General theory thread and motives rehashed #2

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Thanks elle1919 I have searched High and Low for Video of RC or MC stating that MC knew he was working late, when you find them or anyone else please pass them my way. This is driving me nuts; it is always the little things.

There is no video of RC or Misty stating that Misty knew Ronald was covering a late barge. But we do not know if Misty knew before her phone was turned off at 8:30 that the barge was indeed coming in and RC was working late.

In my opinion, Misty did know RC was working late, this is the reason for her shenanigans with her brother and possibly Joe that evening. She knew she had extra time.
The article posted by Art is dated 3/19, and Crystal is quoted as saying she picked up the records "last Thursday" which would make that 3/12.
Crystal picked the attendance record up from the school after Haleigh went missing. If Art Harris received an altered copy are you saying that Crystal altered it to show more days were missing? I am confused here, TN didn't give the attendance record to Art Harris.

Sorry...I am saying IF TN was involved..I am not imply that Crystal altered it..not at all..We may not be looking at the REAL copy of the attendance record...Documents can easily be "doctored" and put out on the internet...Who knows? I am sure the LE has a GENUINE copy of the record.....This case is puzzling/confusing/conflicting/ to say the least...Please accept my apologies for any confusion I may have implied...
Crystal said she talked to Art Harris on Thursday, and only states that she picked up the records after Haleigh went missing, not when she picked them up.:waitasec: . I don't blame her, I would have went and picked them up as well, however, much sooner.
Sorry...I am saying IF TN was involved..I am not imply that Crystal altered it..not at all..We may not be looking at the REAL copy of the attendance record...Documents can easily be "doctored" and put out on the internet...Who knows? I am sure the LE has a GENUINE copy of the record.....This case is puzzling/confusing/conflicting/ to say the least...Please accept my apologies for any confusion I may have implied...

No apology necessary, I just don't think it's possible that TN was the person that gave Art Harris the attendance record. I doubt she is going to hand over the record to run on his website and then not comment on it when he calls to ask her a question about it.

I agree, LE has the genuine record and is aware of exactly how many days Haleigh was not in attendance at school.
Crystal said she talked to Art Harris on Thursday, and only states that she picked up the records after Haleigh went missing, not when she picked them up.:waitasec: . I don't blame her, I would have went and picked them up as well, however, much sooner.

Well hopefully Crystal has learned her lesson, via the horrible reality that her child is dead under Ronald Cummings watch, probably her worst fears confirmed, probably in the grand scheme of things the school records were not the top priority.

Someone brought up a good point about Misty waking up and being alarmed by the light being on. Why wouldnt she think Ronald was home?

But, considering the scene was staged and her story is a huge lie, of course none of it is going to make sense.

No apology necessary, I just don't think it's possible that TN was the person that gave Art Harris the attendance record. I doubt she is going to hand over the record to run on his website and then not comment on it when he calls to ask her a question about it.

I agree, LE has the genuine record and is aware of exactly how many days Haleigh was not in attendance at school.

bolded by me....That brings up a good question about her missing so many days...Who do you suppose is caring for H on the days she is absent??? Was Misty with R then?? Was it her??? or another family member??

IMO...It could have been VARIOUS folks....thanks
There is no video of RC or Misty stating that Misty knew Ronald was covering a late barge. But we do not know if Misty knew before her phone was turned off at 8:30 that the barge was indeed coming in and RC was working late.

In my opinion, Misty did know RC was working late, this is the reason for her shenanigans with her brother and possibly Joe that evening. She knew she had extra time.

IMO if she knew that Ron was going to be working late it was just all the more reason that she should have thought, "Oh Ron must have just got home", when she seen three and the light on.
From the beginning, I felt that Ronald Cummings went to work to set up an alibi while TN helped cover up Haleigh's death. I also always felt that Misty was the fall girl and did not know what happened.

On February 17, 2009, some comments from TN on Nancy Grace:

NEVES: We still say she was wearing it when she was put in bed.

GRACE: OK. So how did it reappear?

NEVES: I cannot answer that. I was not there when someone came in and took her. I don`t know.


