General theory thread and motives rehashed #2

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And I am very proud of you too Baznme. At times back then it was hard being in the minority but for those who believed in Mark and Steve held fast and supported these fathers even though the majority didn't at the time.

The sad thing about it though I often wonder if the false accusations would have continued if John Couey and Joesph Duncan had never been found to be the real killers of these precious children.

Mark nor Steve where perfect fathers nor perfect men. They wouldn't even make that claim themselves, imo.

I am so glad that Couey and Duncan were caught. I remember one time long ago Mark commenting how what he read being said about him and his family hurt him deeply.

I wish all family members who have lost their children could grow from such a tragedy like Mark has done but then all people aren't alike. Some will go onto being a better person and then many will spiral downward and turn toward drugs and alcohol and wind up worse off than before they lost their child or children.


RE: BBM Above;

IMO it's pointless to ponder this as the evidence pointed and led LE elsewhere and that is what generally happens in these cases - the evidence, whether it be DNA, trace evidence, tips/leads, confirmation of alibis, phone records, etc. moves LE away from parents and/or those closest to the victim and first suspected in a case.
I will admit I always look at the parents first. I only move away from thinking they are involved when their is a good reason too. In this case I am still on the fence as far as believing, Ron might be. ...And yes I did think, Mark or a family member may have been involved, until I learned about Couey.
I just can't bring myself to accept that cousin joe is actually involved, at least not yet. So far as me know there is nothing but Misty's "dream" that in any way links cousin Joe to the scene. And the "dream" of a known and proven pathological liar with a strong motive to implicate someone else, is not enough for me to throw someone under the bus, regardless of how skeevy they may seem at a quick glance. We know that Tommy was somewhere around the trailer that night. We know that Misty was the last person seen with Hayleigh. We know the call paterns to Ron that night. We have nothing that actually ties Joe into it. And based on the fact that he is the only one of the bunch not currently incarcerated, I am going to suspect that LE is not really viewing him as a prime actor either.

Don't get me wrong, I am certainly not a cousin Joe fan or defender. Simply indicating that it will take more than Misty's say so in order for me to be convinced he should be bundled into any theories of what happened to Hayleigh. I still think the only two people involved directly were Misty and Ron, and Tommy then helped his sister dispose of the body. Any other combination and Misty would have long ago been singing like a canary.

The theory is still hold to most likely goes something like this. Misty did not want to be in that house babysitting those kids. Hayleigh was the anchor that Ron and TN kept using to drag her back. She certainly did not want to be there that night. I suspect that she gave Hayleigh and Oxycontin to put her out so that she could do whatever she wanted. She may have then left to go party. Either way a period of time later the Oxy resulted in Hayleighs death. She called Ron, who figured out that the death by Oxy would bury them all in jail for a long time, so coverup mode ensues. Tommy is called to come help Misty get rid of the body.



I respectfully disagree with what I bolded in your post. Addressed below:

1. We DO NOT KNOW that Tommy was around the trailer that night He stated he was and then retracted that statement. We have no idea what he is telling LE at this point. We do not know the truth.

2. We DO NOT KNOW that Misty was the last person to be seen with HaLeigh that night, or to have seen HaLeigh, as most report it. We only know what was first told to the 911 operator and reporters later. Doesn't make it true.

3. Phone records have not been released to the public. How could we know what Ronald Cummings "call patterns" were?

My opinion.
He could have had someone else's phone, or $14.99 will buy any sort of prepaid phone at Family Dollar, and then of course, the barber shop on the corner sales used/stolen phones for $5 to $10, lol.

I don't know if LE would get the phones back to them in a day or so. Guess it is possible, but never heard of anyone getting any kind of property back that quickly.

Why would LE need to keep their phones? They would only need their phone records. Also, if they wanted to know what information was on their phone at the time (contacts, recent calls), they could simply download the information from the SIM card or the phone itself in a matter of minutes (at least I would think so).
I will admit I always look at the parents first. I only move away from thinking they are involved when their is a good reason too. In this case I am still on the fence as far as believing, Ron might be. ...And yes I did think, Mark or a family member may have been involved, until I learned about Couey.

