch. Just let it go on ringing.

I'm wondering tho if he had specific ring tones for specific callers. My hubby has certain "song clips" programmed in for myself, our son, our daughter, my parents, my brother, etc so he knows when it is in his pocket and rings exactly whom is calling. Maybe Ron knew by the ring tone that it was one of his suppliers, someone unimportant in the scheme of things...not the police, not a tipster, etc so that is why he chose not to answer.
I'm wondering tho if he had specific ring tones for specific callers. My hubby has certain "song clips" programmed in for myself, our son, our daughter, my parents, my brother, etc so he knows when it is in his pocket and rings exactly whom is calling. Maybe Ron knew by the ring tone that it was one of his suppliers, someone unimportant in the scheme of things...not the police, not a tipster, etc so that is why he chose not to answer.

I agree!

IMO the media, his close family members, LE, his X Crystal and Misty were there. He stated he had no friends... so whoever was calling him was unimportant because IMO for whatever reason he knew it was not the person who abducted his precious baby girl or even her calling her daddy for that matter... HE KNEW IT! and failing to answer the call may have just proved it. Even a familiar ring could have had her, or vital info on her whereabouts... unless... he'd already been told... MOO
I wonder why he had his phone in the first place. Weren't we told that LE took Misty and Ron's phones? Apparently not right away if that was his own phone that was ringing. Did he get it back so soon? He could have borrowed somebody else's phone - but a borrowed phone wouldn't have ring tones that he can identify as belonging to specific persons and he'd have to look to know who's calling.
He could have had someone else's phone, or $14.99 will buy any sort of prepaid phone at Family Dollar, and then of course, the barber shop on the corner sales used/stolen phones for $5 to $10, lol.

I don't know if LE would get the phones back to them in a day or so. Guess it is possible, but never heard of anyone getting any kind of property back that quickly.
I'm wondering tho if he had specific ring tones for specific callers. My hubby has certain "song clips" programmed in for myself, our son, our daughter, my parents, my brother, etc so he knows when it is in his pocket and rings exactly whom is calling. Maybe Ron knew by the ring tone that it was one of his suppliers, someone unimportant in the scheme of things...not the police, not a tipster, etc so that is why he chose not to answer.

Was Ron some big king pin drug lord that he had non stop phone calls coming in at all hours because he was so in demand that these people wanting drugs were calling knowing he didn't have a missing child? I am not being dramatic, but its not as if Ronald was getting calls from Colombia about the next shipments coming in or anything, as seen from the tapes when he has to be fronted 80 dollars to go get a handfull of pills, that is a low level dealer who is doing it just to feed his habit and get by, imo.

Did the ringtone sound different from a standard cell phone ring? Was it a personalized song? Every call at that point however would have been important, if hes dealing drugs, is it so far fetched one of them calling wasnt asking for a ransom?
IIRC.. ONLY one phone number was listed on the police report, so who knows...JMO

And IIRC.. Nay Nay stated when she was talking to Misty after the incident someone told Misty to get off the phone because it could be bugged... So I suspect LE took Misty's phone and that was the number listed on the report..Seems they didn't bother taking Ronald Cummings phone since he told them he was at work.. Anyone else think Misty was being set up from the beginning....Imagine that...JMO
I just realized some inconsistencies for Ron and possibly TN. Ronald/TN living in the tent always bothered me. They had relatives who lived close by. But they insisted on staying close to the MH. The minute the MH was released, Ronald could not move back in there. Because the MH was released, they were not allowed to camp so they moved away.

IMO, Ronald/TN was not staying in the tents to be close to the last place Haleigh was seen but to be closer to LE and the investigation.

I just found this article that I had never read or heard these statements. One comment in particular infuriates me.

"It's not home, but it's good. I mean it's dry, basically, it's out of the sun," Sykes said.

But on a rainy Thursday in Putnam County, water poured through the cracks of a tent donated by a funeral home. The fire department donated a propane tank to keep them warm on cool nights and the family is taking shifts sleeping on mattresses.

"Waiting on Haleigh to come home. This is as close to the house as we can get really and the gentleman here was nice enough to let us put this up in his yard," Sykes said.

That gentleman is also allowing Haleigh's family to run cable to the tent so they can watch a big, color, flat screen TV. There's also food, drinks, and chairs for guests.

This is a picture of the inside of the tent showing the big, color, flat screen TV.


That tv in that tent just says it all to me. Haleigh is missing and they are sitting in a tent watching a big, color, flat screen tv. Why they need for a tv with cable? If there was any news, the family would know before the media knew anything. If the tv is a distraction, you don't need cable.

IMO, the only reason for "cable" was to watch cable news so they could keep tabs on both LE and what the media was saying. That way they could prepare responses so they would not be caught off guard. They could manipulate the stories to try to manipulate the investigation. They could mention GGma Sykes showing up to discredit the "rumors" of Misty not being at the MH that night. They could drop comments about suspicous cousin Joe.

IMO, from the beginning, they used every tactic they could think of to misdirect and mislead LE, the media and the public. If they had nothing to hide, there would be no reason to do that.
I just realized some inconsistencies for Ron and possibly TN. Ronald/TN living in the tent always bothered me. They had relatives who lived close by. But they insisted on staying close to the MH. The minute the MH was released, Ronald could not move back in there. Because the MH was released, they were not allowed to camp so they moved away.