NEVES: Misty was trying to find Haleigh herself. She was going through the house, looking, you know, through closets, their playroom, what have you. She was looking for Haleigh herself when my son came home.


TERESA NEVES, GRANDMOTHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD, HALEIGH CUMMINGS: There is no drug history that I know of. And I would like to say that Misty has cried. The reason that Misty calls Haleigh, my daughter, my daughter, should be evident. I mean, Misty loved those children like they were her own.


NEVES: I believe that someone came in that house and took her. I believe that they either know my grandchildren and my family or Haleigh`s mother`s family, or they had to watch for a while because my son`s on the night shift. And you know, anybody who knows my son knows that he is very protective of his children. So no one would dare to come in when he is there. So you`ve got to be talking about somebody who knew my son wouldn`t be there.

GRACE: And Miss Neves, how long has she been taking care of them at night while the dad had the night shift?

NEVES: My son has not been on the night shift that long. So, I mean.

NEVES: She was taking care of them. She has taken care of them -- well, pretty much since they`ve been together. I mean my mom and I are here. You know?

GRACE: How long have they been together?

NEVES: Five months. That.

GRACE: Miss Never.

NEVES: The night shift is only -- he`s only been on that like -- I mean I can`t give you an exact date, but I`m going to say he hasn`t been on that night shift four or five weeks.

From Press Release by Ronald's attorney countering abuse allegations:

Haleigh Cummings was taken to the ER at FlaglerHospital in St. Augustine at 4:31 p.m. on November 6, 2008 by Teresa Neves, Ronald’s mother, since Ronald had to report to work.


On November 12, 2008, Haleigh was suffering from stomach cramps, nausea, and vomiting.

She was taken by Teresa Neves to Flagler Hospital
in St. Augustine where she was treated

But Neves also worries about what will happen if Misty Croslin has been telling the truth or can't remember any more information about the night her granddaughter vanished.

"Law enforcement has spent a year waiting to be able to question her to be able to find out what she knows. If they're wrong, we've wasted a year," Neves said.


I find is extremely interesting that my thoery about what happened to Haleigh is the same one given by Ron's atttorney to explain a previous injury.

Haleigh gets injured, Ron goes to work, TN takes care of Haleigh. Twice, TN is the one who took Haleigh to ER.

It is interesting to note that TN also takes daily pictures of Haleigh's injuries. IMO, Ron was being watched by DCF. Why else would TN take daily pictures of injuries that would have been had reports at school and ER?

That injury occurred in November yet on February 17, 2009, TN stated that Ron had only been on the night shift for about 4 or 5 weeks. Yes, she stated she was not sure. However, 3 months prior, TN took Haleigh to ER at 4:31 pm because Ron had work. Even if TN was not sure there is a huge difference between 3 months and a short time.

TN states the "we still say she was wearing it (pink shirt) when she went to bed." But her response to how it showed up at the MH was "I wasn't there when someone came in and took her. I don't know. " Then she talks about how Misty looked for Haleigh.

So does that mean that questions TN answered about what Haleigh was wearing or Misty looking for Haliegh, she could answer because she was there? IMO, like mother, like get a question you don't want to answer, you just say "I don't know." "I wasn't there."

Finally, TN says she is worried that Misty has been telling the truth and she does not know anything. Wow....really after all this time she still believes that Misty does not know more than she is saying even after getting TN"s son involved in drug deals and arrested.

IMO, TN has been directing this from the beginning. Just as they always did, Haleigh got injured, Ron went to work, TN took care of injured Haleigh. TN got Misty to the MH to be the fall girl. Somehow TN forced Misty to make that 911 call while TN and others covered up what happened. TN stated that Ron had only been working 4-5 weeks on the night shift to try to get LE and the media to start looking at the Sheffields and Joe and away from the Cummings.

I had always stated that anything accidental such as a drug overdose does not make sense that they would cover it up. However, after the press release stating that TN took daily pictures of Haleigh's injuries, IMO, DCF was watching. Haleigh's ER visit on November 12 for stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting iwould be consistent with a drug overdose. Yes, I know other things can cause those symptoms. I'm just going by what I know with Haleigh's family.