In reference to myself I have been here since March of 2009 and have yet to find any reason, let alone a good one, to move away from Ronald Cummings as being the one responsible for his daughters death.
And I haven't found any evidence yet that proves his mother and his grandmother aren't involved in a coverup either...IMHO..Their actions over the last 16 months has proven they know Haleigh was never abducted and their son and grandson is the one responsible for Haleigh's demise.. I also highly suspect his mother and his grandmother from day one were aware of the fact IF Haleigh's remains were ever found, the manner in which she died would be revealed and their precious son/grandson would go down...
Right now I'm just praying LE and the SAO will start focusing on the Cummings/Neves Sykes gang and find out just what exactly they did with Haleigh's remains and where they put her.. Crystal and her family deserve to know the truth.. JMO

RE: BBM Above;

IMO it's pointless to ponder this as the evidence pointed and led LE elsewhere and that is what generally happens in these cases - the evidence, whether it be DNA, trace evidence, tips/leads, confirmation of alibis, phone records, etc. moves LE away from parents and/or those closest to the victim and first suspected in a case.

I wanted to add, in all fairness, I began following this case from the beginning, and in the beginning, while most did not believe the story from Misty, there was a lot of investigation into child molesters in the area, including one guy (I forgot his name) who disappeared right around the time Haleigh did. So...

IMO, it is common sense when something like this happens to look at the closest people to the victim, because statistics show they are more often than not the perps, but in no way was the focus exclusively on Ron and/or Misty when this first came out. Also, IMO, the behavior of Ron and Misty since Haleigh vanished is what has brought more and more focus on them. My main theory right now has Ron not being involved at all, but that is just because I have yet to come up with a "Ron did it" theory that explains things as well for me as my "Ron didn't do it" theory. But I still spend time thinking it over...
I just realized some inconsistencies for Ron and possibly TN. Ronald/TN living in the tent always bothered me. They had relatives who lived close by. But they insisted on staying close to the MH. The minute the MH was released, Ronald could not move back in there. Because the MH was released, they were not allowed to camp so they moved away.

IMO, Ronald/TN was not staying in the tents to be close to the last place Haleigh was seen but to be closer to LE and the investigation.

I just found this article that I had never read or heard these statements. One comment in particular infuriates me.

"It's not home, but it's good. I mean it's dry, basically, it's out of the sun," Sykes said.

But on a rainy Thursday in Putnam County, water poured through the cracks of a tent donated by a funeral home. The fire department donated a propane tank to keep them warm on cool nights and the family is taking shifts sleeping on mattresses.

"Waiting on Haleigh to come home. This is as close to the house as we can get really and the gentleman here was nice enough to let us put this up in his yard," Sykes said.

That gentleman is also allowing Haleigh's family to run cable to the tent so they can watch a big, color, flat screen TV. There's also food, drinks, and chairs for guests.

This is a picture of the inside of the tent showing the big, color, flat screen TV.


That tv in that tent just says it all to me. Haleigh is missing and they are sitting in a tent watching a big, color, flat screen tv. Why they need for a tv with cable? If there was any news, the family would know before the media knew anything. If the tv is a distraction, you don't need cable.

IMO, the only reason for "cable" was to watch cable news so they could keep tabs on both LE and what the media was saying. That way they could prepare responses so they would not be caught off guard. They could manipulate the stories to try to manipulate the investigation. They could mention GGma Sykes showing up to discredit the "rumors" of Misty not being at the MH that night. They could drop comments about suspicous cousin Joe.

IMO, from the beginning, they used every tactic they could think of to misdirect and mislead LE, the media and the public. If they had nothing to hide, there would be no reason to do that.
I just read the articles that you posted, & I think you are spot on, in your manipulation assessment. This passage from Ronald, blows my mind. 'I would ask that you please, please bring my daughter home. She's not yours, not your property. She's not something that you just take & say, 'It's mine'. This is my daughter, this is blood, & I would like to have my daughter back, please. Please bring my daughter home'. I'm speechless.
I have been thinking about the fight about this gun. Here's part of my theory for today. haha

