General theory thread and motives rehashed #2

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She claims ownership of the blanket, so I've always thought it was something she brought along with her when she moved in with Ron. I have nothing other than her own words to back that up, however.

No more than THAT? LOL
When Misty was having her wild weekend, where was Joe & what was he doing? Was he running with Tommy, Timmy? Ron? Has anybody ever said?
She claims ownership of the blanket, so I've always thought it was something she brought along with her when she moved in with Ron. I have nothing other than her own words to back that up, however.

Ah yes, I guess that could have been thrown on the front lawn with the rest of her belongings (RC's breakup ritual).
Ah yes, I guess that could have been thrown on the front lawn with the rest of her belongings (RC's breakup ritual).

I would love to know if LE found Misty's clothes in the MH after the 911 call.

I would think since Misty moved back into the MH, she would have brought her clothes with her.
maybe i'm just not suspicious enought (lol) but i blew it up to 400% and it didn't appear to me to be rubbed out or corrected. it just looked like a poor quality printer or reproduction. if you look at the "." on january 8th, it has the same type of marking. also, on the "." on october 7th, same thing. but that's just my opinion.

Am I understanding this correctly that, at 400%, this post is saying the “.” type of markings look the same for October 7, January 8, and February 9?


IMO, October 7 is clean as a whistle, January 8 has some kind of mark that in no way resembles February 9 which COULD easily be the remnant of a “U”, PARTICULARLY if a poor quality printer was used as speculated.
Am I understanding this correctly that, at 400%, this post is saying the “.” type of markings look the same for October 7, January 8, and February 9?


IMO, October 7 is clean as a whistle, January 8 has some kind of mark that in no way resembles February 9 which COULD easily be the remnant of a “U”, PARTICULARLY if a poor quality printer was used as speculated.

I agree with you..It does look like the printer was defective..but the next series of U's for Feb are very plain..perhaps the ink cartrige was low and it was changed the next day....

Everything in this case..has....defects.............people, times, vehicles,etc.
YOU get the picture......
all in my own opinion...
I think it's just smudges all around, personally, on October 17, January 8 and February 9. IMO the smudge on Feb 9 is the wrong shape compared to the font of the intact U. What I mean is, the right side of the U in this font goes straight down until it starts to curve in the bottom part. In the vaguely half-U shaped smudge, the part that appears to be the curve starts higher up than in the letter U. The printer or the photocopier is awful or it might be a case of photocopying a photocopy of a photocopy?
CP..I'm thinking perhaps the poster oozer, who just joined WS , made a mistake when s/he stated October 7th.. I suspect s/he was referencing the 17th of October since the mark on the attendance record for the 7th of October has no smudges but the mark for the 17th of October clearly does have several smudges...JMO
Do anyone recall where the attendence record came from? How did it get posted on WS? from media? Which one? TIA...
I am still considering abduction: Someone came to the MH that night and confronted Misty, threatened her, and took Haleigh as revenge/retaliation for something that Ronald Cummings did. Someone he snitched on went down, and someone decided to attack Ron where it would hurt the most--his heart. Or someone he threatened--maybe humiliated in the process--or maybe the prized gun in question was actually stolen by RC.

This theory may be farfetched but it certainly would explain a lot of the Cummings' inappropriate (to put it mildly) behaviors. Such a theory explains Ron's involvement in the cover-up because the reason she was taken would open a huge can of worms for him. And it would explain why Misty might not know who took Haleigh or where she is. She might know why, but she doesn't know who because they weren't people she recognized. This would also give credence to a "fear factor" because even LE finding and locking up the perp(s) would leave others out and about.

The above is all based on the fact that I know of no real evidence pointing to anyone in particular. LE could have evidence that would toss this theory out completely but until I hear what that evidence is, I cannot let go of the revenge/retaliation possibility.

All JMO.

Except honestly, I dont think HaLeigh was his "heart" as its trying to be portrayed. I dont expect Crystal to think otherwise about Rons position toward his daughter, but I also saw Mistys voice test analysis and she really wasn't lying when she said Ron had NOTHING to do with his daughter, I dont take it as her meaning, Oh, he had nothing to do with her disappearance, I take it as, he really was not an involved parent and everyone else did everything for him when it came to his kids, childcare, laundry, etc.

And why not take the little boy as retaliation, thats the son, thats the one taken that would probably impact Ronald most, I would think, but who knows.
Do anyone recall where the attendence record came from? How did it get posted on WS? from media? Which one? TIA...

I may be wrong but I believe it was AH who posted it on his site...I know thats where I saw it first...JMO
I may be wrong but I believe it was AH who posted it on his site...I know thats where I saw it first...JMO

Thanks Emeralgem! Wasn't it also said that TN was AH's "inside source" or was that rumor?

my point is that IF TN was the "source" for AH and he obtained the records through TN, i betcha that the copy LE has is different than the one we have, JMO
Except honestly, I dont think HaLeigh was his "heart" as its trying to be portrayed. I dont expect Crystal to think otherwise about Rons position toward his daughter, but I also saw Mistys voice test analysis and she really wasn't lying when she said Ron had NOTHING to do with his daughter, I dont take it as her meaning, Oh, he had nothing to do with her disappearance, I take it as, he really was not an involved parent and everyone else did everything for him when it came to his kids, childcare, laundry, etc.

And why not take the little boy as retaliation, thats the son, thats the one taken that would probably impact Ronald most, I would think, but who knows.