Now, it would not surprise me if the fear of DCF and Ron losing Jr. would be enough to not get Haleigh the help she needed. Nothing would surpirse me now.

My theory has not changed, just more information to back it up. Haleigh was injured on Ron's watch. Ron went to work to set up an alibi while TN stepped in to cover it up. Once, TN realized that Haleigh was gone, Misty was called in to make the 911 call claiming that Haleigh was abducted.
In reference to the school attendance record (I don't want to put a quote in here and chance blowing the margins again):

It looks like maybe this is a photocopy of a carbon or perhaps NCR paper. The type is also somewhat reminiscent of the old dot matrix printers that used the NCR paper.
I noticed that in the Greta Van Susteren interview with Ron and Misty on 02/13/09, GVS specifically asks Misty if anyone else was at the mobile home that night other than her brother. She brings up the a/c man, but there is absolutely NO mention of GGMS coming by. It's at the 5:50 mark. It's also strange because Ron is correcting Misty on so many other things, yet he doesn't correct her on this issue. You would think that GGMS would have mentioned to her grandson that she went by that night.

There are so many inconsistencies in this case.
I noticed that in the Greta Van Susteren interview with Ron and Misty on 02/13/09, GVS specifically asks Misty if anyone else was at the mobile home that night other than her brother. She brings up the a/c man, but there is absolutely NO mention of GGMS coming by. It's at the 5:50 mark. It's also strange because Ron is correcting Misty on so many other things, yet he doesn't correct her on this issue. You would think that GGMS would have mentioned to her grandson that she went by that night.

There are so many inconsistencies in this case.

SoSueMe, I think the plan was to NOT tell that part...that's why Misty didn't mention it and Ron knew he was not to mention it also. I agree that GMS would have told Ron that she went by that night, but because her visit plays a part in what happened to Haleigh, IMO, Ron and Misty both were in on the script and was specifically told not to mention GMS visit to nobody...So they did as they were told. It wasn't until what? August that Misty revealed that GMS was actually there? IMO, it was only because TN came out with the information first...and of course Misty had to back up THEIR story...they couldn't appear to be the liars...But yet they felt Misty could...JMO of course
1Chump, very interesting, well thought out theory. One I haven't seen explored and supported quite as fully as you have done. I wonder though, if Haleigh was taken to the ER for "overdose like" symptoms, then why didn't the doctors and hospital staff pick up on the obvious symptoms as well and do something about it back in November?

Also, I didn't see the name Tommy mentioned anywhere in the theory, Tommy Croslin is in my opinion....CLEARLY.... a key player in Haleigh's disappearance. Law Enforcement have been focused on him and other Croslin family members since the very beginning of this case. Tommy Croslin lied about what he did on February 9 2009, he lied about going to Haleigh's home that night....he mislead his wife so badly that she has filed for divorce and threatened that he won't see his children...I mean, I could go on, Tommy is involved up to his eyeballs. He has made up numerous scenario's to explain what happened to a precious 5 year old child who's disappearance has now been deemed a is just one that I thought put a nail in his own coffin: 2010.05.21 Tommy Jailhouse phone calls released: General Discussion - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

snip~Tape 1: Hank and Tommy JR, everything is getting ready to go down.
Sr said why didn’t you say anything before? Tommy said I don’t know.Hank SR says everybody knows Joe is crazy he should have been in an institution a long time ago.

Tommy says he wishes he could talk to Lyndsy, but she doesn’t have minutes and she can’t come see him. Tommy said they need to straighten their ***** up, he is going to get help. Tell Misty I love her Tommy said. Tommy said they know what is going to go down, they already heard it. Asking if Mom and Pop talked to Timmy, he has no minutes either. Tommy said Lyndsy is mad as heck at Mom and Pop, she really needed the money, Hank Sr said it was an accident(losing the money) Tommy said that he called their phone and talked to the black guy that stole Hank SR’s phone.