I am now convinced that the fight occurred the day Haleigh disappeared. Ron had the Croslins believing that Jo had stolen his gun and it seems like Hank Jr. was on Ron's side...trying to pressure Jo into giving the gun back (thinking that Jo really had taken it). Listening to Ron and Cobra speak, Ron says that at 6 o'clock, someone came in and told Jo something. Where were they?? I think at this point in the evening on Monday, Hank, Ron, Misty, Haleigh and Jo are in the same place. IMO, they were at 130 Magnolia. Did Hank and Ron go to confront Jo there?? Misty said that Hank and the kids were there at the mh between 5-6p smoking a joint. Maybe Hank was driving the blue van at this time during the evening and him, Ron and Misty went to the Magnolia address together in the blue van? IMO, Hank and Ron were together that late afternoon. Hanks tells us in one of his stories that Jo held a knife to his throat and didn't know that Hank seen "her" in the van. IMO, Hank is talking about Haleigh...and I think he is admitting that Haleigh was in the blue van with HIM and RON but not being truthful as to who was driving the blue van and why they were even at the Magnolia address, to begin with. Which was to fight/confront JO.

I'm thinking that something happened to Haleigh while she was with Hank, Ron, and Misty. Maybe neither of them thought that she would die from her injury. They race back to the mh...maybe Ron drove the blue van at this point...and that's why Ron commented on neither HIM nor Misty was allowed to drive the blue van. He said that as if, at sometime, he WAS allowed to drive the van. On the way back to the mh Ron panics and calls Teresa (or has Misty call her) about what happened to Haleigh. TN tells Ron to go into work and that she/they (including Hank and Misty:waitasec:) would take care of everything else. If that is the case, that tells me that Ron was directly responsible for whatever happened to Haleigh, because had he not been, Teresa wouldn't have involved herself in the cover up of Haleigh's death. Because Teresa is far out, she calls GMSykes, explain to her what has happened to Haleigh, GMSykes and the nurse go to the mh between 7-8p. GMSykes said that Misty got to the mh right before Ron got ready for work and that she was mad that Ron let her back in. Maybe Misty showed up with Ron and while Ron hightailed it to work, Misty was left with an injured Haleigh, waiting on GMSykes to arrive. Maybe GMSykes was mad because when she got there, Misty was there and she was mad because all of this involved Misty's family but Misty was still around. I think that when TN arrived that evening...Misty left. And maybe that's what the argument was about at 8:30...I think Ron had found out from TN that Haleigh was NOT going to be ok. And the cover up began.The fact that all this happened shortly after Haleigh got out of school, she was still in her pink shirt when she got injured. Misty knew Haleigh had been in her pink shirt before she left. GMSykes tells us that SHE changed Haleigh's shirt that evening. I dont think Misty knew that information, so Misty was under the assumption that Haleigh was "missing" in her pink shirt. Misty later found the pink shirt. It was said the shirt had been laundered. If Misty wasn't around for all of this, who washed that shirt and why?

Ron calls Hank at 9pm. I can see Ron being afraid to discuss anything that happened, over the phone with Hank, so he just tells Hank that Misty left, wants to know if she went to his house. Ron tells Tommy to go over to the mh. Tommy gets there at 10pm. Maybe Tommy went there to speak with Teresa about what happened. Did we ever find out what time Teresa asked Misty to babysit? Maybe at this point, Misty nor Hank knew that Haleigh had actually died or was going to die. Tommy says to LE that when he got there at 10p Misty was not there. But I think that he left out the part of who was actually there when he got there. Teresa. LE wanted to know where Misty was from 10p-2am. I think that when Misty shows back up to the mh, it is after 2am and that is who is heard screaming around that time. Teresa had just told Misty that Haleigh had died...The fact that Misty was gone between 10p-2p tells me that Misty was not around for the Cummings plan to get rid of Haleigh's body. Misty knows that Ron inflicted the injury upon Haleigh that later killed her but...she does not know the details of the disposal. I think Misty was given her script after she had learned that Haleigh had died.

Hank and Misty (and maybe Jo) know what really happened to Haleigh..I think they at least witnessed Haleigh injury but didn't know at the time that it would eventually kill her. I don't think the clean up had anything to do with the Croslins. Teresa and Ron were smarter than that. It's bad enough some of the Croslins witnessed the injury. That's why Tommy got the headless rat and everyone wanted to point the finger at JO. Had it not been for Jo supposedly stealing the gun, the fight would've never happened...and most importantly-Haleigh would still be here.