Your points are well-taken, Chablis, and I know I am in the minority when I consider a retaliation theory.

Retaliation is not my #1 theory; it's just one I considered early on that I have not been able yet to cross off my list. My #1 theory is RC hit Haleigh or pushed her aside during a confrontation with Misty just before he left for work. Haleigh's injury was not obvious, but she took a turn for the worse later on. If this happened I could see Misty covering for Ron, as well as his family. I also see Misty telling the truth at some point if this is what happened, but she will not be believed because evidence available initially becomes unavailable with the passage of time.

I fear there will never be justice for Haleigh.
Thanks Emeralgem! Wasn't it also said that TN was AH's "inside source" or was that rumor?

my point is that IF TN was the "source" for AH and he obtained the records through TN, i betcha that the copy LE has is different than the one we have, JMO

I think Art's "source" is Crystal, or Kim P. Crystal told Art that she went to the school to pick up Haleigh records after Haleigh went missing and that is when she discovered that Haleigh had missed a lot of school days.

Art said that Crystal made accusations about Haleigh's attendance, saying that missing so many days was "bullcrap". Art contacted the Cummings for comment and they declined to answer up. I have to doubt that TN is the source for any of Art's info on the school records. JMO

snip~“I didn’t know she’d missed that much school until I got the records,” Crystal told me Thursday. “That surprised me. My fiance’s kids have missed a couple of days, but this (a month) is bullcrap.”

Calls to Ronald Cummings, and other family members Thursday were not returned by deadline.

Crystal’s lawyer, Kim Picazio, tells me she’s turning the records and photos over to child protective services to make their case in Crystal’s attempt to win back custody of her son.
~end snip
OK this has really bothered me, someone please help me out on this.

RC supposedly stated he decided to work late, until 3:00 am,
because supervisor asked him because a late barge was coming in.
He would have normally gotten off at 12:00 am.

Therefore, here is the question, why when MC woke up at 3:00, 2:33, 1:33, or whatever time all I know is “She saw 3”. Was she all freaked out that the light was on or the back door was open?

She had turned off her Phone after 8:30 pm.

Therefore, she didn’t know RC was working late and would be expecting him home at 12:00 am.
Why didn’t she just think, “ Hmm, RC must be in the kitchen doing something that why the light is on”,
or “him RC must have left the back door open and ran out to get something, or maybe he was taking out the garbage,
didn’t they say that was one of the only times they really used that door.

She also could have thought, RC got home Haleigh woke up and RC toke her to the store with him to get something like "smokes."

But she said she just started “Freaking Out”
OK this has really bothered me, someone please help me out on this.

RC supposedly stated he decided to work late, until 3:00 am,
because supervisor asked him because a late barge was coming in.
He would have normally gotten off at 12:00 am.

Therefore, here is the question, why when MC woke up at 3:00, 2:33, 1:33, or whatever time all I know is “She saw 3”. Was she all freaked out that the light was on or the back door was open?

She had turned off her Phone after 8:30 pm.

Therefore, she didn’t know RC was working late and would be expecting him home at 12:00 am.
Why didn’t she just think, “ Hmm, RC must be in the kitchen doing something that why the light is on”,
or “him RC must have left the back door open and ran out to get something, or maybe he was taking out the garbage,
didn’t they say that was one of the only times they really used that door.

She also could have thought, RC got home Haleigh woke up and RC toke her to the store with him to get something like "smokes."

But she said she just started “Freaking Out”

Couldn't Misty have found out about the extra overtime on any of the various phone calls between her and Ronald earlier that day? All we know is that Misty turned her phone off at 8:30, we don't know what the topic of any of her priors conversations with RC were, He could have found out about the barge coming in earlier in the day and told her then.

BTW....Bold by me.....Misty did tell a story once during the LVA or Hypnosis...or one of her many other recantations.....and in it she states she asked RC, " do you have Haleigh, is Haleigh with you?" It would take some searching to find a link, but maybe someone else remembers this too?
Thanks elle1919 I have searched High and Low for Video of RC or MC stating that MC knew he was working late, when you find them or anyone else please pass them my way. This is driving me nuts; it is always the little things.
Thanks Emeralgem! Wasn't it also said that TN was AH's "inside source" or was that rumor?

my point is that IF TN was the "source" for AH and he obtained the records through TN, i betcha that the copy LE has is different than the one we have, JMO

I WHOLE HEARTILY AGREE!!! If TN WAS involved with producing this attendance record...I would find it Suspect....

I HIGHLY doubt...(IMO)..the school would keep school attendance records of their un legible print....(in my experience with a school office as a teacher's/office aid ...(I do not live in Florida, by the way)

This attendance me...looks....ALTERED...
What reason up Haleigh's school attendance record..and it what mark is INTENDED/entered,,for that day...WHY???
I WHOLE HEARTILY AGREE!!! If TN WAS involved with producing this attendance record...I would find it Suspect....

I HIGHLY doubt...(IMO)..the school would keep school attendance records of their un legible print....(in my experience with a school office as a teacher's/office aid ...(I do not live in Florida, by the way)

This attendance me...looks....ALTERED...
What reason up Haleigh's school attendance record..and it what mark is INTENDED/entered,,for that day...WHY???

Crystal picked the attendance record up from the school after Haleigh went missing. If Art Harris received an altered copy are you saying that Crystal altered it to show more days were missing? I am confused here, TN didn't give the attendance record to Art Harris.
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