He talked to his lawyer today and the FBI was there the other day, he didn’t talk to them, his lawyer is handling it all for him. He is not worried, he didn’t do anything wrong. Tommy is very very serious about no-one talking about the case over the phone. He is tired of being in jail, locked in the cage like a dog. Tommy says he has been doing a lot of reading in his bible. Hank SR said Misty can’t talk to no-one until he is present, Tommy said yeah I know. Tommy said he should have did this awhile ago ( told what he knows) Hank SR says….yeah you should have, Tommy: I had my reasons though. Tommy said Joe will get what he has coming to him.

Hank SR; what was it over? That fight that they all got into at my house?
Tommy: (garble) Misty done said it! I can’t say nothing, but Misty done said it.
Hank SR: he did say that day after he left that he was going to get even with Ronald and I told him, you ain’t gonna do nothing, Joe said “Ronald is going to get what’s coming to him, Tommy interjects and says all I know is I wasn’t there when it happened, all I know Is what I seen when I stopped by the house.

HankSR: no-one knows what he did with her?
Tommy: no, I don’t all I know is that he had her.

Hank SR: What the F…man what a piece of sh.t
Tommy: he don’t know that I seen him with her, I walked up to the van, I had a knife at my neck but I seen what I seen! He will pay, he’s gonna pay. The Lord will see to it.
He is crazy man. The people up there know he is crazy, he’s been in the insane asylum, he’s got away with everything he’s ever done!

Hank SR: I love you, I hope you and Misty don’t get in trouble. Tommy: I ain’t gonna get in trouble for sh.t, I am pretty sure Misty ain’t either. Tommy: I know I wasn’t there when it happened. Lisa is in the background saying is that how the scratch got in the van?

Hank SR: I don’t know how that f’er can live with himself. Tommy said they were going to pick Joe up that night. Hank SR said….but don’t he work at night, Tommy said well that is good he will be working they can get him. Hank SR says Tommy and Misty will have to sign sworn statements before they pick Joe up, Tommy said he knows and that is okay, they promised him that they were going to pick him up though. Everything was supposed to go down at 5 pm. I love you’s exchanged. Tommy said Gramma Hollers is going to call some people on her so she needs to get her life straight. Gramma Hollers was going to call her probation officer on Lisa. Hank SR said that Grammy takes those pills and doesn’t know what she is saying, Tommy laughs and says I know. Lyndsy called in. ~ end snip

In my opinion, this whole scenario could be yet another one of the "Croslin family fairy tales", but Tommy Croslin knows exactly what happened to Haleigh and after hearing this tape I seriously began to doubt whether Joe was involved at all.....Tommy could be placing all the blame over on to cousin Joe....he don't care who fries as long as it isn't him or Misty....JMO....Not once did he mention Teresa N or Annette Sykes, why not? I just feel that Tommy needs to be mentioned because he is involved up to his eyeballs....and he isn't covering for TN or AS...heck no..he is covering for himself, his sister....and maybe even his brother Timmy. JMO
In my opinion, this whole scenario could be yet another one of the "Croslin family fairy tales", but Tommy Croslin knows exactly what happened to Haleigh and after hearing this tape I seriously began to doubt whether Joe was involved at all.....Tommy could be placing all the blame over on to cousin Joe....he don't care who fries as long as it isn't him or Misty....JMO....Not once did he mention Teresa N or Annette Sykes, why not? I just feel that if you are going to develop a working theory Tommy needs to be mentioned because he is involved up to his eyeballs....and he isn't covering for TN or AS...heck no..he is covering for himself, his sister....and maybe even his brother Timmy. JMO


IMHO.. I don't believe Tommy knows exactly what happened to Haleigh..
He may know what his sister told him and may have helped his sister out that night..
As I see it we have quite a few people involved in this coverup, TN, AS and possibly some others in the cummings clan included...It's apparent to me the Cummings clan were on a two fold mission that night..Provide an alibi for Ronald Cummings as well as set up Misty and the Croslins.. Under those circumstances I suspect they didn't want the left hand knowing what the right hand was doing...Perhaps thats WHY TC didn't mention TN or AS if indeed he has not mentioned them.. Personally, I suspect he has by now...
Also, in reference to you stating Tommy doesn't care who fries as long as it is not him, IIRC I believe we have heard basically the same from Ronald Cummings and his mother..Just look at all the people that have attempted to implicate in the last 16 months.. Ron and his family don't care who takes the fall as long as it isn't Ronald Cummings or any of them...JMO
I was only mentioning the main players not the ones involved in the cover-up. I included Misty as a main player because for whatever reason, she put herself as a main player by claiming Haleigh disappeared on her watch.