JMO for now
I am still considering abduction: Someone came to the MH that night and confronted Misty, threatened her, and took Haleigh as revenge/retaliation for something that Ronald Cummings did. Someone he snitched on went down, and someone decided to attack Ron where it would hurt the most--his heart. Or someone he threatened--maybe humiliated in the process--or maybe the prized gun in question was actually stolen by RC.

This theory may be farfetched but it certainly would explain a lot of the Cummings' inappropriate (to put it mildly) behaviors. Such a theory explains Ron's involvement in the cover-up because the reason she was taken would open a huge can of worms for him. And it would explain why Misty might not know who took Haleigh or where she is. She might know why, but she doesn't know who because they weren't people she recognized. This would also give credence to a "fear factor" because even LE finding and locking up the perp(s) would leave others out and about.

The above is all based on the fact that I know of no real evidence pointing to anyone in particular. LE could have evidence that would toss this theory out completely but until I hear what that evidence is, I cannot let go of the revenge/retaliation possibility.

All JMO.
I think if someone took Haleigh thinking this would be the worst thing for RC...they misjudged, as very soon after she was gone, he seemed to resume his life and lifestyle. A normal reaction to something like this happening just might include a lifestyle overhaul, IMO...not to mention confessing everything you had ever done in life to police if it would help find I am not buying anything like someone taking Haleigh to get to to RC; people who know probably know that taking a gun or money or drugs would be the way to really get at him...JMO of course...
I just don't think Ron killed Haleigh, I think Ron was directly responsible for what happened to her.
If I was Ron, not a very good person, and I kept drugs and firearms around my children, even if she was shot, I could still claim an accident and detectives now can do all kinds of tests to tell if a gunshot is accidental. You will agree, anyone, good or bad can have an accident. No, more is going on here. The gun being involved could have been why the initial interest occurred, but someone else came along with those that sought the gun. Perhaps while under the influence of drugs someone was around someone who had an interest in Haleigh, for many reasons. It would be someone they normally spent time with on occasion. Someone that was a drug user and his intentions were not obvious. Someone who Ron would fear. Ya know we can talk about how terrible Ron is all day, but I think hes a coward, jmo. I keep saying this, but there is another angle. Ron has done something , I don't know what. I wish we had some of the information the police have.

Ya know, my mom just recently died, (God rest her soul) but if she had been locked in a room with Misty and Tommy, dang if they wouldn't have talked by now, I mean facts!
This other angle I'm speaking of is what is keeping LE from closing this case. JMO
CROSLIN: OK. I put her to bed about, you know, 8:00 o`clock because that`s her bedtime. She had school. I put her to bed in her blanket and my blanket. My blanket was in the bed that they took. So we had a blanket hanging on the window and I had to wash that, and her blanket. Her blanket was -- she had peed on her blanket the night before, I guess, and I was going to put it on there, but it smelled like pee. So I washed the blanket and I gave her a little sheet to cover up with. And she fell asleep. And I come in there and put her blanket on her. And then I laid down.

WHY did "they" take a bed out? The sentence before that says HaLeigh was IN that blanket.
CROSLIN: OK. I put her to bed about, you know, 8:00 o`clock because that`s her bedtime. She had school. I put her to bed in her blanket and my blanket. My blanket was in the bed that they took. So we had a blanket hanging on the window and I had to wash that, and her blanket. Her blanket was -- she had peed on her blanket the night before, I guess, and I was going to put it on there, but it smelled like pee. So I washed the blanket and I gave her a little sheet to cover up with. And she fell asleep. And I come in there and put her blanket on her. And then I laid down.

WHY did "they" take a bed out? The sentence before that says HaLeigh was IN that blanket.

Hi Zaha, The link you posted doesn't work.
Wasn't Misty's blanket supposed to be in the van that they took, not bed.
Yes, the transcript has a wrong word in it.
I've never understood why anyone's blanket would have been "in the van they took."
Did Misty sleep in the van the previous night?
Did Misty sleep in the van the previous night?

Who knows Donjeta. Would she have taken the blanket 3-4 days prior, when she left Ron? Why? So many questions and so few reliable answers. :banghead:
Who knows Donjeta. Would she have taken the blanket 3-4 days prior, when she left Ron? Why? So many questions and so few reliable answers. :banghead:

She claims ownership of the blanket, so I've always thought it was something she brought along with her when she moved in with Ron. I have nothing other than her own words to back that up, however.
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