IMO, Ronald/TN was not staying in the tents to be close to the last place Haleigh was seen but to be closer to LE and the investigation.

I just found this article that I had never read or heard these statements. One comment in particular infuriates me.

"It's not home, but it's good. I mean it's dry, basically, it's out of the sun," Sykes said.

But on a rainy Thursday in Putnam County, water poured through the cracks of a tent donated by a funeral home. The fire department donated a propane tank to keep them warm on cool nights and the family is taking shifts sleeping on mattresses.

"Waiting on Haleigh to come home. This is as close to the house as we can get really and the gentleman here was nice enough to let us put this up in his yard," Sykes said.

That gentleman is also allowing Haleigh's family to run cable to the tent so they can watch a big, color, flat screen TV. There's also food, drinks, and chairs for guests.

This is a picture of the inside of the tent showing the big, color, flat screen TV.


That tv in that tent just says it all to me. Haleigh is missing and they are sitting in a tent watching a big, color, flat screen tv. Why they need for a tv with cable? If there was any news, the family would know before the media knew anything. If the tv is a distraction, you don't need cable.

IMO, the only reason for "cable" was to watch cable news so they could keep tabs on both LE and what the media was saying. That way they could prepare responses so they would not be caught off guard. They could manipulate the stories to try to manipulate the investigation. They could mention GGma Sykes showing up to discredit the "rumors" of Misty not being at the MH that night. They could drop comments about suspicous cousin Joe.

IMO, from the beginning, they used every tactic they could think of to misdirect and mislead LE, the media and the public. If they had nothing to hide, there would be no reason to do that.

BBM..Red ....And sixteen months later similar tactics are still being used to misdirect and manipulate....IYKWIM...JMO

Joe was visiting Misty that night. He wanted to get high, so Misty left Joe with the children while she went to get some drugs. Joe hurt Haleigh bad enough to kill her, Joe called, Tommy to come over for help. Joe told Tommy, Haleigh was dead, but didn't tell him exactly what happen. Joe told Tommy, Misty would be blamed. Joe took Haleigh and deposed of her body. Tommy stayed with Jr. Misty came back Joe told her what he had done, but not all the details. Maybe he convinced her there would be no way she could prove he was there and convinced her, Ron would blame her for it. She may still not want him to blame her , but knows he will if she tells what happen. Tommy was trying to protect, Misty and himself. Not just from LE, but Ron also. I think Tommy told what happen, just recently. Now they are waiting for Misty to tell the truth.
Was Ron some big king pin drug lord that he had non stop phone calls coming in at all hours because he was so in demand that these people wanting drugs were calling knowing he didn't have a missing child? I am not being dramatic, but its not as if Ronald was getting calls from Colombia about the next shipments coming in or anything, as seen from the tapes when he has to be fronted 80 dollars to go get a handfull of pills, that is a low level dealer who is doing it just to feed his habit and get by, imo.

Did the ringtone sound different from a standard cell phone ring? Was it a personalized song? Every call at that point however would have been important, if hes dealing drugs, is it so far fetched one of them calling wasnt asking for a ransom?

OMG, Chablis you had me laughing so hard, what a great sense of humor you have.txs

Joe was visiting Misty that night. He wanted to get high, so Misty left Joe with the children while she went to get some drugs. Joe hurt Haleigh bad enough to kill her, Joe called, Tommy to come over for help. Joe told Tommy, Haleigh was dead, but didn't tell him exactly what happen. Joe told Tommy, Misty would be blamed. Joe took Haleigh and deposed of her body. Tommy stayed with Jr. Misty came back Joe told her what he had done, but not all the details. Maybe he convinced her there would be no way she could prove he was there and convinced her, Ron would blame her for it. She may still not want him to blame her , but knows he will if she tells what happen. Tommy was trying to protect, Misty and himself. Not just from LE, but Ron also. I think Tommy told what happen, just recently. Now they are waiting for Misty to tell the truth.

I just can't bring myself to accept that cousin joe is actually involved, at least not yet. So far as me know there is nothing but Misty's "dream" that in any way links cousin Joe to the scene. And the "dream" of a known and proven pathological liar with a strong motive to implicate someone else, is not enough for me to throw someone under the bus, regardless of how skeevy they may seem at a quick glance. We know that Tommy was somewhere around the trailer that night. We know that Misty was the last person seen with Hayleigh. We know the call paterns to Ron that night. We have nothing that actually ties Joe into it. And based on the fact that he is the only one of the bunch not currently incarcerated, I am going to suspect that LE is not really viewing him as a prime actor either.

Don't get me wrong, I am certainly not a cousin Joe fan or defender. Simply indicating that it will take more than Misty's say so in order for me to be convinced he should be bundled into any theories of what happened to Hayleigh. I still think the only two people involved directly were Misty and Ron, and Tommy then helped his sister dispose of the body. Any other combination and Misty would have long ago been singing like a canary.

The theory is still hold to most likely goes something like this. Misty did not want to be in that house babysitting those kids. Hayleigh was the anchor that Ron and TN kept using to drag her back. She certainly did not want to be there that night. I suspect that she gave Hayleigh and Oxycontin to put her out so that she could do whatever she wanted. She may have then left to go party. Either way a period of time later the Oxy resulted in Hayleighs death. She called Ron, who figured out that the death by Oxy would bury them all in jail for a long time, so coverup mode ensues. Tommy is called to come help Misty get rid of the body.
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