I do think the cover-up involved many people - Tommy, GGma Sykes, and family members on both sides who knew or suspected that Haleigh was not abducted but did not know exactly what happened so kept their mouths shut.
I'm not sure why it is assumed that Crystal & her attorney are the sources for the attendance record. It was printed out on Feb. 24.

Art and Cobra were interviewing Teresa before Kim Picazio was hired according to everything I can find. [I don't know what date she actually came to Satsuma.] This video of Teresa being interviewed is from 3/14/09 according to Art Harris - the day after the Today Show interview of Ron & Misty.

Everything in this case is so much harder than it ought to be, IMO. Why can't I find the date that Cobra arrived and the date that Kim came up? Is it just my ineptitude?
OK this has really bothered me, someone please help me out on this.

RC supposedly stated he decided to work late, until 3:00 am,
because supervisor asked him because a late barge was coming in.
He would have normally gotten off at 12:00 am.

Therefore, here is the question, why when MC woke up at 3:00, 2:33, 1:33, or whatever time all I know is “She saw 3”. Was she all freaked out that the light was on or the back door was open?

She had turned off her Phone after 8:30 pm.

Therefore, she didn’t know RC was working late and would be expecting him home at 12:00 am.
Why didn’t she just think, “ Hmm, RC must be in the kitchen doing something that why the light is on”,
or “him RC must have left the back door open and ran out to get something, or maybe he was taking out the garbage,
didn’t they say that was one of the only times they really used that door.

She also could have thought, RC got home Haleigh woke up and RC toke her to the store with him to get something like "smokes."

But she said she just started “Freaking Out”
another one of those inconsistencies. The earliest story I heard, was that Ron woke Misty up,when he got home. IDK if LE confronted them with phone records or what, but that version quickly changed, & it appears that they changed the story because they had to. At the time, my gut said it was because Ron didn't want to place himself in the trailer, with a sleeping, so therefore unaware, Misty.
This case is so muddled, it makes me feel dirty. The local LE are just not able to handle it or so it appears. Not only do r & m confuse us...the local LE do also. I would love to say that as far as LE is concerned, it is purposeful but I am beginning to have doubts.

All I know is we don't have a fact that hasn't been contradicted by the good guys or the bad guys. We don't even have a crime scene...FGS.
This case is so muddled, it makes me feel dirty. The local LE are just not able to handle it or so it appears. Not only do r & m confuse us...the local LE do also. I would love to say that as far as LE is concerned, it is purposeful but I am beginning to have doubts.

All I know is we don't have a fact that hasn't been contradicted by the good guys or the bad guys. We don't even have a crime scene...FGS.

aww gee whisp. :raincloud: :raincloud: :raincloud:



This case is so muddled, it makes me feel dirty. The local LE are just not able to handle it or so it appears. Not only do r & m confuse us...the local LE do also. I would love to say that as far as LE is concerned, it is purposeful but I am beginning to have doubts.

All I know is we don't have a fact that hasn't been contradicted by the good guys or the bad guys. We don't even have a crime scene...FGS.

I'm right there with you, Whisp.
The FBI needs to take over this case and get to the bottom of it! Enough already!

Look what happened in the Riley Fox case, FBI took over, ran dna through CODIS and the case was solved-the sad part is it took 6 yrs. for that to happen!
The LE played dirty pool with her father, got a false confession out of him, charged him with her murder. Luckily he had a good defense lawyer who believed in him and had the dna tested. No match to him so the charges were dropped. The perp was already in prison on another charge, when questioned about Riley he confessed!

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